Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "math/Quat.h"
4 #include "quantities/IMaterial.h"
5 #include "quantities/Quantity.h"
7 #include "system/Factory.h"
8 #include "thread/Scheduler.h"
19 static AffineMatrix extractRotation(const AffineMatrix& a,
20  const AffineMatrix& r0,
21  const Size iterationCnt = 3) {
22  const Vector a1 = a.column(0);
23  const Vector a2 = a.column(1);
24  const Vector a3 = a.column(2);
26  AffineMatrix r = r0;
27  for (Size i = 0; i < iterationCnt; ++i) {
28  const Vector r1 = r.column(0);
29  const Vector r2 = r.column(1);
30  const Vector r3 = r.column(2);
32  const Vector omega = (cross(r1, a1) + cross(r2, a2) + cross(r3, a3)) /
33  (abs(dot(r1, a1) + dot(r2, a2) + dot(r3, a3)) + EPS);
34  if (omega != Vector(0._f)) {
35  Vector dir;
36  Float angle;
37  tieToTuple(dir, angle) = getNormalizedWithLength(omega);
38  r = AffineMatrix::rotateAxis(dir, angle) * r;
39  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(r.row(0)) && isReal(r.row(1)) && isReal(r.row(2)));
40  }
41  }
43  return r;
44 }
47  const RunSettings& settings,
49  : scheduler(scheduler)
50  , bc(std::move(bc)) {
51  kernel = Factory::getKernel<3>(settings);
52  finder = Factory::getFinder(settings);
55 }
58  bc->initialize(storage);
59  bc->finalize(storage);
71  if (neighsPerParticle.empty()) {
72  // lazy initialization
73  r0.resize(r.size());
74  V0.resize(r.size());
76  finder->build(scheduler, r);
77  const Float maxH = r[0][H];
78  neighsPerParticle.resize(r.size());
80  for (Size i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
81  r0[i] = r[i];
82  V0[i] = m[i] / rho[i];
84  finder->findAll(i, maxH * kernel.radius(), neighs);
87  C[i] = SymmetricTensor::null();
88  for (NeighbourRecord& n : neighs) {
89  const Size j = n.index;
90  const Float hbar = 0.5_f * (r[i][H] + r[j][H]);
91  if (i != j && n.distanceSqr < sqr(kernel.radius() * hbar)) {
92  neighsPerParticle[i].push(j);
94  C[i] += m[j] / rho[j] * symmetricOuter(r[j] - r[i], kernel.grad(r[i], r[j]));
95  }
96  }
97  if (C[i] == SymmetricTensor::null()) {
99  } else {
100  C[i] = C[i].inverse();
101  }
102  }
103  R.resize(r.size());
106 #ifdef SPH_DEBUG
107  for (Size i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
108  for (Size j : neighsPerParticle[i]) {
109  SPH_ASSERT(std::find(neighsPerParticle[j].begin(), neighsPerParticle[j].end(), i) !=
110  neighsPerParticle[j].end());
111  }
112  }
113 #endif
114  }
116  for (Size matId = 0; matId < storage.getMaterialCnt(); ++matId) {
117  MaterialView mat = storage.getMaterial(matId);
118  const Float mu = mat->getParam<Float>(BodySettingsId::SHEAR_MODULUS);
119  const Float lambda = mat->getParam<Float>(BodySettingsId::ELASTIC_MODULUS);
121  IndexSequence seq = mat.sequence();
122  parallelFor(scheduler, *seq.begin(), *seq.end(), [&](const Size i) {
123  // compute preliminar deformation gradient (Eq. 3)
124  Tensor F = Tensor::null();
125  for (Size j : neighsPerParticle[i]) {
126  const Vector w = C[i] * kernel.grad(r0[i], r0[j]);
127  F += V0[j] * outer(r[j] - r[i], w);
128  }
130  // extract rotation
131  R[i] = extractRotation(convert<AffineMatrix>(F), R[i]);
132  const Quat q(R[i]);
133  if (abs(q.angle()) > EPS) {
134  alpha[i] = q.axis() * q.angle() * RAD_TO_DEG;
135  } else {
136  alpha[i] = Vector(0._f);
137  }
139  // compute corotated deformation gradient (Eq. 5)
140  Tensor F_star = Tensor::identity();
