Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "gui/windows/NodePage.h"
2 #include "gui/Utils.h"
10 #include "io/FileSystem.h"
12 #include "run/Config.h"
13 #include "run/ScriptNode.h"
14 #include "run/SpecialEntries.h"
15 #include "run/jobs/IoJobs.h"
16 #include "run/jobs/Presets.h"
17 #include "run/jobs/ScriptJobs.h"
18 #include "thread/CheckFunction.h"
19 #include <wx/dcclient.h>
20 #include <wx/dirdlg.h>
21 #include <wx/graphics.h>
22 #include <wx/menu.h>
23 #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
24 #include <wx/richtooltip.h>
25 #include <wx/settings.h>
26 #include <wx/sizer.h>
27 #include <wx/stattext.h>
28 #include <wx/treectrl.h>
30 #include <wx/propgrid/propgrid.h>
31 #include <wx/propgrid/props.h>
32 // has to be included last
33 #include <wx/propgrid/advprops.h>
35 #include <wx/aui/framemanager.h>
39 constexpr int FIRST_SLOT_Y = 60;
40 constexpr int SLOT_DY = 25;
41 constexpr int SLOT_RADIUS = 6;
44 static AnimationJob animationDummy("dummy");
45 static PerspectiveCameraJob cameraDummy("dummy");
48 static ChaiScriptJob scriptDummy("dummy");
49 #endif
51 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 // NodeManager
53 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56  : editor(editor)
57  , callbacks(callbacks) {
67  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_AUTHOR, std::string("Pavel Sevecek"))
68  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_COMMENT, std::string(""))
69  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_EMAIL, std::string("sevecek@sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"));
70 }
73  const std::string currentName = node->instanceName();
74  UniqueNameManager nameMgr = this->makeUniqueNameManager();
75  const std::string fixedName = nameMgr.getName(currentName);
76  if (fixedName != currentName) {
77  VirtualSettings settings = node->getSettings();
78  settings.set("name", fixedName);
79  }
81  VisNode vis(node.get(), position);
82  VisNode& stored = nodes.insert(node, vis);
83  editor->Refresh();
84  return &stored;
85 }
88  const wxSize size = editor->GetSize();
89  return this->addNode(node, Pixel(size.x / 2, size.y / 2) - editor->offset());
90 }
93  node.enumerate([this](SharedPtr<JobNode> node, Size UNUSED(depth)) {
94  nodes.insert(node, VisNode(node.get(), Pixel(0, 0)));
95  });
96  this->layoutNodes(node, Pixel(800, 200) - editor->offset());
97  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
98 }
102  const wxSize size = editor->GetSize();
103  const Pixel pivot = Pixel(size.x / 2, size.y / 2) - editor->offset();
104  const Pixel offset = pivot - nodes[node.sharedFromThis()].position;
106  SharedPtr<JobNode> clonedRoot = Sph::cloneHierarchy(node);
107  this->addNodes(*clonedRoot);
109  // fix positions
110  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> origTree, clonedTree;
111  node.enumerate([&origTree](SharedPtr<JobNode> node) { //
112  origTree.push(node);
113  });
114  clonedRoot->enumerate([&clonedTree](SharedPtr<JobNode> node) { //
115  clonedTree.push(node);
116  });
117  SPH_ASSERT(origTree.size() == clonedTree.size());
119  for (Size i = 0; i < origTree.size(); ++i) {
120  nodes[clonedTree[i]].position = nodes[origTree[i]].position + offset;
121  }
122 }
127  node.enumerate([&depthMap](SharedPtr<JobNode> node, Size depth) { //
128  depthMap.insert(node, depth);
129  });
131  // fix depth map so that each provider is at least +1 in depth
132  bool depthChanged;
133  do {
134  depthChanged = false;
135  for (auto& element : depthMap) {
136  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = element.key;
138  // find depths of providers
139  for (Size i = 0; i < node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
140  SlotData data = node->getSlot(i);
141  if (data.provider && depthMap[data.provider] <= depthMap[node]) {
142  depthMap[data.provider]++;
143  depthChanged = true;
144  }
145  }
146  }
147  } while (depthChanged);
151  for (auto& element : depthMap) {
152  const int depth = element.value;
153  if (!depthMapInv.contains(depth)) {
154  depthMapInv.insert(depth, {});
155  }
156  depthMapInv[depth].push(element.key);
157  }
159  for (auto& element : depthMapInv) {
160  const int depth = element.key;
161  int index = 0;
162  for (auto& node : element.value) {
163  VisNode& vis = nodes[node];
164  vis.position =
165  Pixel(position.x - 200 * depth, position.y + 150 * index - (element.value.size() - 1) * 75);
166  ++index;
167  }
168  }
170  editor->Refresh();
171  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
172 }
175  for (Size i = 0; i < node.getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
176  if (SharedPtr<JobNode> provider = node.getSlot(i).provider) {
177  provider->disconnect(node.sharedFromThis());
178  }
179  }
180  node.disconnectAll();
181  nodes.remove(node.sharedFromThis());
182  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
183 }
186  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> toRemove;
187  node.enumerate([&toRemove](SharedPtr<JobNode> node) { toRemove.push(node); });
188  for (SharedPtr<JobNode> n : toRemove) {
189  nodes.remove(n);
190  }
191  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
192 }
195  nodes.clear();
196  editor->Refresh();
197  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
198 }
201  // Nodes are drawn in linear order, meaning nodes in the back will be higher in z-order than nodes in the
202  // front. To pick the uppermost one, just iterate in reverse.
203  for (auto& element : reverse(nodes)) {
204  VisNode& node = element.value;
205  wxRect rect(wxPoint(node.position), wxPoint(node.position + node.size()));
206  if (rect.Contains(wxPoint(position))) {
207  return &node;
208  }
209  }
210  return nullptr;
211 }
214  for (auto& element : nodes) {
215  VisNode& node = element.value;
216  const Pixel relative = position - node.position;
217  for (Size i = 0; i < node.node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
218  const float dist = getLength(relative - Pixel(0, FIRST_SLOT_Y + i * SLOT_DY));
219  if (dist < SLOT_RADIUS) {
220  return { &node, i };
221  }
222  }
224  const float dist = getLength(relative - Pixel(node.size().x, FIRST_SLOT_Y));
225  if (dist < SLOT_RADIUS) {
226  return { &node, NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT };
227  }
228  }
229  return { nullptr, 0 };
230 }
233 private:
234  ConfigNode& out;
236 public:
237  explicit SaveProc(ConfigNode& out)
238  : out(out) {}
240  virtual void onCategory(const std::string& UNUSED(name)) const override {
241  // do nothing
242  }
244  virtual void onEntry(const std::string& name, IVirtualEntry& entry) const override {
245  const IVirtualEntry::Type type = entry.getType();
246  switch (type) {
248  out.set<bool>(name, entry.get());
249  break;
251  out.set<int>(name, entry.get());
252  break;
254  out.set<Float>(name, entry.get());
255  break;
257  out.set<Vector>(name, entry.get());
258  break;
260  out.set<Interval>(name, entry.get());
261  break;
263  out.set<std::string>(name, entry.get());
264  break;
266  out.set<Path>(name, entry.get());
267  break;
270  EnumWrapper ew = entry.get();
271  out.set<int>(name, ew.value);
272  break;
273  }
275  ExtraEntry extra(entry.get());
276  out.set<std::string>(name, extra.toString());
277  break;
278  }
279  default:
281  }
282  }
283 };
285 void NodeManager::save(Config& config) {
288  try {
289  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> outGlobals = config.addNode("globals");
290  VirtualSettings globalSettings = getGlobalSettings();
291  globalSettings.enumerate(SaveProc(*outGlobals));
293  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> outNodes = config.addNode("nodes");
294  for (auto& element : nodes) {
295  const SharedPtr<JobNode> node = element.key;
296  const VisNode vis = element.value;
298  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> out = outNodes->addChild(node->instanceName());
300  out->set("class_name", node->className());
301  out->set("position", vis.position);
303  // save connected slots
304  for (Size i = 0; i < node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
305  SlotData slot = node->getSlot(i);
306  if (SharedPtr<JobNode> provider = slot.provider) {
307  out->set(slot.name, provider->instanceName());
308  }
309  }
311  VirtualSettings settings = node->getSettings();
312  settings.enumerate(SaveProc(*out));
313  }
315  batch.save(config);
317  } catch (const Exception& e) {
318  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot save file.\n\n") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
319  }
320 }
322 class LoadProc : public VirtualSettings::IEntryProc {
323 private:
324  ConfigNode& input;
326 public:
328  : input(input) {}
330  virtual void onCategory(const std::string& UNUSED(name)) const override {}
332  virtual void onEntry(const std::string& name, IVirtualEntry& entry) const override {
333  const IVirtualEntry::Type type = entry.getType();
335  try {
336  switch (type) {
338  entry.set(input.get<bool>(name));
339  break;
341  entry.set(input.get<int>(name));
342  break;
344  entry.set(input.get<Float>(name));
345  break;
347  entry.set(input.get<Vector>(name));
348  break;
350  entry.set(input.get<Interval>(name));
351  break;
353  entry.set(input.get<std::string>(name));
354  break;
356  entry.set(input.get<Path>(name));
357  break;
360  EnumWrapper ew = entry.get();
361  ew.value = input.get<int>(name);
362  entry.set(ew);
363  break;
364  }
367  ExtraEntry extra(makeAuto<CurveEntry>());
368  extra.fromString(input.get<std::string>(name));
369  entry.set(extra);
370  break;
371  }
