Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAccumulatedStorage for accumulating derivatives
 CAlignedStorage< Type >Simple block of memory on stack with size and alignment given by template type
 CAlignedStorage< T >
 CAlignedStorage< Type & >Specialization for l-value references, a simple wrapper of ReferenceWrapper with same interface to allow generic usage of AlignedStorage for both values and references
 CAlignedUnion< TArgs >Stores value of type std::aligned_union, having size and alignment equal to maximum of sizes and alignments of template types
 CAlignedUnion< TArgs... >
 CAllTrue< Values >
 CAllTrue< First, Second, Others... >
 CAllTrue< Value >
 CAnyType-safe object that can store value of any type, similar to std::any
 CAnyTrue< Values >Static logical or
 CAnyTrue< First, Second, Others... >
 CAnyTrue< Value >
 CApprox< Type >This is more or less stolen from Catch unit-testing framework
 CArcBallHelper object providing rotation matrix based on mouse drag
 CArgDescDescriptor of a command-line argument
 CArgParserProvides functions for parsing command-line arguments
 CArrayRef< T >
 CArrayRef< const BasicVector >
 CArrayRef< const Float >
 CArrayRef< const Size >
 CArrayRef< const TracelessTensor >
 CArrayRef< const Type >
 CArrayStats< Type >
 CArrayView< T, TCounter >Object providing safe access to continuous memory of data
 CArrayView< BasicVector >
 CArrayView< const AutoPtr< IDiagnostic > >
 CArrayView< const BasicVector >
 CArrayView< const Float >
 CArrayView< const SharedPtr< JobNode > >
 CArrayView< const Size >
 CArrayView< const SymmetricTensor >
 CArrayView< const TracelessTensor >
 CArrayView< const Type >
 CArrayView< Float >
 CArrayView< Size >
 CArrayView< SymmetricTensor >
 CArrayView< Tensor >
 CArrayView< TracelessTensor >
 CArrayView< typename Traits::Type >
 CVariantHelpers::Assign< TArgs >Assigns a value type of which can be stored in variant
 CAtomic< Type >Atomic value implemented using compare-exchange
 CAutoPtr< T >Wrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor
 CAutoPtr< AbstractHolder >
 CAutoPtr< Controller >
 CAutoPtr< Detail::Cloner >
 CAutoPtr< IBasicFinder >
 CAutoPtr< IBoundaryCondition >
 CAutoPtr< IBrdf >
 CAutoPtr< ICamera >
 CAutoPtr< ICollisionHandler >
 CAutoPtr< IColorizer >
 CAutoPtr< IColorMap >
 CAutoPtr< IDistribution >
 CAutoPtr< IDomain >
 CAutoPtr< IEnergyPartitioner >
 CAutoPtr< IEos >
 CAutoPtr< IExtraEntry >
 CAutoPtr< IFractureModel >
 CAutoPtr< IGravity >
 CAutoPtr< IJob >
 CAutoPtr< ILogger >
 CAutoPtr< ILogWriter >
 CAutoPtr< IMaterial >
 CAutoPtr< IOutput >
 CAutoPtr< IOverlapHandler >
 CAutoPtr< IRenderContext >
 CAutoPtr< IRenderer >
 CAutoPtr< IRenderPreview >
 CAutoPtr< IRheology >
 CAutoPtr< IRng >
 CAutoPtr< ISolver >
 CAutoPtr< ISymmetricFinder >
 CAutoPtr< ITimeStepCriterion >
 CAutoPtr< ITimeStepping >
 CAutoPtr< ITracker >
 CAutoPtr< IUvMapping >
 CAutoPtr< Session >
 CAutoPtr< Settings >
 CAutoPtr< Statistics >
 CAutoPtr< std::ofstream >
 CAutoPtr< TextInput >
 CAutoPtr< TextOutput >
 CAutoPtr< Timer >
 CAutoPtr< TimerThread >
 CAutoPtr< wxAuiManager >
 CAutoPtr< wxBitmap >
 CBackInserter< TContainer >Output iterator that inserts the written values to the given iterator using push function
 CBadge< T >Helper class used to allow calling a function only from within T
 CBasicOutcome< TError >Expected-like class that does not contain any value
 CBasicOutcome< std::string >
 CBasicPoint< T, TDerived >
 CBasicPoint< float, Coords >
 CBasicPoint< int, Pixel >
 CBasicVector< T >
 CBasicVector< double >Specialization for doubles or units of double precision
 CBasicVector< float >3-dimensional vector, float precision
 CBasicVector< Float >
 CBenzAsphaugForceDiscrDiscretization of pressure term in code SPH5
 CInitialConditions::BodySetupHolds data needed to create a single body in addHeterogeneousBody function
 CBodyViewNon-owning view of particles belonging to the same body
 CBoxHelper object defining three-dimensional interval (box)
