Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "gui/windows/RunPage.h"
2 #include "gui/Controller.h"
3 #include "gui/Factory.h"
4 #include "gui/MainLoop.h"
5 #include "gui/Utils.h"
6 #include "gui/objects/Camera.h"
11 #include "gui/windows/MainWindow.h"
12 #include "gui/windows/OrthoPane.h"
14 #include "gui/windows/PlotView.h"
16 #include "gui/windows/TimeLine.h"
17 #include "gui/windows/Widgets.h"
18 #include "io/FileSystem.h"
19 #include "io/LogWriter.h"
20 #include "io/Logger.h"
21 #include "sph/Diagnostics.h"
22 #include "thread/CheckFunction.h"
23 #include "thread/Pool.h"
25 #include <fstream>
26 #include <wx/app.h>
27 #include <wx/button.h>
28 #include <wx/checkbox.h>
29 #include <wx/clrpicker.h>
30 #include <wx/combobox.h>
31 #include <wx/gauge.h>
32 #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
33 #include <wx/radiobut.h>
34 #include <wx/settings.h>
35 #include <wx/sizer.h>
36 #include <wx/spinctrl.h>
37 #include <wx/statbox.h>
38 #include <wx/statline.h>
39 #include <wx/stattext.h>
40 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
42 #include <wx/aui/auibook.h>
43 #include <wx/aui/framemanager.h>
44 // needs to be included after framemanager
45 #include <wx/aui/dockart.h>
49 private:
50  Controller* parent;
52 public:
53  explicit TimeLineCallbacks(Controller* parent)
54  : parent(parent) {}
56  virtual void frameChanged(const Path& newFile) const override {
57  parent->open(newFile, false);
58  }
60  virtual void startSequence(const Path& firstFile) const override {
61  parent->open(firstFile, true);
62  }
64  virtual void stop() const override {
65  parent->stop(false);
66  }
68  virtual void pause() const override {
69  parent->pause();
70  }
71 };
73 RunPage::RunPage(wxWindow* window, Controller* parent, GuiSettings& settings)
74  : controller(parent)
75  , gui(settings) {
77  wxSize size(
78  settings.get<int>(GuiSettingsId::WINDOW_WIDTH), settings.get<int>(GuiSettingsId::WINDOW_HEIGHT));
79  this->Create(window, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, size);
81  manager = makeAuto<wxAuiManager>(this);
83  wxPanel* visBar = createVisBar();
84  pane = alignedNew<OrthoPane>(this, parent, settings);
85  wxPanel* plotBar = createPlotBar();
86  statsBar = createStatsBar();
88  timelineBar = alignedNew<TimeLine>(this, Path(), makeShared<TimeLineCallbacks>(parent));
89  progressBar = alignedNew<ProgressPanel>(this);
91  wxAuiPaneInfo info;
93  // info.Top().MinSize(wxSize(-1, 35)).CaptionVisible(false).DockFixed(true).CloseButton(false);
94  // manager->AddPane(toolBar, info);
96  info.Center().MinSize(wxSize(300, 300)).CaptionVisible(false).DockFixed(true).CloseButton(false);
97  manager->AddPane(&*pane, info);
99  info.Bottom().MinSize(wxSize(-1, 40)).CaptionVisible(false).DockFixed(true).CloseButton(false);
100  manager->AddPane(timelineBar, info.Show(false));
101  manager->AddPane(progressBar, info.Show(true));
103  info.Left()
104  .MinSize(wxSize(300, -1))
105  .CaptionVisible(true)
106  .DockFixed(false)
107  .CloseButton(true)
108  .Caption("Visualization");
109  manager->AddPane(visBar, info);
111  info.Right()
112  .MinSize(wxSize(300, -1))
113  .CaptionVisible(true)
114  .DockFixed(false)
115  .CloseButton(true)
116  .Caption("Run statistics");
117  manager->AddPane(statsBar, info);
118  info.Caption("Particle data");
119  manager->AddPane(plotBar, info);
122  manager->Update();
123 }
126  manager->UnInit();
127  manager = nullptr;
128 }
131 const wxSize buttonSize(250, -1);
132 const wxSize spinnerSize(100, -1);
133 const int boxPadding = 10;
135 wxWindow* RunPage::createParticleBox(wxPanel* parent) {
136  wxStaticBox* particleBox = new wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 135));
138  wxBoxSizer* boxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
140  wxBoxSizer* cutoffSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
141  cutoffSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
142  wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Cutoff [km]");
143  cutoffSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
144  const Float cutoff = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::CAMERA_ORTHO_CUTOFF) * 1.e-3_f;
146  FloatTextCtrl* cutoffCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(particleBox, cutoff, Interval(0, LARGE));
147  cutoffCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const double value) {
148  this->updateCutoff(value * 1.e3_f);
149  return true;
150  };
151  cutoffCtrl->SetToolTip(
152  "Specifies the cutoff distance in kilometers for rendering particles. When set to a positive number, "
153  "only particles in a layer of specified thickness are rendered. Zero means all particles are "
154  "rendered.");
155  cutoffSizer->Add(cutoffCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
156  cutoffSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
157  boxSizer->Add(cutoffSizer);
159  wxBoxSizer* particleSizeSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
160  particleSizeSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
161  text = new wxStaticText(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Particle radius");
162  particleSizeSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
164  FloatTextCtrl* particleSizeCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(particleBox, radius, Interval(1.e-3_f, 1.e3_f));
165  particleSizeCtrl->SetToolTip(
166  "Multiplier of a particle radius. Must be set to 1 to get the actual size of particles in N-body "
167  "simulations.");
168  particleSizeCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
170  controller->tryRedraw();
171  return true;
172  };
173  particleSizeSizer->Add(particleSizeCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
174  particleSizeSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
175  boxSizer->Add(particleSizeSizer);
178  wxBoxSizer* grayscaleSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
179  grayscaleSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
181  wxBoxSizer* keySizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
182  keySizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
183  wxCheckBox* keyBox = new wxCheckBox(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Show key");
184  keyBox->SetToolTip(
185  "If checked, the color palette and the length scale are included in the rendered image.");
186  keyBox->SetValue(gui.get<bool>(GuiSettingsId::SHOW_KEY));