372  default:
374  }
375  } catch (const Exception& e) {
377  std::cout << "Failed to load value, keeping the default.\n" << e.what() << std::endl;
378  }
379  }
380 };
383 void NodeManager::load(Config& config) {
386  nodes.clear();
388  try {
389  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> inGlobals = config.getNode("globals");
390  VirtualSettings globalSettings = this->getGlobalSettings();
391  globalSettings.enumerate(LoadProc(*inGlobals));
393  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> inNodes = config.getNode("nodes");
394  Array<Tuple<SharedPtr<JobNode>, std::string, std::string>> allToConnect;
395  inNodes->enumerateChildren([this, &allToConnect](std::string name, ConfigNode& input) {
396  RawPtr<IJobDesc> desc;
397  try {
398  const std::string className = input.get<std::string>("class_name");
399  desc = getJobDesc(className);
400  if (!desc) {
401  throw Exception("cannot find desc for node '" + className + "'");
402  }
403  } catch (const Exception& e) {
404  wxMessageBox(e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
405  return;
406  }
408  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = makeShared<JobNode>(desc->create(name));
409  this->addNode(node, input.get<Pixel>("position"));
410  VirtualSettings settings = node->getSettings();
411  settings.enumerate(LoadProc(input));
413  for (Size i = 0; i < node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
414  const std::string slotName = node->getSlot(i).name;
415  Optional<std::string> connectedName = input.tryGet<std::string>(slotName);
416  if (connectedName) {
417  allToConnect.push(makeTuple(node, slotName, connectedName.value()));
418  }
419  }
420  });
422  for (auto& toConnect : allToConnect) {
423  for (auto& element : nodes) {
424  if (element.key->instanceName() == toConnect.get<2>()) {
425  element.key->connect(toConnect.get<0>(), toConnect.get<1>());
426  }
427  }
428  }
430  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> nodeList;
431  for (auto& pair : nodes) {
432  nodeList.push(pair.key);
433  }
434  batch.load(config, nodeList);
436  } catch (const Exception& e) {
437  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot load file.\n\n") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
438  }
439 }
442  // clone all nodes to avoid touching the data while the simulation is running
443  callbacks->startRun(Sph::cloneHierarchy(node, std::string("")), globals, node.instanceName());
444 }
447 class BatchJob : public IParticleJob {
448 private:
449  Size runCnt;
451 public:
452  BatchJob(const std::string& name, const Size runCnt)
453  : IParticleJob(name)
454  , runCnt(runCnt) {}
456  virtual std::string className() const override {
457  return "batch run";
458  }
462  for (Size i = 0; i < runCnt; ++i) {
463  map.insert("job " + std::to_string(i), JobType::PARTICLES);
464  }
465  return map;
466  }
468  virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override {
470  }
472  virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings& UNUSED(global), IRunCallbacks& UNUSED(callbacks)) override {
473  // only used for run the dependencies, the job itself is empty
474  }
475 };
478  RawPtr<IJobDesc> desc = getJobDesc(node.className());
479  SPH_ASSERT(desc);
481  // validate
482  for (Size col = 0; col < batch.getParamCount(); ++col) {
483  if (!batch.getParamNode(col)) {
484  wxMessageBox(std::string(
485  "Incomplete set up of batch run.\nSet up all parameters in Project / Batch Run."));
486  return;
487  }
488  }
490  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> batchNodes;
491  try {
492  for (Size runIdx = 0; runIdx < batch.getRunCount(); ++runIdx) {
493  SharedPtr<JobNode> runNode = Sph::cloneHierarchy(node, batch.getRunName(runIdx) + " / ");
494  batch.modifyHierarchy(runIdx, *runNode);
495  batchNodes.push(runNode);
496  }
497  } catch (const Exception& e) {
498  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot start batch run.\n\n") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
499  }
501  SharedPtr<JobNode> root = makeNode<BatchJob>("batch", batchNodes.size());
502  for (Size i = 0; i < batchNodes.size(); ++i) {
503  batchNodes[i]->connect(root, "job " + std::to_string(i));
504  }
506  callbacks->startRun(root, globals, root->instanceName());
507 }
509 void NodeManager::startScript(const Path& file) {
511  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> rootNodes = getRootNodes();
512  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> clonedNodes;
513  for (const auto& node : rootNodes) {
514  SharedPtr<JobNode> cloned = Sph::cloneHierarchy(*node, std::string());
515  cloned->enumerate([&](SharedPtr<JobNode> job) { clonedNodes.push(job); });
516  }
517  SharedPtr<ScriptNode> node = makeShared<ScriptNode>(file, std::move(clonedNodes));
519  callbacks->startRun(node, globals, "Script '" + file.native() + "'");
520 #else
521  throw InvalidSetup("Cannot start script '" + file.native() + "', no ChaiScript support.");
522 #endif
523 }
526  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> inputs;
527  for (auto& element : nodes) {
528  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = element.key;
529  Optional<ExtJobType> provided = node->provides();
530  if ((!provided || provided.value() == JobType::PARTICLES) && node->getDependentCnt() == 0) {
531  inputs.push(Sph::cloneHierarchy(*node, std::string("")));
532  }
533  }
534  if (inputs.empty()) {
535  wxMessageBox("No simulations to start.");
536  return;
537  }
539  SharedPtr<JobNode> root = makeNode<BatchJob>("batch", inputs.size());
540  for (Size i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
541  inputs[i]->connect(root, "job " + std::to_string(i));
542  }
544  callbacks->startRun(root, globals, root->instanceName());
545 }
548  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> inputs;
549  for (auto& element : nodes) {
550  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = element.key;
551  Optional<ExtJobType> provided = node->provides();
552  if ((!provided || provided.value() == JobType::PARTICLES) && node->getDependentCnt() == 0) {
553  inputs.push(node);
554  }
555  }
556  return inputs;
557 }
560  VirtualSettings settings;
562  VirtualSettings::Category& sphCat = settings.addCategory("SPH parameters");
563  sphCat.connect<EnumWrapper>("SPH kernel", globals, RunSettingsId::SPH_KERNEL);
565  VirtualSettings::Category& parallelCat = settings.addCategory("Parallelization");
566  parallelCat.connect<int>("Number of threads", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_THREAD_CNT);
567  parallelCat.connect<int>("Particle granularity", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_THREAD_GRANULARITY);
568  parallelCat.connect<int>("K-d tree leaf size", globals, RunSettingsId::FINDER_LEAF_SIZE);
569  parallelCat.connect<int>("Max parallel depth", globals, RunSettingsId::FINDER_MAX_PARALLEL_DEPTH);
571  VirtualSettings::Category& flawCat = settings.addCategory("Random numbers");
572  flawCat.connect<EnumWrapper>("Random-number generator", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_RNG);
573  flawCat.connect<int>("Random seed", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_RNG_SEED);
575  VirtualSettings::Category& renderCat = settings.addCategory("Rendering");
576  renderCat.connect<bool>("Enable textures", globals, RunSettingsId::GENERATE_UVWS);
577  renderCat.connect<EnumWrapper>("UV mapping", globals, RunSettingsId::UVW_MAPPING);
579  VirtualSettings::Category& authorCat = settings.addCategory("Run metadata");
580  authorCat.connect<std::string>("Author name", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_AUTHOR);
581  authorCat.connect<std::string>("Author e-mail", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_EMAIL);
582  authorCat.connect<std::string>("Comment", globals, RunSettingsId::RUN_COMMENT);
584  return settings;
585 }
588  Array<std::string> names;
589  for (auto& element : nodes) {
590  names.push(element.key->instanceName());
591  }
593  UniqueNameManager uniqueNames(names);
594  return uniqueNames;
595 }
598  Array<SharedPtr<JobNode>> nodeList;
599  for (auto& pair : nodes) {
600  nodeList.push(pair.key);
601  }
602  BatchDialog* batchDialog = new BatchDialog(editor, batch, std::move(nodeList));
603  if (batchDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
604  batch = batchDialog->getBatch().clone();
605  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
606  }
607  batchDialog->Destroy();
608 }
611  return alignedNew<RenderPane>(parent, wxDefaultSize, node.sharedFromThis(), globals);
612 }
615  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = activeNode.lock();
616  if (node) {
617  callbacks->startRun(node, globals, node->instanceName());
618  return;
619  }
622  if (nodeList.empty()) {
623  wxMessageBox(std::string("No simulation nodes added. First, create a simulation by double-clicking "
624  "an item in the node list on the right side."),
625  "No runs",
626  wxOK);
627  return;
628  }
630  if (nodeList.size() == 1) {
631  // only a single node, no need for run select dialog
632  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = nodeList.front();
633  callbacks->startRun(node, globals, node->instanceName());
634  return;
635  }
637  RunSelectDialog* dialog = new RunSelectDialog(editor, std::move(nodeList));
638  if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
639  node = dialog->selectedNode();
640  if (dialog->remember()) {
641  activeNode = node;
642  }
643  callbacks->startRun(node, globals, node->instanceName());
644  }
645  dialog->Destroy();
646 }
648 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
