Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "gravity/BarnesHut.h"
2 #include "gravity/Moments.h"
5 #include "quantities/Storage.h"
6 #include "system/Profiler.h"
7 #include "system/Statistics.h"
8 #include "thread/Scheduler.h"
12 static_assert(sizeof(InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>) == sizeof(LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>),
13  "Invalid size of BarnesHut nodes");
14 static_assert(alignof(InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>) == alignof(LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>),
15  "Invalid alignment of BarnesHut nodes");
18  const MultipoleOrder order,
19  const Size leafSize,
20  const Size maxDepth,
21  const Float gravityConstant)
22  : kdTree(leafSize, maxDepth)
23  , thetaInv(1._f / theta)
24  , order(order)
25  , maxDepth(maxDepth)
26  , gravityConstant(gravityConstant) {
27  // use default-constructed kernel; it works, because by default LutKernel has zero radius and functions
28  // valueImpl and gradImpl are never called.
29  // Check by assert to make sure this trick will work
30  SPH_ASSERT(kernel.radius() == 0._f);
31  SPH_ASSERT(theta > 0._f, theta);
32 }
35  const MultipoleOrder order,
36  GravityLutKernel&& kernel,
37  const Size leafSize,
38  const Size maxDepth,
39  const Float gravityConstant)
40  : kdTree(leafSize, maxDepth)
41  , kernel(std::move(kernel))
42  , thetaInv(1._f / theta)
43  , order(order)
44  , maxDepth(maxDepth)
45  , gravityConstant(gravityConstant) {
46  SPH_ASSERT(theta > 0._f, theta);
47 }
49 void BarnesHut::build(IScheduler& scheduler, const Storage& storage) {
52  // save source data
55  m.resize(r.size());
57  for (Size i = 0; i < m.size(); ++i) {
58  m[i] = gravityConstant * masses[i];
59  }
61  // build K-d Tree; no need for rank as we are never searching neighbours
62  kdTree.build(scheduler, r, FinderFlag::SKIP_RANK);
64  if (SPH_UNLIKELY(r.empty())) {
65  return;
66  }
67  // constructs nodes
68  auto functor = [this](BarnesHutNode& node, BarnesHutNode* left, BarnesHutNode* right) INL {
69  if (node.isLeaf()) {
70  SPH_ASSERT(left == nullptr && right == nullptr);
71  buildLeaf(node);
73  } else {
74  SPH_ASSERT(left != nullptr && right != nullptr);
75  buildInner(node, *left, *right);
76  }
77  return true;
78  };
80  iterateTree<IterateDirection::BOTTOM_UP>(kdTree, SEQUENTIAL, functor, 0, maxDepth);
81 }
83 void BarnesHut::evalAll(IScheduler& scheduler, ArrayView<Vector> dv, Statistics& stats) const {
86  TreeWalkState data;
87  TreeWalkResult result;
88  SharedPtr<ITask> rootTask = scheduler.submit([this, &scheduler, dv, &data, &result] { //
89  this->evalNode(scheduler, dv, 0, std::move(data), result);
90  });
91  rootTask->wait();
96 }
99 Vector BarnesHut::eval(const Vector& r0) const {
100  return this->evalImpl(r0, Size(-1));
101 }
105 }
107 Vector BarnesHut::evalImpl(const Vector& r0, const Size idx) const {
108  if (SPH_UNLIKELY(r.empty())) {
109  return Vector(0._f);
110  }
111  Vector f(0._f);
113  auto lambda = [this, &r0, &f, idx](
114  const BarnesHutNode& node, const BarnesHutNode*, const BarnesHutNode*) {
115  if (node.box == Box::EMPTY()) {
116  // no particles in this node, skip
117  return false;
118  }
119  const Float boxSizeSqr = getSqrLength(node.box.size());
120  const Float boxDistSqr = getSqrLength(node.box.center() - r0);
121  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(boxDistSqr));
123  if (!node.box.contains(r0) && boxSizeSqr > 0._f &&
124  boxSizeSqr / (boxDistSqr + EPS) < 1._f / sqr(thetaInv)) {
125  // small node, use multipole approximation
126  f += evaluateGravity(r0 - node.com, node.moments, order);
128  // skip the children
129  return false;
130  } else {
131  // too large box; if inner, recurse into children, otherwise sum each particle of the leaf
132  if (node.isLeaf()) {
133  const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>& leaf = reinterpret_cast<const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>&>(node);
134  f += this->evalExact(leaf, r0, idx);
