Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAnalyticContains analytic solutions of equations
 NstdOverload of std::swap for Sph::Array
 NVariantHelpersHelper visitors creating, deleting or modifying Variant
 CAccelerationColorizerDisplays the magnitudes of accelerations
 CAccelerationCriterionCriterion setting time step based on computed acceleration of particles
 CAccelerationSeparatingHolderDerivative holder, splitting the registered derivatives into accelerations and the rest
 CAccelerationTemplateHelper template specifically used to implement forces
 CAccumulatedStorage for accumulating derivatives
 CAdaptiveGridFinderFinder projecting a non-uniform grid on particles
 CAdaptiveSmoothingLengthEvolutionary equation for the (scalar) smoothing length
 CAffineMatrix22D affine matrix
 CAggregateAggregate of particles, moving as a rigid body according to Euler's equations
 CAggregateHolderHolds a set of aggregates
 CAlignedStorageSimple block of memory on stack with size and alignment given by template type
 CAlignedStorage< Type & >Specialization for l-value references, a simple wrapper of ReferenceWrapper with same interface to allow generic usage of AlignedStorage for both values and references
 CAlignedUnionStores value of type std::aligned_union, having size and alignment equal to maximum of sizes and alignments of template types
 CAllTrue< First, Second, Others... >
 CAllTrue< Value >
 CAneosANEOS equation defined by a look-up table
 CAngularHistogramPlotDifferential histogram of angular distribution
 CAnyType-safe object that can store value of any type, similar to std::any
 CAnyTrueStatic logical or
 CAnyTrue< First, Second, Others... >
 CAnyTrue< Value >
 CApproxThis is more or less stolen from Catch unit-testing framework
 CArcBallHelper object providing rotation matrix based on mouse drag
 CArgDescDescriptor of a command-line argument
 CArgErrorException thrown if the arguments are invalid
 CArgParserProvides functions for parsing command-line arguments
 CArrayGeneric dynamically allocated resizable storage
 CArrayViewObject providing safe access to continuous memory of data
 CArtificialConductivityArtificial thermal conductivity
 CAsymmetricSolverGeneric SPH solver, evaluating equations for each particle separately
 CAtomicAtomic value implemented using compare-exchange
 CAutoPtrWrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor
 CAxialDistributionPlotPlots a dependence of given quantity on the distance from given axis
 CBackInserterOutput iterator that inserts the written values to the given iterator using push function
 CBadgeHelper class used to allow calling a function only from within T
 CBalsaraSwitchImplementation of the Balsara switch [2], designed to reduce artificial viscosity in shear flows and avoid numerical issues, such as unphysical transport of angular momentum
 CBarnesHutMultipole approximation of distance particle
 CBasicOutcomeExpected-like class that does not contain any value
 CBasicVector< double >Specialization for doubles or units of double precision
 CBasicVector< float >3-dimensional vector, float precision
 CBenzAsphaugForceDiscrDiscretization of pressure term in code SPH5
 CBenzAsphaugRngRandom number generator used in code SPH5 of Benz & Asphaug (1994)
 CBinaryInputInput for the binary file, generated by BinaryOutput
 CBinaryOutputOutput saving data to binary data without loss of precision
 CBlockDomainBlock aligned with coordinate axes, defined by its center and length of each side
 CBodyViewNon-owning view of particles belonging to the same body
 CBoundaryColorizerShows boundary of bodies in the simulation
 CBoxHelper object defining three-dimensional interval (box)
 CBriefLogWriterWriter logging only basic run information
 CBruteForceFinderSearches for neighbours by 'brute force', comparing every pair of vectors
 CBruteForceGravityComputes gravitational acceleration by summing up forces from all particle pairs
 CBvhSimple bounding volume hierarchy
 CBvhBoxTrait for finding intersections with a axis-aligned box
 CBvhSphereTrait for finding intersections with a sphere
 CBvhTriangleTrait for finding intersections with a triangle
 CCachedGravityWrapper of other IGravity implementation that approximates the gravity using cached values
 CCallbackSet< Function< void(TArgs...)> >Convenience specialization for Function
 CCallbackSet< void(TArgs...)>
 CCameraRayRay given by origin and target point
 CCellSingle cell used in mesh generation
 CCenterDensityDiscrDiscretization using the density of the center particle