187  keySizer->Add(keyBox);
188  keySizer->AddSpacer(33);
189  wxCheckBox* ghostBox = new wxCheckBox(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Show ghosts");
190  ghostBox->SetValue(gui.get<bool>(GuiSettingsId::RENDER_GHOST_PARTICLES));
191  keySizer->Add(ghostBox);
193  boxSizer->Add(keySizer);
195  wxBoxSizer* aaSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
196  aaSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
197  wxCheckBox* aaBox = new wxCheckBox(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Anti-aliasing");
198  aaBox->SetValue(gui.get<bool>(GuiSettingsId::ANTIALIASED));
199  aaBox->SetToolTip(
200  "If checked, particles are drawn with anti-aliasing, creating smoother image, but it also takes "
201  "longer to render it.");
202  aaSizer->Add(aaBox);
204  aaSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
205  wxCheckBox* smoothBox = new wxCheckBox(particleBox, wxID_ANY, "Smooth particles");
206  smoothBox->SetToolTip(
207  "If checked, particles are drawn semi-transparently. The transparency of a particle follows "
208  "smoothing kernel, imitating actual smoothing of SPH particles.");
209  smoothBox->Enable(false);
210  aaSizer->Add(smoothBox);
211  boxSizer->Add(aaSizer);
213  particleBox->SetSizer(boxSizer);
215  keyBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
216  const bool value = evt.IsChecked();
217  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::SHOW_KEY, value);
218  controller->tryRedraw();
219  });
220  ghostBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
221  const bool value = evt.IsChecked();
223  controller->tryRedraw();
224  });
225  aaBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this, smoothBox](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
226  const bool value = evt.IsChecked();
227  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::ANTIALIASED, value);
228  smoothBox->Enable(value);
229  controller->tryRedraw();
230  });
231  smoothBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
232  const bool value = evt.IsChecked();
234  controller->tryRedraw();
235  });
237  return particleBox;
238 }
240 wxWindow* RunPage::createRaymarcherBox(wxPanel* parent) {
241  wxStaticBox* raytraceBox = new wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 150));
242  wxBoxSizer* boxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
243  wxBoxSizer* levelSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
244  levelSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
245  wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(raytraceBox, wxID_ANY, "Surface level");
246  levelSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
247  const Float level = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::SURFACE_LEVEL);
248  FloatTextCtrl* levelCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(raytraceBox, level, Interval(0._f, 10._f));
249  levelCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
250  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
251  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::SURFACE_LEVEL, value);
252  controller->tryRedraw();
253  return true;
254  };
255  levelSizer->Add(levelCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
256  levelSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
257  boxSizer->Add(levelSizer);
259  wxBoxSizer* sunlightSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
260  sunlightSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
261  text = new wxStaticText(raytraceBox, wxID_ANY, "Sunlight");
262  sunlightSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
263  const Float sunlight = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::SURFACE_SUN_INTENSITY);
264  FloatTextCtrl* sunlightCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(raytraceBox, sunlight, Interval(0._f, 100._f));
265  sunlightCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
266  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
268  controller->tryRedraw();
269  return true;
270  };
271  sunlightSizer->Add(sunlightCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
272  sunlightSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
273  boxSizer->Add(sunlightSizer);
275  wxBoxSizer* ambientSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
276  ambientSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
277  text = new wxStaticText(raytraceBox, wxID_ANY, "Ambient");
278  ambientSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
279  const Float ambient = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::SURFACE_AMBIENT);
280  FloatTextCtrl* ambientCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(raytraceBox, ambient, Interval(0._f, 100._f));
281  ambientCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
282  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
284  controller->tryRedraw();
285  return true;
286  };
287  ambientSizer->Add(ambientCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
288  ambientSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
289  boxSizer->Add(ambientSizer);
291  wxBoxSizer* emissionSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
292  emissionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
293  text = new wxStaticText(raytraceBox, wxID_ANY, "Emission");
294  emissionSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
295  const Float emission = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::SURFACE_EMISSION);
296  FloatTextCtrl* emissionCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(raytraceBox, emission, Interval(0._f, 100._f));
297  emissionCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
298  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
300  controller->tryRedraw();
301  return true;
302  };
303  emissionSizer->Add(emissionCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
304  emissionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
305  boxSizer->Add(emissionSizer);
307  raytraceBox->SetSizer(boxSizer);
308  return raytraceBox;
309 }
311 wxWindow* RunPage::createVolumeBox(wxPanel* parent) {
312  wxStaticBox* volumeBox = new wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 120));
313  wxBoxSizer* boxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
315  wxBoxSizer* emissionSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
316  emissionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