135  return false; // return value doesn't matter here
136  } else {
137  // continue with children
138  return true;
139  }
140  }
141  };
142  iterateTree<IterateDirection::TOP_DOWN>(kdTree, SEQUENTIAL, lambda);
144  return f;
145 }
148 private:
149  const BarnesHut& bh;
150  IScheduler& scheduler;
152  Size nodeIdx;
156 public:
157  NodeTask(const BarnesHut& bh,
158  IScheduler& scheduler,
160  const Size nodeIdx,
163  : bh(bh)
164  , scheduler(scheduler)
165  , dv(dv)
166  , nodeIdx(nodeIdx)
167  , data(std::move(data))
168  , result(result) {}
170  void operator()() {
171  bh.evalNode(scheduler, dv, nodeIdx, std::move(data), result);
172  }
173 };
176  TreeWalkState cloned;
177  cloned.checkList = checkList.clone();
178  cloned.particleList = particleList.clone();
179  cloned.nodeList = nodeList.clone();
180  cloned.depth = depth;
181  return cloned;
182 }
187  const Size evaluatedNodeIdx,
188  TreeWalkState data,
189  TreeWalkResult& result) const {
191  const BarnesHutNode& evaluatedNode = kdTree.getNode(evaluatedNodeIdx);
192  const Box& box = evaluatedNode.box;
194  if (box == Box::EMPTY()) {
195  // no particles in the box, skip
197  SPH_ASSERT(evaluatedNode.isLeaf());
198  return;
199  }
201  // we cannot use range-based for loop because we need the iterator for erasing the element
202  for (auto iter = data.checkList.begin(); iter != data.checkList.end();) {
205  const Size idx = *iter;
206  const BarnesHutNode& node = kdTree.getNode(idx);
207  if (node.r_open == 0._f) {
208  // either empty node or a single particle in a leaf, just add it to particle list
209  SPH_ASSERT(node.isLeaf());
210  data.particleList.push(idx);
211  iter = data.checkList.erase(iter);
212  continue;
213  }
215  const Sphere openBall(node.com, node.r_open);
216  const IntersectResult intersect = openBall.intersectsBox(box);
218  if (intersect == IntersectResult::BOX_INSIDE_SPHERE ||
219  (evaluatedNode.isLeaf() && intersect != IntersectResult::BOX_OUTSIDE_SPHERE)) {
220  // if leaf, add it into the particle interaction list
221  if (node.isLeaf()) {
222  // let's add only nodes with higher indices, the evalution is symmetric anyway
223  data.particleList.push(idx);
224  } else {
225  // add child nodes into the checklist
226  const InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>& inner =
227  reinterpret_cast<const InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>&>(node);
228  data.checkList.pushBack(inner.left);
229  data.checkList.pushBack(inner.right);
230  }
231  iter = data.checkList.erase(iter);
233  continue;
234  } else if (intersect == IntersectResult::BOX_OUTSIDE_SPHERE) {
235  // node is outside the opening ball, we can approximate it; add to the node list
236  data.nodeList.push(idx);
238  // erase this node from checklist
239  iter = data.checkList.erase(iter);
240  continue;
241  }
242  // for leafs we have to move all nodes from the checklist to one of interaction lists
243  SPH_ASSERT(!evaluatedNode.isLeaf());
244  ++iter;
245  }
247  if (evaluatedNode.isLeaf()) {
248  // checklist must be empty, otherwise we forgot something
249  SPH_ASSERT(data.checkList.empty(), data.checkList);
250  const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>& leaf = reinterpret_cast<const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>&>(evaluatedNode);
252  // 1) evaluate the particle list:
253  this->evalParticleList(leaf, data.particleList, dv);
254  result.exactNodes += data.particleList.size();
256  // 2) evaluate the node list
257  this->evalNodeList(leaf, data.nodeList, dv);
258  result.approximatedNodes += data.nodeList.size();
260  } else {
261  const InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>& inner =
262  reinterpret_cast<const InnerNode<BarnesHutNode>&>(evaluatedNode);
263  // recurse into child nodes
264  data.depth++;
265  // we evaluate the left one from a (possibly) different thread, we thus have to clone buffers now so
266  // that we don't override the lists when evaluating different node (each node has its own lists).