649 // NodeEditor
650 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
653  : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY)
654  , callbacks(callbacks)
655  , nodeWindow(parent) {
656  this->SetMinSize(wxSize(1024, 768));
658  this->Connect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(NodeEditor::onPaint));
659  this->Connect(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onMouseWheel));
660  this->Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onLeftDown));
661  this->Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onLeftUp));
662  this->Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onRightUp));
663  this->Connect(wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onMouseMotion));
664  this->Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler(NodeEditor::onDoubleClick));
665 }
667 static void drawCenteredText(wxGraphicsContext* gc,
668  const std::string& text,
669  const Pixel from,
670  const Pixel to) {
671  wxDouble width, height, descent, externalLeading;
672  gc->GetTextExtent(text, &width, &height, &descent, &externalLeading);
673  const Pixel pivot = (from + to) / 2 - Pixel(int(width), int(height)) / 2;
674  gc->DrawText(text, pivot.x, pivot.y);
675 }
678  if (index == RESULT_SLOT) {
680  } else {
681  return vis->position + Pixel(0, FIRST_SLOT_Y + SLOT_DY * index);
682  }
683 }
686 static wxColour getLineColor(const Rgba& background) {
687  if (background.intensity() > 0.5f) {
688  // light theme
689  return wxColour(30, 30, 30);
690  } else {
691  // dark theme
692  return wxColour(230, 230, 230);
693  }
694 }
696 static FlatMap<ExtJobType, wxPen> NODE_PENS_DARK = [] {
698  wxPen& storagePen = pens.insert(JobType::PARTICLES, *wxBLACK_PEN);
699  storagePen.SetColour(wxColour(230, 230, 230));
701  wxPen& materialPen = pens.insert(JobType::MATERIAL, *wxBLACK_PEN);
702  materialPen.SetColour(wxColour(255, 120, 60));
703  materialPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
705  wxPen& geometryPen = pens.insert(JobType::GEOMETRY, *wxBLACK_PEN);
706  geometryPen.SetColour(wxColour(60, 120, 255));
707  geometryPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
709  wxPen& cameraPen = pens.insert(GuiJobType::CAMERA, *wxBLACK_PEN);
710  cameraPen.SetColour(wxColour(150, 225, 100));
711  cameraPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
712  return pens;
713 }();
715 static FlatMap<ExtJobType, wxPen> NODE_PENS_LIGHT = [] {
717  wxPen& storagePen = pens.insert(JobType::PARTICLES, *wxBLACK_PEN);
718  storagePen.SetColour(wxColour(30, 30, 30));
720  wxPen& materialPen = pens.insert(JobType::MATERIAL, *wxBLACK_PEN);
721  materialPen.SetColour(wxColour(150, 40, 10));
722  materialPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
724  wxPen& geometryPen = pens.insert(JobType::GEOMETRY, *wxBLACK_PEN);
725  geometryPen.SetColour(wxColour(0, 20, 80));
726  geometryPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
728  wxPen& cameraPen = pens.insert(GuiJobType::CAMERA, *wxBLACK_PEN);
729  cameraPen.SetColour(wxColour(80, 10, 10));
730  cameraPen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SHORT_DASH);
731  return pens;
732 }();
734 static wxPen& getNodePen(const ExtJobType type, const bool isLightTheme) {
735  if (isLightTheme) {
736  return NODE_PENS_LIGHT[type];
737  } else {
738  return NODE_PENS_DARK[type];
739  }
740 }
742 static Rgba decreaseContrast(const Rgba& color, const float amount, const bool darken) {
743  if (darken) {
744  return color.darken(amount);
745  } else {
746  return color.brighten(3.f * amount);
747  }
748 }
750 static void drawCurve(wxGraphicsContext* gc, const Pixel from, const Pixel to) {
751  wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
752  path.MoveToPoint(from.x, from.y);
754  const Pixel dp = to - from;
755  path.AddCurveToPoint(from.x + dp.x / 2, from.y, from.x + dp.x / 2, to.y, to.x, to.y);
757  gc->StrokePath(path);
758 }
760 static bool canConnectSlots(const NodeSlot& from, const NodeSlot& to) {
761  if (from.vis == to.vis) {
762  // connecting to the same node
764  return false;
765  }
766  if ((from.index == NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT) == (to.index == NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT)) {
767  // source to source or input to input
768  return false;
769  }
771  if (to.index == NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT) {
773  const SlotData fromSlot = from.vis->node->getSlot(from.index);
774  const Optional<ExtJobType> provided = to.vis->node->provides();
775  return fromSlot.used && provided && provided.value() == fromSlot.type;
776  } else {
778  const SlotData toSlot = to.vis->node->getSlot(to.index);
779  const Optional<ExtJobType> provided = from.vis->node->provides();
780  return toSlot.used && provided && provided.value() == toSlot.type;
781  }
782 }
784 wxColour NodeEditor::getSlotColor(const NodeSlot& slot, const Rgba& background) {
785  if (!state.mousePosition) {
786  // paint event called before any mouse event happened, just return the default
787  return wxColour(background);
788  }
790  const Pixel mousePosition = this->transform(state.mousePosition.value());
792  if (state.connectingSlot == slot) {
793  // connecting source slot, always valid color
794  return wxColour(0, 220, 0);
795  } else if (getLength(slot.position() - mousePosition) >= SLOT_RADIUS) {
796  // not hovered over, background color
797  return wxColour(background);
798  } else if (state.connectingSlot && !canConnectSlots(state.connectingSlot.value(), slot)) {
799  // fail color
800  return wxColour(200, 0, 0);
801  } else {
802  // can connect or just hovering over, valid color
803  return wxColour(0, 220, 0);
804  }
805 }
807 void NodeEditor::paintNode(wxGraphicsContext* gc, const Rgba& background, const VisNode& vis) {
808  const Pixel position = vis.position;
809  const Pixel size = vis.size();
810  const Optional<ExtJobType> provided = vis.node->provides();
811  // setup pen and brush
812  const bool isLightTheme = background.intensity() > 0.5f;
813  wxPen pen = getNodePen(provided.valueOr(JobType::PARTICLES), isLightTheme);
814  wxBrush brush = *wxBLACK_BRUSH;
815  Rgba brushColor;
816  if (!provided || provided.value() == JobType::PARTICLES) {
817  brushColor = decreaseContrast(background, 0.1f, isLightTheme);
818  } else {
819  brushColor = background.blend(Rgba(pen.GetColour()), 0.2f);
820  }
821  brush.SetColour(wxColour(brushColor));
822  gc->SetBrush(brush);
823  gc->SetPen(pen);
825  const wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_SYSTEM_FONT);
826  const Rgba lineColor(getLineColor(background));
827  gc->SetFont(font, wxColour(lineColor));
829  if (&vis == state.activated) {
830  pen.SetWidth(3);
831  gc->SetPen(pen);
832  }
834  // node (rounded) rectangle
835  gc->DrawRoundedRectangle(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y, 10);
837  // node instance name
838  drawCenteredText(gc, vis.node->instanceName(), position, Pixel(position.x + size.x, position.y + 23));
840  // node class name
841  wxColour disabledTextColor(decreaseContrast(lineColor, 0.3f, !isLightTheme));
842  gc->SetFont(font.Smaller(), disabledTextColor);
843  drawCenteredText(gc,
844  vis.node->className(),
845  Pixel(position.x, position.y + 23),
846  Pixel(position.x + size.x, position.y + 40));
847  gc->SetFont(font, wxColour(lineColor));
849  // separating line for particle nodes
850  pen = *wxBLACK_PEN;
851  if (!provided || provided.value() == JobType::PARTICLES) {
852  pen.SetColour(isLightTheme ? wxColour(160, 160, 160) : wxColour(20, 20, 20));
853  gc->SetPen(pen);
854  const int lineY = 44;
855  const int padding = (&vis == state.activated) ? 2 : 1;
856  gc->StrokeLine(
857  position.x + padding, position.y + lineY, position.x + size.x - padding, position.y + lineY);
858  pen.SetColour(isLightTheme ? wxColour(240, 240, 240) : wxColour(100, 100, 100));
859  gc->SetPen(pen);
860  gc->StrokeLine(position.x + padding,
861  position.y + lineY + 1,
862  position.x + size.x - padding,
863  position.y + lineY + 1);
864  }
866  // input slots
867  for (Size i = 0; i < vis.node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
868  SlotData slot = vis.node->getSlot(i);
869  const Pixel p1 = NodeSlot{ &vis, i }.position();
871  brush.SetColour(this->getSlotColor(NodeSlot{ &vis, i }, background));
872  gc->SetBrush(brush);
874  pen = getNodePen(slot.type, isLightTheme);
875  pen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SOLID);
876  pen.SetWidth(1);
877  gc->SetPen(pen);
878  gc->DrawEllipse(p1.x - SLOT_RADIUS, p1.y - SLOT_RADIUS, 2 * SLOT_RADIUS, 2 * SLOT_RADIUS);
880  if (slot.used) {
881  gc->SetFont(font, wxColour(lineColor));
882  } else {
883  gc->SetFont(font, disabledTextColor);
884  }
885  gc->DrawText(slot.name, p1.x + 14, p1.y - 10);
886  }
888  // result slot
889  if (provided) {
890  const Pixel resultSlot(position.x + size.x, position.y + FIRST_SLOT_Y);
891  brush.SetColour(this->getSlotColor(NodeSlot{ &vis, NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT }, background));
892  gc->SetBrush(brush);
894  pen = getNodePen(provided.value(), isLightTheme);
895  pen.SetStyle(wxPENSTYLE_SOLID);
896  pen.SetWidth(1);
897  gc->SetPen(pen);
898  gc->DrawEllipse(
899  resultSlot.x - SLOT_RADIUS, resultSlot.y - SLOT_RADIUS, 2 * SLOT_RADIUS, 2 * SLOT_RADIUS);
900  }
901 }
903 void NodeEditor::save(Config& config) {
904  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> out = config.addNode("editor_state");
905  out->set("offset", state.offset);
906  out->set("zoom", state.zoom);
907 }