 CCenterOfMassComputes the center of mass of particles
 CCohesionKernelHelper kernel used to simulate Lennard-Jones forces
 CColorFieldDerivativeComputes the color field of the fluid
 CCompressedStorageReduced information
 CComputeTrace< 1 >
 CComputeTrace< 2 >
 CConfigProvides functionality for reading and writing configuration files
 CConfigNodeRepresents a single node in the hierarchy written into config file
 CConfigValueGeneric implementation of IConfigValue, using std::stringstream for the (de)serialization
 CConfigValue< Interval >
 CConfigValue< Path >
 CConfigValue< std::string >
 CConfigValue< Vector >
 CConstexprArrayContainer similar to StaticArray, but with constexpr constructors and getters
 CConstSmoothingLengthHelper term to keep smoothing length constant during the simulation
 CConstStorageIteratorHelper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage, const version
 CConstStorageSequenceHelper class, provides functions begin and end, returning const iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively
 CContextAccessible from benchmarks
 CContinuityEquationEquation for evolution of density
 CControllerMain GUI class connection the simulation with UI controls
 CConvertToSizeTypeConverts all signed integral types and enums into Size, does not change other types
 CConvertToSizeType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< std::decay_t< T > >::value > >
 CCoreTriangleKernel proposed by Read et al. (2010) with improved stability
 CCorotatingVelocityColorizerShows particle velocities with subtracted corotating component
 CCorrectedSphInterpolantComputes corrected interpolated value
 CCourantCriterionTime step based on CFL criterion
 CCourantInstabilityDiagnosticChecks for excessively large magnitudes of acceleration, indicating a numerical instability
 CCubicPackingCubic close packing
 CCubicSplineCubic spline (M4) kernel
 CCurveRepresents a user-defined function, defined by a set of points interpolated by either piecewise linear curve or cubic spline
 CCurveEntrySpecial entry allowing to access and (de)serialize a curve
 CCylindricalDomainCylinder aligned with z-axis, optionally including bases (can be either open or close cylinder)
 CDamageColumnPrints actual values of scalar damage
 CDataPlotPlots given array of points
 CDateFormatHelper class for transforming Julian date to calendar date
 CDensityIndependentSolverDensity-independent SPH solver
 CDerivativeColumnReturns first derivatives of given quantity as stored in storage
 CDerivativeCriterionCriterion setting time step based on value-to-derivative ratio for time-dependent quantities
 CDerivativeHolderContainer holding derivatives and the storage they accumulate to
 CDerivativeTemplateHelper template for derivatives that define both the symmetrized and asymmetric variant
 CDeserializerObject for reading serialized primitives from input stream
 CDiagnosticsErrorObject containing a reported error message
 CDiehlDistributionDistribution with given particle density
 CDiehlParamsParameters of DiehlDistribution
 CDifferentiatedBodyIcCreates a single differentiated body
 CDirectionColorizerShows direction of particle movement in color
 CDisplacementGradientDerivative computing components of stress tensor from known displacement vectors
 CDivergenceCriterionCriterion computing time step from velocity divergence
 CDruckerPragerRheologyPressure dependent failure modes [5]
 CDynamicConvenient object for storing a single value of different types
 CElasticBounceHandlerHandler for bounce on collision
 CElasticRheologyPerfectly elastic material, no yielding nor fragmentation
 CEllipsoidalDomainAxis aligned ellipsoidal domain, defined by the center of sphere and lengths of three axes
 CEmptySettingsTagTag for initialization of empty settings object
 CEnergyConservingSolverSee Owen 2009: A compatibly differenced total energy conserving form of SPH
 CEntryControlHelper object, allowing to add units, tooltips and additional properties into the entry created with VirtualSettings::Category::connect
 CEnumWrapperWrapper of an enum
 CEosMaterialMaterial holding equation of state
 CEpsSmall value (compared with 1) for given precision
 CEps< double >
 CEps< float >
 CEquationHolderContainer holding equation terms
 CEquilibriumEnergySolverSolver for equilibrium internal energy
 CEquilibriumStressSolverSolves for total stress tensor sigma
 CErrorPlotPointPoint with error bars
 CEulerExplicitSimple Euler first-order timestepping
 CExceptionGeneric exception
