15 "Use raymarching to find intersections with implicit surface." },
48 "Plots the current quantity of the selected particle." },
68 "Multiplier of the particle radius for drawing." },
70 "Specifies the projection of the particles to the image. Can be one of the following:\n" + EnumMap::getDesc<CameraEnum>() },
72 "Position of the camera in space." },
74 "Velocity of the camera in space." },
76 "Angular velocity of the camera orbiting arount its target." },
78 "Look-at point of the perspective camera. Actual distance from the camera does not matter." },
80 "Up-vector of the perspective camera. Does not have to be normalized." },
82 "Nearest distance that can be projected by the perspective camera" },
84 "Farthest distance that can be projected by the perspective camera" },
86 "Field of view of the perspective camera (in radians)." },
88 "Cut-off distance from center plane. Particles further away are not drawn. Used by particle renderer." },
90 "Field of view of the orthographic camera. Specified as distance (not an angle)."},
92 "Index of the particle tracked by the camera. -1 means no tracking is used. " },
94 "If true, camera parameters are automatically adjusted based on particle data. "
95 "This overrides other parameters, such as field of view, camera position, etc." },
97 "If true, camera tracks the median position of particles. Not used if camera.track_particle is set." },
99 "Constant offset from the median." },
103 "Selected renderer for particle visualization. Can be one of the following:\n" + EnumMap::getDesc<RendererEnum>() },
105 "Width of the rendered image (in pixels)." },
107 "Height of the rendered image (in pixels)." },
109 "Minimal refresh period of the drawed bitmap. Used to avoid visualization unnecessarily affecting "
110 "the performance of the simulation." },
112 "If true, the image is automatically refreshed every timestep, otherwise manual refresh is needed." },
114 "Step of the grid drawn into the bitmap. If zero, no grid is drawn." },
116 "Resolution of the meshed surface (in world units). Lower values means the mesh is more detailed, "
117 "but construction takes (significantly) more time and memory." },
119 "Surface level for mesh renderer and raytracer. Specifies the value of the constructed/intersected "
120 "iso-surface of color field." },
122 "Direction to the sun, used for shading in mesh renderer in raytracer." },
124 "Relative intensity of the sun, used for shading in mesh renderer in raytracer." },
126 "Relative intensity of an ambient light, illuminating all shaded points." },
128 "Emission multiplier used by raytracer. Note that emission is only enabled for Beauty quantity." },
130 "Specifies a number of subsampled iterations of the progressive renderer. Larger values speed up the "
131 "start-up of the render at a cost of lower resolution of the render." },
133 "Number of iterations of the render, including the subsampled iterations. " },
135 "Optional spherical bitmap used as an environment. Empty means the environment is black." },
137 "Surface BRDF. Applicable for raytracer. "},
139 "Take into account occlusions when computing surface illumination." },
141 "If true, raytraced surface is given by spheres centered at particles, "
142 "otherwise isosurface of a colorfield is rendered." },
144 "Volume emission per unit length. Used by volumetric renderer." },
146 "Absorption per unit length. Used by volumetric renderer." },
148 "If true, ghost particles will be displayed as transparent circles, otherwise they are hidden." },
150 "Background color of the rendered image." },
152 "Color mapping applied on the rendered image." },
154 "Compression factor used by the logarithmic colormapper. Higher values imply stronger compression of "
155 "intensive pixels. Low values (~0.01) effectively produce a linear colormapping." },
157 "Include a color pallete and a distance scale in the rendered image." },
159 "Palette used for particle colorization is converted to grayscale. Useful for checking how the "
160 "image will look when printed on blank-and-white printer. "},
162 "Draw particles with antialiasing. Improves quality of the image, but may slow down the rendering." },
164 "If true, rendered particles will be smoothed using cubic spline kernel. Useful to visualize the actual "
165 "extend of particles."},
167 "Different between values corresponding to subsequenct iso-lines" },
173 "Default colorizer shown when the simulation starts." },
177 "Title of the main window of the application." },
179 "Width of the main window." },
181 "Height of the main window." },
183 "Integrals to compute and plot during the simulation. Can be one or more values of the following:\n"
184 + EnumMap::getDesc<PlotEnum>() },
186 "Initial period of time-dependent plots." },
188 "Path to the file containing SFD to plot over the computed one. The file must contain lines with value "
189 "N(>D) and D [km]. If empty, no SFD is drawn."},
193 "Type of the renderer used when creating snapshot images. Values are the same as for 'renderer' entry." },
195 "If true, snapshot images are periodically saved to disk." },
197 "Directory where the images are saved." },
199 "File mask of the created images. Can contain wildcard %d, replaced with the counter of an image, "
200 "and %e, replaced with the name of the renderer quantity." },
202 "Index of the first generated image."},
204 "If true, an animation is made from the saved images automatically at the end of the simulation. "
205 "Requires ffmpeg to be installed." },
207 "File mask of the animation." },
209 "Period of creating the snapshot images." },
211 "Width of the created images." },
213 "Height of the created images." },
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Object converting quantity values of particles into colors.
Particle velocities.
constexpr Float PI
Mathematical constants.
BasicVector< Float > Vector
Wrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor.
Iterator useful for iterating over all entries in the settings.
Generic object containing various settings and parameters of the run.
static const Settings & getDefaults()
\brief Returns a reference to object containing default values of all settings.
Mask of the image names, having d where the output number will be placed.
Displayed radius of particle in units of smoothing length.
Size of the grid used in MarchingCubes (in code units, not h).
Max z-coordinate of particle to be displayed by ortho renderer.
Title of the window appearing on taskbar.
Path of directory where the rendered images will be saved.
Selected renderer.
Size of the grid cell in simulation units (not window units); if zero, no grid is drawn.
Value of iso-surface being constructed; lower value means larget bodies.
Intentity of the sun.
If true, rendered images are saved to disk.
Direction to the sun used for shading.
View field of view (zoom). Special value 0 means the field of view is computed from the bounding box.
Ambient color for surface renderer.
Evolution of the total momentum in time.
Evolution of the total internal energy in time.
Evolution of the selected quantity for the selected particle in time.
Evolution of the total angular momentum in time.
Evolution of the total kinetic energy in time.
2D section showing particles as points
Raymarcher that computes intersections with implicit surface.
Volumetric renderer.
No particle visualization.
Helper class for adding individual enums to the enum map.