909 void NodeEditor::load(Config& config) {
910  SharedPtr<ConfigNode> in = config.getNode("editor_state");
911  state.offset = in->get<Pixel>("offset");
912  state.zoom = in->get<float>("zoom");
913 }
915 void NodeEditor::paintCurves(wxGraphicsContext* gc, const Rgba& background, const VisNode& vis) {
916  const Pixel size = vis.size();
918  wxPen pen = *wxBLACK_PEN;
919  pen.SetWidth(2);
920  pen.SetColour(getLineColor(background));
921  gc->SetPen(pen);
923  if (state.mousePosition && state.connectingSlot && state.connectingSlot->vis == addressOf(vis)) {
924  const Pixel mousePosition = this->transform(state.mousePosition.value());
925  const Pixel sourcePoint = state.connectingSlot->position();
926  drawCurve(gc, sourcePoint, mousePosition);
927  }
929  const NodeMap& nodes = nodeMgr->getNodes();
930  for (Size i = 0; i < vis.node->getSlotCnt(); ++i) {
931  const Pixel p1 = NodeSlot{ &vis, i }.position();
932  const SlotData slot = vis.node->getSlot(i);
933  if (slot.provider != nullptr) {
934  const Pixel childPoint = nodes[slot.provider].position;
935  const Pixel p2(childPoint.x + size.x, childPoint.y + FIRST_SLOT_Y);
937  drawCurve(gc, p1, p2);
938  }
939  }
940 }
942 void NodeEditor::onPaint(wxPaintEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
944  wxPaintDC dc(this);
946  wxGraphicsContext* gc = wxGraphicsContext::Create(dc);
947  if (!gc) {
948  return;
949  }
951  const wxGraphicsMatrix matrix =
952  gc->CreateMatrix(state.zoom, 0.f, 0.f, state.zoom, state.offset.x, state.offset.y);
953  gc->SetTransform(matrix);
955  const NodeMap& nodes = nodeMgr->getNodes();
957  const Rgba background(dc.GetBackground().GetColour());
959  // first layer - curves
960  for (auto& element : nodes) {
961  this->paintCurves(gc, background, element.value);
962  }
964  // second layer to paint over - nodes
965  for (auto& element : nodes) {
966  this->paintNode(gc, background, element.value);
967  }
969  delete gc;
970 }
972 void NodeEditor::onMouseMotion(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
973  const Pixel mousePosition(evt.GetPosition());
974  if (evt.Dragging()) {
975  if (!state.mousePosition) {
976  // unknown position, cannot compute the offset
977  state.mousePosition = mousePosition;
978  return;
979  }
981  if (state.selected) {
982  // moving a node
983  state.selected->position += (mousePosition - state.mousePosition.value()) / state.zoom;
984  } else if (!state.connectingSlot) {
985  // just drag the editor
986  state.offset += mousePosition - state.mousePosition.value();
987  }
988  this->Refresh();
989  callbacks->markUnsaved(false);
990  } else {
991  const NodeSlot slot = nodeMgr->getSlotAtPosition(this->transform(mousePosition));
992  if (slot != state.lastSlot) {
993  state.lastSlot = slot;
994  this->Refresh();
995  }
996  }
998  state.mousePosition = mousePosition;
999 }
1001 void NodeEditor::onMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1002  constexpr float MAX_ZOOM_OUT = 0.2f;
1003  constexpr float MAX_ZOOM_IN = 4.f;
1005  const Pixel position(evt.GetPosition());
1006  const float spin = evt.GetWheelRotation();
1007  const float amount = (spin > 0.f) ? 1.2f : 1.f / 1.2f;
1008  state.zoom = clamp(state.zoom * amount, MAX_ZOOM_OUT, MAX_ZOOM_IN);
1009  if (state.zoom != MAX_ZOOM_OUT && state.zoom != MAX_ZOOM_IN) {
1010  state.offset += (position - state.offset) * (1.f - amount);
1011  }
1012  this->Refresh();
1013  callbacks->markUnsaved(false);
1014 }
1016 void NodeEditor::onLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1017  const Pixel mousePosition(evt.GetPosition());
1018  const Pixel position = this->transform(mousePosition);
1020  const NodeSlot slot = nodeMgr->getSlotAtPosition(position);
1021  if (slot.vis != nullptr) {
1022  state.connectingSlot = slot;
1024  if (slot.index != NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT) {
1025  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = slot.vis->node->getSlot(slot.index).provider;
1026  if (node) {
1027  node->disconnect(slot.vis->node->sharedFromThis());
1028  }
1029  }
1030  } else {
1031  state.selected = nodeMgr->getSelectedNode(position);
1032  }
1033  state.mousePosition = mousePosition;
1034 }
1036 void NodeEditor::onLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1037  const Pixel mousePosition(evt.GetPosition());
1038  state.selected = nullptr;
1040  if (!state.connectingSlot) {
1041  return;
1042  }
1043  NodeSlot sourceSlot = state.connectingSlot.value();
1045  const Pixel position = this->transform(mousePosition);
1046  NodeSlot targetSlot = nodeMgr->getSlotAtPosition(position);
1048  if (targetSlot.vis != nullptr && canConnectSlots(sourceSlot, targetSlot)) {
1049  if (targetSlot.index == NodeSlot::RESULT_SLOT) {
1050  std::swap(sourceSlot, targetSlot);
1051  }
1053  RawPtr<JobNode> sourceNode = sourceSlot.vis->node;
1054  RawPtr<JobNode> targetNode = targetSlot.vis->node;
1056  // disconnect the previous one
1057  SlotData slotData = targetNode->getSlot(targetSlot.index);
1058  if (slotData.provider) {
1059  slotData.provider->disconnect(targetNode->sharedFromThis());
1060  }
1062  // connect to the new slot
1063  sourceNode->connect(targetNode->sharedFromThis(), slotData.name);
1065  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
1066  }
1068  state.connectingSlot = NOTHING;
1069  this->Refresh();
1070 }
1072 void NodeEditor::onRightUp(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1073  const Pixel position = (Pixel(evt.GetPosition()) - state.offset) / state.zoom;
1075  wxMenu menu;
1076  VisNode* vis = nodeMgr->getSelectedNode(position);
1077  if (vis != nullptr) {
1078  const Optional<ExtJobType> provided = vis->node->provides();
1079  if (!provided || provided.value() == JobType::PARTICLES) {
1080  menu.Append(0, "Evaluate"); // there is no visible result of other types
1081  menu.Append(1, "Render preview");
1082  }
1083  }
1085  menu.Append(2, "Evaluate all");
1087  if (vis != nullptr) {
1088  menu.Append(3, "Clone");
1089  menu.Append(4, "Clone tree");
1090  menu.Append(5, "Layout");
1091  menu.Append(6, "Delete");
1092  menu.Append(7, "Delete tree");
1093  }
1094  menu.Append(8, "Delete all");
1096  menu.Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, [this, vis](wxCommandEvent& evt) {
1097  const Size index = evt.GetId();
1098  switch (index) {
1099  case 0:
1100  try {
1101  nodeMgr->startRun(*vis->node);
1102  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
1103  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot run the node: ") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
1104  }
1105  break;
1106  case 1:
1107  try {
1108  nodeWindow->createRenderPreview(*vis->node);
1109  } catch (const Exception& e) {
1110  wxMessageBox(std::string("Cannot start render preview: ") + e.what(), "Error", wxOK);
1111  }
1112  // nodeMgr->startBatch(*vis->node);
1113  break;
1114  case 2:
1115  nodeMgr->startAll();
1116  break;
1117  case 3:
1118  nodeMgr->addNode(cloneNode(*vis->node));
1119  break;
1120  case 4:
1121  nodeMgr->cloneHierarchy(*vis->node);
1122  break;
1123  case 5:
1124  nodeMgr->layoutNodes(*vis->node, vis->position);
1125  break;
1126  case 6:
1127  nodeMgr->deleteNode(*vis->node);
1128  break;
1129  case 7:
1130  nodeMgr->deleteTree(*vis->node);
1131  break;
1132  case 8:
1133  nodeMgr->deleteAll();
1134  break;
1135  default:
1137  }
1139  this->Refresh();
1140  });
1141  this->PopupMenu(&menu);
1142 }
1144 void NodeEditor::onDoubleClick(wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1145  const Pixel position(evt.GetPosition());
1146  VisNode* vis = nodeMgr->getSelectedNode((position - state.offset) / state.zoom);
1147  if (vis) {
1148  state.activated = vis;
1149  this->Refresh();
1150  nodeWindow->selectNode(*vis->node);
1151  }
1152 }
1155 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1156 // NodeWindow
1157 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1159 class DirDialogAdapter : public wxPGEditorDialogAdapter {
1160 public:
1161  virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid* UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty* property) override {
1162  wxDirDialog dialog(nullptr, "Choose directory", "", wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST);
1163  if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
1164  wxString path = dialog.GetPath();
1165  property->SetValue(path);
1166  this->SetValue(path);
1167  return true;
1168  } else {
1169  return false;
1170  }
1171  }
1172 };
1174 class SaveFileDialogAdapter : public wxPGEditorDialogAdapter {
1175 private:
1176  Array<FileFormat> formats;
1178 public:
1180  : formats(std::move(formats)) {}
1182  virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid* UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty* property) override {
1183  Optional<Path> file = doSaveFileDialog("Save file...", formats.clone());
1184  if (file) {
1185  property->SetValue(file->native());
1186  this->SetValue(file->native());
1187  return true;
1188  } else {
1189  return false;
1190  }
1191  }
1192 };
1195 class OpenFileDialogAdapter : public wxPGEditorDialogAdapter {
1196 private:
1197  Array<FileFormat> formats;
1199 public:
1201  : formats(std::move(formats)) {}
1203  virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid* UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty* property) override {
1204  Optional<Path> file = doOpenFileDialog("Save file...", formats.clone());
1205  if (file) {
1206  property->SetValue(file->native());
1207  this->SetValue(file->native());
1208  return true;
1209  } else {
1210  return false;
1211  }
1212  }
1213 };