 CExpectedWrapper of type that either contains a value of given type, or an error message
 CExtendedEnumHelper type allowing to "derive" from enum class
 CExternalForceGeneric external force given by lambda function
 CExtraEntryCopyable wrapper of a IExtraEntry
 CFallbackAllocatorAllocator that attemps to allocate using given primary allocator, and if the allocation fails, it allocates using a second fallback allocator
 CFallbackHandlerComposite handler, choosing another collision handler if the primary handler rejects the collision by returning CollisionResult::NONE
 CFileLoggerFile output logger
 CFilmicMappingUsing http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-with-piecewise-power-curves/
 CFinderTemplateHelper template, allowing to define all three functions with a single function
 CFisheyeCameraFisheye camera
 CFixedParticlesPlaces immovable particles along boundary
 CFlagsWrapper of an integral value providing functions for reading and modifying individual bits
 CFlagsTraits< Flags< T > >
 CFlatMapContainer of key-value pairs
 CFourthOrderSplineFourth-order spline (M5) kernel
 CFrozenParticlesBoundary condition that nulls all highest derivates of selected particles
 CFunction< TReturn(TArgs...)>Wrapper of callable objects
 CFunctionSignatureFunction traits
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(*)(TArgs...)>
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...) const >
 CFunctionTraits< TReturn(TClass::*)(TArgs...)>
 CGaussianGaussian kernel
 CGaussianRandomSphereSee Muinonen 1998
 CGeneralizedMeanGeneralized mean with fixed (compile-time) power
 CGeneralizedMean< 0 >Geometric mean has to be specialized
 CGetTypeFromEnumConvert ValueType enum to type
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::INDEX >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SCALAR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::SYMMETRIC_TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::TRACELESS_TENSOR >
 CGetTypeFromEnum< ValueEnum::VECTOR >
 CGetValueEnumConvert type to ValueType enum
 CGetValueEnum< Float >
 CGetValueEnum< Size >
 CGetValueEnum< SymmetricTensor >
 CGetValueEnum< Tensor >
 CGetValueEnum< TracelessTensor >
 CGetValueEnum< Vector >
 CGhostParticlesAdds ghost particles symmetrically for each SPH particle close to boundary
 CGhostParticlesDataProvides a way to access ghost particle data outside the solver
 CGnuplotOutputExtension of text output that runs given gnuplot script on dumped text data
 CGradHObject evaluating grad-h terms
 CGraphicsContextDrawing context using wxWidgets implementation of Cairo backend
 CGravityKernelGravity smoothing kernels associated with standard SPH kernels
 CGravityKernel< CubicSpline< 3 > >
 CGravityKernel< ThomasCouchmanKernel< 3 > >ThomasCouchmanKernel differs from CubicSpline only in the gradient, so the GravityKernel is the same
 CGravityLutKernelGravitational kernel approximated by LUT for close particles
 CGravitySolverExtension of a generic SPH solver, including gravitational interactions of particles
 CHalfSpaceDomainDomain representing a half-space, given by z>0
 CHaltonQrngQuasi-random number generator
 CHardSphereSolverSolver computing gravitational interactions of hard-sphere particles
 CHasStreamOperator< T, TStream, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TStream & >()<< std::declval< T >())> >
 CHdf5InputReader of HDF5 files generated by the code miluphcuda
 CHelpExceptionException thrown when used passes -h or –help parameter
 CHexagonalDomainSimilar to cylindrical domain, but bases are hexagons instead of circles
 CHexagonalPackingHexagonal close packing
 CHistogramPlotDifferential histogram of quantities
 CIAccelerationExtension of derivative allowing to compute pair-wise acceleration for each neighbour
 CIAggregateObserverHolds aggregate data stored in the storage and used by the solver
 CIAsymmetricDerivativeSpecial derivative evaluated by GradHSolver
 CIAsymmetricSolverBase class for asymmetric SPH solvers
 CIBasicFinderInterface of objects finding neighbouring particles
 CIBoundaryConditionBase object for boundary conditions
 CICameraInterface defining a camera or view, used by a renderer
 CICollisionHandlerAbstraction of collision outcome
 CIColorizerInterface for objects assigning colors to particles
 CIConfigValueInterface for value written to the config file
 CIdealGasEosEquation of state for ideal gas
 CIDerivativeDerivative accumulated by summing up neighbouring particles
 CIDiagnosticBase class of diagnostics of the run
 CIDistributionBase class for generating vertices with specific distribution
