►NAnalytic | Contains analytic solutions of equations |
CStaticSphere | Properties of a homogeneous sphere in rest (no temporal derivatives) |
►NDeltaSph | |
CRenormalizedDensityGradient | |
CDensityDiffusion | Numerical diffusion of density |
CVelocityDiffusion | Numerical diffusion of velocity |
►NDetail | |
CSerializedType | Type trait for serialization/deserialization of types |
CSerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
CSerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > > | |
CSerializedType< Precise, char[N]> | |
CTupleValue | |
CTupleImpl | |
CTupleImpl< std::index_sequence< TIndices... >, TArgs... > | |
CForEachVisitor | |
CForEachIfVisitor | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< I > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< Z, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMapping | |
CMultipoleMapping< I > | |
CMultipoleMapping<> | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< I > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMapping | |
CTracelessMultipoleMapping< I > | |
CStaticForType | |
CStaticForType< N, N > | |
CSelectNthType | |
CSelectNthType< N, N > | |
CCloner | |
CTypedCloner | |
CCallable | |
CCallable< TReturn(TArgs...)> | |
CLockingControlBlock | |
CControlBlockHolder | |
CControlBlock | |
CTokenBlock | |
CForValue | |
CForValue< N, NothingType, TArgs... > | |
CForValue< N, T0 > | |
CHolder | |
CUnitAdapter | |
CUnitAdapter< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, Float >::value||std::is_same< T, Vector >::value > > | |
CValueEntry | |
CValueEntry< TValue, std::enable_if_t< FlagsTraits< TValue >::isFlags > > | |
CSettingsEntry | |
CSettingsEntry< TValue, TEnum, std::enable_if_t< FlagsTraits< TValue >::isFlags > > | Partial specialization for Flags |
CSettingsEntry< Path, TEnum > | Partial specialization for Path |
CValueInitTag | |
CFunctorInitTag | |
CParamTraits | |
CParamTraits< TArg > | |
►NExperimental | |
CMultipoleBase | |
►NFileSystem | |
CScopedWorkingDirectory | |
CDirectoryIterator | Iterator allowing to enumerate files and subdirectories in given directory |
CDirectoryAdapter | Object providing begin and end directory iterator for given directory path |
CFileLock | Locks a file |
►NGalaxy | |
CIProgressCallbacks | |
CNullProgressCallbacks | |
►NKepler | |
CElements | Object holding Keplerian orbital elements of a body |
►NMomentOperators | |
CTerm2 | |
CTerm30 | |
CTerm31 | |
CTerm32 | |
CDelta | |
CPermutations | |
CPermutations< N, 0, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 0, N, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 2, 2, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 3, 1, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 2, 1, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 1, 2, Value1, Value2 > | |
CContraction | |
CInnerProduct | |
CInnerProduct< 1, 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 1, 1, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 2, 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 3, 3, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyByScalar | |
CMultiplyTwo | |
CMultiplyTwo< 1, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyTwo< 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyTwo< 4, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CSum | |
CDifference | |
COuterProduct | |
►NPost | |
CTumbler | |
►CHistogramParams | Parameters of the histogram |
CComponentParams | Parameters used by histogram of components |
CHistPoint | Point in the histogram |
CLinearFunction | Class representing an ordinary 1D linear function |
CQuadraticFunction | |
CKsResult | |
►NSph | |
CMemoryPool | |
►Nstd | Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array |
Chash< Sph::Indices > | |
►NStellar | |
CStar | |
►NTests | |
CSingleDerivativeMaker | |
►NVariantHelpers | Helper visitors creating, deleting or modifying Variant |
CDefaultCreate | Creates a variant using default constructor |
CDelete | Destroys the object currently stored in variant |
CCopyMoveCreate | Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant |
CAssign | Assigns a value type of which can be stored in variant |
CCopyMoveAssign | Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant |
CSwap | Swaps content of two variants |
CAccelerationColorizer | Displays the magnitudes of accelerations |
CAccelerationCriterion | Criterion setting time step based on computed acceleration of particles |
CAccelerationSeparatingHolder | Derivative holder, splitting the registered derivatives into accelerations and the rest |
CAccelerationTemplate | Helper template specifically used to implement forces |
CAccumulated | Storage for accumulating derivatives |
CAdaptiveGridFinder | Finder projecting a non-uniform grid on particles |
CAdaptiveSmoothingLength | Evolutionary equation for the (scalar) smoothing length |
CAddParamProc | |
CAddParamsProc | |
CAffineMatrix | |
CAffineMatrix2 | 2D affine matrix |
CAggregate | Aggregate of particles, moving as a rigid body according to Euler's equations |
CAggregateCollisionHandler | |
CAggregateHolder | Holds a set of aggregates |
CAggregateIdColorizer | |
CAggregateOverlapHandler | |
CAggregateSolver | |
CAlignedStorage | Simple block of memory on stack with size and alignment given by template type |
CAlignedStorage< Type & > | Specialization for l-value references, a simple wrapper of ReferenceWrapper with same interface to allow generic usage of AlignedStorage for both values and references |
CAlignedUnion | Stores value of type std::aligned_union, having size and alignment equal to maximum of sizes and alignments of template types |
CAllTrue | |
CAllTrue< First, Second, Others... > | |
CAllTrue< Value > | |
CAneos | ANEOS equation defined by a look-up table |
CAngularHistogramPlot | Differential histogram of angular distribution |
CAngularMomentumLog | |
CAnimationJob | |
CAntiAliasedRenderContext | |
CAntisymmetricTensor | |
CAny | Type-safe object that can store value of any type, similar to std::any |
CAnyTrue | Static logical or |
CAnyTrue< First, Second, Others... > | |
CAnyTrue< Value > | |
CApp | |
CApprox | This is more or less stolen from Catch unit-testing framework |
CArcBall | Helper object providing rotation matrix based on mouse drag |
CArgDesc | Descriptor of a command-line argument |
CArgError | Exception thrown if the arguments are invalid |
CArgParser | Provides functions for parsing command-line arguments |
CArray | Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage |
CArrayRef | |
