Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "io/Logger.h"
3 #include "quantities/IMaterial.h"
4 #include "quantities/Iterate.h"
5 #include "system/Profiler.h"
6 #include "system/Settings.h"
7 #include "system/Statistics.h"
8 #include "thread/ThreadLocal.h"
12 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const CriterionId id) {
13  switch (id) {
15  stream << "CFL condition";
16  break;
18  stream << "Acceleration";
19  break;
21  stream << "Derivative";
22  break;
24  stream << "Divergence";
25  break;
27  stream << "Maximal value";
28  break;
30  stream << "Default value";
31  break;
33  stream << "Max. change limit";
34  break;
35  default:
37  }
38  return stream;
39 }
42 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // DerivativeCriterion implementation
44 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 template <typename T>
50  T value = T(0._f);
51  T derivative = T(0._f);
54  MinimalStepTls(const Float UNUSED(power)) {}
57  INLINE void add(const Float step, const T v, const T dv, const Size idx) {
58  if (step < minStep) {
59  minStep = step;
60  value = v;
61  derivative = dv;
62  particleIdx = idx;
63  }
64  }
67  INLINE void add(const MinimalStepTls& other) {
68  this->add(other.minStep, other.value, other.derivative, other.particleIdx);
69  }
71  INLINE Size isDefined() const {
72  return minStep < INFTY;
73  }
77  return minStep;
78  }
81  INLINE void saveStats(Statistics& stats) const {
85  }
86 };
90 template <typename T>
91 struct MeanStepTls {
94  MeanStepTls(const Float power)
95  : mean(power) {}
97  INLINE void add(const Float step, const T UNUSED(v), const T UNUSED(dv), const Float UNUSED(idx)) {
98  mean.accumulate(step);
99  }
101  INLINE void add(const MeanStepTls& other) {
102  mean.accumulate(other.mean);
103  }
106  if (mean.count() > 0) {
107  const Float step = mean.compute();
108  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(step) || step == INFTY, step);
109  return step;
110  } else {
111  return NOTHING;
112  }
113  }
115  INLINE void saveStats(Statistics& UNUSED(stats)) const {
116  // do nothing
117  }
118 };
124  SPH_ASSERT(power < 0._f); // currently not implemented for non-negative powers
125 }
128  Storage& storage,
129  const Float maxStep,
130  Statistics& stats) {
132  if (power < -1.e3_f) {
133  // very high negative power, this is effectively computing minimal timestep
134  return this->computeImpl<MinimalStepTls>(scheduler, storage, maxStep, stats);
135  } else {
136  // generic case, compute a generalized mean of timesteps
137  return this->computeImpl<MeanStepTls>(scheduler, storage, maxStep, stats);
138  }
139 }
141 template <template <typename> class Tls>
142 TimeStep DerivativeCriterion::computeImpl(IScheduler& scheduler,
143  Storage& storage,
144  const Float maxStep,
145  Statistics& stats) {
146  Float totalMinStep = INFTY;
149  // for each first-order quantity ...
150  iterate<VisitorEnum::FIRST_ORDER>(storage, [&](const QuantityId id, auto& v, auto& dv) {
151  SPH_ASSERT(v.size() == dv.size());
152  using T = typename std::decay_t<decltype(v)>::Type;
154  // ... and for each particle ...