267  TreeWalkState childData = data.clone();
268  childData.checkList.pushBack(inner.right);
269  auto task = makeShared<NodeTask>(*this, scheduler, dv, inner.left, std::move(childData), result);
270  if (childData.depth < maxDepth) {
271  // Ad-hoc decision (see also KdTree.cpp where we do the same trick);
272  // only split the treewalk in the topmost nodes, process the bottom nodes in the same thread to
273  // avoid high scheduling overhead of ThreadPool (TBBs deal with this quite well)
274  //
275  // The expression above can be modified to get optimal performance.
276  scheduler.submit(std::move(task));
277  } else {
278  task();
279  }
281  // since we go only once through the tree (we never go 'up'), we can simply move the lists into the
282  // right child and modify them for the child node
283  data.checkList.pushBack(inner.left);
284  this->evalNode(scheduler, dv, inner.right, std::move(data), result);
285  }
286 }
289  ArrayView<Size> particleList,
290  ArrayView<Vector> dv) const {
291  // needs to symmetrize smoothing length to keep the total momentum conserved
293  // go through all nodes in the list and compute the pair-wise interactions
295  SPH_ASSERT(areElementsUnique(particleList), particleList);
296  for (Size idx : particleList) {
297  // the particle lists do not have to be necessarily symmetric, we have to do each node separately
298  SPH_ASSERT(idx < kdTree.getNodeCnt(), idx, kdTree.getNodeCnt());
299  const BarnesHutNode& node = kdTree.getNode(idx);
300  SPH_ASSERT(node.isLeaf());
301  LeafIndexSequence seq2 =
302  kdTree.getLeafIndices(reinterpret_cast<const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>&>(node));
303  for (Size i : seq1) {
304  SPH_ASSERT(r[i][H] > 0._f, r[i][H]);
305  for (Size j : seq2) {
306  SPH_ASSERT(r[j][H] > 0._f, r[j][H]);
307  const Vector grad = actKernel.grad(r[j], r[i]);
308  dv[i] += m[j] * grad;
309  }
310  }
311  }
312  // evaluate intra-leaf interactions (the leaf itself is not included in the list)
313  for (Size i : seq1) {
314  for (Size j : seq1) {
315  if (i == j) {
316  // skip, we are doing a symmetric evaluation
317  continue;
318  }
319  const Vector grad = actKernel.grad(r[j], r[i]);
320  dv[i] += m[j] * grad;
321  }
322  }
323 }
326  ArrayView<Size> nodeList,
327  ArrayView<Vector> dv) const {
328  SPH_ASSERT(areElementsUnique(nodeList), nodeList);
330  for (Size idx : nodeList) {
331  const BarnesHutNode& node = kdTree.getNode(idx);
332  SPH_ASSERT(seq1.size() > 0);
333  for (Size i : seq1) {
334  dv[i] += evaluateGravity(r[i] - node.com, node.moments, order);
335  }
336  }
337 }
339 Vector BarnesHut::evalExact(const LeafNode<BarnesHutNode>& leaf, const Vector& r0, const Size idx) const {
340  LeafIndexSequence sequence = kdTree.getLeafIndices(leaf);
341  Vector f(0._f);
342  for (Size i : sequence) {
343  if (idx == i) {
344  continue;
345  }
346  f += m[i] * kernel.grad(r[i] - r0, r[i][H]);
347  }
348  return f;
349 }
354  switch (leaf.size()) {
355  case 0:
356  // empty leaf - set to zero to correctly compute mass and com of parent nodes
357  leaf.com = Vector(0._f);
358  leaf.moments.order<0>() = 0._f;
359  leaf.moments.order<1>() = TracelessMultipole<1>(0._f);
360  leaf.moments.order<2>() = TracelessMultipole<2>(0._f);
361  leaf.moments.order<3>() = TracelessMultipole<3>(0._f);