317  wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(volumeBox, wxID_ANY, "Emission [km^-1]");
318  emissionSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
319  const Float emission = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::VOLUME_EMISSION);
320  FloatTextCtrl* emissionCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(volumeBox, emission * 1.e3_f, Interval(0._f, 1.e8_f));
321  emissionCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
322  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
323  // value in spinner is in [km^-1]
324  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::VOLUME_EMISSION, value / 1.e3_f);
325  controller->tryRedraw();
326  return true;
327  };
328  emissionSizer->Add(emissionCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
329  emissionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
330  boxSizer->Add(emissionSizer);
332  wxBoxSizer* absorptionSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
333  absorptionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
334  text = new wxStaticText(volumeBox, wxID_ANY, "Absorption [km^-1]");
335  absorptionSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
336  const Float absorption = gui.get<Float>(GuiSettingsId::VOLUME_ABSORPTION);
337  FloatTextCtrl* absorptionCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(volumeBox, absorption * 1.e3_f, Interval(0._f, 1.e8_f));
338  absorptionCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
339  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
340  // value in spinner is in [km^-1]
341  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::VOLUME_ABSORPTION, value / 1.e3_f);
342  controller->tryRedraw();
343  return true;
344  };
345  absorptionSizer->Add(absorptionCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
346  absorptionSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
347  boxSizer->Add(absorptionSizer);
349  wxBoxSizer* factorSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
350  factorSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
351  text = new wxStaticText(volumeBox, wxID_ANY, "Compression");
352  factorSizer->Add(text, 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
354  FloatTextCtrl* factorCtrl = new FloatTextCtrl(volumeBox, factor, Interval(1.e-6_f, 1.e6_f));
355  factorCtrl->onValueChanged = [this](const Float value) {
356  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
358  controller->tryRedraw();
359  return true;
360  };
361  factorSizer->Add(factorCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
362  factorSizer->AddSpacer(boxPadding);
363  boxSizer->Add(factorSizer);
365  volumeBox->SetSizer(boxSizer);
366  return volumeBox;
367 }
369 static void enableRecursive(wxWindow* window, const bool enable) {
370  window->Enable(enable);
371  for (wxWindow* child : window->GetChildren()) {
372  enableRecursive(child, enable);
373  }
374 }
376 wxPanel* RunPage::createVisBar() {
378  wxPanel* visbarPanel = new wxPanel(this);
379  visbarPanel->SetLabel("Visualization");
381  wxBoxSizer* visbarSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
383  wxBoxSizer* buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
384  wxButton* resetView = new wxButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Reset view");
385  resetView->SetToolTip("Resets the camera rotation.");
386  resetView->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
387  pane->resetView();
388  AutoPtr<ICamera> camera = controller->getCurrentCamera();
390  controller->refresh(std::move(camera));
391  });
392  buttonSizer->Add(resetView);
394  wxButton* refresh = new wxButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Refresh");
395  refresh->SetToolTip("Updates the particle order and repaints the current view");
396  refresh->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
397  if (!controller->tryRedraw()) {
399  AutoPtr<ICamera> camera = controller->getCurrentCamera();
400  controller->refresh(std::move(camera));
401  controller->redrawOnNextTimeStep();
402  }
403  });
404  buttonSizer->Add(refresh);
406  wxButton* snap = new wxButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Save image");
407  snap->SetToolTip("Saves the currently rendered image.");
408  buttonSizer->Add(snap);
409  snap->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
410  Optional<Path> path = doSaveFileDialog("Save image", { { "PNG image", "png" } });
411  if (!path) {
412  return;
413  }
414  const wxBitmap& bitmap = controller->getRenderedBitmap();
415  saveToFile(bitmap, path.value());
416  });
418  visbarSizer->Add(buttonSizer);
419  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
421  wxCheckBox* autoRefresh = new wxCheckBox(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Refresh on timestep");
422  autoRefresh->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
423  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
424  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::REFRESH_ON_TIMESTEP, evt.IsChecked());
425  });
426  autoRefresh->SetValue(gui.get<bool>(GuiSettingsId::REFRESH_ON_TIMESTEP));
427  autoRefresh->SetToolTip(
428  "When checked, the image is updated on every timestep, otherwise the image is only updated when "
429  "pressing the 'Refresh' button. Note that repainting the image on every timestep may decrease "
430  "the performance of the code.");
431  visbarSizer->Add(autoRefresh);
433  wxCheckBox* autoCamera = new wxCheckBox(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Auto-zoom");
434  autoCamera->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
435  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
436  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::CAMERA_AUTOSETUP, evt.IsChecked());
437  });
438  autoCamera->SetValue(gui.get<bool>(GuiSettingsId::CAMERA_AUTOSETUP));
439  autoCamera->SetToolTip(
440  "When checked, parameters of the camera (position, field of view, etc.) are automatically adjusted "
441  "during the simulation.");
442  visbarSizer->Add(autoCamera);
443  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
446  /*wxBoxSizer* colorSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
447  colorSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Background: "), 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
448  wxColourPickerCtrl* picker = new wxColourPickerCtrl(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY);