CArrayStats | |
CArrayView | Object providing safe access to continuous memory of data |
►CArtificialConductivity | Artificial thermal conductivity |
CDerivative | |
►CAssert | |
CException | |
CScopedAssertExceptionEnabler | |
CAsymmetricPressureGradient | |
►CAsymmetricSolver | Generic SPH solver, evaluating equations for each particle separately |
CThreadData | |
CAtomic | Atomic value implemented using compare-exchange |
CAutoPtr | Wrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor |
CAxialDistributionPlot | Plots a dependence of given quantity on the distance from given axis |
CBackInserter | Output iterator that inserts the written values to the given iterator using push function |
CBadge | Helper class used to allow calling a function only from within T |
CBalsaraSwitch | Implementation of the Balsara switch [2], designed to reduce artificial viscosity in shear flows and avoid numerical issues, such as unphysical transport of angular momentum |
►CBarnesHut | Multipole approximation of distance particle |
CNodeTask | |
CTreeWalkResult | |
CTreeWalkState | Data passed into each node during treewalk |
CBarnesHutNode | |
CBaseline | |
CBasicOutcome | Expected-like class that does not contain any value |
CBasicPoint | |
CBasicVector | |
CBasicVector< double > | Specialization for doubles or units of double precision |
CBasicVector< float > | 3-dimensional vector, float precision |
CBatchDialog | |
CBatchJob | |
CBatchManager | |
CBatchValueVisitor | |
CBeautyColorizer | |
CBenzAsphaugForceDiscr | Discretization of pressure term in code SPH5 |
CBenzAsphaugRng | Random number generator used in code SPH5 of Benz & Asphaug (1994) |
►CBinaryInput | Input for the binary file, generated by BinaryOutput |
►CInfo | |
CQuantityInfo | Information about stored quantities |
CBinaryOutput | Output saving data to binary data without loss of precision |
CBitmap | |
CBitmapOutput | |
CBlendingPartitioner | |
CBlockDomain | Block aligned with coordinate axes, defined by its center and length of each side |
CBlockJob | |
CBodyView | Non-owning view of particles belonging to the same body |
CBooleanDomain | |
CBooleanGeometryJob | |
CBoundaryColorizer | Shows boundary of bodies in the simulation |
CBoundaryRun | |
CBox | Helper object defining three-dimensional interval (box) |
CBriefLogWriter | Writer logging only basic run information |
CBruteForceFinder | Searches for neighbours by 'brute force', comparing every pair of vectors |
CBruteForceGravity | Computes gravitational acceleration by summing up forces from all particle pairs |
CBulirschStoer | |
CBusyCursor | |
CBvh | Simple bounding volume hierarchy |
CBvhBox | Trait for finding intersections with a axis-aligned box |
CBvhBuildEntry | |
CBvhPrimitive | |
CBvhSphere | Trait for finding intersections with a sphere |
CBvhTraversal | |
CBvhTriangle | Trait for finding intersections with a triangle |
CCachedGravity | Wrapper of other IGravity implementation that approximates the gravity using cached values |
CCallbackSet | |
CCallbackSet< Function< void(TArgs...)> > | Convenience specialization for Function |
►CCallbackSet< void(TArgs...)> | |
CCallback | |
CCameraData | |
CCameraParams | |
CCameraRay | Ray given by origin and target point |
CCell | Single cell used in mesh generation |
CCenterDensityDiscr | Discretization using the density of the center particle |
CCenterOfMass | Computes the center of mass of particles |
CCenterParticlesJob | |
CChaiScriptTerm | |
CChangeMaterialJob | |
CCircularArray | |
CCliffCollapse | |
CClonePtr | |
CCohesionDerivative | |
CCohesionKernel | Helper kernel used to simulate Lennard-Jones forces |
CCohesionTerm | |
CCollision | |
CCollisionGeometrySetup | |
CCollisionMC | |
CCollisionRecord | |
CCollisionSet | |
CCollisionStats | |
CColorFieldDerivative | Computes the color field of the fluid |
CComboBox | |
CCompareJob | |
CComponentChecker | |
CComponentGetter | |
CComponentIdColorizer | |
CComponentIterator | |
►CCompressedInput | |
CInfo | |
CCompressedOutput | |
CCompressedStorage | Reduced information |
CCompressedVector | |
CComputeTrace | |
CComputeTrace< 1 > | |
CComputeTrace< 2 > | |
CConcurrentQueue | |
CConfig | Provides functionality for reading and writing configuration files |
CConfigNode | Represents a single node in the hierarchy written into config file |
CConfigValue | Generic implementation of IConfigValue, using std::stringstream for the (de)serialization |
CConfigValue< Interval > | |
CConfigValue< Path > | |
CConfigValue< std::string > | |
CConfigValue< Vector > | |
CConsole | |
CConstexprArray | Container similar to StaticArray, but with constexpr constructors and getters |
CConstSmoothingLength | Helper term to keep smoothing length constant during the simulation |
CConstStorageElement | |
CConstStorageIterator | Helper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage, const version |
CConstStorageSequence | Helper class, provides functions begin and end, returning const iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively |
CContext | Accessible from benchmarks |
CContinuityEquation | Equation for evolution of density |
CContourRenderer | |
CController | Main GUI class connection the simulation with UI controls |
CConvertToSizeType | Converts all signed integral types and enums into Size, does not change other types |
CConvertToSizeType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< std::decay_t< T > >::value > > | |
CCoords | |
CCopyableArray | |
CCopyEntriesProc | |
CCoreTriangle | Kernel proposed by Read et al. (2010) with improved stability |
CCorotatingVelocityColorizer | Shows particle velocities with subtracted corotating component |
CCorrectedSphInterpolant | Computes corrected interpolated value |
CCorrectionTensor | |
CCourantCriterion | Time step based on CFL criterion |
CCourantInstabilityDiagnostic | Checks for excessively large magnitudes of acceleration, indicating a numerical instability |
CCpuUsage | |
CCrashPad | |
CCubicPacking | Cubic close packing |
CCubicSpline | Cubic spline (M4) kernel |
CCurve | Represents a user-defined function, defined by a set of points interpolated by either piecewise linear curve or cubic spline |
CCurveDialog | |
CCurveEditor | |
CCurveEntry | Special entry allowing to access and (de)serialize a curve |
CCurvePanel | |
CCurvePoint | |
CCurveProperty | |
CCustomMaterial | |
CCustomOutputTime | |
CCylinderJob | |
CCylindricalDomain | Cylinder aligned with z-axis, optionally including bases (can be either open or close cylinder) |