1215 class FileProperty : public wxFileProperty {
1216  Function<wxPGEditorDialogAdapter*()> makeAdapter;
1218 public:
1219  using wxFileProperty::wxFileProperty;
1221  void setFunc(Function<wxPGEditorDialogAdapter*()> func) {
1222  makeAdapter = func;
1223  }
1225  virtual wxPGEditorDialogAdapter* GetEditorDialog() const override {
1226  return makeAdapter();
1227  }
1228 };
1230 class VectorProperty : public wxStringProperty {
1231 private:
1232  class ComponentProperty : public wxFloatProperty {
1233  private:
1234  VectorProperty* parent;
1236  public:
1237  ComponentProperty(VectorProperty* parent, const wxString& name, const Vector& value, const Size index)
1238  : wxFloatProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value[index])
1239  , parent(parent) {}
1241  virtual void OnSetValue() override {
1242  wxFloatProperty::OnSetValue();
1243  parent->update();
1244  }
1245  };
1248  wxWindow* parent;
1250 public:
1251  VectorProperty(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& name, const Vector& value)
1252  : wxStringProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, "")
1253  , parent(parent) {
1254  this->SetFlagRecursively(wxPG_PROP_READONLY, true);
1256  static StaticArray<std::string, 3> labels = { "X", "Y", "Z" };
1257  for (Size i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1258  components[i] = new ComponentProperty(this, labels[i], value, i);
1259  this->AppendChild(components[i]);
1260  }
1262  this->update(false);
1263  }
1265  Vector getVector() const {
1266  Vector v;
1267  for (Size i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1268  v[i] = components[i]->GetValue();
1269  }
1270  return v;
1271  }
1273  void update(const bool notify = true) {
1274  wxString value;
1275  for (Size i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1276  value += components[i]->GetValue().GetString() + ", ";
1277  }
1278  value.RemoveLast(2);
1280  this->SetValue(value);
1282  if (notify) {
1283  // SetValue does not notify the grid, so we have to do it manually
1284  wxPropertyGridEvent evt(wxEVT_PG_CHANGED);
1285  evt.SetProperty(this);
1286  parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(evt);
1287  }
1288  }
1289 };
1291 class IntervalProperty : public wxStringProperty {
1292 private:
1293  class ComponentProperty : public wxFloatProperty {
1294  private:
1295  IntervalProperty* parent;
1297  public:
1298  ComponentProperty(IntervalProperty* parent, const wxString& name, const Float value)
1299  : wxFloatProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value)
1300  , parent(parent) {}
1302  virtual void OnSetValue() override {
1303  wxFloatProperty::OnSetValue();
1304  parent->update();
1305  }
1306  };
1309  wxWindow* parent;
1311 public:
1312  IntervalProperty(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& name, const Interval& value)
1313  : wxStringProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, "")
1314  , parent(parent) {
1315  this->SetFlagRecursively(wxPG_PROP_READONLY, true);
1317  components[0] = new ComponentProperty(this, "from", value.lower());
1318  components[1] = new ComponentProperty(this, "to", value.upper());
1319  for (ComponentProperty* comp : components) {
1320  this->AppendChild(comp);
1321  }
1323  this->update(false);
1324  }
1327  return Interval(components[0]->GetValue(), components[1]->GetValue());
1328  }
1330  void update(const bool notify = true) {
1331  wxString value = "[ " + components[0]->GetValue().GetString() + ", " +
1332  components[1]->GetValue().GetString() + " ]";
1333  this->SetValue(value);
1335  if (notify) {
1336  // SetValue does not notify the grid, so we have to do it manually
1337  wxPropertyGridEvent evt(wxEVT_PG_CHANGED);
1338  evt.SetProperty(this);
1339  parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(evt);
1340  }
1341  }
1342 };
1345 private:
1346  wxPropertyGrid* grid;
1348 public:
1349  explicit PropertyGrid(wxPropertyGrid* grid)
1350  : grid(grid) {}
1352  wxPGProperty* addCategory(const std::string& name) const {
1353  return grid->Append(new wxPropertyCategory(name));
1354  }
1356  wxPGProperty* addBool(const std::string& name, const bool value) const {
1357  return grid->Append(new wxBoolProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value));
1358  }
1360  wxPGProperty* addInt(const std::string& name, const int value) const {
1361  return grid->Append(new wxIntProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value));
1362  }
1364  wxPGProperty* addFloat(const std::string& name, const Float value) const {
1365  return grid->Append(new wxFloatProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value));
1366  }
1368  wxPGProperty* addVector(const std::string& name, const Vector& value) const {
1369  wxPGProperty* prop = grid->Append(new VectorProperty(grid, name, value));
1370  grid->Collapse(prop);
1371  return prop;
1372  }
1374  wxPGProperty* addInterval(const std::string& name, const Interval& value) const {
1375  wxPGProperty* prop = grid->Append(new IntervalProperty(grid, name, value));
1376  grid->Collapse(prop);
1377  return prop;
1378  }
1380  wxPGProperty* addString(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) const {
1381  return grid->Append(new wxStringProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value));
1382  }
1384  wxPGProperty* addPath(const std::string& name,
1385  const Path& value,
1386  const IVirtualEntry::PathType type,
1387  Array<IVirtualEntry::FileFormat>&& formats) const {
1388  FileProperty* prop = new FileProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, value.native());
1389  if (type != IVirtualEntry::PathType::DIRECTORY) {
1390  prop->setFunc([type, formats = std::move(formats)]() -> wxPGEditorDialogAdapter* {
1392  return new OpenFileDialogAdapter(formats.clone());
1393  } else {
1394  return new SaveFileDialogAdapter(formats.clone());
1395  }
1396  });
1397  } else {
1398  prop->setFunc([] { return new DirDialogAdapter(); });
1399  }
1400  return grid->Append(prop);
1401  }
1403  wxPGProperty* addEnum(const std::string& name, const IVirtualEntry& entry) const {
1404  return addEnum<wxEnumProperty>(name, entry);
1405  }
1407  wxPGProperty* addFlags(const std::string& name, const IVirtualEntry& entry) const {
1408  return addEnum<wxFlagsProperty>(name, entry);
1409  }
1411  wxPGProperty* addExtra(const std::string& name, const ExtraEntry& extra) const {
1412  RawPtr<CurveEntry> entry = dynamicCast<CurveEntry>(extra.getEntry());
1413  SPH_ASSERT(entry);
1414  return grid->Append(new CurveProperty(name, entry->getCurve()));
1415  }
1417  void setTooltip(wxPGProperty* prop, const std::string& tooltip) const {
1418  grid->SetPropertyHelpString(prop, tooltip);
1419  }
1421 private:
1422  template <typename TProperty>
1423  wxPGProperty* addEnum(const std::string& name, const IVirtualEntry& entry) const {
1424  wxArrayString values;
1425  wxArrayInt flags;
1426  EnumWrapper wrapper = entry.get();
1427  for (int id : EnumMap::getAll(wrapper.index)) {
1428  EnumWrapper option(id, wrapper.index);
1429  if (!entry.isValid(option)) {
1430  continue;
1431  }
1432  const std::string rawName = EnumMap::toString(option.value, option.index);
1433  values.Add(capitalize(replaceAll(rawName, "_", " ")));
1434  flags.Add(option.value);
1435  }
1436  return grid->Append(new TProperty(name, wxPG_LABEL, values, flags, wrapper.value));
1437  }
1438 };
1442 private:
1443  PropertyGrid wrapper;
1445  PropertyEntryMap& propertyEntryMap;
1447 public:
1448  explicit AddParamsProc(wxPropertyGrid* grid, PropertyEntryMap& propertyEntryMapping)
1449  : wrapper(grid)
1450  , propertyEntryMap(propertyEntryMapping) {}
1452  virtual void onCategory(const std::string& name) const override {
1453  wrapper.addCategory(name);
1454  }
1456  virtual void onEntry(const std::string& UNUSED(key), IVirtualEntry& entry) const override {
1457  wxPGProperty* prop = nullptr;
1458  const std::string name = entry.getName();
1459  switch (entry.getType()) {
1461  prop = wrapper.addBool(name, entry.get());
1462  break;
1464  prop = wrapper.addInt(name, entry.get());
1465  break;
1467  prop = wrapper.addFloat(name, Float(entry.get()));
1468  break;
1470  prop = wrapper.addVector(name, entry.get());
1471  break;
1473  prop = wrapper.addInterval(name, entry.get());
1474  break;
1476  prop = wrapper.addString(name, entry.get());
1477  break;
1479  const Optional<IVirtualEntry::PathType> type = entry.getPathType();
1480  SPH_ASSERT(type, "No path type set for entry '" + entry.getName() + "'");
1482  prop = wrapper.addPath(name, entry.get(), type.value(), std::move(formats));
1483  break;
1484  }
1486  prop = wrapper.addEnum(name, entry);
1487  break;
1489  prop = wrapper.addFlags(name, entry);
1490  break;
1492  prop = wrapper.addExtra(name, entry.get());
1493  break;
1494  default:
1496  }
1498  const std::string tooltip = entry.getTooltip();
1499  if (!tooltip.empty()) {
1500  wrapper.setTooltip(prop, tooltip);
1501  }
1503  propertyEntryMap.insert(prop, &entry);
1505  SPH_ASSERT(propertyEntryMap[prop]->enabled() ||
1506  propertyEntryMap[prop]->getType() != IVirtualEntry::Type(20)); // dummy call
1507  }
1508 };
1512  : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY) {
1513  aui = makeAuto<wxAuiManager>(this);
1515  nodeEditor = new NodeEditor(this, callbacks);
1516  nodeMgr = makeShared<NodeManager>(nodeEditor, callbacks);
1517  nodeEditor->setNodeMgr(nodeMgr);
1519  grid = new wxPropertyGrid(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE);
1520  grid->SetExtraStyle(wxPG_EX_HELP_AS_TOOLTIPS);
1521  grid->SetMinSize(wxSize(300, -1));