362  leaf.r_open = 0._f;
363  return;
364  case 1:
365  // single particle - requires special handling to avoid numerical problems
366  const Size i = *kdTree.getLeafIndices(leaf).begin();
367  leaf.com = r[i];
368  leaf.box.extend(r[i]);
369  leaf.moments.order<0>() = m[i];
370  leaf.moments.order<1>() = TracelessMultipole<1>(0._f);
371  leaf.moments.order<2>() = TracelessMultipole<2>(0._f);
372  leaf.moments.order<3>() = TracelessMultipole<3>(0._f);
373  leaf.r_open = 0._f;
374  return;
375  }
376  // compute the center of gravity (the box is already done)
377  leaf.com = Vector(0._f);
378  Float m_leaf = 0._f;
379  LeafIndexSequence sequence = kdTree.getLeafIndices(leaf);
380  for (Size i : sequence) {
381  leaf.com += m[i] * r[i];
382  m_leaf += m[i];
384  // extend the bounding box
385  leaf.box.extend(r[i]);
386  }
387  SPH_ASSERT(m_leaf > 0._f, m_leaf);
388  leaf.com /= m_leaf;
389  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(leaf.com) && getLength(leaf.com) < LARGE, leaf.com);
391  // compute opening radius using Eq. (2.36) of Stadel Phd Thesis
392  const Vector r_max = max(leaf.com - leaf.box.lower(), leaf.box.upper() - leaf.com);
393  SPH_ASSERT(minElement(r_max) >= 0._f, r_max);
394  leaf.r_open = 2._f / sqrt(3._f) * thetaInv * getLength(r_max);
396  // compute gravitational moments from individual particles
397  // M0 is a sum of particle masses, M1 is a dipole moment = zero around center of mass
398  SPH_ASSERT(computeMultipole<0>(r, m, leaf.com, sequence).value() == m_leaf);
399  const Multipole<2> m2 = computeMultipole<2>(r, m, leaf.com, sequence);
400  const Multipole<3> m3 = computeMultipole<3>(r, m, leaf.com, sequence);
402  // compute traceless tensors to reduce number of independent components
406  // save the moments to the leaf
407  leaf.moments.order<0>() = m_leaf;
408  leaf.moments.order<1>() = TracelessMultipole<1>(0._f);
409  leaf.moments.order<2>() = q2;
410  leaf.moments.order<3>() = q3;
411 }
416  // update bounding box
417  inner.box = Box::EMPTY();
418  inner.box.extend(left.box);
419  inner.box.extend(right.box);
421  // update center of mass
422  const Float ml = left.moments.order<0>();
423  const Float mr = right.moments.order<0>();
425  // check for empty node
426  if (ml + mr == 0._f) {
427  // set to zero to correctly compute sum and com of parent nodes
428  inner.com = Vector(0._f);
429  inner.moments.order<0>() = 0._f;
430  inner.moments.order<1>() = TracelessMultipole<1>(0._f);
431  inner.moments.order<2>() = TracelessMultipole<2>(0._f);
432  inner.moments.order<3>() = TracelessMultipole<3>(0._f);
433  inner.r_open = 0._f;
434  return;
435  }
437  inner.com = (ml * left.com + mr * right.com) / (ml + mr);
438  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(inner.com) && getLength(inner.com) < LARGE, inner.com);
440  // compute opening radius
441  const Vector r_max = max(inner.com - inner.box.lower(), inner.box.upper() - inner.com);
442  SPH_ASSERT(minElement(r_max) >= 0._f, r_max);
443  inner.r_open = 2._f / sqrt(3._f) * thetaInv * getLength(r_max);
445  inner.moments.order<0>() = ml + mr;
447  // we already computed moments of children nodes, sum up using parallel axis theorem
448  Vector d = left.com - inner.com;
449  TracelessMultipole<1>& Ml1 = left.moments.order<1>();