 CIDomainBase class for computational domains
 CIDrawingContextAbstraction of a drawing context
 CIEnergyPartitionerAbstraction of the
 CIEosBase class for equations of state
 CIEquationTermRepresents a term or terms appearing in evolutionary equations
 CIExtraEntryProvides an interface for implementing new types of entries
 CIFractureModelInterface representing a fragmentation model
 CIGeometryJobBase class for jobs providing a geometric shape
 CIgnorePlaceholder for unused variables in tieToTuple
 CIGravityInterface for computing gravitational interactions of particles
 CIInputInterface for loading quantities of SPH particles from a file
 CIIntegralInterface for classes computing integral quantities from storage
 CIInterpolantInterface for computing quantity at any point in space
 CIJobBase class for all object performing an operation in a simulation hierarchy
 CIJobCallbacksInterface used during job evaluation
 CIJobDescProvides a descriptor of a job that allows to create new instances
 CILoggerInterface providing generic (text, human readable) output of the program
 CILogWriterBase class for objects logging run statistics
 CIMaterialMaterial settings and functions specific for one material
 CIMaterialJobBase class for jobs providing a material
 CIMeshFileInterface for mesh exporters
 CImmovableObject with deleted copy and move constructor and copy and move operator
 CIndicesHelper object for storing three (possibly four) int or bool values
 CInertialForceCentrifugal and Coriolis force
 CInitialConditionsObject for adding one or more bodies with given material into a Storage
 CInnerNodeInner node of K-d tree
 CINodeProvides an interface for running a simulation
 CIntegralsLogWriterWriter logging selected integrals of motion
 CIntegralWrapperHelper integral wrapping another integral and converting the returned value to scalar
 CIntegratorObject for integrating a generic three-dimensional scalar function
 CInternalBounceHandlerOverlap handler performing a bounce of particles
 CIntersectionInfoHolds intormation about intersection
 CIntervalObject representing a 1D interval of real numbers
 CIntervalEntryEntry connecting to either lower or upper bound of an interval stored in settings
 CINullJobBase class for jobs providing no data
 CInvalidSettingsAccessException thrown on invalid access to entries of a Settings object
 CInvalidSetupThrown when components of the run are mutually incompatible
 CInvalidStorageAccessException thrown when accessing missing quantities, casting to different types, etc
 CIoErrorException thrown when file cannot be read, it has invalid format, etc
 CIOutputInterface for saving quantities of SPH particles to a file
 CIOverlapHandlerHandles overlaps of particles
 CIParticleJobBase class for all jobs providing particle data
 CIPlotInterface for constructing generic plots from quantities stored in storage
 CIRaytracerBase class for renderers based on raytracing
 CIRenderContextAbstraction of a device used for rendering
 CIRendererInterface used to implement renderers
 CIRheologyBase class of rheological models
 CIRngPolymorphic holder allowing to store any RNG (type erasure)
 CIRunDefines the interface for a run
 CIRunCallbacksCallbacks executed by the simulation to provide feedback to the user
 CIRunJobBase class for jobs running a simulation
 CIScalarFieldInferface for a generic scalar field, returning a float for given position.:w
 CIsCallableImpl< TCallable, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< TCallable >()(std::declval< TArgs >()...))>, TArgs... >
 CISchedulerInterface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms
 CIsExtendedEnum< ExtendedEnum< TEnum > >
 CIsGravityKernel< GravityKernel< T > >
 CIsGravityKernel< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< GravityKernelTag, std::decay_t< T > >::value > >
 CIsKernel< T, VoidType< decltype(std::declval< T >().radius())> >
 CISolverBase class for all solvers
 CIsShareFromThis< T, typename T::SHARE_FROM_THIS_TAG >
 CIStorageUserDataBase class for arbitrary data stored in the storage alongside particles
 CIsTupleUseful type trait, checking whether given type is a Tuple
 CIsTuple< const Tuple< TArgs... > & >
 CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > & >
 CIsTuple< Tuple< TArgs... > && >
 CIsVectorTypeHelper type trait to determine if the type is a vector of some kind
 CIsVectorType< BasicVector< T > >
 CISymmetricDerivativeExtension of derivative, allowing a symmetrized evaluation
