Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "io/LogWriter.h"
2 #include "io/Logger.h"
3 #include "objects/geometry/Box.h"
4 #include "quantities/Storage.h"
5 #include "quantities/Iterate.h"
6 #include "system/Statistics.h"
7 #include "system/Timer.h"
12 ILogWriter::ILogWriter(const SharedPtr<ILogger>& logger, const Float period)
13  : PeriodicTrigger(period, 0._f)
14  , logger(logger) {
15  SPH_ASSERT(this->logger);
16 }
19  this->write(storage, stats);
20  return nullptr;
21 }
23 template <typename T>
24 void printStat(ILogger& logger,
25  const Statistics& stats,
26  const StatisticsId id,
27  const std::string& message,
28  const std::string& unit = "",
29  const std::string& emptyValue = "") {
30  if (stats.has(id)) {
31  logger.write(message, stats.get<T>(id), unit);
32  } else if (!emptyValue.empty()) {
33  logger.write(message, emptyValue);
34  }
35 }
38  : ILogWriter(logger, 0._f) {
39  name = settings.get<std::string>(RunSettingsId::RUN_NAME);
40 }
42 void StandardLogWriter::write(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) {
43  // Timestep number and current run time
44  const int index = stats.get<int>(StatisticsId::INDEX);
45  const Float time = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME);
46  const int wallclock = stats.get<int>(StatisticsId::WALLCLOCK_TIME);
47  const std::string formattedWallclock = getFormattedTime(wallclock);
48  logger->write(name, " #", index, " time = ", time, " wallclock time: ", formattedWallclock);
51  const Float progress = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::RELATIVE_PROGRESS);
52  logger->write(" - progress: ", int(progress * 100), "%");
53  if (progress > 0.05_f) {
54  const std::string formattedEta = getFormattedTime(int64_t(wallclock * (1._f / progress - 1._f)));
55  logger->write(" - ETA: ", formattedEta);
56  } else {
57  logger->write(" - ETA: N/A");
58  }
59  }
61  // Timestepping info
63  std::stringstream ss;
64  if (id == CriterionId::DERIVATIVE) {
66  } else {
67  ss << id;
68  }
69  const Float dt = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_VALUE);
70  logger->write(" - timestep: ", dt, " (set by ", ss.str(), ")");
72  // clang-format off
73  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_ELAPSED, " - time spent: ", "ms");
74  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::SPH_EVAL_TIME, " * SPH evaluation: ", "ms");
75  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::GRAVITY_EVAL_TIME, " * gravity evaluation: ", "ms");
76  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::COLLISION_EVAL_TIME, " * collision evaluation: ", "ms");
77  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::GRAVITY_BUILD_TIME, " * tree construction: ", "ms");
78  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::POSTPROCESS_EVAL_TIME, " * visualization: ", "ms");
79  logger->write( " - particles: ", storage.getParticleCnt());
80  printStat<MinMaxMean>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::NEIGHBOUR_COUNT, " - neighbors: ");
81  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::TOTAL_COLLISION_COUNT, " - collisions: ");
82  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::BOUNCE_COUNT, " * bounces: ");
83  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::MERGER_COUNT, " * mergers: ");
84  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::BREAKUP_COUNT, " * breakups: ");
85  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::OVERLAP_COUNT, " - overlaps: ");
86  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::AGGREGATE_COUNT, " - aggregates: ");
87  printStat<int>(*logger, stats, StatisticsId::SOLVER_SUMMATION_ITERATIONS, " - iteration #: ");
88  // clang-format on
89 }
91 void VerboseLogWriter::write(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) {
92  StandardLogWriter::write(storage, stats);
94  Box bbox;
96  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
97  bbox.extend(r[i]);
98  }
100  logger->write(" - bounding box: ", bbox);
101  logger->write(" - min/max values:");
102  iterate<VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER>(storage, [&](QuantityId id, const auto& v, const auto& dv) {
103  Interval range, drange;
104  for (Size i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
105  range.extend(Interval(minElement(v[i]), maxElement(v[i])));
106  drange.extend(Interval(minElement(dv[i]), maxElement(dv[i])));
107  }
108  std::string name = lowercase(getMetadata(id).quantityName);
109  logger->write(" * ", name, ": ", range, " (derivative ", drange, ")");
110  });
111  iterate<VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER>(storage, [&](QuantityId id, const auto& v, const auto&, const auto& d2v) {
112  Interval range, drange;
113  for (Size i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
114  range.extend(Interval(minElement(v[i]), maxElement(v[i])));
115  drange.extend(Interval(minElement(d2v[i]), maxElement(d2v[i])));
116  }
117  std::string name = lowercase(getMetadata(id).quantityName);
118  logger->write(" * ", name, ": ", range, " (derivative ", drange, ")");
119  });
124  Interval divvRange, gradvRange;
125  for (Size i = 0; i < divv.size(); ++i) {
126  divvRange.extend(divv[i]);
127  gradvRange.extend(Interval(minElement(gradv[i]), maxElement(gradv[i])));
128  }
129  logger->write(" * velocity divergence: ", divvRange);
130  logger->write(" * velocity gradient: ", gradvRange);
132  // clang-format on
133 }
136  : ILogWriter(logger, 0._f) {
137  name = settings.get<std::string>(RunSettingsId::RUN_NAME);
138 }
140 void BriefLogWriter::write(const Storage& UNUSED(storage), const Statistics& stats) {
141  // Timestep number and current run time
142  const int index = stats.get<int>(StatisticsId::INDEX);
143  const Float time = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME);
144  const Float dt = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_VALUE);
145  logger->write(name, " #", index, ", time = ", time, ", step = ", dt);
146 }
150  : IntegralsLogWriter(makeAuto<FileLogger>(path), period) {}
153  : ILogWriter(logger, period) {}
155 void IntegralsLogWriter::write(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) {
156  const Float time = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME);
157  logger->write(time,
158  " ",
159  momentum.evaluate(storage),
160  " ",
161  energy.evaluate(storage),
162  " ",
163  angularMomentum.evaluate(storage));
164 }
170 void NullLogWriter::write(const Storage& UNUSED(storage), const Statistics& UNUSED(stats)) {}
INLINE Float minElement(const AntisymmetricTensor &t)
Returns the minimal element of the tensor.