449  picker->SetColour(wxColour(controller->getParams().get<Rgba>(GuiSettingsId::BACKGROUND_COLOR)));
450  colorSizer->Add(picker, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
451  wxCheckBox* transparentBox = new wxCheckBox(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Transparent");
452  picker->Bind(wxEVT_COLOURPICKER_CHANGED, [this](wxColourPickerEvent& evt) {
453  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
454  Rgba newColor(evt.GetColour());
455  const Rgba currentColor = gui.get<Rgba>(GuiSettingsId::BACKGROUND_COLOR);
456  newColor.a() = currentColor.a();
457  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::BACKGROUND_COLOR, newColor);
458  controller->tryRedraw();
459  });
460  transparentBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
461  GuiSettings& gui = controller->getParams();
462  Rgba color = gui.get<Rgba>(GuiSettingsId::BACKGROUND_COLOR);
463  color.a() = evt.IsChecked() ? 0.f : 1.f;
464  gui.set(GuiSettingsId::BACKGROUND_COLOR, color);
465  controller->tryRedraw();
466  });
467  colorSizer->Add(transparentBox, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
468  visbarSizer->Add(colorSizer);
469  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);*/
471  wxBoxSizer* quantitySizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
473  quantitySizer->Add(new wxStaticText(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Quantity: "), 10, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
474  quantityBox = new ComboBox(visbarPanel, "", wxSize(200, -1));
475  quantityBox->SetToolTip(
476  "Selects which quantity to visualize using associated color scale. Quantity values can be also "
477  "obtained by left-clicking on a particle.");
478  quantityBox->SetWindowStyle(wxCB_SIMPLE | wxCB_READONLY);
479  quantityBox->SetSelection(0);
480  quantityBox->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
482  const int idx = quantityBox->GetSelection();
483  this->setColorizer(idx);
484  });
486  quantitySizer->Add(quantityBox, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
488  visbarSizer->Add(quantitySizer);
489  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
491  wxRadioButton* particleButton =
492  new wxRadioButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Particles", wxDefaultPosition, buttonSize, wxRB_GROUP);
493  particleButton->SetToolTip("Render individual particles with optional smoothing.");
494  visbarSizer->Add(particleButton);
495  wxWindow* particleBox = this->createParticleBox(visbarPanel);
496  visbarSizer->Add(particleBox, 0, wxALL, 5);
497  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
500  wxRadioButton* surfaceButton =
501  new wxRadioButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Raymarched surface", wxDefaultPosition, buttonSize, 0);
502  visbarSizer->Add(surfaceButton);
503  wxWindow* raytracerBox = this->createRaymarcherBox(visbarPanel);
504  visbarSizer->Add(raytracerBox, 0, wxALL, 5);
505  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
507  wxRadioButton* volumeButton =
508  new wxRadioButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Volumetric raytracer", wxDefaultPosition, buttonSize, 0);
509  visbarSizer->Add(volumeButton);
510  wxWindow* volumeBox = this->createVolumeBox(visbarPanel);
511  visbarSizer->Add(volumeBox, 0, wxALL, 5);
512  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(10);
514  /*wxRadioButton* contourButton =
515  new wxRadioButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Iso-lines", wxDefaultPosition, buttonSize, 0);
516  visbarSizer->Add(contourButton);
517  wxWindow* contourBox = this->createContourBox(visbarPanel);
518  visbarSizer->Add(contourBox, 0, wxALL, 5);
519  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(6);
521  wxRadioButton* meshButton =
522  new wxRadioButton(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY, "Surface mesh", wxDefaultPosition, buttonSize, 0);
523  visbarSizer->Add(meshButton);
524  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(6);*/
527  auto enableControls = [=](int renderIdx) {
528  enableRecursive(particleBox, renderIdx == 0);
529  enableRecursive(raytracerBox, renderIdx == 1);
530  enableRecursive(volumeBox, renderIdx == 2);
531  };
532  enableControls(0);
534  particleButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
536  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<ParticleRenderer>(gui));
537  enableControls(0);
538  });
539  /*meshButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
541  SharedPtr<IScheduler> scheduler = Factory::getScheduler(RunSettings::getDefaults());
542  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<MeshRenderer>(scheduler, gui));
543  enableControls(3);
544  });
545  contourButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
547  SharedPtr<IScheduler> scheduler = Factory::getScheduler(RunSettings::getDefaults());
548  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<ContourRenderer>(scheduler, gui));
549  enableControls(2);
550  });*/
551  surfaceButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
553  try {
555  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<RayMarcher>(scheduler, gui));
556  enableControls(1);
557  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
558  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot initialize raytracer.\n\n") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
560  // switch to particle renderer (fallback option)
561  particleButton->SetValue(true);
562  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<ParticleRenderer>(gui));
563  enableControls(0);
564  }
565  });
566  volumeButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
569  GuiSettings volumeGui = gui;
571  controller->setRenderer(makeAuto<VolumeRenderer>(scheduler, volumeGui));
572  enableControls(2);
573  });
575  visbarSizer->AddSpacer(16);
576  quantityPanel = new wxPanel(visbarPanel, wxID_ANY);
577  visbarSizer->Add(quantityPanel);
578  quantityPanelSizer = visbarSizer;
580  visbarPanel->SetSizer(visbarSizer);
581  return visbarPanel;
582 }
584 void RunPage::updateCutoff(const double cutoff) {
587  // Note that we have to get camera from pane, not controller, as pane camera is always the one being
588  // modified and fed to controller. Using controller's camera would cause cutoff to be later overriden by
589  // the camera from pane.