141  for (Size j : neighsPerParticle[i]) {
142  const Vector w_star = R[i] * (C[i] * kernel.grad(r0[i], r0[j]));
143  F_star += V0[j] * outer(r[j] - r[i] - R[i] * (r0[j] - r0[i]), w_star);
144  }
146  // compute stress tensor
148  const SymmetricTensor sigma = 2._f * mu * e + lambda * e.trace() * SymmetricTensor::identity();
149  p[i] = -sigma.trace() / 3._f;
150  S[i] = TracelessTensor(sigma + p[i] * SymmetricTensor::identity());
151  });
154  parallelFor(scheduler, *seq.begin(), *seq.end(), [&](const Size i) {
155  for (Size j : neighsPerParticle[i]) {
156  const Vector w = kernel.grad(r0[i], r0[j]);
157  const Vector wi_star = R[i] * (C[i] * w);
158  const Vector wj_star = R[j] * (C[j] * w);
159  const Vector f =
160  V0[i] * V0[j] * (-p[i] * wi_star - p[j] * wj_star + S[i] * wi_star + S[j] * wj_star);
161  dv[i] += f / m[i];
162  }
164  dv[i] += gravity;
165  });
166  }
167 }
169 void ElasticDeformationSolver::create(Storage& storage, IMaterial& UNUSED(material)) const {
171  storage.insert<SymmetricTensor>(
174 }
INLINE bool isReal(const AntisymmetricTensor &t)
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
Spatial derivatives to be computed by SPH discretization.
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Base class for all particle materials.
constexpr Float EPS
Definition: MathUtils.h:30
constexpr INLINE T sqr(const T &f) noexcept
Return a squared value.
Definition: MathUtils.h:67
INLINE auto abs(const T &f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:276
constexpr Float RAD_TO_DEG
Definition: MathUtils.h:371
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
Correction tensor used to improve conservation of total angular momentum.
Deviatoric stress tensor, always a traceless tensor.
Pressure, affected by yielding and fragmentation model, always a scalar quantity.
Positions (velocities, accelerations) of particles, always a vector quantity,.
Density, always a scalar quantity.
Paricles masses, always a scalar quantity.
Holder of quantity values and their temporal derivatives.
Quantity without derivatives, or "zero order" of quantity.
Quaternion algebra.
Interface for executing tasks (potentially) asynchronously.
INLINE void parallelFor(IScheduler &scheduler, const Size from, const Size to, TFunctor &&functor)
Executes a functor concurrently from all available threads.
Definition: Scheduler.h:98
INLINE SymmetricTensor symmetricOuter(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2)
SYMMETRIZED outer product of two vectors.
INLINE SymmetricTensor symmetrize(const Tensor &t)
Computes a symmetrized tensor 1/2*(t + t^T)
Definition: Tensor.h:177
INLINE Tensor outer(const Vector &r1, const Vector &r2)
Outer product.
Definition: Tensor.h:183
INLINE Tuple< TArgs &... > tieToTuple(TArgs &... args)
Creates a tuple of l-value references. Use IGNORE placeholder to omit one or more parameters.
Definition: Tuple.h:304
INLINE Tuple< Vector, Float > getNormalizedWithLength(const Vector &v)
Returns normalized vector and length of the input vector as tuple.
Definition: Vector.h:597
INLINE BasicVector< float > cross(const BasicVector< float > &v1, const BasicVector< float > &v2)
Cross product between two vectors.
Definition: Vector.h:559
BasicVector< Float > Vector
Definition: Vector.h:539
INLINE float dot(const BasicVector< float > &v1, const BasicVector< float > &v2)
Make sure the vector is trivially constructible and destructible, needed for fast initialization of a...