 CDetail::Callable< TSignature >
 CCallbackSet< void(TArgs...)>::Callback
 CCallbackSet< TSignature >
 CCallbackSet< Function >
 CCallbackSet< void(TArgs...)>
 CCameraRayRay given by origin and target point
 CCellSingle cell used in mesh generation
 CCenterDensityDiscrDiscretization using the density of the center particle
 CCircularArray< T >
 CClonePtr< T >
 CCohesionKernelHelper kernel used to simulate Lennard-Jones forces
 CComponentIterator< TIterator >
 CPost::HistogramParams::ComponentParamsParameters used by histogram of components
 CComputeTrace< M >
 CComputeTrace< 1 >
 CComputeTrace< 2 >
 CConcurrentQueue< Type >
 CConfigProvides functionality for reading and writing configuration files
 CConfigNodeRepresents a single node in the hierarchy written into config file
 CConstexprArray< T, N >Container similar to StaticArray, but with constexpr constructors and getters
 CConstStorageIteratorHelper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage, const version
 CConstStorageSequenceHelper class, provides functions begin and end, returning const iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively
 CContextAccessible from benchmarks
 CMomentOperators::Contraction< TValue >
 CPkdgravParams::ConversionConversion factors for pkdgrav
 CConvertToSizeType< T, TEnabler >Converts all signed integral types and enums into Size, does not change other types
 CConvertToSizeType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< std::decay_t< T > >::value > >
 CCopyableArray< T, TAllocator, TCounter >
 CVariantHelpers::CopyMoveAssign< TArgs >Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant
 CVariantHelpers::CopyMoveCreate< TArgs >Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant
 CCurveRepresents a user-defined function, defined by a set of points interpolated by either piecewise linear curve or cubic spline
 CDateFormatHelper class for transforming Julian date to calendar date
 CVariantHelpers::DefaultCreate< TArgs >Creates a variant using default constructor
 CVariantHelpers::Delete< TArgs >Destroys the object currently stored in variant
 CMomentOperators::Delta< Order >
 CMomentOperators::Delta< 2 >
 CDiagnosticsErrorObject containing a reported error message
 CDiehlParamsParameters of DiehlDistribution
 CMomentOperators::Difference< TValue1, TValue2 >
 CFileSystem::DirectoryIteratorIterator allowing to enumerate files and subdirectories in given directory
 CDynamicConvenient object for storing a single value of different types
 CFlatMap< TKey, TValue, TLess >::ElementElement of the container
 CUnorderedMap< TKey, TValue >::ElementElement of the container
 CKepler::ElementsObject holding Keplerian orbital elements of a body
 CElementWithIndex< TValue >
 CEmptySettingsTagTag for initialization of empty settings object
 CEnumInputValue< TEnum >
 CEnumWrapperWrapper of an enum
 CEps< T >Small value (compared with 1) for given precision
 CEps< double >
 CEps< float >
 CEquationHolderContainer holding equation terms
 CEquilibriumEnergySolverSolver for equilibrium internal energy
 CEquilibriumStressSolverSolves for total stress tensor sigma
 CExpected< Type, Error >Wrapper of type that either contains a value of given type, or an error message
 CExtendedEnum< TBase >Helper type allowing to "derive" from enum class
 CExtendedEnum< HistogramId >
 CExtendedEnum< JobType >
 CExtraEntryCopyable wrapper of a IExtraEntry
 CFileSystem::FileLockLocks a file
 CFilmicMappingUsing http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-with-piecewise-power-curves/
 CFinally< TFunctor >
 CFlags< TEnum >Wrapper of an integral value providing functions for reading and modifying individual bits
 CFlags< CheckFunction >
 CFlags< ColorizerFlag >
 CFlags< DerivativeFlag >
 CFlags< Flag >
 CFlags< Options >
 CFlags< OutputQuantityFlag >
 CFlags< Post::ComponentFlag >
 CFlags< TextAlign >
 CFlags< TimerFlags >
 CFlagsTraits< T >
 CFlagsTraits< Flags< T > >
