40 const ICamera& camera)
Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage.
virtual bool isInitialized() const override
Checks if the renderer has been initialized.
virtual void render(const RenderParams ¶ms, Statistics &stats, IRenderOutput &output) const override
Draws particles into the bitmap, given the data provided in initialize.
Array< Vector > positions
Optional< Palette > palette
virtual void cancelRender() override
Stops the rendering if it is currently in progress.
virtual void initialize(const Storage &storage, const IColorizer &colorizer, const ICamera &camera) override
Prepares the objects for rendering and updates its data.
ContourRenderer(SharedPtr< IScheduler > scheduler, const GuiSettings &settings)
Interface of objects finding neighbouring particles.
Interface defining a camera or view, used by a renderer.
Interface for objects assigning colors to particles.
Interface used to implement renderers.
Interface that allows unified implementation of sequential and parallelized versions of algorithms.
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Parameters of the rendered image.