Definition: Vector.h:548
@ H
Definition: Vector.h:25
static AffineMatrix identity()
Definition: AffineMatrix.h:132
INLINE Vector column(const Size idx) const
Definition: AffineMatrix.h:39
INLINE Vector row(const Size idx) const
Definition: AffineMatrix.h:44
static AffineMatrix rotateAxis(const Vector &axis, const Float angle)
Definition: AffineMatrix.h:159
Object providing safe access to continuous memory of data.
Definition: ArrayView.h:17
INLINE TCounter size() const
Definition: ArrayView.h:101
void resize(const TCounter newSize)
Resizes the array to new size.
Definition: Array.h:215
INLINE void push(U &&u)
Adds new element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
Definition: Array.h:306
void fill(const T &t)
Sets all elements of the array to given value.
Definition: Array.h:187
INLINE bool empty() const noexcept
Definition: Array.h:201
virtual void create(Storage &storage, IMaterial &material) const override
Initializes all quantities needed by the solver in the storage.
virtual void integrate(Storage &storage, Statistics &stats) override
Computes derivatives of all time-dependent quantities.
ElasticDeformationSolver(IScheduler &scheduler, const RunSettings &settings, AutoPtr< IBoundaryCondition > &&bc)
void build(IScheduler &scheduler, ArrayView< const Vector > points)
Constructs the struct with an array of vectors.
virtual Size findAll(const Size index, const Float radius, Array< NeighbourRecord > &neighbours) const =0
Finds all neighbours within given radius from the point given by index.
virtual void finalize(Storage &storage)=0
Applies the boundary conditions after the derivatives are computed.
virtual void initialize(Storage &storage)=0
Applies the boundary conditions before the derivatives are computed.
Material settings and functions specific for one material.
Definition: IMaterial.h:110
Interface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms.
Definition: Scheduler.h:27
Non-owning wrapper of a material and particles with this material.
Definition: IMaterial.h:30
INLINE IndexSequence sequence()
Returns iterable index sequence.
Definition: IMaterial.h:75
Quaternion representing an axis of rotation and a (half of) rotation angle.
Definition: Quat.h:16
INLINE Vector axis() const
Returns the normalized rotational axis.
Definition: Quat.h:54
INLINE Float angle() const
Returns the angle of rotation (in radians).
Definition: Quat.h:60
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:326
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Size getMaterialCnt() const
Return the number of materials in the storage.
Definition: Storage.cpp:437
Quantity & insert(const QuantityId key, const OrderEnum order, const TValue &defaultValue)
Creates a quantity in the storage, given its key, value type and order.
Definition: Storage.cpp:270
Array< TValue > & getD2t(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity second derivative from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:243
MaterialView getMaterial(const Size matIdx) const
Returns an object containing a reference to given material.
Definition: Storage.cpp:366
Array< TValue > & getValue(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity values from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:191
Symmetric tensor of 2nd order.
INLINE Float trace() const
Return the trace of the tensor.
static INLINE SymmetricTensor identity()
Returns an identity tensor.
static INLINE SymmetricTensor null()
Returns a tensor with all zeros.
INLINE Float radius() const
Definition: Kernel.h:583
INLINE Vector grad(const Vector &r1, const Vector &r2) const
Definition: Kernel.h:578
Generic 2nd-order tensor with 9 independent components.
Definition: Tensor.h:13
static Tensor identity()
Definition: Tensor.h:81
Symmetric traceless 2nd order tensor.
static INLINE TracelessTensor null()
Returns a tensor with all zeros.
Creating code components based on values from settings.
Elastic modulus lambda (a.k.a Lame's first parameter) of the material.
Shear modulus mu (a.k.a Lame's second parameter) of the material.
AutoPtr< ISymmetricFinder > getFinder(const RunSettings &settings)
Definition: Factory.cpp:156
Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array.
Definition: Array.h:578
Holds information about a neighbour particles.