 CDetail::ForEachIfVisitor< TFunctor, TTuple, TTrait >
 CDetail::ForEachVisitor< TFunctor, TTuple >
 CDetail::ForValue< N, T0, TArgs >
 CDetail::ForValue< N, NothingType, TArgs... >
 CDetail::ForValue< N, T0 >
 CFunction< T >
 CFunction< bool()>
 CFunction< bool(const Value &newValue)>
 CFunction< bool(double)>
 CFunction< bool(Float progress)>
 CFunction< bool(Float)>
 CFunction< bool(Size index)>
 CFunction< bool(Size iter, ArrayView< const BasicVector > r)>
 CFunction< Dynamic(const Storage &storage)>
 CFunction< Float(const BasicVector &)>
 CFunction< Float(const Vector &position)>
 CFunction< TReturn(TArgs...)>Wrapper of callable objects
 CFunction< void()>
 CFunction< void(const Curve &)>
 CFunction< void(GuiSettingsId id)>
 CFunction< void(Palette)>
 CFunction< void(TArgs...)>
 CFunction< wxPGEditorDialogAdapter *()>
 CFunctionSignature< TSignature >Function traits
 CFunctionTraits< TFunction >
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(*)(TArgs...)>
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...) const >
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...)>
 CGeneralizedMean< Power >Generalized mean with fixed (compile-time) power
 CGeneralizedMean< 0 >Geometric mean has to be specialized
 CGeneralizedMean< 1 >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< Type >Convert ValueType enum to type
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::INDEX >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SCALAR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SYMMETRIC_TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TRACELESS_TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::VECTOR >
 CGetValueEnum< T >Convert type to ValueType enum
 CGetValueEnum< Float >
 CGetValueEnum< Size >
 CGetValueEnum< SymmetricTensor >
 CGetValueEnum< Tensor >
 CGetValueEnum< TracelessTensor >
 CGetValueEnum< Vector >
 CGradHObject evaluating grad-h terms
 CGravityKernel< TKernel >Gravity smoothing kernels associated with standard SPH kernels
 CGravityLutKernelGravitational kernel approximated by LUT for close particles
 CGrid< T >
 CPointCloud::HandleIdentifies a point in the point cloud
 Cstd::hash< Sph::Indices >
 CHasStreamOperator< T, TStream, typename >
 CHasStreamOperator< T, TStream, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TStream & >()<< std::declval< T >())> >
 COctreeNode< T >::Hint
 CPost::HistogramParamsParameters of the histogram
 CPost::HistPointPoint in the histogram
 CDetail::Holder< TValue >
 CIgnorePlaceholder for unused variables in tieToTuple
 CImmovableObject with deleted copy and move constructor and copy and move operator
 CIndexAdapter< TContainer >
 CIndicesHelper object for storing three (possibly four) int or bool values
 CMomentOperators::InnerProduct< N, O1, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::InnerProduct< 1, 1, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::InnerProduct< 1, 2, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::InnerProduct< 2, 2, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::InnerProduct< 3, 3, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CIntersectionInfoHolds intormation about intersection
 CIntervalObject representing a 1D interval of real numbers
 CIsCallable< TCallable, TArgs >
 CIsCallableImpl< TCallable, TEnabler, TArgs >
 CIsCallableImpl< TCallable, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TCallable >()(std::declval< TArgs >()...))>, TArgs... >
 CIsEnumClass< T >
 CIsExtended< TDerived, TBase >
 CIsExtendedEnum< T >
 CIsExtendedEnum< ExtendedEnum< TEnum > >
 CIsGravityKernel< T, typename >
 CIsGravityKernel< GravityKernel< T > >
 CIsGravityKernel< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< GravityKernelTag, std::decay_t< T > >::value > >
 CIsKernel< T, typename >
 CIsKernel< T, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< T >().radius())> >
 CIsShareFromThis< T, TEnabler >
 CIsShareFromThis< T, typename T::SHARE_FROM_THIS_TAG >