1523  grid->Bind(wxEVT_PG_CHANGED, [this, callbacks](wxPropertyGridEvent& evt) {
1524  wxPGProperty* prop = evt.GetProperty();
1525  if (!propertyEntryMap.contains(prop)) {
1526  // grid being cleared or not listening to this property
1527  return;
1528  }
1530  IVirtualEntry* entry = propertyEntryMap[prop];
1531  SPH_ASSERT(entry != nullptr);
1532  wxVariant value = prop->GetValue();
1534  switch (entry->getType()) {
1535  case IVirtualEntry::Type::BOOL:
1536  entry->set(value.GetBool());
1537  break;
1538  case IVirtualEntry::Type::INT:
1539  entry->set(int(value.GetLong()));
1540  break;
1541  case IVirtualEntry::Type::FLOAT:
1542  entry->set(value.GetDouble());
1543  break;
1544  case IVirtualEntry::Type::VECTOR: {
1545  VectorProperty* vector = dynamic_cast<VectorProperty*>(prop);
1546  SPH_ASSERT(vector);
1547  entry->set(vector->getVector());
1548  break;
1549  }
1551  IntervalProperty* i = dynamic_cast<IntervalProperty*>(prop);
1552  SPH_ASSERT(i);
1553  entry->set(i->getInterval());
1554  break;
1555  }
1557  std::string stringValue(wxString(value.GetString()));
1559  if (entry->getName() == "Name") {
1560  UniqueNameManager nameMgr = nodeMgr->makeUniqueNameManager();
1561  stringValue = nameMgr.getName(stringValue);
1562  }
1563  entry->set(stringValue);
1564  break;
1565  }
1567  entry->set(Path(std::string(value.GetString())));
1568  break;
1571  EnumWrapper ew = entry->get();
1572  ew.value = value.GetLong();
1573  entry->set(ew);
1574  break;
1575  }
1577  CurveProperty* curveProp = dynamic_cast<CurveProperty*>(prop);
1578  SPH_ASSERT(curveProp != nullptr);
1579  Curve curve = curveProp->getCurve();
1580  ExtraEntry extra(makeAuto<CurveEntry>(curve));
1581  entry->set(extra);
1582  break;
1583  }
1584  default:
1586  }
1588  if (entry->hasSideEffect()) {
1589  // need to update all properties
1591  this->updateProperties();
1592  } else {
1593  // only update the enabled/disabled state
1594  this->updateEnabled(grid);
1595  }
1596  nodeEditor->Refresh();
1597  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
1598  });
1601  wxTreeCtrl* jobView =
1602  new wxTreeCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxTR_HIDE_ROOT);
1603  jobView->SetMinSize(wxSize(300, -1));
1605  wxTreeItemId rootId = jobView->AddRoot("Nodes");
1607  class JobTreeData : public wxTreeItemData {
1608  RawPtr<IJobDesc> desc;
1610  public:
1611  explicit JobTreeData(RawPtr<IJobDesc> desc)
1612  : desc(desc) {}
1614  AutoPtr<IJob> create() const {
1615  return desc->create(NOTHING);
1616  }
1618  std::string tooltip() const {
1619  return desc->tooltip();
1620  }
1621  };
1623  FlatMap<std::string, wxTreeItemId> categoryItemIdMap;
1624  for (const AutoPtr<IJobDesc>& desc : enumerateRegisteredJobs()) {
1625  const std::string& cat = desc->category();
1626  if (Optional<wxTreeItemId&> id = categoryItemIdMap.tryGet(cat)) {
1627  jobView->AppendItem(id.value(), desc->className(), -1, -1, new JobTreeData(desc.get()));
1628  } else {
1629  wxTreeItemId catId = jobView->AppendItem(rootId, cat);
1630  jobView->AppendItem(catId, desc->className(), -1, -1, new JobTreeData(desc.get()));
1631  categoryItemIdMap.insert(cat, catId);
1632  }
1633  }
1635  wxTreeItemId presetsId = jobView->AppendItem(rootId, "presets");
1636  std::map<wxTreeItemId, Presets::Id> presetsIdMap;
1637  for (Presets::Id id : EnumMap::getAll<Presets::Id>()) {
1638  std::string name = replaceAll(EnumMap::toString(id), "_", " ");
1639  wxTreeItemId itemId = jobView->AppendItem(presetsId, name);
1640  presetsIdMap[itemId] = id;
1641  }
1643  jobView->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, [this, jobView](wxMouseEvent& evt) {
1644  wxPoint pos = evt.GetPosition();
1645  int flags;
1646  wxTreeItemId id = jobView->HitTest(pos, flags);
1648  static DelayedCallback callback;
1649  if (flags & wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL) {
1650  JobTreeData* data = dynamic_cast<JobTreeData*>(jobView->GetItemData(id));
1651  if (data) {
1652  callback.start(600, [this, jobView, id, data, pos] {
1653  const wxString name = jobView->GetItemText(id);
1654  wxRichToolTip tip(name, setLineBreak(data->tooltip(), 50));
1655  const wxRect rect(pos, pos);
1656  tip.ShowFor(jobView, &rect);
1657  tip.SetTimeout(1e6);
1659  nodeEditor->invalidateMousePosition();
1660  });
1661  }
1662  } else {
1663  callback.stop();
1664  }
1665  });
1667  jobView->Bind(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, [=](wxTreeEvent& evt) {
1668  wxTreeItemId id = evt.GetItem();
1669  UniqueNameManager nameMgr = nodeMgr->makeUniqueNameManager();
1670  if (presetsIdMap.find(id) != presetsIdMap.end()) {
1671  SharedPtr<JobNode> presetNode = Presets::make(presetsIdMap.at(id), nameMgr);
1672  nodeMgr->addNodes(*presetNode);
1673  }
1675  JobTreeData* data = dynamic_cast<JobTreeData*>(jobView->GetItemData(id));
1676  if (data) {
1677  AutoPtr<IJob> job = data->create();
1678  if (RawPtr<LoadFileJob> loader = dynamicCast<LoadFileJob>(job.get())) {
1679  Optional<Path> path = doOpenFileDialog("Load file", getInputFormats());
1680  if (path) {
1681  VirtualSettings settings = loader->getSettings();
1682  settings.set("file", path.value());
1683  // settings.set("name", "Load '" + path->fileName().native() + "'");
1684  }
1685  }
1686  if (RawPtr<SaveFileJob> saver = dynamicCast<SaveFileJob>(job.get())) {
1687  Optional<Path> path = doSaveFileDialog("Save file", getOutputFormats());
1688  if (path) {
1689  VirtualSettings settings = saver->getSettings();
1690  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_NAME, path.value());
1691  const Optional<IoEnum> type = getIoEnum(path->extension().native());
1692  if (type) {
1694  } else {
1695  wxMessageBox(
1696  "Unknown file extension '" + path->extension().native() + "'", "Error", wxOK);
1697  return;
1698  }
1699  }
1700  }
1701  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = makeShared<JobNode>(std::move(job));
1702  VisNode* vis = nodeMgr->addNode(node);
1703  nodeEditor->activate(vis);
1704  this->selectNode(*node);
1705  callbacks->markUnsaved(true);
1706  }
1707  });
1709  /*wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
1710  sizer->Add(grid, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT);
1711  sizer->Add(mainPanel, 3, wxEXPAND | wxALL);
1712  sizer->Add(jobView, 1, wxEXPAND | wxRIGHT);
1713  this->SetSizerAndFit(sizer);*/
1714  this->SetAutoLayout(true);
1716  wxAuiPaneInfo info;
1717  info.Left().MinSize(wxSize(300, -1));
1718  aui->AddPane(grid, info);
1719  aui->AddPane(nodeEditor, wxCENTER);
1721  info.Right();
1722  aui->AddPane(jobView, info);
1723  aui->Update();
1725  panelInfoMap.insert(ID_LIST, &aui->GetPane(jobView));
1726  panelInfoMap.insert(ID_PROPERTIES, &aui->GetPane(grid));
1727  /*this->Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, [this](wxSizeEvent& UNUSED(evt)) {
1728  // this->Fit();
1729  this->Layout();
1730  });*/
1731 }
1734  aui->UnInit();
1735  aui = nullptr;
1736 }
1739  panelInfoMap[id]->Show();
1740  aui->Update();
1741 }
1743 void NodeWindow::selectNode(const JobNode& node) {
1744  grid->CommitChangesFromEditor();
1746  settings = node.getSettings();
1747  this->updateProperties();
1748 }
1751  grid->CommitChangesFromEditor();
1752  grid->Clear();
1753  propertyEntryMap.clear();
1754 }
1757  settings = nodeMgr->getGlobalSettings();
1758  this->updateProperties();
1759 }
1762  nodeMgr->showBatchDialog();
1763 }
1766  nodeMgr->selectRun();
1767 }
1769 void NodeWindow::startScript(const Path& file) {
1770  nodeMgr->startScript(file);
1771 }
1774  nodeMgr->deleteAll();
1775  this->clearGrid();
1776 }
1778 void NodeWindow::save(Config& config) {
1779  grid->CommitChangesFromEditor();
1781  nodeMgr->save(config);
1782  nodeEditor->save(config);
1783 }
1785 void NodeWindow::load(Config& config) {
1786  nodeMgr->load(config);
1787  nodeEditor->load(config);
1788 }
1791  nodeMgr->addNode(node);
1792 }
1795  nodeMgr->addNodes(node);
1796 }
1800  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = makeShared<JobNode>(std::move(job));
1801  nodeMgr->addNode(node);
1802  return node;
1803 }
1806  renderPane = nodeMgr->createRenderPreview(this, node);
1807  wxAuiPaneInfo info;
1808  info.Right()
1809  .MinSize(wxSize(300, 300))
1810  .CaptionVisible(true)
1811  .DockFixed(false)
1812  .CloseButton(true)
1813  .Caption("Preview")
1814  //.Window(renderPane)
1815  .DestroyOnClose();
1816  aui->AddPane(renderPane, info);
1817  aui->Update();
1819  // forces re-generation of settings after installing the accessors
1820  this->selectNode(node);
1821 }
1823 void NodeWindow::updateProperties() {
1824  const wxString states = grid->SaveEditableState(wxPropertyGrid::ScrollPosState);
1825  grid->Clear();
1826  propertyEntryMap.clear();
1828  try {
1829  AddParamsProc proc(grid, propertyEntryMap);
1830  settings.enumerate(proc);
1831  } catch (const Exception& e) {
1832  SPH_ASSERT(false, e.what());
1833  }
1834  this->updateEnabled(grid);
1836  grid->RestoreEditableState(states, wxPropertyGrid::ScrollPosState);
1837 }
1839 void NodeWindow::updateEnabled(wxPropertyGrid* grid) {
1840  for (wxPropertyGridIterator iter = grid->GetIterator(); !iter.AtEnd(); iter.Next()) {
1841  wxPGProperty* prop = iter.GetProperty();
1842  if (!propertyEntryMap.contains(prop)) {
1843  continue;
1844  }
1846  IVirtualEntry* entry = propertyEntryMap[prop];
1847  SPH_ASSERT(entry != nullptr);
1848  const bool enabled = entry->enabled();
1849  prop->Enable(enabled);
1850  }
1851 }
1854  return nodeMgr->makeUniqueNameManager();
1855 }
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Helper macro marking missing implementation.