CDamageActivationColorizer | |
CDamageColumn | Prints actual values of scalar damage |
CDataPlot | Plots given array of points |
CDateFormat | Helper class for transforming Julian date to calendar date |
CDeathStar | |
CDelayedCallback | |
CDensityIndependentPressureForce | |
CDensityIndependentPressureGradient | |
CDensityIndependentSolver | Density-independent SPH solver |
CDensityPerturbationColorizer | |
CDerivativeColumn | Returns first derivatives of given quantity as stored in storage |
CDerivativeCriterion | Criterion setting time step based on value-to-derivative ratio for time-dependent quantities |
CDerivativeHolder | Container holding derivatives and the storage they accumulate to |
CDerivativeTemplate | Helper template for derivatives that define both the symmetrized and asymmetric variant |
CDeserializer | Object for reading serialized primitives from input stream |
CDiagnosticsError | Object containing a reported error message |
CDiagnosticsTrigger | |
CDiehlDistribution | Distribution with given particle density |
CDiehlParams | Parameters of DiehlDistribution |
CDiehlReporter | |
CDifferentiatedBodyIc | Creates a single differentiated body |
CDirDialogAdapter | |
CDirectionColorizer | Shows direction of particle movement in color |
CDisableDerivativeCriterionJob | |
CDisplacementGradient | Derivative computing components of stress tensor from known displacement vectors |
CDisplacementTerm | |
CDistribution | |
CDivergenceCriterion | Criterion computing time step from velocity divergence |
CDivergenceTraits | |
CDruckerPragerRheology | Pressure dependent failure modes [5] |
CDumpAllVisitor | |
CDynamic | Convenient object for storing a single value of different types |
CEigen | |
►CElasticBands | |
CSubtractDomain | |
CElasticBounceHandler | Handler for bounce on collision |
CElasticDeformationSolver | |
CElasticRheology | Perfectly elastic material, no yielding nor fragmentation |
CElementWithIndex | |
CEllipsoidalDomain | Axis aligned ellipsoidal domain, defined by the center of sphere and lengths of three axes |
CEllipsoidJob | |
CEmplaceComponentsAsFlagsJob | |
CEmptyArray | |
CEmptyFlags | |
CEmptySettingsTag | Tag for initialization of empty settings object |
CEndingCondition | |
CEnergyColorizer | |
CEnergyConservingSolver | See Owen 2009: A compatibly differenced total energy conserving form of SPH |
CEnergyLaplacian | |
CEnergyLogWriter | |
CEntropySolver | |
CEntryControl | Helper object, allowing to add units, tooltips and additional properties into the entry created with VirtualSettings::Category::connect |
CEnumInputValue | |
CEnumMap | |
CEnumValue | |
CEnumWrapper | Wrapper of an enum |
CEosMaterial | Material holding equation of state |
CEps | Small value (compared with 1) for given precision |
CEps< double > | |
CEps< float > | |
CEquationHolder | Container holding equation terms |
CEquilibriumEnergySolver | Solver for equilibrium internal energy |
CEquilibriumIc | |
CEquilibriumStressSolver | Solves for total stress tensor sigma |
CEquipartitioner | |
CErrorPlotPoint | Point with error bars |
CEuclideanMetric | |
CEulerExplicit | Simple Euler first-order timestepping |
CException | Generic exception |
CExpected | Wrapper of type that either contains a value of given type, or an error message |
CExtendedEnum | Helper type allowing to "derive" from enum class |
CExternalForce | Generic external force given by lambda function |
CExtractComponentJob | |
CExtractParticlesInDomainJob | |
CExtraEntry | Copyable wrapper of a IExtraEntry |
CFailTag | |
CFallbackAllocator | Allocator that attemps to allocate using given primary allocator, and if the allocation fails, it allocates using a second fallback allocator |
CFallbackHandler | Composite handler, choosing another collision handler if the primary handler rejects the collision by returning CollisionResult::NONE |
CFamilyAsteroid | |
CFileLogger | File output logger |
CFileProperty | |
CFileSequenceJob | |
CFilmicColorMap | |
►CFilmicMapping | Using http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-with-piecewise-power-curves/ |
CUserParams | |
CFinally | |
CFinderTemplate | Helper template, allowing to define all three functions with a single function |
CFisheyeCamera | Fisheye camera |
CFisheyeCameraJob | |
►CFixedParticles | Places immovable particles along boundary |
CParams | |
CFlags | Wrapper of an integral value providing functions for reading and modifying individual bits |
CFlagsTraits | |
CFlagsTraits< Flags< T > > | |
►CFlatMap | Container of key-value pairs |
CElement | Element of the container |
CFlatSet | |
CFlippedRenderContext | |
CFloatTextCtrl | |
CFourthOrderSpline | Fourth-order spline (M5) kernel |
CFragmentation | |
CFragmentationHandler | |
CFrameBuffer | |
CFrozenParticles | Boundary condition that nulls all highest derivates of selected particles |
CFunction | |
CFunction< TReturn(TArgs...)> | Wrapper of callable objects |
CFunctionChecker | |
CFunctionSignature | Function traits |
CFunctionTraits | |
CFunctionTraits< TReturn(*)(TArgs...)> | |
CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...) const > | |
CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...)> | |
►CGalaxyCallbacks | |
CCancelled | |
CGalaxyIc | |
CGalaxyRun | |
CGaussian | Gaussian kernel |
CGaussianRandomSphere | See Muinonen 1998 |
CGaussianSphereJob | |
CGeneralizedMean | Generalized mean with fixed (compile-time) power |
CGeneralizedMean< 0 > | Geometric mean has to be specialized |
CGetTypeFromEnum | Convert ValueType enum to type |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::INDEX > | |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SCALAR > | |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SYMMETRIC_TENSOR > | |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TENSOR > | |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TRACELESS_TENSOR > | |
CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::VECTOR > | |
CGetValueEnum | Convert type to ValueType enum |
CGetValueEnum< Float > | |
CGetValueEnum< Size > | |
CGetValueEnum< SymmetricTensor > | |
CGetValueEnum< Tensor > | |
CGetValueEnum< TracelessTensor > | |
CGetValueEnum< Vector > | |
CGhost | |
CGhostParticles | Adds ghost particles symmetrically for each SPH particle close to boundary |
CGhostParticlesData | Provides a way to access ghost particle data outside the solver |
CGnuplotOutput | Extension of text output that runs given gnuplot script on dumped text data |
CGradH | Object evaluating grad-h terms |
CGradHSolver | |
CGradientTraits | |