590  ICamera& camera = pane->getCamera();
591  camera.setCutoff(cutoff > 0. ? Optional<float>(float(cutoff)) : NOTHING);
592  controller->refresh(camera.clone());
593  controller->tryRedraw();
594 }
596 wxPanel* RunPage::createPlotBar() {
597  wxPanel* sidebarPanel = new wxPanel(this);
598  wxBoxSizer* sidebarSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
599  probe = new ParticleProbe(sidebarPanel, wxSize(300, 155));
600  sidebarSizer->Add(probe.get(), 1, wxALIGN_TOP | wxEXPAND);
601  sidebarSizer->AddSpacer(5);
603  SharedPtr<Array<PlotData>> list = makeShared<Array<PlotData>>(getPlotList(gui));
604  for (const auto& plotData : *list) {
605  plots.push(plotData.plot);
606  }
608  TicsParams tics;
609  tics.minCnt = 2;
610  tics.digits = 1;
611  firstPlot = new PlotView(sidebarPanel, wxSize(300, 200), wxSize(10, 10), list, 0, tics);
612  sidebarSizer->Add(firstPlot, 1, wxALIGN_TOP | wxEXPAND);
613  sidebarSizer->AddSpacer(5);
615  secondPlot = new PlotView(sidebarPanel, wxSize(300, 200), wxSize(10, 10), list, 1, tics);
616  sidebarSizer->Add(secondPlot, 1, wxALIGN_TOP | wxEXPAND);
618  sidebarPanel->SetSizerAndFit(sidebarSizer);
619  return sidebarPanel;
620 }
622 wxPanel* RunPage::createStatsBar() {
623  wxPanel* statsPanel = new wxPanel(this);
624  wxBoxSizer* statsSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
626  wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_SYSTEM_FONT);
627  font.Scale(0.95f);
628  statsPanel->SetFont(font);
630  statsText = new wxTextCtrl(
631  statsPanel, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_MULTILINE);
632  this->makeStatsText(0, Statistics{});
634  statsSizer->Add(statsText, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
635  statsPanel->SetSizer(statsSizer);
637  return statsPanel;
638 }
640 template <typename TValue>
641 static void printStat(wxTextCtrl* text,
642  const Statistics& stats,
643  const std::string& desc,
644  const StatisticsId id,
645  const std::string units = "") {
646  if (stats.has(id)) {
647  *text << desc << stats.get<TValue>(id) << units << "\n";
648  }
649 }
651 void RunPage::makeStatsText(const Size particleCnt, const Statistics& stats) {
652  statsText->Clear();
653  *statsText << " - particles: ";
654  if (particleCnt > 0) {
655  *statsText << int(particleCnt) << "\n";
656  } else {
657  *statsText << "N/A\n";
658  }
660  printStat<Float>(statsText, stats, " - run time: ", StatisticsId::RUN_TIME, "s");
661  printStat<Float>(statsText, stats, " - timestep: ", StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_VALUE, "s");
665  std::stringstream ss;
666  if (id == CriterionId::DERIVATIVE) {
668  } else {
669  ss << id;
670  }
671  *statsText << " * set by: " << ss.str() << "\n";
672  }
674  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " - time spent: ", StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_ELAPSED, "ms");
675  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * SPH evaluation: ", StatisticsId::SPH_EVAL_TIME, "ms");
676  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * gravity evaluation: ", StatisticsId::GRAVITY_EVAL_TIME, "ms");
677  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * collision evaluation: ", StatisticsId::COLLISION_EVAL_TIME, "ms");
678  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * tree construction: ", StatisticsId::GRAVITY_BUILD_TIME, "ms");
679  printStat<int>(
680  statsText, stats, " * visualization: ", StatisticsId::POSTPROCESS_EVAL_TIME, "ms");
682  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " - collisions: ", StatisticsId::TOTAL_COLLISION_COUNT);
683  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * bounces: ", StatisticsId::BOUNCE_COUNT);
684  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * mergers: ", StatisticsId::MERGER_COUNT);
685  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " * breakups: ", StatisticsId::BREAKUP_COUNT);
686  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " - overlaps: ", StatisticsId::OVERLAP_COUNT);
687  printStat<int>(statsText, stats, " - aggregates: ", StatisticsId::AGGREGATE_COUNT);
689  /* CriterionId id = stats.get<CriterionId>(StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_CRITERION);
690  std::stringstream ss;
691  if (id == CriterionId::DERIVATIVE) {
692  ss << stats.get<QuantityId>(StatisticsId::LIMITING_QUANTITY);
693  } else {
694  ss << id;
695  }
696  const Float dt = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_VALUE);
697  logger->write(" - timestep: ", dt, " (set by ", ss.str(), ")");
699  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_ELAPSED, " - time spent: ",
700  "ms"); printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::SPH_EVAL_TIME, " * SPH evaluation:
701  ", "ms"); printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::GRAVITY_EVAL_TIME, " * gravity
702  evaluation:
703  ", "ms"); printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::COLLISION_EVAL_TIME, " * collision
704  evaluation: ", "ms"); printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::GRAVITY_BUILD_TIME, " *
705  tree construction: ", "ms"); printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::POSTPROCESS_EVAL_TIME, " *
706  visualization: ", "ms"); logger->write( " - particles: ", storage.getParticleCnt());
707  printStat<MinMaxMean>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::NEIGHBOUR_COUNT, " - neigbours: ");
708  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::TOTAL_COLLISION_COUNT, " - collisions: ");
709  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::BOUNCE_COUNT, " * bounces: ");
710  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::MERGER_COUNT, " * mergers: ");
711  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::BREAKUP_COUNT, " * breakups: ");
712  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::OVERLAP_COUNT, " - overlaps: ");
713  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::AGGREGATE_COUNT, " - aggregates: ");
714  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::SOLVER_SUMMATION_ITERATIONS, " - iteration #: ");*/
715 }
717 void RunPage::setColorizer(const Size idx) {
718  // do this even if idx==selectedIdx, we might change the colorizerList (weird behavior, but it will do for
719  // now)
720  controller->setColorizer(colorizerList[idx]);