 CISymmetricFinderExtension of IBasicFinder, allowing to search only particles with lower rank in smoothing length
 CITaskHandle used to control tasks submitted into the scheduler
 CIteratorSimple (forward) iterator over continuous array of objects of type T
 CIteratorWithIndexWrapper of iterator keeping also an index of current element
 CITextColumnBase class for conversion of quantities into the output data
 CITimeStepCriterionBase class for timestep setters
 CITimeSteppingBase object providing integration in time for all quantities
 CITriggerInterface for triggering generic actions during the run
 CIUserQuantityInterface for auxilirary user-defined scalar quantities
 CIVirtualEntryRepresents a virtual entry in the settings
 CJobContextData exchanged by jobs
 CJobNodeBuilding block of a simulation hierarchy
 CJobRegistrarHelper class, allowing to register job into the global list of jobs
 CKdNodeBase class for nodes of K-d tree
 CKdTreeK-d tree, used for hierarchical clustering of particles and accelerated Kn queries
 CKernelBase class for all SPH kernels
 CKillEscapersBoundaryBoundary condition that removes particles outside the domain
 CLeafIndexIteratorIndex iterator with given mapping (index permutation)
 CLeafIndexSequenceHelper index sequence to iterate over particle indices of a leaf node
 CLeafNodeLeaf (bucket) node of K-d tree
 CLeapFrogLeapfrog timestepping
 CLinearDistributionGenerates particles uniformly on a line in x direction, for testing purposes
 CListDoubly-linked list
 CLocalObject intended to only be constructed on stack
 CLockingWraps given object together with a mutex, locking it every time the object is accessed
 CLogWriterCustom writer of simulation log
 CLutCallable representing a generic R->T function, approximated using look-up table
 CLutKernelA look-up table approximation of the kernel
 CMainLoopEventCustom event holding a callback
 CMakeMultipoleCreates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component
 CMakeMultipole< 0 >
 CMakeMultipole< 1 >
 CMakeMultipole< 2 >
 CMakeMultipole< 3 >
 CMakeMultipole< 4 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipoleCreates multipole by evaluating given object for each independent component
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 0 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 1 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 2 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 3 >
 CMakeTracelessMultipole< 4 >
 CMallocatorDefault allocator, simply wrapping _mm_malloc and _mm_free calls
 CMarchingCubesMarching cubes algorithm for generation of mesh from iso-surface of given scalar field
 CMaterialInitialContextShared data used when creating all bodies in the simulation
 CMaterialViewNon-owning wrapper of a material and particles with this material
 CMemoryResourceAllocatorAllocator that obtains memory blocks from given memory resource
 CMergeBoundHandlerHandler merging overlapping particles if their relative velocity is lower than the escape velocity
 CMergeOverlapHandlerHandler unconditionally merging the overlapping particles
 CMergingCollisionHandlerHandler merging particles into a single, larger particles
 CMeshDomainDomain represented by triangular mesh
 CMieGruneisenEosMie-Gruneisen equation of state
 CMinimalStepTlsHelper class storing a minimal value of time step and corresponding statistics
 CMinMaxMeanHelper class for statistics, accumulating minimal, maximal and mean value of a set of numbers
 CMonolithicBodyIcCreates a single monolithic body
 CMonotonicMemoryResourceSimple memory resource with pre-allocated contiguous memory buffer
 CMorrisMonaghanAVTime-dependent artificial viscosity with non-homogeneous oefficients alpha and beta
 CMovieObject managing periodic rendering of images and saving them to given paths
 CMpcorpInputReads data from Minor Planet Center Orbit Database exports
 CMultiCriterionHelper criterion, wrapping multiple criteria under ITimeStepCriterion interface
 CMultiLoggerClass holding multiple loggers and writing messages to all of them
 CMultiPlotHelper object used for drawing multiple plots into the same device
 CMultipoleExpansion< 0 >
 CMurnaghanEosMurnaghan equation of state
 CNavierStokesForceNavier-Stokes equation of motion
 CNegativeMeanGeneralized mean with negative (runtime) power
 CNeighbourCountTermHelper term counting the number of neighbours of each particle
 CNeighbourDensityDiscrDiscretization using the densities of summed particles
 CNeighbourRecordHolds information about a neighbour particles
