- Lectures & Publications:
- Books:
- Brož: Hydrodynamika v astronomii. in prep., 249 pp.
- Brož, Wolf: Astronomická měření. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2017, 343 pp. ISBN 978-80-7378-354-9.
- Brož, Šolc: Fyzika sluneční soustavy. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2013, 424 pp. ISBN 978-80-7378-236-8.
- Harmanec, Brož: Stavba a vývoj hvězd. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2011, 314 pp. ISBN 978-80-7378-165-1.
- Brož, Nosek, Trebichavský, Pecinová (eds.): Sluneční hodiny na pevných stanovištích. Praha: Academia, 2004, 407 pp. ISBN 80-200-1204-4.
- Current work: ← a possible topic for your Bc, MSc or PhD thesis?
- My (former) students:
- O. Chrenko: Early phases of formation and evolution of planetary systems (PhD)
- P. Ševeček: Hydrodynamic modelling of asteroids and meteoroids (PhD, Opensph)
- J. Rozehnal: Orbital, rotational and collisional dynamics of small bodies (PhD)
- H. Cibulková: Collisional evolution of the Main Asteroid Belt over 4 billion years (MSc)
- M. Řehák: Asteroid families versus the Late Heavy Bombardment (MSc)
- P. Sváda: Applications of the LSST in the physics of small Solar-System bodies (Bc)
- M. Zajaček: The Late Heavy Bombardment at various places of the Solar System (Bc)
- L. Pohl: The equation of heat diffusion in the physics of asteroids and meteoroids (Bc)
- L. Trojanová: Spectral properties of asteroid families based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Bc)
- A. Oplištilová: Stars at a glance: with high-resolution spectroscopy and long-baseline interferometry (PhD)
- J. Jonák: A new study of orbital and long-term variations of the Be star φ Persei (cons. of MSc)
- O. Janoška: Radiation transfer in protoplanetary disks vs ALMA interferometric observations (Bc)
- M. Fuksa: Physical model of asteroid (130) Elektra (cons. of Bc)
- M. Odehnal: The origin of Jupiter Trojans (Bc)
- K. Vitovský: Hydrodynamical simulations of circumstellar discs (MSc)
- M. Vávra: Extensions of the the main belt collisional model (MSc)
- R. Brož: Vizualizace světelných křivek asteroidů (cons. of project)
- M. Souza de Joode: Modelling of protoplanetary disk DoAr 44 (Bc)
- J. Hořák: Motions of protoplanets in evolving disks (Bc)
- S. Amrich: Spectral and interferometric profiles of rotating and pulsating stars in eclipsing systems (MSc)
- M. Odehnal: The impacts that send meteoroids to Earth (MSc)
- Astronomical Institute of Charles University
- Observatory and Planetarium in Hradec Kralove
- Astronomical Society in Hradec Kralove
- Povětroň - astronomical magazine of ASHK, ISSN 1213-659X
- Catalogue of Sundials,
SHA (sundial design programs)
- Obloha na dlani / Hands-on sky experience (a full-dome movie), also on Youtube
- A way to infinity (a full-dome movie), also on Youtube
- The Solar System 2015 (a full-dome movie), also on Youtube
- The Solar System 2003 (a flat-screen movie), also on Youtube
- Fulldome for planetaria: stellar evolution, Sun, planets, fisheye, ...
- Planetary trail in Hradec Králové (a Solar System model in 1:1 billion scale),
Galactic trail (a Galaxy model in 1:170 trillion scale)
- Variable stars:
observer info
- constellations for Stellarium
- figures for the book Physics of the Solar System
- figures for the Prometheus publishing - Fyzika pro gymnázia (textbook series)
- TeX, Metafont and Metapost:
MiniTeX pro WinXP,
Kreslíme METAFONTem,
- FamDifr (diffraction phenomena),
FamAstro - sets of programs for Famulus 3.5 system
- Míša, Rostík a Vítek :-)
last updated Sep 25
th 2020
Miroslav Broz (Bro\v z); http://sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz/~mira/
miroslav.broz@email.cz, mira@sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz
+420-723600683, +420-951552586
* Astronomical Institute, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2,
CZ-18000 Praha, the Czech Republic