CGraphicsContext | Drawing context using wxWidgets implementation of Cairo backend |
CGraphicsPath | |
CGravityColorizer | |
CGravityKernel | Gravity smoothing kernels associated with standard SPH kernels |
CGravityKernel< CubicSpline< 3 > > | |
CGravityKernel< ThomasCouchmanKernel< 3 > > | ThomasCouchmanKernel differs from CubicSpline only in the gradient, so the GravityKernel is the same |
CGravityKernelTag | |
CGravityLutKernel | Gravitational kernel approximated by LUT for close particles |
CGravitySolver | Extension of a generic SPH solver, including gravitational interactions of particles |
CGrid | |
CGridPage | |
CGroup | |
CGuiSettings | |
CGuiSettingsDialog | |
CHalfSpaceDomain | Domain representing a half-space, given by z>0 |
CHalfSpaceJob | |
CHaltonQrng | Quasi-random number generator |
►CHandoffParams | |
CLargestRemnant | |
CHapkeBrdf | |
CHapkeParams | |
CHardSphereSolver | Solver computing gravitational interactions of hard-sphere particles |
CHarrisAsteroid | |
►CHashMapFinder | |
CCell | |
CHasStreamOperator | |
CHasStreamOperator< T, TStream, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TStream & >()<< std::declval< T >())> > | |
CHde | |
CHdeSolver | |
CHdf5Input | Reader of HDF5 files generated by the code miluphcuda |
CHeatDiffusionEquation | |
CHelloAsteroid | |
CHelpException | Exception thrown when used passes -h or –help parameter |
CHexagonalDomain | Similar to cylindrical domain, but bases are hexagons instead of circles |
CHexagonalPacking | Hexagonal close packing |
CHistogramPlot | Differential histogram of quantities |
CHsv | |
CIAcceleration | Extension of derivative allowing to compute pair-wise acceleration for each neighbour |
CIAggregateObserver | Holds aggregate data stored in the storage and used by the solver |
CIAsymmetricDerivative | Special derivative evaluated by GradHSolver |
CIAsymmetricSolver | Base class for asymmetric SPH solvers |
CIAsymmetricTerm | |
CIBasicFinder | Interface of objects finding neighbouring particles |
CIBoundaryCondition | Base object for boundary conditions |
CIBrdf | |
CICamera | Interface defining a camera or view, used by a renderer |
CICameraJob | |
CICollisionHandler | Abstraction of collision outcome |
CIColorizer | Interface for objects assigning colors to particles |
CIColorMap | |
CIConfigValue | Interface for value written to the config file |
CIcProgressCallback | |
CIdColorizerTemplate | |
CIdealGasEos | Equation of state for ideal gas |
CIDerivative | Derivative accumulated by summing up neighbouring particles |
CIDiagnostic | Base class of diagnostics of the run |
CIDistribution | Base class for generating vertices with specific distribution |
CIDomain | Base class for computational domains |
CIDrawingContext | Abstraction of a drawing context |
CIDrawPath | |
CIEnergyPartitioner | Abstraction of the |
CIEos | Base class for equations of state |
CIEquationTerm | Represents a term or terms appearing in evolutionary equations |
CIExtraEntry | Provides an interface for implementing new types of entries |
CIFractureModel | Interface representing a fragmentation model |
CIGeometryJob | Base class for jobs providing a geometric shape |
CIgnore | Placeholder for unused variables in tieToTuple |
CIGraphicsPane | |
CIGravity | Interface for computing gravitational interactions of particles |
CIInput | Interface for loading quantities of SPH particles from a file |
CIIntegral | Interface for classes computing integral quantities from storage |
CIInterpolant | Interface for computing quantity at any point in space |
CIJob | Base class for all object performing an operation in a simulation hierarchy |
CIJobCallbacks | Interface used during job evaluation |
CIJobData | |
CIJobDesc | Provides a descriptor of a job that allows to create new instances |
CILogger | Interface providing generic (text, human readable) output of the program |
CILogWriter | Base class for objects logging run statistics |
CIMaterial | Material settings and functions specific for one material |
CIMaterialJob | Base class for jobs providing a material |
CIMeshFile | Interface for mesh exporters |
CImmovable | Object with deleted copy and move constructor and copy and move operator |
CImpactCone | |
CImpactorIc | |
CIndexAdapter | |
CIndexColorizer | |
CIndexIterator | |
CIndexSequence | |
CIndices | Helper object for storing three (possibly four) int or bool values |
CIndicesEqual | |
CInertialForce | Centrifugal and Coriolis force |
►CInitialConditions | Object for adding one or more bodies with given material into a Storage |
CBodySetup | Holds data needed to create a single body in addHeterogeneousBody function |
CInnerNode | Inner node of K-d tree |
CINode | Provides an interface for running a simulation |
CINodeManagerCallbacks | |
CIntegralsLogWriter | Writer logging selected integrals of motion |
CIntegralWrapper | Helper integral wrapping another integral and converting the returned value to scalar |
CIntegrator | Object for integrating a generic three-dimensional scalar function |
CInteractiveRenderer | |
CInternalBounceHandler | Overlap handler performing a bounce of particles |
CIntersectionInfo | Holds intormation about intersection |
CInterval | Object representing a 1D interval of real numbers |
CIntervalEntry | Entry connecting to either lower or upper bound of an interval stored in settings |
CIntervalProperty | |
CINullJob | Base class for jobs providing no data |
CInvalidSettingsAccess | Exception thrown on invalid access to entries of a Settings object |
CInvalidSetup | Thrown when components of the run are mutually incompatible |
CInvalidStorageAccess | Exception thrown when accessing missing quantities, casting to different types, etc |
CInvertDomain | |
CInvertGeometryJob | |
CIoError | Exception thrown when file cannot be read, it has invalid format, etc |
CIOutput | Interface for saving quantities of SPH particles to a file |
CIOutputTime | |
CIOverlapHandler | Handles overlaps of particles |
CIParticleJob | Base class for all jobs providing particle data |
CIPlot | Interface for constructing generic plots from quantities stored in storage |
►CIRaytracer | Base class for renderers based on raytracing |
CThreadData | |
CIRenderContext | Abstraction of a device used for rendering |
CIRenderer | Interface used to implement renderers |
►CIRenderOutput | |
CLabel | |
CIRenderPreview | |
CIRheology | Base class of rheological models |
CIRng | Polymorphic holder allowing to store any RNG (type erasure) |
CIRun | Defines the interface for a run |