 CNoncopyableObject with deleted copy constructor and copy operator
 CNullCollisionHandlerHelper handler always returning CollisionResult::NONE
 CNullInserterHelper output iterator that simply ignores the written values
 CNullLoggerHelper logger that does not write anything
 CNullLogWriterHelper writer that does not write any logs
 CNullMaterialMaterial that does not require any initialization or finalization
 CNullOverlapHandlerHandler simply ignoring overlaps
 CNumericLimitsHelper class, used to avoid including large header limits.h
 CNumericLimits< uint32_t >
 CNumericLimits< uint64_t >
 CObjFileText format containing mesh vertices (prefixed by 'v') and triangle indices (prefixed by 'f')
 COmpSchedulerScheduler encapsulating OpenMP directives
 COperatorTemplateClass defining additional operators from existing ones
 COptionalWrapper of type value of which may or may not be present
 COrderPermutation, i.e. (discrete) invertible function int->int
 COrthoCameraOrthographic camera
 COutcomeTraitsUtility functions used within BasicOutcome
 COutcomeTraits< std::string >
 COutputFileHelper file generating file names for output files
 COvercoolingDiagnosticChecks for clamping of excesivelly low values of internal energy
 CPaletteRepresents a color palette, used for mapping arbitrary number to a color
 CPanoCameraBaseCommon base for panoramic cameras
 CParametrizedSpiralingDistributionParametrized spiraling scheme by Saff & Kuijlaars (1997)
 CParticleObject holding information about single particle
 CParticleNumberColumnHelper column printing particle numbers
 CParticlePairingDiagnosticChecks for particle pairs, indicating a pairing instability
 CPathObject representing a path on a filesystem
 CPeriodicBoundaryBoundary condition moving all particles passed through the domain to the other side of the domain
 CPeriodicFinderFinder wrapper respecting periodic domain
 CPeriodicTriggerTrigger executing given action every period
 CPerspectiveCameraPerspective camera
 CPkdgravInputInput for pkdgrav output files (ss.xxxxx.bt)
 CPkdgravOutputDumps data into a file that can be used as an input for pkdgrav code by Richardson et al
 CPlotPointPoint in 2D plot
 CPlyFileExports meshes into a Polygon File Format (.ply file)
 CPointCloudContainer of points with optimized search queries
 CPolymorphicBase class for all polymorphic objects
 CPositiveMeanGeneralized mean with positive (runtime) power
 CPowerLawSfdHolds the information about a power-law size-frequency distributions
 CPredictorCorrectorPredictor-corrector second-order timestepping
 CPressureForceEquation of motion due to pressure gradient
 CProcessHolds a handle to a created process
 CProcessedNodeObject used during traversal
 CProjectedPointRepresents a particle projected onto image plane
 CProjection1DHelper tool for 1D tests, projects all particles onto a 1D line
 CPropagateConstConst-propagating wrapper for object with point semantics
 CQuantityGeneric container for storing scalar, vector or tensor quantity and its derivatives
 CQuantityMeansReturns means of given scalar quantity
 CQuantityMetadataAuxiliary information about quantity that aren't stored directly in Quantity
 CQuantityValueReturns the quantity value of given particle
 CQuatQuaternion representing an axis of rotation and a (half of) rotation angle
 CQueueContainer allowing to add and remove elements from both ends
 CRadialDistributionPlotPlots a dependence of given quantity on the distance from the origin
 CRadiiHashMapHelper structure storing search radii for particles as hash map
 CRandomDistributionGenerating random positions withing the domain
 CRandomPathManagerGenerates random file names
 CRawPtrNon-owning wrapper of pointer
 CReferenceWrapperHelper class for storing l-value references. Has a default constructor for convenient usage in containers
 CRegisterEnumHelper class for adding individual enums to the enum map
 CRenderParamsParameters of the rendered image
 CRepelHandlerHandler displacing the overlapping particles so that they just touch
 CReverseIteratorGeneric reverse iterator over continuous array of objects of type T
 CRiemannAVArtificial viscosity based on Riemann solver
 CRunPageMain frame of the application
 CScalarGradyKippModelScalar damage describing fragmentation of the body according to Grady-Kipp model (Grady and Kipp, 1980)
 CScalingKernelHelper kernel wrapper that modifies the support of another kernel
 CScopedTimerTimer that reports the measured duration when being destroyed
 CSecondDerivativeColumnReturns second derivatives of given quantity as stored in storage