 CIsTuple< T >Useful type trait, checking whether given type is a Tuple
 CIsTuple< const Tuple< TArgs... > & >
 CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > & >
 CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > && >
 CIsVectorType< T >Helper type trait to determine if the type is a vector of some kind
 CIsVectorType< BasicVector< T > >
 CIterator< T >Simple (forward) iterator over continuous array of objects of type T
 CIterator< const FlatMap< BodySettingsId, Dynamic >::Element >
 CIterator< const FlatMap< QuantityId, InternalQuantityData >::Element >
 CIterator< const FlatMap< QuantityId, Quantity >::Element >
 CIterator< const TValue >
 CIterator< const typename FlatMap< TEnum, typename Settings< TEnum >::Entry >::Element >
 CIterator< FlatMap< QuantityId, Quantity >::Element >
 CSettingsIterator< TEnum >::IteratorValue
 CIteratorWithIndex< TIterator >Wrapper of iterator keeping also an index of current element
 CJobRegistrarHelper class, allowing to register job into the global list of jobs
 CPost::LinearFunctionClass representing an ordinary 1D linear function
 CListIterator< T >
 CListNode< T >
 CLocalObject intended to only be constructed on stack
 CLocking< T, TMutex >Wraps given object together with a mutex, locking it every time the object is accessed
 CLocking< Array< Function > >
 CLockingPtr< T >
 CLockingPtr< IPlot >
 CLockingPtr< SelectedParticlePlot >
 CLutIterator< TValue, TScalar >
 CMakeMultipole< N >Creates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component
 CMakeMultipole< 0 >
 CMakeMultipole< 1 >
 CMakeMultipole< 2 >
 CMakeMultipole< 3 >
 CMakeMultipole< 4 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< N >Creates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 0 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 1 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 2 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 3 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 4 >
 CMakeVoid< Ts >
 CMallocatorDefault allocator, simply wrapping _mm_malloc and _mm_free calls
 CMarchingCubesMarching cubes algorithm for generation of mesh from iso-surface of given scalar field
 CMaterialInitialContextShared data used when creating all bodies in the simulation
 CMaterialViewNon-owning wrapper of a material and particles with this material
 CMeanStepTls< T >
 CMemoryResourceAllocator< TResource >Allocator that obtains memory blocks from given memory resource
 CMinimalStepTls< T >Helper class storing a minimal value of time step and corresponding statistics
 CMinMaxMeanHelper class for statistics, accumulating minimal, maximal and mean value of a set of numbers
 CMomentOperators::MultiplyByScalar< TValue >
 CMomentOperators::MultiplyTwo< O1, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::MultiplyTwo< 1, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::MultiplyTwo< 2, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMomentOperators::MultiplyTwo< 4, TValue1, TValue2 >
 CMultipole< Order >
 CExperimental::MultipoleBase< N >
 CMultipoleExpansion< N >
 CMultipoleExpansion< 0 >
 CMultipoleExpansion< 3 >
 CDetail::MultipoleMapping< Idxs >
 CDetail::MultipoleMapping< I >
 CDetail::MultipoleMappingImpl< Idxs >
 CDetail::MultipoleMappingImpl< I >
 CDetail::MultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... >
 CDetail::MultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... >
 CDetail::MultipoleMappingImpl< Z, Second, Idxs... >
 CNeighbourDensityDiscrDiscretization using the densities of summed particles
 CNeighbourRecordHolds information about a neighbour particles
 CNoncopyableObject with deleted copy constructor and copy operator
 CNullInserterHelper output iterator that simply ignores the written values
 CNumericLimits< TValue >Helper class, used to avoid including large header limits.h
 CNumericLimits< uint32_t >
 CNumericLimits< uint64_t >
 COctreeNode< T >
 COperatorTemplate< TDerived >Class defining additional operators from existing ones