CIRunCallbacks | Callbacks executed by the simulation to provide feedback to the user |
CIRunJob | Base class for jobs running a simulation |
CIScalarField | Inferface for a generic scalar field, returning a float for given position.:w |
CIsCallable | |
CIsCallableImpl | |
CIsCallableImpl< TCallable, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TCallable >()(std::declval< TArgs >()...))>, TArgs... > | |
CIScheduler | Interface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms |
CIsEnumClass | |
CIsExtended | |
CIsExtendedEnum | |
CIsExtendedEnum< ExtendedEnum< TEnum > > | |
CIsGravityKernel | |
CIsGravityKernel< GravityKernel< T > > | |
CIsGravityKernel< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< GravityKernelTag, std::decay_t< T > >::value > > | |
CIsKernel | |
CIsKernel< T, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< T >().radius())> > | |
CISolver | Base class for all solvers |
CIsothermalSphereIc | |
CIsShareFromThis | |
CIsShareFromThis< T, typename T::SHARE_FROM_THIS_TAG > | |
CIStorageUserData | Base class for arbitrary data stored in the storage alongside particles |
CIsTuple | Useful type trait, checking whether given type is a Tuple |
CIsTuple< const Tuple< TArgs... > & > | |
CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > & > | |
CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > && > | |
CIsVectorType | Helper type trait to determine if the type is a vector of some kind |
CIsVectorType< BasicVector< T > > | |
CISymmetricDerivative | Extension of derivative, allowing a symmetrized evaluation |
CISymmetricFinder | Extension of IBasicFinder, allowing to search only particles with lower rank in smoothing length |
CITask | Handle used to control tasks submitted into the scheduler |
CIterator | Simple (forward) iterator over continuous array of objects of type T |
CIteratorWithIndex | Wrapper of iterator keeping also an index of current element |
CITextColumn | Base class for conversion of quantities into the output data |
CITimeLineCallbacks | |
CITimeStepCriterion | Base class for timestep setters |
CITimeStepping | Base object providing integration in time for all quantities |
CITracker | |
CITrigger | Interface for triggering generic actions during the run |
CIUserQuantity | Interface for auxilirary user-defined scalar quantities |
CIUvMapping | |
►CIVirtualEntry | Represents a virtual entry in the settings |
CFileFormat | |
CJobContext | Data exchanged by jobs |
CJobData | |
CJobNode | Building block of a simulation hierarchy |
CJobRegistrar | Helper class, allowing to register job into the global list of jobs |
CJoinParticlesJob | |
CKdNode | Base class for nodes of K-d tree |
CKdTree | K-d tree, used for hierarchical clustering of particles and accelerated Kn queries |
CKelvinHelmholtz | |
CKelvinHelmholtzDistribution | |
CKernel | Base class for all SPH kernels |
CKillEscapersBoundary | Boundary condition that removes particles outside the domain |
CLambertBrdf | |
CLeafIndexIterator | Index iterator with given mapping (index permutation) |
CLeafIndexSequence | Helper index sequence to iterate over particle indices of a leaf node |
CLeafNode | Leaf (bucket) node of K-d tree |
CLeapFrog | Leapfrog timestepping |
CLinearDistribution | Generates particles uniformly on a line in x direction, for testing purposes |
CLinearOutputTime | |
CList | Doubly-linked list |
CListIterator | |
CListNode | |
CLoadFileJob | |
CLoadProc | |
CLocal | Object intended to only be constructed on stack |
►CLocking | Wraps given object together with a mutex, locking it every time the object is accessed |
CProxy | |
►CLockingPtr | |
CProxy | |
CProxyRef | |
CLogarithmicColorMap | |
CLogarithmicOutputTime | |
CLogWriter | Custom writer of simulation log |
CLookupMap | |
CLut | Callable representing a generic R->T function, approximated using look-up table |
►CLutIterator | |
CValue | |
CLutKernel | A look-up table approximation of the kernel |
CMaclaurinSpheroidJob | |
CMainLoopEvent | Custom event holding a callback |
CMainWindow | |
CMakeMultipole | Creates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component |
CMakeMultipole< 0 > | |
CMakeMultipole< 1 > | |
CMakeMultipole< 2 > | |
CMakeMultipole< 3 > | |
CMakeMultipole< 4 > | |
CMakeTracelessMultipole | Creates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component |
CMakeTracelessMultipole< 0 > | |
CMakeTracelessMultipole< 1 > | |
CMakeTracelessMultipole< 2 > | |
CMakeTracelessMultipole< 3 > | |
CMakeTracelessMultipole< 4 > | |
CMakeVoid | |
CMallocator | Default allocator, simply wrapping _mm_malloc and _mm_free calls |
CMarchingCubes | Marching cubes algorithm for generation of mesh from iso-surface of given scalar field |
CMaterialColorizer | |
CMaterialInitialContext | Shared data used when creating all bodies in the simulation |
CMaterialJob | |
CMaterialProvider | |
CMaterialView | Non-owning wrapper of a material and particles with this material |
CMatrix4 | |
CMcConfig | |
CMeanStepTls | |
CMedianTracker | |
CMemoryBlock | |
CMemoryResourceAllocator | Allocator that obtains memory blocks from given memory resource |
CMergeBoundHandler | Handler merging overlapping particles if their relative velocity is lower than the escape velocity |
CMergeComponentsJob | |
CMergeOverlapHandler | Handler unconditionally merging the overlapping particles |
CMergingCollisionHandler | Handler merging particles into a single, larger particles |
►CMesh | |
CFace | |
CMeshDomain | Domain represented by triangular mesh |
CMeshGeometryJob | |
CMeshParams | |
CMeshRenderer | |
CMieGruneisenEos | Mie-Gruneisen equation of state |
CMinimalStepTls | Helper class storing a minimal value of time step and corresponding statistics |
CMinMaxMean | Helper class for statistics, accumulating minimal, maximal and mean value of a set of numbers |
CMissingQuantityException | |
CModifiedMidpointMethod | |
CModifyQuantityIc | |
CMonolithicBodyIc | Creates a single monolithic body |
CMonotonicDiminishingPartitioner | |
CMonotonicMemoryResource | Simple memory resource with pre-allocated contiguous memory buffer |
►CMorrisMonaghanAV | Time-dependent artificial viscosity with non-homogeneous oefficients alpha and beta |
CDerivative | |
CMovie | Object managing periodic rendering of images and saving them to given paths |
CMovieRenderOutput | |
CMpcorpInput | Reads data from Minor Planet Center Orbit Database exports |
CMultiCriterion | Helper criterion, wrapping multiple criteria under ITimeStepCriterion interface |
CMultiJoinParticlesJob | |