Definition: Assert.h:100
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
Helper functions to check the internal consistency of the code.
Function cannot throw exceptions.
Function can only be executed from main thread.
#define CHECK_FUNCTION(flags)
Definition: CheckFunction.h:40
Interface for the configuration files storing job data.
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Helper objects allowing to iterate in reverse, iterate over multiple containeres, etc.
ReverseAdapter< TContainer > reverse(TContainer &&container)
ArrayView< const AutoPtr< IJobDesc > > enumerateRegisteredJobs()
Returns a view of all currently registered jobs.
Definition: Job.cpp:30
RawPtr< IJobDesc > getJobDesc(const std::string &name)
Returns a job descriptor for given class name.
Definition: Job.cpp:34
Job providing geometry.
Job providing a material.
Job providing particles.
constexpr INLINE T clamp(const T &f, const T &f1, const T &f2)
Definition: MathBasic.h:35
INLINE Float root(const Float f)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:39
constexpr int SLOT_RADIUS
Definition: NodePage.cpp:41
constexpr int SLOT_DY
Definition: NodePage.cpp:40
SharedPtr< JobNode > cloneHierarchy(JobNode &node, const Optional< std::string > &prefix)
Clones all nodes in the hierarchy.
Definition: Node.cpp:282
AutoPtr< JobNode > cloneNode(const JobNode &node, const std::string &name)
Clones a single node.
Definition: Node.cpp:269
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
const NothingType NOTHING
Definition: Optional.h:16
INLINE RawPtr< T > addressOf(T &ref)
Definition: RawPtr.h:82
Additional bindings to IVirtualSettings.
std::string setLineBreak(const std::string &s, const Size lineWidth)
Inserts to string so that no line is longer than given limit.
std::string replaceAll(const std::string &source, const std::string &old, const std::string &s)
Replaces all occurences of string with a new string.
std::string capitalize(const std::string &input)
Capitalizes first letters of all words in the string, except for words like 'and',...
INLINE auto makeTuple(TArgs &&... args)
Creates a tuple from a pack of values, utilizing type deduction.
Definition: Tuple.h:298
Optional< Path > doSaveFileDialog(const std::string &title, Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Definition: Utils.cpp:56
Optional< Path > doOpenFileDialog(const std::string &title, Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Definition: Utils.cpp:45
Random utility functions for drawing stuff to DC.
INLINE Float getLength(const Vector &v)
Returns the length of the vector. Enabled only for vectors of floating-point precision.
Definition: Vector.h:579
Array< IVirtualEntry::FileFormat > getInputFormats()
Convenience function, returning the list of input file formats defined by IoEnum.
Array< IVirtualEntry::FileFormat > getOutputFormats()
Convenience function, returning the list of output file formats defined by IoEnum.
virtual void onEntry(const std::string &UNUSED(key), IVirtualEntry &entry) const override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1456
virtual void onCategory(const std::string &name) const override
Called for every category in the settings.
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1452
AddParamsProc(wxPropertyGrid *grid, PropertyEntryMap &propertyEntryMapping)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1448
Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage.
Definition: Array.h:43
INLINE void push(U &&u)
Adds new element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
Definition: Array.h:306
INLINE TCounter size() const noexcept
Definition: Array.h:193
INLINE T & front() noexcept
Definition: Array.h:166
INLINE bool empty() const noexcept
Definition: Array.h:201
Array clone() const
Performs a deep copy of all elements of the array.
Definition: Array.h:147
INLINE RawPtr< T > get() const
Definition: AutoPtr.h:69
BatchManager & getBatch()
Definition: BatchDialog.h:144
virtual UnorderedMap< std::string, ExtJobType > getSlots() const override
Lists all potential inputs of the job.
Definition: NodePage.cpp:460
BatchJob(const std::string &name, const Size runCnt)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:452
virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override
Returns a settings object which allows to query and modify the state of the job.
Definition: NodePage.cpp:468
virtual std::string className() const override
Name representing the type of the job (e.e. "SPH").
Definition: NodePage.cpp:456
virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings &UNUSED(global), IRunCallbacks &UNUSED(callbacks)) override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:472
void save(Config &config)
Size getParamCount() const
Definition: BatchDialog.h:49
void load(Config &config, ArrayView< const SharedPtr< JobNode >> nodes)
Definition: BatchDialog.cpp:94
std::string getRunName(const Size rowIdx) const
Definition: BatchDialog.h:41
Size getRunCount() const
Definition: BatchDialog.h:37
void modifyHierarchy(const Size runIdx, JobNode &node)
Modifies the settings of the given node hierarchy.
Definition: BatchDialog.cpp:14
BatchManager clone() const
Definition: BatchDialog.h:29
SharedPtr< JobNode > getParamNode(const Size colIdx) const
Definition: BatchDialog.h:57
Represents a single node in the hierarchy written into config file.
Definition: Config.h:198
Optional< Type > tryGet(const std::string &name)
Tries to return a value stored in the node.
Definition: Config.h:232
Type get(const std::string &name)
Returns a value stored in the node.
Definition: Config.h:220
void set(const std::string &name, const Type &value)
Adds a new value into the node.
Definition: Config.h:211
Provides functionality for reading and writing configuration files.
Definition: Config.h:272
SharedPtr< ConfigNode > addNode(const std::string &name)
Adds a new node to the config.
Definition: Config.cpp:81
SharedPtr< ConfigNode > getNode(const std::string &name)
Returns a node with given name.
Definition: Config.cpp:85
void start(const int milliseconds, Function< void()> newCallback)
virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid *UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty *property) override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1161
static Array< TEnum > getAll()
Definition: EnumMap.h:140
static std::string toString(const TEnum value)
Definition: EnumMap.h:67
Generic exception.
Definition: Exceptions.h:10
virtual const char * what() const noexcept
Definition: Exceptions.h:18
Copyable wrapper of a IExtraEntry.
void fromString(const std::string &s) const
std::string toString() const
RawPtr< IExtraEntry > getEntry() const
void setFunc(Function< wxPGEditorDialogAdapter *()> func)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1221
virtual wxPGEditorDialogAdapter * GetEditorDialog() const override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1225
Container of key-value pairs.
Definition: FlatMap.h:19
INLINE bool contains(const TKey &key) const
Returns true if the map contains element of given key.
Definition: FlatMap.h:140
INLINE TValue & insert(const TKey &key, const TValue &value)
Adds a new element into the map or sets new value of element with the same key.
Definition: FlatMap.h:65
INLINE void clear()
Removes all elements from the map.
Definition: FlatMap.h:111
INLINE Optional< TValue & > tryGet(const TKey &key)
Returns a reference to the value matching the given key, or NOTHING if no such value exists.
Definition: FlatMap.h:118
virtual void startRun(SharedPtr< INode > node, const RunSettings &settings, const std::string &name) const =0
virtual void markUnsaved(bool addToUndo) const =0
Base class for all jobs providing particle data.
Definition: Job.h:242
Callbacks executed by the simulation to provide feedback to the user.
Definition: IRun.h:27
Represents a virtual entry in the settings.
virtual bool set(const Value &value)=0
Modifies the current value of the entry.
virtual Array< FileFormat > getFileFormats() const
Returns the allowed file format for this file entry.
virtual bool isValid(const Value &value) const =0
Checks if the given value is a valid input for this entry.
virtual std::string getTooltip() const
Returns an optional description of the entry.
virtual Optional< PathType > getPathType() const
Returns the type of the path.
virtual std::string getName() const =0
Returns a descriptive name of the entry.
virtual bool hasSideEffect() const
Returns true if the entry can modify multiple values simultaneously.
virtual Value get() const =0
Returns the currently stored value.
virtual Type getType() const =0
Returns the type of this entry.
virtual bool enabled() const =0
Returns if this entry is currently enabled.
void update(const bool notify=true)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1330
IntervalProperty(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &name, const Interval &value)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1312
Interval getInterval() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1326
Object representing a 1D interval of real numbers.
Definition: Interval.h:17
INLINE Float lower() const
Returns lower bound of the interval.
Definition: Interval.h:74
INLINE Float upper() const
Returns upper bound of the interval.
Definition: Interval.h:79
Thrown when components of the run are mutually incompatible.