721  if (idx == selectedIdx) {
722  return;
723  }
724  this->replaceQuantityBar(idx);
725  selectedIdx = idx;
726 }
728 void RunPage::addComponentIdBar(wxWindow* parent, wxSizer* sizer, SharedPtr<IColorizer> colorizer) {
729  sizer->AddSpacer(5);
730  RawPtr<ComponentIdColorizer> componentId = dynamicCast<ComponentIdColorizer>(colorizer.get());
732  wxBoxSizer* seedSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
733  seedSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, "Seed"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
734  wxSpinCtrl* seedSpinner = new wxSpinCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, spinnerSize);
735  seedSizer->Add(seedSpinner, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
736  sizer->Add(seedSizer);
737  sizer->AddSpacer(15);
739  wxRadioButton* overlapButton = new wxRadioButton(
740  parent, wxID_ANY, "Connected particles", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 25), wxRB_GROUP);
741  sizer->Add(overlapButton);
743  wxRadioButton* boundButton =
744  new wxRadioButton(parent, wxID_ANY, "Bound particles", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 25), 0);
745  sizer->Add(boundButton);
747  sizer->AddSpacer(15);
748  wxCheckBox* highlightBox = new wxCheckBox(parent, wxID_ANY, "Highlight component");
749  highlightBox->SetValue(bool(componentId->getHighlightIdx()));
750  sizer->Add(highlightBox);
752  wxBoxSizer* highlightSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
753  highlightSizer->AddSpacer(30);
754  wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, "Index");
755  highlightSizer->Add(text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
756  wxSpinCtrl* highlightIndex = new wxSpinCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, spinnerSize);
757  highlightIndex->SetValue(componentId->getHighlightIdx().valueOr(0));
758  highlightIndex->Enable(highlightBox->GetValue());
759  highlightSizer->Add(highlightIndex);
760  sizer->Add(highlightSizer);
762  overlapButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [this, componentId, colorizer](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
763  componentId->setConnectivity(Post::ComponentFlag::SORT_BY_MASS | Post::ComponentFlag::OVERLAP);
764  controller->setColorizer(colorizer);
765  });
766  boundButton->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBUTTON, [this, componentId, colorizer](wxCommandEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
767  componentId->setConnectivity(
769  controller->setColorizer(colorizer);
770  });
771  seedSpinner->Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [this, componentId, colorizer](wxSpinEvent& evt) {
772  const int seed = evt.GetValue();
773  componentId->setSeed(seed);
774  controller->setColorizer(colorizer);
775  });
777  highlightBox->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this, colorizer, componentId, highlightIndex](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
778  const bool value = evt.IsChecked();
780  SPH_ASSERT(componentId);
781  if (value) {
782  componentId->setHighlightIdx(highlightIndex->GetValue());
783  } else {
784  componentId->setHighlightIdx(NOTHING);
785  }
786  highlightIndex->Enable(value);
789  controller->setColorizer(colorizer);
790  });
791  highlightIndex->Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [this, componentId, colorizer](wxSpinEvent& evt) {
792  // this is already executed on main thread, but we query it anyway to avoid spinner getting stuck
793  executeOnMainThread([this, componentId, colorizer, evt] {
794  const int index = evt.GetValue();
795  componentId->setHighlightIdx(index);
797  controller->setColorizer(colorizer);
798  });
799  });
800 }
802 void RunPage::replaceQuantityBar(const Size idx) {
803  quantityPanel->Destroy();
805  quantityPanel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY);
806  // so far only needed for component id, so it is hacked like this
807  SharedPtr<IColorizer> newColorizer = colorizerList[idx];
809  if (dynamicCast<ComponentIdColorizer>(newColorizer.get())) {
810  wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
811  sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(quantityPanel, wxID_ANY, newColorizer->name()));
812  wxBoxSizer* offsetSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
813  offsetSizer->AddSpacer(25);
814  sizer->Add(offsetSizer);
815  wxBoxSizer* actSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
816  addComponentIdBar(quantityPanel, actSizer, newColorizer);
817  offsetSizer->Add(actSizer);
818  quantityPanel->SetSizerAndFit(sizer);
819  }
821  quantityPanelSizer->Add(quantityPanel);
822  this->Layout();
823 }
826 void RunPage::setProgress(const Statistics& stats) {
828  progressBar->update(stats);
831  if (timelineBar->IsShown() && stats.has(StatisticsId::INDEX)) {
832  timelineBar->setFrame(stats.get<int>(StatisticsId::INDEX));
833  }
834 }
836 void RunPage::newPhase(const std::string& className, const std::string& instanceName) {
837  progressBar->onRunStart(className, instanceName);
838 }
841  pane->Refresh();
842 }
844 void RunPage::showTimeLine(const bool show) {
845  wxAuiPaneInfo& timelineInfo = manager->GetPane(timelineBar);
846  wxAuiPaneInfo& progressInfo = manager->GetPane(progressBar);
847  wxAuiPaneInfo& statsInfo = manager->GetPane(statsBar);
849  if (!timelineInfo.IsShown()) {
850  timelineInfo.Show(show);
851  progressInfo.Show(!show);
852  statsInfo.Show(!show);
853  manager->Update();
854  }
855 }
857 void RunPage::runStarted(const Storage& storage, const Path& path) {
858  Statistics dummy;
859  pane->onTimeStep(storage, dummy);
861  const Size particleCnt = storage.getParticleCnt();
862  executeOnMainThread([this, particleCnt] {
863  Statistics dummyStats;
864  this->makeStatsText(particleCnt, dummyStats);
865  });
867  if (!path.empty()) {
868  timelineBar->update(path);
869  }
871  for (auto plot : plots) {
872  plot->clear();
873  }
874 }
876 void RunPage::onTimeStep(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) {
877  // this is called from run thread (NOT main thread)
879  // limit the refresh rate to avoid blocking the main thread
880  if (statsText && statsTimer.elapsed(TimerUnit::MILLISECOND) > 100) {
881  const Size particleCnt = storage.getParticleCnt();
882  executeOnMainThread([this, stats, particleCnt] { this->makeStatsText(particleCnt, stats); });