CMultiLogger | Class holding multiple loggers and writing messages to all of them |
CMultiPlot | Helper object used for drawing multiple plots into the same device |
CMultipole | |
CMultipoleExpansion | |
CMultipoleExpansion< 0 > | |
CMurnaghanEos | Murnaghan equation of state |
CNaiveViscosity | |
CNavierStokesForce | Navier-Stokes equation of motion |
CNBodyIc | |
CNBodyJob | |
CNBodyRun | |
CNegativeMean | Generalized mean with negative (runtime) power |
CNeighbourCountTerm | Helper term counting the number of neighbours of each particle |
CNeighbourDensityDiscr | Discretization using the densities of summed particles |
CNeighbourRecord | Holds information about a neighbour particles |
CNodeEditor | |
CNodeManager | |
CNodeManagerCallbacks | |
CNodeSlot | |
CNodeWindow | |
CNoiseQuantityIc | |
CNoncopyable | Object with deleted copy constructor and copy operator |
CNothingType | |
CNullBoundaryCondition | |
CNullCollisionHandler | Helper handler always returning CollisionResult::NONE |
CNullFracture | |
CNullInserter | Helper output iterator that simply ignores the written values |
CNullJobCallbacks | |
CNullLogger | Helper logger that does not write anything |
CNullLogWriter | Helper writer that does not write any logs |
CNullMaterial | Material that does not require any initialization or finalization |
CNullOutput | |
CNullOverlapHandler | Handler simply ignoring overlaps |
CNullRunCallbacks | |
CNumericLimits | Helper class, used to avoid including large header limits.h |
CNumericLimits< uint32_t > | |
CNumericLimits< uint64_t > | |
CObjFile | Text format containing mesh vertices (prefixed by 'v') and triangle indices (prefixed by 'f') |
►COctreeNode | |
CHint | |
COmpScheduler | Scheduler encapsulating OpenMP directives |
COpenFileDialogAdapter | |
COperatorTemplate | Class defining additional operators from existing ones |
COptional | Wrapper of type value of which may or may not be present |
COrbitParticlesJob | |
COrder | Permutation, i.e. (discrete) invertible function int->int |
COrthoCamera | Orthographic camera |
COrthoCameraJob | |
COrthoPane | |
COutcomeTraits | Utility functions used within BasicOutcome |
COutcomeTraits< std::string > | |
COutputFile | Helper file generating file names for output files |
COvercoolingDiagnostic | Checks for clamping of excesivelly low values of internal energy |
COverPixelOp | |
COverridePixelOp | |
►CPalette | Represents a color palette, used for mapping arbitrary number to a color |
CPoint | |
CPaletteCanvas | |
CPaletteDesc | |
CPaletteDialog | |
CPanoCameraBase | Common base for panoramic cameras |
CParametrizedSpiralingDistribution | Parametrized spiraling scheme by Saff & Kuijlaars (1997) |
CParamSelectDialog | |
►CParticle | Object holding information about single particle |
CParamData | Stored info about a material parameter |
CParamIterator | |
CParamSequence | Helper for enumerating all stored parameters |
CQuantityData | Stored info about a quantity |
CQuantityIterator | Iterator used to enumerate all stored quantities |
CQuantitySequence | Helper for enumerating all stored quantities |
CParticleData | |
CParticleGeometryJob | |
CParticleIdColorizer | |
CParticleNumberColumn | Helper column printing particle numbers |
►CParticlePairingDiagnostic | Checks for particle pairs, indicating a pairing instability |
CPair | |
CParticleProbe | |
CParticleRenderer | |
CParticleTracker | |
CParticleVisitor | |
CPath | Object representing a path on a filesystem |
CPathError | |
CPerElementWrapper | |
CPeriodicBoundary | Boundary condition moving all particles passed through the domain to the other side of the domain |
CPeriodicFinder | Finder wrapper respecting periodic domain |
CPeriodicTrigger | Trigger executing given action every period |
CPerspectiveCamera | Perspective camera |
CPerspectiveCameraJob | |
CPhongBrdf | |
CPixel | |
CPkdgravInput | Input for pkdgrav output files (ss.xxxxx.bt) |
CPkdgravOutput | Dumps data into a file that can be used as an input for pkdgrav code by Richardson et al |
►CPkdgravParams | |
CConversion | Conversion factors for pkdgrav |
CPlanarDistribution | |
CPlanarUvMapping | |
CPlotData | |
CPlotPage | |
CPlotPoint | Point in 2D plot |
CPlotView | |
CPlyFile | Exports meshes into a Polygon File Format (.ply file) |
►CPointCloud | Container of points with optimized search queries |
CHandle | Identifies a point in the point cloud |
CPolymorphic | Base class for all polymorphic objects |
CPolytropicStarIc | |
CPositiveMean | Generalized mean with positive (runtime) power |
CPowerLawSfd | Holds the information about a power-law size-frequency distributions |
CPredictorCorrector | Predictor-corrector second-order timestepping |
CPressureForce | Equation of motion due to pressure gradient |
CPressureGradient | |
CPreviewRenderContext | |
CPrinter | |
CProcess | Holds a handle to a created process |
CProcessedNode | Object used during traversal |
CProcessException | |
CProgressLog | |
CProgressLogger | |
CProgressPanel | |
CProject | |
CProjectedPoint | Represents a particle projected onto image plane |
CProjection1D | Helper tool for 1D tests, projects all particles onto a 1D line |
CPropagateConst | Const-propagating wrapper for object with point semantics |
CPropertyGrid | |
CPseudoVectorTag | |
CQuantity | Generic container for storing scalar, vector or tensor quantity and its derivatives |
CQuantityMeans | Returns means of given scalar quantity |
CQuantityMetadata | Auxiliary information about quantity that aren't stored directly in Quantity |
CQuantityValue | Returns the quantity value of given particle |
CQuat | Quaternion representing an axis of rotation and a (half of) rotation angle |
CQueue | Container allowing to add and remove elements from both ends |
CRadialDistributionPlot | Plots a dependence of given quantity on the distance from the origin |
CRadiativeCooling | |
CRadiiHashMap | Helper structure storing search radii for particles as hash map |
CRadiusColorizer | |
CRandomDistribution | Generating random positions withing the domain |
CRandomPathManager | Generates random file names |
CRawPtr | Non-owning wrapper of pointer |
CRay | |
CRayMarcher | |
CReaccumulation | |
CReferenceWrapper | Helper class for storing l-value references. Has a default constructor for convenient usage in containers |
CRegister | |
CRegisterEnum | Helper class for adding individual enums to the enum map |
CRelativeEnergyChange | |
CRemoveParticlesJob | |
CRenderPane | |
CRenderParams | Parameters of the rendered image |
CRenderPreview | |