155  Tls<T> result(power);
156  ThreadLocal<Tls<T>> tls(scheduler, power);
158  auto functor = [&](const Size i, Tls<T>& tls) {
159  const auto absdv = abs(dv[i]);
160  const auto absv = abs(v[i]);
161  const Float minValue = storage.getMaterialOfParticle(i)->minimal(id);
162  SPH_ASSERT(minValue > 0._f); // some nonzero minimal value must be set for all quantities
166  SPH_ASSERT(vs.size() == dvs.size());
168  for (Size j = 0; j < vs.size(); ++j) {
169  if (abs(vs[j]) < 2._f * minValue) {
170  continue;
171  }
172  const Float value = factor * (vs[j] + minValue) / (dvs[j] + EPS);
173  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(value));
174  tls.add(value, v[i], dv[i], i);
175  }
176  };
178  parallelFor(scheduler, tls, 0, v.size(), functor);
179  // get min step from thread-local results
180  for (Tls<T>& tl : tls) {
181  result.add(tl);
182  }
184  // save statistics
185  const Optional<Float> minStep = result.getStep();
186  if (minStep && minStep.value() < totalMinStep) {
187  totalMinStep = minStep.value();
188  minId = CriterionId::DERIVATIVE;
190  result.saveStats(stats);
191  }
192  });
193 // make sure only 2nd order quanity is positions, they are handled by Acceleration criterion
194 #ifdef SPH_DEBUG
195  Size cnt = 0;
196  for (auto q : storage.getQuantities()) {
197  if (q.quantity.getOrderEnum() == OrderEnum::SECOND) {
198  cnt++;
199  }
200  }
201  SPH_ASSERT(cnt == 1);
202 #endif
204  if (totalMinStep > maxStep) {
205  totalMinStep = maxStep;
207  }
208  return { totalMinStep, minId };
209 }
211 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 // AccelerationCriterion implementation
213 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 }
220  Storage& storage,
221  const Float maxStep,
222  Statistics& UNUSED(stats)) {
224  ArrayView<const Vector> r, v, dv;
225  tie(r, v, dv) = storage.getAll<Vector>(QuantityId::POSITION);
226  struct Tl {
227  Float minStep = INFTY;
228  };
230  auto functor = [&](const Size i, Tl& tl) {
231  const Float dvNorm = getSqrLength(dv[i]);
232  if (dvNorm > EPS) {
233  const Float step = factor * root<4>(sqr(r[i][H]) / dvNorm);
234  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(step) && step > 0._f && step < INFTY);
235  tl.minStep = min(tl.minStep, step);
236  }
237  };
238  Tl result;
239  ThreadLocal<Tl> tls(scheduler);
240  parallelFor(scheduler, tls, 0, r.size(), functor);
241  for (Tl& tl : tls) {
242  result.minStep = min(result.minStep, tl.minStep);
243  }
245  if (result.minStep > maxStep) {
246  return { maxStep, CriterionId::MAXIMAL_VALUE };
247  } else {
248  return { result.minStep, CriterionId::ACCELERATION };
249  }
250 }
252 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 // DivergenceCriterion implementation
254 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 }
261  Storage& storage,
262  const Float maxStep,
263  Statistics& UNUSED(stats)) {
265  if (!storage.has(QuantityId::VELOCITY_DIVERGENCE)) {
266  return { maxStep, CriterionId::MAXIMAL_VALUE };
267  }
269  struct Tl {
270  Float minStep = INFTY;
271  };
273  auto functor = [&](const Size i, Tl& tl) {
274  const Float dv = abs(divv[i]);
275  if (dv > EPS) {
276  const Float step = factor / dv;
277  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(step) && step > 0._f && step < INFTY);
278  tl.minStep = min(tl.minStep, step);
279  }
280  };
281  Tl result;
282  ThreadLocal<Tl> tls(scheduler);
283  parallelFor(scheduler, tls, 0, divv.size(), functor);
284  for (Tl& tl : tls) {
285  result.minStep = min(result.minStep, tl.minStep);
286  }
288  if (result.minStep > maxStep) {
289  return { maxStep, CriterionId::MAXIMAL_VALUE };
290  } else {
291  return { result.minStep, CriterionId::DIVERGENCE };
292  }
293 }
295 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 // CourantCriterion implementation
297 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 }
305  Storage& storage,
306  const Float maxStep,
307  Statistics& UNUSED(stats)) {
312  ArrayView<const Size> neighs;
313  if (storage.has(QuantityId::NEIGHBOUR_CNT)) {
314  neighs = storage.getValue<Size>(QuantityId::NEIGHBOUR_CNT);
315  }
317  struct Tl {
318  Float minStep = INFTY;
319  };
321  auto functor = [&](const Size i, Tl& tl) {
322  if (cs[i] > 0._f) {
323  const Float value = courant * r[i][H] / cs[i];
324  SPH_ASSERT(isReal(value) && value > 0._f && value < INFTY);
325  tl.minStep = min(tl.minStep, value);
326  }
327  };
328  Tl result;
329  ThreadLocal<Tl> tls(scheduler);
330  parallelFor(scheduler, tls, 0, r.size(), functor);
331  for (Tl& tl : tls) {
332  result.minStep = min(result.minStep, tl.minStep);
333  }
335  if (result.minStep > maxStep) {
336  return { maxStep, CriterionId::MAXIMAL_VALUE };