883  statsTimer.restart();
884  }
886  pane->onTimeStep(storage, stats);
888  if (selectedParticlePlot) {
889  selectedParticlePlot->selectParticle(controller->getSelectedParticle());
892  SharedPtr<IColorizer> colorizer = controller->getCurrentColorizer();
893  // we need validity of arrayrefs only for the duration of this function, so weak reference is OK
894  colorizer->initialize(storage, RefEnum::WEAK);
895  selectedParticlePlot->setColorizer(colorizer);
896  }
898  if (storage.has(QuantityId::MASS)) {
899  // skip plots if we don't have mass, for simplicity; this can be generalized if needed
900  for (auto plot : plots) {
901  plot->onTimeStep(storage, stats);
902  }
904  executeOnMainThread([this] {
905  SPH_ASSERT(firstPlot && secondPlot);
906  firstPlot->Refresh();
907  secondPlot->Refresh();
908  });
909  }
910 }
913  progressBar->onRunEnd();
914  if (waitingDialog) {
915  waitingDialog->EndModal(0);
916  }
917 }
921  colorizerList = std::move(colorizers);
922  wxArrayString items;
923  for (auto& e : colorizerList) {
924  items.Add(e->name().c_str());
925  }
926  quantityBox->Set(items);
927  const Size actSelectedIdx = (selectedIdx < colorizerList.size()) ? selectedIdx : 0;
928  quantityBox->SetSelection(actSelectedIdx);
929 }
931 void RunPage::setSelectedParticle(const Particle& particle, const Rgba color) {
933  probe->update(particle, color);
934 }
938  probe->clear();
939 }
941 wxSize RunPage::getCanvasSize() const {
942  const wxSize size = pane->GetSize();
943  return wxSize(max(size.x, 1), max(size.y, 1));
944 }
946 class WaitDialog : public wxDialog {
947 public:
948  WaitDialog(wxWindow* parent)
949  : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, "Info", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU) {
950  const wxSize size = wxSize(320, 90);
951  this->SetSize(size);
952  wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "Waiting for simulation to finish ...");
953  wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
954  sizer->AddStretchSpacer();
955  sizer->Add(text, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL);
956  sizer->AddStretchSpacer();
957  this->SetSizer(sizer);
958  this->Layout();
959  this->CentreOnScreen();
960  }
961 };
965  if (controller->isRunning()) {
966  const int retval =
967  wxMessageBox("Simulation is currently in progress. Do you want to stop it and close the window?",
968  "Stop?",
969  wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE);
970  if (retval == wxYES) {
971  controller->stop();
972  waitingDialog = new WaitDialog(this);
973  waitingDialog->ShowModal();
974  controller->quit(true);
975  return true;
976  } else {
977  return false;
978  }
979  } else {
980  return true;
981  }
982 }
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
void saveToFile(const wxBitmap &wx, const Path &path)
Definition: Bitmap.cpp:59
Defines projection transforming 3D particles onto 2D screen.
Helper functions to check the internal consistency of the code.
Function cannot throw exceptions.
Function can only be executed from main thread.
#define CHECK_FUNCTION(flags)
Definition: CheckFunction.h:40
Object converting quantity values of particles into colors.
const float radius
Definition: CurveDialog.cpp:18
Looking for problems in SPH simulation and reporting potential errors.
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
void printStat(ILogger &logger, const Statistics &stats, const StatisticsId id, const std::string &message, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &emptyValue="")
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:24
Logging routines of the run.
NAMESPACE_SPH_BEGIN void executeOnMainThread(const Function< void()> &function)
Posts a callback to be executed on main thread.
Definition: MainLoop.cpp:8
Posting events to be executed on main thread.
constexpr INLINE T max(const T &f1, const T &f2)
Definition: MathBasic.h:20
constexpr Float LARGE
Definition: MathUtils.h:34
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
const NothingType NOTHING
Definition: Optional.h:16
Frame showing information about selected particle.
Renderer drawing individual particles as dots.
Drawing of plots.
Array< PlotData > getPlotList(const GuiSettings &gui)
Definition: Plots.cpp:130
Simple thread pool with fixed number of threads.
Unique IDs of basic quantities of SPH particles.
Definition: QuantityIds.h:19
Paricles masses, always a scalar quantity.
const wxSize buttonSize(250, -1)
const wxSize spinnerSize(100, -1)
const int boxPadding
Definition: RunPage.cpp:133
List of values that are computed and displayed every timestep.
Definition: Statistics.h:108
Wallclock duration of collision evaluation.
Wallclock duration of evaluation of SPH derivatives.
Number of fragmentation collisions.
Quantity that currently limits the timestep.
Wallclock spent on data dump, particle visualization, etc.
Current time of the simulation in code units. Does not necessarily have to be 0 when run starts.
Current value of timestep.
Number of aggregates in the simulation (single particles are not counted as aggregates).
Criterion that currently limits the timestep.
Number of collisions in the timestep.
Current number of time step, indexed from 0.
Number of particle overlaps detected during collision evaluation.
Wallclock time spend on computing last timestep.
Wallclock duration of gravity tree building.
Number of mergers in the timestep.
Wallclock duration of gravity evaluation.
Number of bounce collisions.
Criteria for computing the time step.
Timestep based on value-to-derivative ratio.
Optional< Path > doSaveFileDialog(const std::string &title, Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Definition: Utils.cpp:56
Random utility functions for drawing stuff to DC.
static AffineMatrix identity()
Definition: AffineMatrix.h:132
Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage.
Definition: Array.h:43
INLINE void push(U &&u)
Adds new element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
Definition: Array.h:306
Main GUI class connection the simulation with UI controls.
Definition: Controller.h:42
bool isRunning() const
Returns true if a simulation is running.
Definition: Controller.cpp:348
void setRenderer(AutoPtr< IRenderer > &&newRenderer)
Sets a new renderer used to draw particles.