 COperatorTemplate< AffineMatrix2 >
 COperatorTemplate< PlotPoint >
 COptional< Type >Wrapper of type value of which may or may not be present
 COptional< BodyData >
 COptional< float >
 COptional< Float >
 COptional< HandoffParams::LargestRemnant >
 COptional< int >
 COptional< Interval >
 COptional< NodeSlot >
 COptional< Palette >
 COptional< Particle >
 COptional< PathType >
 COptional< Pixel >
 COptional< RadiiHashMap >
 COptional< RenderParams >
 COptional< RunTypeEnum >
 COptional< Size >
 COptional< std::string >
 COptional< std::type_index >
 COptional< TError >
 COptional< TicsParams >
 COutcomeTraits< TError >Utility functions used within BasicOutcome
 COutcomeTraits< std::string >
 CMomentOperators::OuterProduct< Order >
 COutputFileHelper file generating file names for output files
 CPaletteRepresents a color palette, used for mapping arbitrary number to a color
 CParticle::ParamDataStored info about a material parameter
 CTemporalPlot::ParamsParameters of the plot
 CParticle::ParamSequenceHelper for enumerating all stored parameters
 CDetail::ParamTraits< TArgs >
 CDetail::ParamTraits< TArg >
 CParticleObject holding information about single particle
 CPathObject representing a path on a filesystem
 CPerElementWrapper< TContainer >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< N1, N2, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< 0, N, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< 1, 2, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< 2, 1, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< 2, 2, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< 3, 1, Value1, Value2 >
 CMomentOperators::Permutations< N, 0, Value1, Value2 >
 CPolymorphicBase class for all polymorphic objects
 CPositiveMeanGeneralized mean with positive (runtime) power
 CPowerLawSfdHolds the information about a power-law size-frequency distributions
 CProcessHolds a handle to a created process
 CProcessedNodeObject used during traversal
 CProjectedPointRepresents a particle projected onto image plane
 CPropagateConst< TPtr >Const-propagating wrapper for object with point semantics
 CPropagateConst< AutoPtr< Impl > >
 CPropagateConst< AutoPtr< TbbData > >
 CLocking< T, TMutex >::Proxy
 CLockingPtr< T >::Proxy
 CLockingPtr< T >::ProxyRef
 CParticle::QuantityDataStored info about a quantity
 CBinaryInput::Info::QuantityInfoInformation about stored quantities
 CParticle::QuantityIteratorIterator used to enumerate all stored quantities
 CQuantityMetadataAuxiliary information about quantity that aren't stored directly in Quantity
 CParticle::QuantitySequenceHelper for enumerating all stored quantities
 CQuatQuaternion representing an axis of rotation and a (half of) rotation angle
 CRadiiHashMapHelper structure storing search radii for particles as hash map
 CRawPtr< T >Non-owning wrapper of pointer
 CRawPtr< AggregateHolder >
 CRawPtr< AnimationJob >
 CRawPtr< const IJob >
 CRawPtr< const Storage >
 CRawPtr< const VisNode >
 CRawPtr< Controller >
 CRawPtr< IGraphicsPane >
 CRawPtr< IMaterial >
 CRawPtr< IRunCallbacks >
 CRawPtr< JobNode >
 CRawPtr< ListNode >
 CRawPtr< ListNode< T > >
 CRawPtr< ParticleProbe >
 CRawPtr< RunPage >
 CRawPtr< Storage >
 CReferenceWrapper< T >Helper class for storing l-value references. Has a default constructor for convenient usage in containers
 CReferenceWrapper< Type >
 CRegisterEnum< TEnum >Helper class for adding individual enums to the enum map
 CRenderParamsParameters of the rendered image
 CReverseAdapter< TContainer >
 CReverseIterator< TIterator >Generic reverse iterator over continuous array of objects of type T
 CScopedTimerTimer that reports the measured duration when being destroyed
 CDetail::SelectNthType< I, N >
 CDetail::SelectNthType< N, N >
 CDetail::SerializedType< Precise, T, TEnabler >Type trait for serialization/deserialization of types
 CDetail::SerializedType< Precise, char[N]>