337  } else {
338  return { result.minStep, CriterionId::CFL_CONDITION };
339  }
340 }
342 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 // MultiCriterion implementation
344 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
347  const Flags<TimeStepCriterionEnum> flags =
349  if (flags.has(TimeStepCriterionEnum::COURANT)) {
350  criteria.push(makeAuto<CourantCriterion>(settings));
351  }
353  criteria.push(makeAuto<DerivativeCriterion>(settings));
354  }
356  criteria.push(makeAuto<AccelerationCriterion>(settings));
357  }
359  criteria.push(makeAuto<DivergenceCriterion>(settings));
360  }
362  maxChange = settings.get<Float>(RunSettingsId::TIMESTEPPING_MAX_INCREASE);
364 }
367  const Float maxChange,
368  const Float initial)
369  : criteria(std::move(criteria))
370  , maxChange(maxChange)
371  , lastStep(initial) {}
374  Storage& storage,
375  const Float maxStep,
376  Statistics& stats) {
378  SPH_ASSERT(!criteria.empty());
379  Float minStep = INFTY;
381  for (auto& crit : criteria) {
382  const TimeStep step = crit->compute(scheduler, storage, maxStep, stats);
383  if (step.value < minStep) {
384  minStep = step.value;
385  minId = step.id;
386  }
387  }
389  // smooth the timestep if required
390  if (maxChange < INFTY) {
391  const Float maxStep = lastStep * (1._f + maxChange);
392  if (minStep > maxStep) {
393  minStep = maxStep;
394  minId = CriterionId::MAX_CHANGE;
395  }
396  lastStep = minStep;
397  }
399  // we don't have to limit by maxStep as each criterion is limited separately
400  SPH_ASSERT(minStep < INFTY);
401  return { minStep, minId };
402 }
INLINE bool isReal(const AntisymmetricTensor &t)
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Helper macro marking missing implementation.
Definition: Assert.h:100
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
INLINE StaticArray< Float, 6 > getComponents(const T &value)
Returns the components of the object in array.
Definition: Generic.h:59
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Base class for all particle materials.
Functions for iterating over individual quantities in Storage.
Logging routines of the run.
Helper macro, creating.
Definition: Logger.h:242
NAMESPACE_SPH_BEGIN constexpr INLINE T min(const T &f1, const T &f2)
Minimum & Maximum value.
Definition: MathBasic.h:15
constexpr Float EPS
Definition: MathUtils.h:30
INLINE Float root< 4 >(const Float f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:109
constexpr INLINE T sqr(const T &f) noexcept
Return a squared value.
Definition: MathUtils.h:67
constexpr Float INFTY
Definition: MathUtils.h:38
INLINE auto abs(const T &f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:276
#define INLINE
Macros for conditional compilation based on selected compiler.
Definition: Object.h:31
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
const NothingType NOTHING
Definition: Optional.h:16
Tool to measure time spent in functions and profile the code.
Unique IDs of basic quantities of SPH particles.
Definition: QuantityIds.h:19
Velocity divergence.
Positions (velocities, accelerations) of particles, always a vector quantity,.
Number of neighbouring particles (in radius h * kernel.radius)
Sound speed, always a scalar quantity.
Quantity with 1st and 2nd derivative.
INLINE void parallelFor(IScheduler &scheduler, const Size from, const Size to, TFunctor &&functor)
Executes a functor concurrently from all available threads.
Definition: Scheduler.h:98
StaticArray< T0 &, sizeof...(TArgs)+1 > tie(T0 &t0, TArgs &... rest)
Creates a static array from a list of l-value references.
Definition: StaticArray.h:281
Statistics gathered and periodically displayed during the run.
Index of particle that currently limits the timestep.
Quantity value of particle that currently limits the timestep.
Quantity that currently limits the timestep.
Derivative value of particle that currently limits the timestep.
Template for thread-local storage.
NAMESPACE_SPH_BEGIN std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const CriterionId id)
Criteria for computing the time step.
Timestep is limited by the maximum allowed change from previous timestep.
Timestep computed by velocity divergence.
Timestep is not computed, using given initial value.
Timestep given by selected maximal value.
Timestep computed using CFL condition.
Timestep constrained by acceleration condition.
Timestep based on value-to-derivative ratio.
INLINE Float getSqrLength(const Vector &v)
Definition: Vector.h:574
@ H
Definition: Vector.h:25
AccelerationCriterion(const RunSettings &settings)
virtual TimeStep compute(IScheduler &scheduler, Storage &storage, Float maxStep, Statistics &stats) override
Computes the value of the time step.