450  TracelessMultipole<2>& Ml2 = left.moments.order<2>();
451  TracelessMultipole<3>& Ml3 = left.moments.order<3>();
452  inner.moments.order<1>() = parallelAxisTheorem(Ml1, ml, d);
453  inner.moments.order<2>() = parallelAxisTheorem(Ml2, ml, d);
454  inner.moments.order<3>() = parallelAxisTheorem(Ml3, Ml2, ml, d);
456  d = right.com - inner.com;
457  TracelessMultipole<1>& Mr1 = right.moments.order<1>();
458  TracelessMultipole<2>& Mr2 = right.moments.order<2>();
459  TracelessMultipole<3>& Mr3 = right.moments.order<3>();
460  inner.moments.order<1>() += parallelAxisTheorem(Mr1, mr, d);
461  inner.moments.order<2>() += parallelAxisTheorem(Mr2, mr, d);
462  inner.moments.order<3>() += parallelAxisTheorem(Mr3, Mr2, mr, d);
463 }
466  // masses are premultiplied by gravitational constants, so we have to divide
467  return kdTree.getNode(0).moments.multiply(1._f / gravityConstant);
468 }
472  return &kdTree;
473 }
INLINE bool isReal(const AntisymmetricTensor &t)
INLINE Float minElement(const AntisymmetricTensor &t)
Returns the minimal element of the tensor.
Utilities to simplify working with arrays.
bool areElementsUnique(const TStorage &container)
Definition: ArrayUtils.h:125
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Helper macro marking missing implementation.
Definition: Assert.h:100
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
Barnes-Hut algorithm for computation of gravitational acceleration.
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Helper macro, creating.
Definition: Logger.h:242
constexpr INLINE T max(const T &f1, const T &f2)
Definition: MathBasic.h:20
constexpr Float EPS
Definition: MathUtils.h:30
constexpr INLINE T sqr(const T &f) noexcept
Return a squared value.
Definition: MathUtils.h:67
INLINE T sqrt(const T f)
Return a squared root of a value.
Definition: MathUtils.h:78
constexpr Float LARGE
Definition: MathUtils.h:34
Definition: Moments.h:309
INLINE TracelessMultipole< 1 > parallelAxisTheorem(const TracelessMultipole< 1 > &Qi, const Float Q, const Vector &d)
Definition: Moments.h:164
TracelessMultipole< N > computeReducedMultipole(const Multipole< N > &m)
Vector evaluateGravity(const Vector &dr, const MultipoleExpansion< N > &ms, const MultipoleOrder maxOrder)
Definition: Moments.h:317
The rank of particles is not created. 'Dummy' option that can be used to improve readability.
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
#define SPH_UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Object.h:50
Definition: Object.h:12
#define INL
Definition: Object.h:32
Tool to measure time spent in functions and profile the code.
Positions (velocities, accelerations) of particles, always a vector quantity,.
Paricles masses, always a scalar quantity.
SequentialScheduler SEQUENTIAL
Global instance of the sequential scheduler.
Definition: Scheduler.cpp:43
Interface for executing tasks (potentially) asynchronously.
Object representing a three-dimensional sphere.
Definition: Sphere.h:12
Sphere contains the whole box.
Sphere has no intersection with the box.
Statistics gathered and periodically displayed during the run.
Number of tree nodes evaluated using multipole approximation.
Number of nodes in used gravity tree.
Number of tree nodes evaluated by pair-wise interacting.