Definition: Controller.cpp:520
AutoPtr< ICamera > getCurrentCamera() const
Returns the camera currently used for the rendering.
Definition: Controller.cpp:437
void quit(const bool waitForFinish=false)
Closes down the model, clears all allocated resources. Must be called only once.
Definition: Controller.cpp:185
const wxBitmap & getRenderedBitmap() const
Renders a bitmap of current view.
Definition: Controller.cpp:426
SharedPtr< IColorizer > getCurrentColorizer() const
Returns the colorizer currently used for rendering into the window.
Definition: Controller.cpp:432
void open(const Path &path, const bool sequence=false)
Opens a simulation snapshot from given file.
Definition: Controller.cpp:92
void stop(const bool waitForFinish=false)
Stops the current simulation.
Definition: Controller.cpp:132
void pause()
Pause the current simulation.
Definition: Controller.cpp:127
void refresh(AutoPtr< ICamera > &&camera)
Re-renders the particles with given camera.
Definition: Controller.cpp:638
Optional< Size > getSelectedParticle() const
Definition: Controller.cpp:570
bool tryRedraw()
If possible, redraws the particles with data from storage.
Definition: Controller.cpp:611
GuiSettings & getParams()
Returns the settings object.
Definition: Controller.cpp:316
void setColorizer(const SharedPtr< IColorizer > &newColorizer)
Sets a new colorizer to be displayed.
Definition: Controller.cpp:509
INLINE TValue get(const GuiSettingsId id) const
Definition: Settings.h:245
INLINE GuiSettings & set(const GuiSettingsId id, const TValue &value)
Definition: Settings.h:250
Interface defining a camera or view, used by a renderer.
Definition: Camera.h:62
virtual AutoPtr< ICamera > clone() const =0
virtual void setCutoff(const Optional< float > newCutoff)=0
Modifies the clipping distance of the camera.
virtual void transform(const AffineMatrix &matrix)=0
Transforms the current view by given matrix.
virtual std::string name() const =0
Returns the name of the colorizer.
virtual void initialize(const Storage &storage, const RefEnum ref)=0
Initialize the colorizer before by getting necessary quantities from storage.
virtual ICamera & getCamera()=0
virtual void onTimeStep(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats)=0
virtual void resetView()=0
Object representing a 1D interval of real numbers.
Definition: Interval.h:17
Wrapper of type value of which may or may not be present.
Definition: Optional.h:23
INLINE Type & value()
Returns the reference to the stored value.
Definition: Optional.h:172
void update(const Particle &selectedParticle, const Rgba colorizerColor)
Definition: ParticleProbe.h:50
Object holding information about single particle.
Definition: Particle.h:17
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
bool empty() const
Checks if the path is empty.
Definition: Path.cpp:10
void update(const Statistics &stats)
Definition: ProgressPanel.h:37
void onRunStart(const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName)
Definition: ProgressPanel.h:26
Non-owning wrapper of pointer.
Definition: RawPtr.h:19
INLINE T * get() const
Definition: RawPtr.h:67
Definition: Color.h:8
Definition: RunPage.cpp:125
wxSize getCanvasSize() const
Definition: RunPage.cpp:941
bool close()
Definition: RunPage.cpp:963
void deselectParticle()
Definition: RunPage.cpp:936
void setColorizerList(Array< SharedPtr< IColorizer >> &&colorizers)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:919
void setProgress(const Statistics &stats)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:826
void refresh()
Definition: RunPage.cpp:840
void newPhase(const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:836
void runStarted(const Storage &storage, const Path &path)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:857
RunPage(wxWindow *window, Controller *controller, GuiSettings &guiSettings)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:73
void showTimeLine(const bool show)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:844
void onTimeStep(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:876
void setSelectedParticle(const Particle &particle, const Rgba color)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:931
void onRunEnd()
Definition: RunPage.cpp:912
static const Settings & getDefaults()
\brief Returns a reference to object containing default values of all settings.
INLINE RawPtr< T > get() const
Definition: SharedPtr.h:223
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
TValue get(const StatisticsId idx) const
Returns value of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:88
bool has(const StatisticsId idx) const
Checks if the object contains a statistic with given ID.
Definition: Statistics.h:44
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Size getParticleCnt() const
Returns the number of particles.
Definition: Storage.cpp:445
bool has(const QuantityId key) const
Checks if the storage contains quantity with given key.
Definition: Storage.cpp:130
virtual void startSequence(const Path &firstFile) const override
Definition: RunPage.cpp:60
TimeLineCallbacks(Controller *parent)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:53
virtual void pause() const override
Definition: RunPage.cpp:68
virtual void frameChanged(const Path &newFile) const override
Definition: RunPage.cpp:56
virtual void stop() const override
Definition: RunPage.cpp:64
void setFrame(const Size newFrame)
Definition: TimeLine.h:73
void update(const Path &inputFile)
Definition: TimeLine.h:69
int64_t elapsed(const TimerUnit unit) const
Returns elapsed time in timer units. Does not reset the timer.
Definition: Timer.cpp:55
void restart()
Reset elapsed duration to zero.
Definition: Timer.cpp:51
WaitDialog(wxWindow *parent)
Definition: RunPage.cpp:948
Displayed radius of particle in units of smoothing length.
Max z-coordinate of particle to be displayed by ortho renderer.
Value of iso-surface being constructed; lower value means larget bodies.
Intentity of the sun.
Ambient color for surface renderer.
SharedPtr< IScheduler > getScheduler(const RunSettings &settings=RunSettings::getDefaults())
Definition: Factory.cpp:178
Specifies that overlapping particles belong into the same component.
Size digits
Definition: PlotView.h:24
Size minCnt
Definition: PlotView.h:23