Object providing safe access to continuous memory of data.
Definition: ArrayView.h:17
INLINE TCounter size() const
Definition: ArrayView.h:101
Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage.
Definition: Array.h:43
INLINE void push(U &&u)
Adds new element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
Definition: Array.h:306
INLINE bool empty() const noexcept
Definition: Array.h:201
virtual TimeStep compute(IScheduler &scheduler, Storage &storage, Float maxStep, Statistics &stats) override
Storage must contain at least positions of particles and sound speed, checked by assert.
CourantCriterion(const RunSettings &settings)
virtual TimeStep compute(IScheduler &scheduler, Storage &storage, Float maxStep, Statistics &stats) override
Computes the value of the time step.
DerivativeCriterion(const RunSettings &settings)
virtual TimeStep compute(IScheduler &scheduler, Storage &storage, Float maxStep, Statistics &stats) override
Computes the value of the time step.
DivergenceCriterion(const RunSettings &settings)
Convenient object for storing a single value of different types.
Definition: Dynamic.h:35
Wrapper of an integral value providing functions for reading and modifying individual bits.
Definition: Flags.h:20
constexpr INLINE bool has(const TEnum flag) const
Checks if the object has a given flag.
Definition: Flags.h:77
Interface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms.
Definition: Scheduler.h:27
virtual TimeStep compute(IScheduler &scheduler, Storage &storage, const Float maxStep, Statistics &stats) override
Computes the value of the time step.
MultiCriterion(const RunSettings &settings)
Generalized mean with negative (runtime) power.
Definition: Means.h:137
INLINE void accumulate(const Float value)
Definition: Means.h:142
INLINE Float compute() const
Definition: Means.h:159
INLINE Type & value()
Returns the reference to the stored value.
Definition: Optional.h:172
INLINE Size count() const
Definition: Means.h:124
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:326
Flags< TValue > getFlags(const TEnum idx) const
Returns Flags from underlying value stored in settings.
Definition: Settings.h:348
Array with fixed number of allocated elements.
Definition: StaticArray.h:19
INLINE TCounter size() const
Returns the current size of the array (number of constructed elements).
Definition: StaticArray.h:147
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
Statistics & set(const StatisticsId idx, TValue &&value)
Sets new values of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:52
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
MaterialView getMaterialOfParticle(const Size particleIdx) const
Returns material view for material of given particle.
Definition: Storage.cpp:372
StaticArray< Array< TValue > &, 3 > getAll(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves quantity buffers from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:163
StorageSequence getQuantities()
Returns the sequence of quantities.
Definition: Storage.cpp:416
bool has(const QuantityId key) const
Checks if the storage contains quantity with given key.
Definition: Storage.cpp:130
Array< TValue > & getValue(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity values from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:191
Template for storing a copy of a value for every thread in given scheduler.
Definition: ThreadLocal.h:36
Generic storage and input/output routines of settings.
Definition: Settings.h:567
Time step computed from velocity divergence.
Time step computed by limiting value-to-derivative ratio of quantiites.
Time step determined using CFL condition.
Time step computed from ratio of acceleration and smoothing length.
Multiplicative factor k for the derivative criterion; dt = k * v / dv.
Courant number.
Multiplicative factor for the divergence criterion.
Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array.
Definition: Array.h:578
NegativeMean mean
INLINE void add(const Float step, const T UNUSED(v), const T UNUSED(dv), const Float UNUSED(idx))
INLINE void add(const MeanStepTls &other)
MeanStepTls(const Float power)
INLINE Optional< Float > getStep() const
INLINE void saveStats(Statistics &UNUSED(stats)) const
Helper class storing a minimal value of time step and corresponding statistics.
INLINE void add(const Float step, const T v, const T dv, const Size idx)
Add a time step to the set, given also value, derivative and particle index.
INLINE Optional< Float > getStep() const
Return the computed time step.
MinimalStepTls(const Float UNUSED(power))
INLINE void add(const MinimalStepTls &other)
Add a time step computed by other TLS.
INLINE void saveStats(Statistics &stats) const
Save auxiliary statistics.
INLINE Size isDefined() const
Float value
Value of the time step in code units (currently SI).
CriterionId id
Criterion applied to compute the time step;.