Container for storing particle quantities and materials.
INLINE Float getLength(const Vector &v)
Returns the length of the vector. Enabled only for vectors of floating-point precision.
Definition: Vector.h:579
INLINE Float getSqrLength(const Vector &v)
Definition: Vector.h:574
BasicVector< Float > Vector
Definition: Vector.h:539
@ H
Definition: Vector.h:25
void resize(const TCounter newSize)
Resizes the array to new size.
Definition: Array.h:215
INLINE void push(U &&u)
Adds new element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
Definition: Array.h:306
INLINE TCounter size() const noexcept
Definition: Array.h:193
Array clone() const
Performs a deep copy of all elements of the array.
Definition: Array.h:147
NodeTask(const BarnesHut &bh, IScheduler &scheduler, ArrayView< Vector > dv, const Size nodeIdx, BarnesHut::TreeWalkState &&data, BarnesHut::TreeWalkResult &result)
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:157
Multipole approximation of distance particle.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:43
virtual void evalAll(IScheduler &pool, ArrayView< Vector > dv, Statistics &stats) const override
Evaluates the gravitational acceleration concurrently.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:83
void evalNode(IScheduler &scheduler, ArrayView< Vector > dv, const Size nodeIdx, TreeWalkState data, TreeWalkResult &result) const
Performs a recursive treewalk evaluating gravity for all particles.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:185
ArrayView< const Vector > r
View of a position buffer in the storage.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:46
MultipoleOrder order
Order of multipole approximation.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:61
GravityLutKernel kernel
Kernel used to evaluate gravity of close particles.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:55
BarnesHut(const Float theta, const MultipoleOrder order, const Size leafSize=25, const Size maxDepth=50, const Float gravityConstant=Constants::gravity)
Constructs the Barnes-Hut gravity assuming point-like particles (with zero radius).
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:17
virtual Vector eval(const Vector &r0) const override
Evaluates the gravitational acceleration at given point.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:99
MultipoleExpansion< 3 > getMoments() const
Returns the multipole moments computed from root node.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:465
void buildInner(BarnesHutNode &node, BarnesHutNode &left, BarnesHutNode &right)
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:413
Vector evalExact(const LeafNode< BarnesHutNode > &node, const Vector &r0, const Size idx) const
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:339
Size maxDepth
Maximum depth at which the nodes evaluation is parallelized.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:66
Vector evalImpl(const Vector &r0, const Size idx) const
Evaluates the gravity at a single point in space.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:107
void evalParticleList(const LeafNode< BarnesHutNode > &leaf, ArrayView< Size > particleList, ArrayView< Vector > dv) const
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:288
virtual RawPtr< const IBasicFinder > getFinder() const override
Optionally returns a finder used by the gravity implementation.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:470
Array< Float > m
Particle masses multiplied by gravitational constant.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:49
void evalNodeList(const LeafNode< BarnesHutNode > &leaf, ArrayView< Size > nodeList, ArrayView< Vector > dv) const
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:325
void buildLeaf(BarnesHutNode &node)
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:351
KdTree< BarnesHutNode > kdTree
K-d tree storing gravitational moments.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:52
virtual Float evalEnergy(IScheduler &scheduler, Statistics &stats) const override
Computes the total potential energy of the particles.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:103
Float gravityConstant
Gravitational constant in the selected unit system.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:72
Float thetaInv
Inverted value of the opening angle for multipole approximation (in radians)
Definition: BarnesHut.h:58
virtual void build(IScheduler &pool, const Storage &storage) override
Masses of particles must be strictly positive, otherwise center of mass would be undefined.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:49
Helper object defining three-dimensional interval (box).
Definition: Box.h:17
static Box EMPTY()
Syntactic sugar, returns a default-constructed (empty) box.
Definition: Box.h:41
Gravitational kernel approximated by LUT for close particles.
Definition: GravityKernel.h:35
INLINE Vector grad(const Vector &r, const Float h) const
Definition: GravityKernel.h:69
INLINE Float radius() const
Definition: GravityKernel.h:51
Interface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms.