Definition: Exceptions.h:24
Building block of a simulation hierarchy.
Definition: Node.h:88
Size getSlotCnt() const
Returns the number of provider slots of this node.
Definition: Node.cpp:132
Size getDependentCnt() const
Returns the number of dependent nodes.
Definition: Node.cpp:154
std::string instanceName() const
Returns the instance name of the job.
Definition: Node.cpp:14
std::string className() const
Returns the class name of the job.
Definition: Node.cpp:10
Optional< ExtJobType > provides() const
Returns the type of the job.
Definition: Node.cpp:56
SlotData getSlot(const Size index) const
Returns the information about given slot.
Definition: Node.cpp:136
void disconnect(SharedPtr< JobNode > dependent)
Disconnects this node from given dependent node.
Definition: Node.cpp:90
void disconnectAll()
Disconnects all dependent nodes from this node.
Definition: Node.cpp:126
void connect(SharedPtr< JobNode > dependent, const std::string &slotName)
Connects this node to given dependent node.
Definition: Node.cpp:60
void enumerate(Function< void(const SharedPtr< JobNode > &job)> func)
Enumerates all nodes in the hierarchy.
VirtualSettings getSettings() const
Returns settings object allowing to access and modify the state of the job.
Definition: Node.cpp:39
virtual void onCategory(const std::string &UNUSED(name)) const override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:330
virtual void onEntry(const std::string &name, IVirtualEntry &entry) const override
Called for every entry in the current category.
Definition: NodePage.cpp:332
LoadProc(ConfigNode &input)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:327
void setNodeMgr(SharedPtr< NodeManager > mgr)
Definition: NodePage.h:168
Pixel transform(const Pixel position) const
Definition: NodePage.h:176
NodeEditor(NodeWindow *parent, SharedPtr< INodeManagerCallbacks > callbacks)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:652
void save(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:903
Pixel offset
Translation of the panel.
Definition: NodePage.h:145
void load(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:909
Optional< Pixel > mousePosition
Definition: NodePage.h:150
const NodeMap & getNodes() const
Definition: NodePage.h:94
Array< SharedPtr< JobNode > > getRootNodes() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:547
void startRun(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:441
void showBatchDialog()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:597
void deleteAll()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:194
void load(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:383
void startBatch(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:477
UniqueNameManager makeUniqueNameManager() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:587
VirtualSettings getGlobalSettings()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:559
void addNodes(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:92
VisNode * getSelectedNode(const Pixel position)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:200
void deleteNode(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:174
void startScript(const Path &file)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:509
void startAll()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:525
void layoutNodes(JobNode &node, const Pixel position)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:124
NodeManager(NodeEditor *editor, SharedPtr< INodeManagerCallbacks > callbacks)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:55
void selectRun()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:614
RenderPane * createRenderPreview(wxWindow *parent, JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:610
NodeSlot getSlotAtPosition(const Pixel position)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:213
void cloneHierarchy(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:100
VisNode * addNode(const SharedPtr< JobNode > &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:87
void save(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:285
void deleteTree(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:185
void selectNode(const JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1743
SharedPtr< JobNode > createNode(AutoPtr< IJob > &&job)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1799
void clearGrid()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1750
void addNode(const SharedPtr< JobNode > &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1790
void load(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1785
UniqueNameManager makeUniqueNameManager() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1853
void addNodes(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1794
void showPanel(const PanelId id)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1738
void save(Config &config)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1778
void selectRun()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1765
NodeWindow(wxWindow *parent, SharedPtr< INodeManagerCallbacks > callbacks)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1511
void createRenderPreview(JobNode &node)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1805
void reset()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1773
void startScript(const Path &file)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1769
void showBatchDialog()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1761
void showGlobals()
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1756
OpenFileDialogAdapter(Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1200
virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid *UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty *property) override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1203
INLINE Type & value()
Returns the reference to the stored value.
Definition: Optional.h:172
INLINE Type valueOr(const TOther &other) const
Returns the stored value if the object has been initialized, otherwise returns provided parameter.
Definition: Optional.h:188
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
std::string native() const
Returns the native version of the path.
Definition: Path.cpp:71
wxPGProperty * addInterval(const std::string &name, const Interval &value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1374
wxPGProperty * addInt(const std::string &name, const int value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1360
PropertyGrid(wxPropertyGrid *grid)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1349
wxPGProperty * addString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1380
wxPGProperty * addFlags(const std::string &name, const IVirtualEntry &entry) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1407
wxPGProperty * addEnum(const std::string &name, const IVirtualEntry &entry) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1403
void setTooltip(wxPGProperty *prop, const std::string &tooltip) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1417
wxPGProperty * addExtra(const std::string &name, const ExtraEntry &extra) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1411
wxPGProperty * addFloat(const std::string &name, const Float value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1364
wxPGProperty * addPath(const std::string &name, const Path &value, const IVirtualEntry::PathType type, Array< IVirtualEntry::FileFormat > &&formats) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1384
wxPGProperty * addCategory(const std::string &name) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1352
wxPGProperty * addBool(const std::string &name, const bool value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1356
wxPGProperty * addVector(const std::string &name, const Vector &value) const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1368
Non-owning wrapper of pointer.
Definition: RawPtr.h:19
INLINE T * get() const
Definition: RawPtr.h:67
Definition: Color.h:8
Rgba brighten(const float amount) const
Returns a color brighter by given factor.
Definition: Color.h:145
float intensity() const
Returns the average intensity of the color.
Definition: Color.h:115
Rgba darken(const float amount) const
Returns a color darker by given factor.
Definition: Color.h:137
Rgba blend(const Rgba &other, const float amount) const
Computes a linear interpolation of two color.
Definition: Color.h:158
SharedPtr< JobNode > selectedNode() const
bool remember() const
SaveFileDialogAdapter(Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1179
virtual bool DoShowDialog(wxPropertyGrid *UNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty *property) override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1182
SaveProc(ConfigNode &out)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:237
virtual void onCategory(const std::string &UNUSED(name)) const override
Definition: NodePage.cpp:240
virtual void onEntry(const std::string &name, IVirtualEntry &entry) const override
Called for every entry in the current category.
Definition: NodePage.cpp:244
Settings & set(const TEnum idx, TValue &&value, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0)
Saves a value into the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:226
SharedPtr< T > sharedFromThis() const
Definition: SharedPtr.h:426
INLINE RawPtr< T > get() const
Definition: SharedPtr.h:223
std::string getName(const std::string &name)
INLINE void clear()
Removes all elements from the map.
Definition: UnorderedMap.h:97
INLINE TValue & insert(const TKey &key, const TValue &value)
Adds a new element into the map or sets new value of element with the same key.
Definition: UnorderedMap.h:51
INLINE void remove(const TKey &key)
Removes element with given key from the map.
Definition: UnorderedMap.h:75
Vector getVector() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1265
VectorProperty(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &name, const Vector &value)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1251
void update(const bool notify=true)
Definition: NodePage.cpp:1273
EntryControl & connect(const std::string &name, const std::string &key, TValue &value)
Connects to given reference.
Interface allowing to enumerate all entries in the settings.
Holds a map of virtual entries, associated with a unique name.
void enumerate(const IEntryProc &proc)
Enumerates all entries stored in the settings.
void set(const std::string &key, const IVirtualEntry::Value &value)
Modifies an existing entry in the settings.
Category & addCategory(const std::string &name)
Creates a new category of entries.
SharedPtr< T > lock() const
Definition: SharedPtr.h:373
Optional< IoEnum > getIoEnum(const std::string &ext)
Returns the file type from file extension.
Definition: Settings.cpp:367
Mersenne Twister PRNG from Standard library.
Spherical mapping.
M4 B-spline (piecewise cubic polynomial)
Name of the person running the simulation.
E-mail of the person running the simulation.
Maximum number of particles in a leaf node.
Index of SPH Kernel, see KernelEnum.
If true, the mapping coordinates will be computed and saved for all bodies in the simulation.
Number of threads used by the code. If 0, all available threads are used.
User-specified comment.
Selected format of the output file, see IoEnum.
Type of the UV mapping.
Selected random-number generator used within the run.
Seed for the random-number generator.
File name of the output file (including extension), where d is a placeholder for output number.
Vector position(const Float a, const Float e, const Float u)
Computes the position on the elliptic trajectory.
Definition: TwoBody.cpp:82
SharedPtr< JobNode > make(const Id id, UniqueNameManager &nameMgr, const Size particleCnt=10000)
Creates a node tree for the preset with given ID.
Definition: Presets.cpp:39
Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array.
Definition: Array.h:578
void swap(Sph::Array< T, TCounter > &ar1, Sph::Array< T, TCounter > &ar2)
Definition: Array.h:580
Wrapper of an enum.
Definition: Settings.h:37
int value
Definition: Settings.h:38
EnumIndex index
Definition: Settings.h:40
Size index
Definition: NodePage.h:42
Pixel position() const
Definition: NodePage.cpp:677
RawPtr< const VisNode > vis
Definition: NodePage.h:41
static constexpr Size RESULT_SLOT
Definition: NodePage.h:44
Definition: Point.h:101
Definition: Node.h:58
bool used
Whether the node is used by the job.
Definition: Node.h:69
ExtJobType type
Specifies the type of the slot, or the type of the node connecting to it.
Definition: Node.h:63
std::string name
Identifier of the slot, used by the job to obtain the provided data.
Definition: Node.h:60
SharedPtr< JobNode > provider
Node currently connected to the slot.
Definition: Node.h:74
RawPtr< JobNode > node
Definition: NodePage.h:24
Pixel size() const
Definition: NodePage.h:35
static constexpr Size SIZE_X
Definition: NodePage.h:33
Pixel position
Definition: NodePage.h:25