 CSegregatorCompositor that uses one allocator for small allocations and another allocator for large allocations
 CSelectedParticlePlotTemporal plot of currently selected particle
 CSequentialSchedulerDummy scheduler that simply executes the submitted tasks sequentially on calling thread
 CSerializerObject providing serialization of primitives into a stream
 CSerializerExceptionException thrown by Deserializer on failure
 CSettingsGeneric object containing various settings and parameters of the run
 CSettingsIteratorIterator useful for iterating over all entries in the settings
 CSimpleSolverMinimalistic SPH solver, mainly used for benchmarking and educational purposes
 CSimplifiedTillotsonEosSimplified Tillotsons equation of state, valid for small pressures and energies
 CSmoothingDiscontinuityDiagnosticChecks for large differences of smoothing length between neighbouring particles
 CSmoothingLengthColumnReturns smoothing lengths of particles
 CSoftSphereSolverSolver computing gravitational interactions and repulsive forces between particles
 CSolidMaterialGeneralization of material with equation of state
 CSolidSphereKernelGravity kernel of a solid sphere
 CSolidStressForceEquation of motion for solid body and constitutive equation for the stress tensor (Hooke's law)
 CSparseMatrixSparse representation of matrix of arbitrary dimension
 CSpatialPlotBase class for plots showing a dependence of given quantity on a spatial coordinate
 CSphDomainDomain represented by SPH particles
 CSphericalCameraSpherical camera
 CSphericalDomainSpherical domain, defined by the center of sphere and its radius
 CSphericalGravitySpherically symmetrized gravitational force
 CSphericalGravityEquationImplements IEquationTerm interface using SphericalGravity
 CSphInterpolantObject for computing interpolated values of quantities
 CStabilizationSolverHelper solver used to converge into stable initial conditions
 CStackAllocatorAllocator used pre-allocated fixed-size buffer on stack
 CStandardAVStandard artificial viscosity Monaghan & Gingold [9]
 CStandardForceDiscrDiscretization of pressure term in standard SPH formulation
 CStandardLogWriterWriter logging useful statistics (current run time, relative progress, time step, ...)
 CStaticArrayArray with fixed number of allocated elements
 CStatisticsObject holding various statistics about current run
 CStdOutLoggerStandard output logger
 CStoppableTimerSimple extension of Timer allowing to pause and continue timer
 CStorageContainer storing all quantities used within the simulations
 CStorageIteratorHelper class for iterating over quantities stored in Storage
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER >
 CStoragePairVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER >
 CStorageSequenceHelper class, provides functions begin and end, returning iterators to the first and last quantity in Storage, respectively
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_BUFFERS >Iterator over all buffers
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ALL_VALUES >Iterator over all quantities, executes given functor with buffer of quantity values
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER >Iterator over all first-order quantities
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::HIGHEST_DERIVATIVES >Iterator over all highest-order derivatives of quantities
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::SECOND_ORDER >
 CStorageVisitor< VisitorEnum::ZERO_ORDER >Iterator over all zero-order quantities
 CStratifiedDistributionGenerates random positions using stratified sampling
 CStressAVArtificial stress for simulations including stress tensor
 CStringLoggerLogger writing messages to string stream
 CSubsetAdapterNon-owning view to access and iterate over subset of container
 CSubsetIteratorAllows to iterate over a given subset of a container, given by condition functor
 CSummationSolverSPH solver using density and specific energy as independent variables
 CSurfaceNormalTerm computing normals of free surface
 CSymmetricBoundaryBoundary duplicating particles along z=0 plane
 CSymmetricSolverBasic solver for integration of SPH equations
 CSymmetricTensorSymmetric tensor of 2nd order
 CTabFileSimple text format containing mesh vertices and triangle indices
 CTabInputSimple text input file, having particle masses, positions and velocities on separate lines
 CTaitEosTait equation of state
 CTaskTask to be executed by one of available threads
 CTbbScheduler encapsulating Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB)