Definition: Scheduler.h:27
virtual SharedPtr< ITask > submit(const Function< void()> &task)=0
Submits a task to be potentially executed asynchronously.
void build(IScheduler &scheduler, ArrayView< const Vector > points, Flags< FinderFlag > flags=FinderFlag::MAKE_RANK)
Constructs the struct with an array of vectors.
INLINE Size size() const
INLINE TNode & getNode(const Size nodeIdx)
Returns the node with given index.
Definition: KdTree.h:169
INLINE LeafIndexSequence getLeafIndices(const LeafNode< TNode > &leaf) const
Returns the sequence of particles indices belonging to given leaf.
Definition: KdTree.h:184
Outcome sanityCheck() const
Performs some checks of KdTree consistency, returns SUCCESS if everything is OK.
Definition: KdTree.inl.h:394
INLINE Size getNodeCnt() const
Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
Definition: KdTree.h:179
Helper index sequence to iterate over particle indices of a leaf node.
Definition: KdTree.h:100
INLINE LeafIndexIterator begin() const
Definition: KdTree.h:111
ListIterator< T > end()
Returns a bidirectional iterator pointing to the one-past-last element of the list.
Definition: List.h:307
INLINE bool empty() const
Returns true if there are no elements in the list.
Definition: List.h:170
List clone() const
Creates a copy of the list.
Definition: List.h:286
void pushBack(U &&value)
Adds a new element to the back of the list.
Definition: List.h:189
ListIterator< T > erase(const ListIterator< T > iter)
Removes an element given by the iterator.
Definition: List.h:229
ListIterator< T > begin()
Returns a bidirectional iterator pointing to the first element of the list.
Definition: List.h:295
Non-owning wrapper of pointer.
Definition: RawPtr.h:19
Definition: Sphere.h:18
INLINE IntersectResult intersectsBox(const Box &box) const
Checks the intersection of the sphere with a box.
Definition: Sphere.h:83
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
Statistics & set(const StatisticsId idx, TValue &&value)
Sets new values of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:52
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Array< TValue > & getValue(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity values from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:191
INLINE Vector grad(const Vector &r1, const Vector &r2) const
Definition: Kernel.h:578
Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array.
Definition: Array.h:578
MultipoleExpansion< 3 > moments
Gravitational moments with a respect to the center of mass, using expansion to octupole order.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:26
Vector com
Center of mass of contained particles.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:23
Float r_open
Definition: BarnesHut.h:30
std::atomic_int approximatedNodes
Number of nodes approximated using multipole expansion.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:147
std::atomic_int exactNodes
Number of opened leafs where exact (pair-wise) solution has been used.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:150
Data passed into each node during treewalk.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:125
TreeWalkState clone() const
Clones all lists in the state object.
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:175
Array< Size > nodeList
Indices of nodes that shall be evaluated using multipole approximation.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:136
Size depth
Current depth in the tree; root node has depth equal to zero.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:139
List< Size > checkList
Definition: BarnesHut.h:130
Array< Size > particleList
Indices of nodes where the exact (pair-wise) gravity solution have to be used.
Definition: BarnesHut.h:133
Inner node of K-d tree.
Definition: KdTree.h:42
Size right
Index of right child node.
Definition: KdTree.h:50
Size left
Index of left child node.
Definition: KdTree.h:47
INLINE bool isLeaf() const
Definition: KdTree.h:35
Box box
Bounding box of particles in the node.
Definition: KdTree.h:30
Leaf (bucket) node of K-d tree.
Definition: KdTree.h:61
INLINE Size size() const
Returns the number of points in the leaf. Can be zero.
Definition: KdTree.h:75
INLINE std::enable_if_t< M !=N, TracelessMultipole< M > & > order()
Definition: Multipole.h:979
MultipoleExpansion multiply(const Float factor) const
Definition: Multipole.h:994
Object with deleted copy constructor and copy operator.
Definition: Object.h:54