CRepelHandler | Handler displacing the overlapping particles so that they just touch |
CResult | |
CReverseAdapter | |
CReverseIterator | Generic reverse iterator over continuous array of objects of type T |
CRgba | |
►CRiemannAV | Artificial viscosity based on Riemann solver |
CDerivative | |
CRngWrapper | |
CRotatingRod | |
CRotationTraits | |
CRunFactory | |
CRungeKutta | |
CRunPage | Main frame of the application |
CRunParams | |
CRunSelectDialog | |
CSafePtr | |
CSafePtrException | |
CSaveFileDialogAdapter | |
CSaveFileJob | |
CSaveMeshJob | |
CSaveProc | |
CScalarGradyKippModel | Scalar damage describing fragmentation of the body according to Grady-Kipp model (Grady and Kipp, 1980) |
CScalingKernel | Helper kernel wrapper that modifies the support of another kernel |
CScopedConsole | |
CScopedTimer | Timer that reports the measured duration when being destroyed |
CSecondDerivativeColumn | Returns second derivatives of given quantity as stored in storage |
CSedov | |
CSegregator | Compositor that uses one allocator for small allocations and another allocator for large allocations |
CSelectedParticleIntegral | |
CSelectedParticlePlot | Temporal plot of currently selected particle |
CSequentialScheduler | Dummy scheduler that simply executes the submitted tasks sequentially on calling thread |
CSequentialTaskHandle | |
CSerializer | Object providing serialization of primitives into a stream |
CSerializerException | Exception thrown by Deserializer on failure |
CSession | |
CSessionDialog | |
CSetAccessorsProc | |
CSettings | Generic object containing various settings and parameters of the run |
►CSettingsIterator | Iterator useful for iterating over all entries in the settings |
CIteratorValue | |
CSfdPlot | |
CSharedPtr | |
CSharedToken | |
CShareFromThis | |
CSimpleDamping | |
CSimpleRun | |
CSimpleSolver | Minimalistic SPH solver, mainly used for benchmarking and educational purposes |
CSimplifiedTillotsonEos | Simplified Tillotsons equation of state, valid for small pressures and energies |
CSingleParticleIc | |
CSlotData | |
CSmoothedRenderContext | |
CSmoothedToSolidHandoff | |
CSmoothingDiscontinuityDiagnostic | Checks for large differences of smoothing length between neighbouring particles |
CSmoothingLengthColumn | Returns smoothing lengths of particles |
CSmoothlyDiminishingPartitioner | |
CSod | |
CSodBc | |
CSodConfig | |
CSodOutput | |
CSoftSphereSolver | Solver computing gravitational interactions and repulsive forces between particles |
CSolidMaterial | Generalization of material with equation of state |
CSolidSphereKernel | Gravity kernel of a solid sphere |
CSolidStressForce | Equation of motion for solid body and constitutive equation for the stress tensor (Hooke's law) |
CSparseGrid | |
CSparseMatrix | Sparse representation of matrix of arbitrary dimension |
CSpatialPlot | Base class for plots showing a dependence of given quantity on a spatial coordinate |
CSphDomain | Domain represented by SPH particles |
CSphere | |
CSphereJob | |
CSpheresDomain | |
CSpheresGeometryJob | |
CSphericalCamera | Spherical camera |
CSphericalCoords | |
CSphericalDomain | Spherical domain, defined by the center of sphere and its radius |
CSphericalGravity | Spherically symmetrized gravitational force |
CSphericalGravityEquation | Implements IEquationTerm interface using SphericalGravity |
CSphericalUvMapping | |
CSphInterpolant | Object for computing interpolated values of quantities |
CSphJob | |
CSphRun | |
CSphStabilizationJob | |
CSphStabilizationRun | |
CSsfToPngApp | |
CStabilizationSolver | Helper solver used to converge into stable initial conditions |
CStackAllocator | Allocator used pre-allocated fixed-size buffer on stack |
►CStandardAV | Standard artificial viscosity Monaghan & Gingold [9] |
CDerivative | |
CStandardForceDiscr | Discretization of pressure term in standard SPH formulation |
CStandardLogWriter | Writer logging useful statistics (current run time, relative progress, time step, ...) |
CStaticArray | Array with fixed number of allocated elements |
CStatistics | Object holding various statistics about current run |
CStats | |
CStdOutLogger | Standard output logger |
CStoppableTimer | Simple extension of Timer allowing to pause and continue timer |
CStorage | Container storing all quantities used within the simulations |
CStorageBuilder | |
CStorageElement | |
CStorageIterator | Helper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage |
CStoragePairVisitor | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS > | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES > | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER > | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES > | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER > | |
CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER > | |
CStorageSequence | Helper class, provides functions begin and end, returning iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively |
CStorageVisitor | |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS > | Iterator over all buffers |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES > | Iterator over all quantities, executes given functor with buffer of quantity values |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER > | Iterator over all first-order quantities |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES > | Iterator over all highest-order derivatives of quantities |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER > | |
CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER > | Iterator over all zero-order quantities |
CStorageVisitorWithPositions | |
CStratifiedDistribution | Generates random positions using stratified sampling |
►CStressAV | Artificial stress for simulations including stress tensor |
CDerivative | |
CStressColorizer | |
CStressDivergence | |
CString | |
CStringLogger | Logger writing messages to string stream |
CSubRange | |
CSubsampleJob | |
CSubsetAdapter | Non-owning view to access and iterate over subset of container |
CSubsetIterator | Allows to iterate over a given subset of a container, given by condition functor |
CSubtractDomain | |
CSuccessTag | |
CSummationSolver | SPH solver using density and specific energy as independent variables |
CSummedDensityColorizer | |
CSurfaceNormal | Term computing normals of free surface |
CSvd | |
CSvgContext | |
CSvgPath | |
CSymmetricBoundary | Boundary duplicating particles along z=0 plane |
CSymmetricGravity | |
►CSymmetricSolver | Basic solver for integration of SPH equations |