 CTemporalPlotPlot of temporal dependence of a scalar quantity
 CTensorGeneric 2nd-order tensor with 9 independent components
 CTextInputInput for the text file, generated by TextOutput or conforming to the same format
 CTextOutputOutput saving data to text (human readable) file
 CThomasCouchmanKernelKernel introduced by Thomas & Couchman (1992)
 CThreadLocalTemplate for storing a copy of a value for every thread in given scheduler
 CThreadPoolThread pool capable of executing tasks concurrently
 CTillotsonEosTillotson equation of state [15]
 CTimeColumnHelper column printing current run time. This value is the same for every particle
 CTimerBasic time-measuring tool. Starts automatically when constructed
 CTotalAngularMomentumComputes total angular momentum of all SPH particles with a respect to the reference frame
 CTotalEnergyReturns the total energy of all particles
 CTotalInternalEnergyReturns the total internal energy of all particles
 CTotalKineticEnergyReturns the total kinetic energy of all particles
 CTotalMassComputes the total mass of all SPH particles
 CTotalMomentumComputes total momentum of all SPH particles with a respect to the reference frame
 CTracelessMultipole< 0 >
 CTracelessMultipole< 1 >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, J, Z, Z >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< I, Z, Z >
 CTracelessMultipoleComponentImpl< Z, Z >
 CTracelessTensorSymmetric traceless 2nd order tensor
 CTrackingAllocatorHelper allocator that keeps track on allocated memory
 CTransformedDomainTransform another domain by given transformation matrix
 CTriangleKernelTriangular (piecewise linear) kernel
 CTupleHeterogeneous container capable of storing a fixed number of values
 CTupleContains< Tuple< TArgs... >, Type >
 CTupleElementTypeGets type of tuple element given its index
 CTupleElementType< const Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &&, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... > &, TIndex >
 CTupleElementType< Tuple< TArgs... >, TIndex >
 CTupleIteratorHolds multiple iterators, advancing all of them at the same time
 CTypedColorizerDefault colorizer simply converting quantity value to color using defined palette
 CTypeIndexReturns the index of type T0 in type list. If the type is not in the list, returns -1
 CTypeIndex< T0, n, T1 >
 CTypeSelectorGets n-th type
 CTypeSelector< 0, T0, TArgs... >
 CTypeSelector< n, T0, TArgs... >
 CUndecayTypeAdds const or reference to the type, based on const-ness and reference-ness of given type
 CUndecayType< T, const TOther & >
 CUndecayType< T, const TOther >
 CUndecayType< T, TOther & >
 CUniformGridFinderFinder projecting a uniform grid on the particles
 CUniformRngRandom number generator with uniform distribution
 CUniquePathManagerObject generating unique paths
 CUnitSingle benchmark unit
 CUnwrapReferenceTypeType trait for "extracting" stored references from reference_wrappers. Other types keeps unchanged
 CUnwrapReferenceType< ReferenceWrapper< T > >
 CValueColumnReturns values of given quantity as stored in storage
 CVariantVariant, an implementation of type-safe union, similar to std::variant or boost::variant
 CVariantIteratorIterates through types of variant until idx-th type is found, and executes given TVisitor, passing arguments to its method visit
 CVariantIterator< T0 >Specialization for last type
 CVectorComponentAdapterWraps a vector container, providing means to iterate over given component of vector elements
 CVectorPdfRngGeneric generator of random vectors using sampling with given PDF
 CVectorRngWrapper for generating random vectors
 CVelocityColorizerDisplays the magnitudes of particle velocities
 CVerboseLogGuardRAII guard writing called functions and their durations to a special verbose logger
 CVerboseLogWriterExtension of StandardLogWriter, printing additional information abount quantities
 CVirtualSettingsHolds a map of virtual entries, associated with a unique name
 CViscousStressFlebbe et al. (1994)
 CVonMisesRheologyIntroduces plastic behavior for stress tensor, using von Mises yield criterion [16]
 CVtkOutputXML-based output format used by Visualization ToolKit (VTK)
 CWindTunnelBoundary conditions creating particles with given velocity at the boundary of the domain
 CWrapReferenceTypeType trait wrapping references. Other types keeps unchanged
 CWrapReferenceType< T & >
 CWxRenderContextRender context drawing directly into wxDC
 CXSphXSPH correction that (partially) averages the velocities over neighbouring particles