 CDetail::SerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >
 CDetail::SerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value > >
 CSettings< TEnum >Generic object containing various settings and parameters of the run
 CSettings< BodySettingsId >
 CSettings< CollisionGeometrySettingsId >
 CSettings< GalaxySettingsId >
 CSettings< GuiSettingsId >
 CSettings< NBodySettingsId >
 CSettings< RunSettingsId >
 CSettingsIterator< TEnum >Iterator useful for iterating over all entries in the settings
 CSharedPtr< T >
 CSharedPtr< AggregateHolder >
 CSharedPtr< Array< PlotData > >
 CSharedPtr< CameraData >
 CSharedPtr< Detail::Callable< TReturn(TArgs...)> >
 CSharedPtr< IColorizer >
 CSharedPtr< IDomain >
 CSharedPtr< IJobData >
 CSharedPtr< ILogger >
 CSharedPtr< IMaterial >
 CSharedPtr< INode >
 CSharedPtr< INodeManagerCallbacks >
 CSharedPtr< InteractiveRenderer >
 CSharedPtr< IPlot >
 CSharedPtr< IScalarField >
 CSharedPtr< IScheduler >
 CSharedPtr< IStorageUserData >
 CSharedPtr< ITimeLineCallbacks >
 CSharedPtr< JobNode >
 CSharedPtr< NodeManager >
 CSharedPtr< OmpScheduler >
 CSharedPtr< ParticleData >
 CSharedPtr< SelectedParticlePlot >
 CSharedPtr< Storage >
 CSharedPtr< Task >
 CSharedPtr< Tbb >
 CSharedPtr< TemporalPlot >
 CSharedPtr< ThreadPool >
 CSharedPtr< TValue >
 CSharedPtr< wxGraphicsContext >
 CShareFromThis< T >
 CShareFromThis< InteractiveRenderer >
 CShareFromThis< JobNode >
 CShareFromThis< Task >
 CSparseGrid< T >
 CSparseMatrixSparse representation of matrix of arbitrary dimension
 CStandardForceDiscrDiscretization of pressure term in standard SPH formulation
 CStaticArray< T, N, TCounter >Array with fixed number of allocated elements
 CStaticArray< BasicVector, 3 >
 CStaticArray< BasicVector, 8 >
 CStaticArray< ComponentProperty *, 2 >
 CStaticArray< ComponentProperty *, 3 >
 CStaticArray< float, 3 >
 CStaticArray< Float, 8 >
 CStaticArray< Float, DIMENSION_CNT >
 CStaticArray< int, dimension >
 CStaticArray< int, DIMENSION_CNT >
 CStaticArray< int, ntab >
 CStaticArray< Size, 3 >
 CDetail::StaticForType< N1, N2 >
 CDetail::StaticForType< N, N >
 CAnalytic::StaticSphereProperties of a homogeneous sphere in rest (no temporal derivatives)
 CStatisticsObject holding various statistics about current run
 CStorageIteratorHelper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage
 CStoragePairVisitor< TVisitorType >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER >
 CStorageSequenceHelper class, provides functions begin and end, returning iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively
 CStorageVisitor< TVisitorType >
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS >Iterator over all buffers
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES >Iterator over all quantities, executes given functor with buffer of quantity values
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER >Iterator over all first-order quantities
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES >Iterator over all highest-order derivatives of quantities
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER >
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER >Iterator over all zero-order quantities
 CSubsetAdapter< TContainer, TCondition >Non-owning view to access and iterate over subset of container
 CSubsetIterator< TIterator, TCondition >Allows to iterate over a given subset of a container, given by condition functor
 CMomentOperators::Sum< TValue1, TValue2 >
 CVariantHelpers::Swap< TArgs >Swaps content of two variants
 CSymmetricTensorSymmetric tensor of 2nd order
 CSymmetrizeSmoothingLengths< TKernel >
 CSymmetrizeSmoothingLengths< LutKernel< 3 > >
 CSymmetrizeSmoothingLengths< LutKernel< DIMENSIONS > >
 CSymmetrizeValues< TKernel >
 CTensorGeneric 2nd-order tensor with 9 independent components
 CSymmetricSolver< Dim >::ThreadData
 CThreadLocal< Type >Template for storing a copy of a value for every thread in given scheduler
 CThreadLocal< Array< NeighbourRecord > >