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
INLINE AutoPtr< T > makeAuto(TArgs &&... args)
Definition: AutoPtr.h:124
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
Object representing a three-dimensional axis-aligned box.
INLINE Float maxElement(const T &value)
Returns maximum element, simply the value iself by default.
Definition: Generic.h:29
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Functions for iterating over individual quantities in Storage.
void printStat(ILogger &logger, const Statistics &stats, const StatisticsId id, const std::string &message, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &emptyValue="")
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:24
Logging routines of the run.
constexpr Float LARGE
Definition: MathUtils.h:34
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
QuantityMetadata getMetadata(const QuantityId key)
Returns the quantity information using quantity ID.
Definition: QuantityIds.cpp:27
Unique IDs of basic quantities of SPH particles.
Definition: QuantityIds.h:19
Velocity divergence.
Velocity gradient.
Positions (velocities, accelerations) of particles, always a vector quantity,.
INLINE SharedPtr< T > makeShared(TArgs &&... args)
Definition: SharedPtr.h:410
Statistics gathered and periodically displayed during the run.
List of values that are computed and displayed every timestep.
Definition: Statistics.h:108
Number of neighbours (min, max, mean)
Wallclock duration of collision evaluation.
Current wallclock duration of the simulation.
Wallclock duration of evaluation of SPH derivatives.
Number of fragmentation collisions.
Quantity that currently limits the timestep.
Wallclock spent on data dump, particle visualization, etc.
Current time of the simulation in code units. Does not necessarily have to be 0 when run starts.
Current value of timestep.
Number of aggregates in the simulation (single particles are not counted as aggregates).
Number of iterations used to compute density and smoothing length in summation solver.
Criterion that currently limits the timestep.
Number of collisions in the timestep.
Current number of time step, indexed from 0.
Number of particle overlaps detected during collision evaluation.
Wallclock time spend on computing last timestep.
Wallclock duration of gravity tree building.
Number of mergers in the timestep.
Wallclock duration of gravity evaluation.
Number of bounce collisions.
Container for storing particle quantities and materials.
std::string lowercase(const std::string &s)
Converts all uppercase characters to their lowercase variants. Other characters are unchanged.
Definition: StringUtils.cpp:94
String getFormattedTime(const String &format)
Utility functions.
Definition: String.cpp:128
Criteria for computing the time step.
Timestep based on value-to-derivative ratio.
Measuring time intervals and executing periodic events.
Object providing safe access to continuous memory of data.
Definition: ArrayView.h:17
INLINE TCounter size() const
Definition: ArrayView.h:101
Wrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor.
Definition: AutoPtr.h:15
Helper object defining three-dimensional interval (box).
Definition: Box.h:17
INLINE void extend(const Vector &v)
Enlarges the box to contain the vector.
Definition: Box.h:49
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:140
BriefLogWriter(const SharedPtr< ILogger > &logger, const RunSettings &settings)
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:135
File output logger.
Definition: Logger.h:160
Base class for objects logging run statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.h:10
SharedPtr< ILogger > logger
Definition: LogWriter.h:12
virtual AutoPtr< ITrigger > action(Storage &storage, Statistics &stats) override final
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:18
ILogWriter(const SharedPtr< ILogger > &logger, const Float period=0._f)
Constructs the log file.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:12
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats)=0
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Interface providing generic (text, human readable) output of the program.
Definition: Logger.h:22
void write(TArgs &&... args)
Creates and logs a message by concatenating arguments.
Definition: Logger.h:37
Writer logging selected integrals of motion.
Definition: LogWriter.h:75
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:155
IntegralsLogWriter(const Path &path, const Size interval)
Creates a writer that writes the output into given file.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:149
Object representing a 1D interval of real numbers.
Definition: Interval.h:17
INLINE void extend(const Float &value)
Extends the interval to contain given value.
Definition: Interval.h:41
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:170
Helper logger that does not write anything.
Definition: Logger.h:218
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
Trigger executing given action every period.
Definition: Trigger.h:37
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:326
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:42
StandardLogWriter(const SharedPtr< ILogger > &logger, const RunSettings &settings)
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:37
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
TValue get(const StatisticsId idx) const
Returns value of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:88
bool has(const StatisticsId idx) const
Checks if the object contains a statistic with given ID.
Definition: Statistics.h:44
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Size getParticleCnt() const
Returns the number of particles.
Definition: Storage.cpp:445
Array< TValue > & getValue(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity values from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:191
Symmetric tensor of 2nd order.
virtual Vector evaluate(const Storage &storage) const override
Computes the integral quantity using particles in the storage.
Definition: Integrals.cpp:40
virtual Float evaluate(const Storage &storage) const override
Computes the integral quantity using particles in the storage.
Definition: Integrals.cpp:69
virtual Vector evaluate(const Storage &storage) const override
Computes the integral quantity using particles in the storage.
Definition: Integrals.cpp:24
virtual void write(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Writes to the log using provided storage and statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.cpp:91
User-specified name of the run, used in some output files.