CThreadData | |
CSymmetricTensor | Symmetric tensor of 2nd order |
CSymmetrizeSmoothingLengths | |
CSymmetrizeValues | |
CTabFile | Simple text format containing mesh vertices and triangle indices |
CTabInput | Simple text input file, having particle masses, positions and velocities on separate lines |
CTable | |
CTaitEos | Tait equation of state |
CTarget | |
CTask | Task to be executed by one of available threads |
CTbb | Scheduler encapsulating Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB) |
CTemperatureColorizer | |
►CTemporalPlot | Plot of temporal dependence of a scalar quantity |
CParams | Parameters of the plot |
CTensor | Generic 2nd-order tensor with 9 independent components |
CTensorGradyKippModel | |
►CTextContext | |
CTextPath | |
CTextInput | Input for the text file, generated by TextOutput or conforming to the same format |
CTextOutput | Output saving data to text (human readable) file |
CTexture | |
CThomasCouchmanKernel | Kernel introduced by Thomas & Couchman (1992) |
CThreadContext | |
►CThreadLocal | Template for storing a copy of a value for every thread in given scheduler |
CLocalIterator | |
CThreadPool | Thread pool capable of executing tasks concurrently |
CTicsParams | |
CTillotsonEos | Tillotson equation of state [15] |
CTimeColumn | Helper column printing current run time. This value is the same for every particle |
CTimeLine | |
CTimeLineCallbacks | |
CTimeLinePanel | |
CTimer | Basic time-measuring tool. Starts automatically when constructed |
CTimerThread | |
CTimeStep | |
CTotalAngularMomentum | Computes total angular momentum of all SPH particles with a respect to the reference frame |
CTotalEnergy | Returns the total energy of all particles |
CTotalInternalEnergy | Returns the total internal energy of all particles |
CTotalKineticEnergy | Returns the total kinetic energy of all particles |
CTotalMass | Computes the total mass of all SPH particles |
CTotalMomentum | Computes total momentum of all SPH particles with a respect to the reference frame |
CTracelessMultipole | |
CTracelessMultipole< 0 > | |
CTracelessMultipole< 1 > | |
CTracelessMultipoleComponent | |
CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl | |
CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, J, Z, Z > | |
CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, Z, Z > | |
CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< Z, Z > | |
CTracelessTensor | Symmetric traceless 2nd order tensor |
CTrackingAllocator | Helper allocator that keeps track on allocated memory |
CTransformedDomain | Transform another domain by given transformation matrix |
CTransformGeometryJob | |
CTransformParticlesJob | |
CTriangle | Triangle.h |
CTriangleKernel | Triangular (piecewise linear) kernel |
CTuple | Heterogeneous container capable of storing a fixed number of values |
CTupleAdapter | |
CTupleContains | |
CTupleContains< Tuple< TArgs... >, Type > | |
CTupleElementType | Gets type of tuple element given its index |
CTupleElementType< const Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex > | |
CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &&, TIndex > | |
CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex > | |
CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... >, TIndex > | |
CTupleIterator | Holds multiple iterators, advancing all of them at the same time |
CTypedColorizer | Default colorizer simply converting quantity value to color using defined palette |
CTypeIndex | Returns the index of type T0 in type list. If the type is not in the list, returns -1 |
CTypeIndex< T0, n, T1 > | |
CTypeSelector | Gets n-th type |
CTypeSelector< 0, T0, TArgs... > | |
CTypeSelector< n, T0, TArgs... > | |
CUndecayType | Adds const or reference to the type, based on const-ness and reference-ness of given type |
CUndecayType< T, const TOther & > | |
CUndecayType< T, const TOther > | |
CUndecayType< T, TOther & > | |
CUnexpectedTag | |
CUniformGridFinder | Finder projecting a uniform grid on the particles |
CUniformRng | Random number generator with uniform distribution |
CUniqueNameManager | |
CUniquePathManager | Object generating unique paths |
CUnit | Single benchmark unit |
CUnitDesc | |
CUnitDimensions | |
CUnitSystem | |
►CUnorderedMap | |
CElement | Element of the container |
CUnwrapReferenceType | Type trait for "extracting" stored references from reference_wrappers. Other types keeps unchanged |
CUnwrapReferenceType< ReferenceWrapper< T > > | |
CUpdateCameraCallbacks | |
CUvwColorizer | |
CValueColumn | Returns values of given quantity as stored in storage |
CVanDerWaalsEos | |
CVanDerWallsSimulation | |
CVariant | Variant, an implementation of type-safe union, similar to std::variant or boost::variant |
CVariantIterator | Iterates through types of variant until idx-th type is found, and executes given TVisitor, passing arguments to its method visit |
CVariantIterator< T0 > | Specialization for last type |
CVdbJob | |
CVdbParams | |
CVector4 | |
CVectorComponentAdapter | Wraps a vector container, providing means to iterate over given component of vector elements |
CVectorPdfRng | Generic generator of random vectors using sampling with given PDF |
CVectorProperty | |
CVectorRng | Wrapper for generating random vectors |
CVelocityColorizer | Displays the magnitudes of particle velocities |
CVelocityTemplate | |
CVerboseLogGuard | RAII guard writing called functions and their durations to a special verbose logger |
CVerboseLogThreadContext | |
CVerboseLogWriter | Extension of StandardLogWriter, printing additional information abount quantities |
►CVirtualSettings | Holds a map of virtual entries, associated with a unique name |
CCategory | |
CIEntryProc | Interface allowing to enumerate all entries in the settings |
CViscousStress | Flebbe et al. (1994) |
CVisNode | |
CVolume | |
CVolumeRenderer | |
CVonMisesRheology | Introduces plastic behavior for stress tensor, using von Mises yield criterion [16] |
CVtkOutput | XML-based output format used by Visualization ToolKit (VTK) |
CWaitDialog | |
CWeakPtr | |
CWeakToken | |
CWendlandC2 | |
CWendlandC4 | |
CWendlandC6 | |
CWindTunnel | Boundary conditions creating particles with given velocity at the boundary of the domain |
CWrapReferenceType | Type trait wrapping references. Other types keeps unchanged |
CWrapReferenceType< T & > | |
CWxRenderContext | Render context drawing directly into wxDC |
CXSph | XSPH correction that (partially) averages the velocities over neighbouring particles |
CXyz | |
CYieldReductionColorizer | |
CYorpSpinup | |