 CThreadLocal< AsymmetricSolver::ThreadData >
 CThreadLocal< IRaytracer::ThreadData >
 CThreadLocal< SecondThreadData >
 CThreadLocal< SymmetricSolver::ThreadData >
 CThreadLocal< ThreadData >
 CTimerBasic time-measuring tool. Starts automatically when constructed
 CTracelessMultipole< Order >
 CTracelessMultipole< 0 >
 CTracelessMultipole< 1 >
 CTracelessMultipole< 2 >
 CTracelessMultipole< 3 >
 CTracelessMultipole< N >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponent< Idxs >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< Idxs >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, J, Z, Z >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, Z, Z >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< Z, Z >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMapping< Idxs >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMapping< I >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< Idxs >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< I >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... >
 CDetail::TracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... >
 CTracelessTensorSymmetric traceless 2nd order tensor
 CBarnesHut::TreeWalkStateData passed into each node during treewalk
 CTupleAdapter< TElement, TContainers >
 CTupleContains< TTuple, Type >
 CTupleContains< Tuple< TArgs... >, Type >
 CTupleElementType< TTuple, TIndex >Gets type of tuple element given its index
 CTupleElementType< const Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &&, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... >, TIndex >
 CDetail::TupleImpl< TSequence, TArgs >
 CDetail::TupleImpl< std::index_sequence_for< TArgs... >, TArgs... >
 CTupleIterator< TElement, TIterator >Holds multiple iterators, advancing all of them at the same time
 CDetail::TupleValue< TIndex, TValue >
 CDetail::TupleValue< TIndices, TArgs >
 CTypeIndex< T0, n, T1, TArgs >Returns the index of type T0 in type list. If the type is not in the list, returns -1
 CTypeIndex< T0, n, T1 >
 CTypeSelector< n, TArgs >Gets n-th type
 CTypeSelector< 0, T0, TArgs... >
 CTypeSelector< n - 1, TArgs... >
 CUndecayType< T, TOther >Adds const or reference to the type, based on const-ness and reference-ness of given type
 CUndecayType< T, const TOther & >
 CUndecayType< T, const TOther >
 CUndecayType< T, TOther & >
 CUnitSingle benchmark unit
 CDetail::UnitAdapter< T, typename >
 CDetail::UnitAdapter< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, Float >::value||std::is_same< T, Vector >::value > >
 CUnwrapReferenceType< T >Type trait for "extracting" stored references from reference_wrappers. Other types keeps unchanged
 CUnwrapReferenceType< ReferenceWrapper< T > >
 CLutIterator< TValue, TScalar >::Value
 CVariant< TArgs >Variant, an implementation of type-safe union, similar to std::variant or boost::variant
 CVariant< bool, int, Float, Interval, std::string, Vector, SymmetricTensor, TracelessTensor, EnumWrapper >
 CVariant< Float, Vector, Tensor, SymmetricTensor, TracelessTensor, Size >
 CVariant< NothingType, Size, Float, Vector, Tensor, SymmetricTensor, TracelessTensor, MinMaxMean, std::string >
 CVariant< NothingType, Type, UnexpectedWrapper >
 CVariant< QuantityId, AutoPtr< IUserQuantity > >
 CVariant< Size, Float, Vector, TracelessTensor, SymmetricTensor >
 CVariant< StaticArray, T >
 CVariantIterator< T0, TArgs >Iterates through types of variant until idx-th type is found, and executes given TVisitor, passing arguments to its method visit
 CVariantIterator< T0 >Specialization for last type
 CVectorComponentAdapter< TBuffer >Wraps a vector container, providing means to iterate over given component of vector elements
 CVirtualSettingsHolds a map of virtual entries, associated with a unique name
 CVolume< TValue >
 CVolume< char >
 CWeakPtr< T >
 CWeakPtr< JobNode >
 CWeakPtr< Timer >
 CWrapReferenceType< T >Type trait wrapping references. Other types keeps unchanged
 CWrapReferenceType< T & >