19 equations += makeTerm<XSph>();
25 equations += makeTerm<PressureForce>();
28 equations += makeTerm<NavierStokesForce>();
30 equations += makeTerm<SolidStressForce>(settings);
38 equations += makeTerm<ViscousStress>();
42 equations += makeTerm<CohesionTerm>();
47 equations += makeTerm<InertialForce>(omega);
68 equations += makeTerm<ChaiScriptTerm>(scriptPath, period, oneshot);
71 equations += makeTerm<ContinuityEquation>(settings);
74 equations += makeTerm<DeltaSph::DensityDiffusion>();
75 equations += makeTerm<DeltaSph::VelocityDiffusion>();
82 equations += makeTerm<StressAV>(settings);
86 equations += makeTerm<ArtificialConductivity>(settings);
97 equations += makeTerm<AdaptiveSmoothingLength>(settings);
100 equations += makeTerm<ConstSmoothingLength>();
Artificial thermal conductivity.
Delta-SPH modification of the standard SPH formulation.
Equations for simulations of water and other fluids.
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Additional equation terms computing SPH statistics rather than physical quantities.
constexpr INLINE Float pow< 3 >(const Float v)
Additional forces that do not depend on spatial derivatives.
EquationHolder makeExternalForce(TFunctor &&functor)
NAMESPACE_SPH_BEGIN EquationHolder getStandardEquations(const RunSettings &settings, const EquationHolder &other)
Standard SPH equation set, using density and specific energy as independent variables.
Standard SPH formulation that uses continuity equation for solution of density.
Form of tensor artificial viscosity for SPH with stress tensor.
INLINE Float getLength(const Vector &v)
Returns the length of the vector. Enabled only for vectors of floating-point precision.
BasicVector< Float > Vector
INLINE float dot(const BasicVector< float > &v1, const BasicVector< float > &v2)
Make sure the vector is trivially constructible and destructible, needed for fast initialization of a...
INLINE Vector getNormalized(const Vector &v)
XSPH correction to the integration of particle positions.
Container holding equation terms.
Wrapper of an integral value providing functions for reading and modifying individual bits.
constexpr INLINE bool has(const TEnum flag) const
Checks if the object has a given flag.
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Flags< TValue > getFlags(const TEnum idx) const
Returns Flags from underlying value stored in settings.
Creating code components based on values from settings.
Use internal friction given by the viscosity in the material.
Use centrifugal force and Coriolis forces given by angular frequency of the coordinate frame.
Use force from pressure gradient in the solver.
Surface force proportional to surface curvature.
Smoothing length is evolved using continuity equation.
Path of an arbitrary ChaiScript script executed each timestep.
Enables the artificial thermal conductivity term.
List of forces to compute by the solver.
Solution for evolutions of the smoothing length.
Whether to use artificial stress.
Turn on the XSPH correction.
Enables or disables scripted term.
Turn on the delta-SPH correction.
Whether to execute the script only once or periodically.
constexpr Float gravity
Gravitational constant (CODATA 2014)
AutoPtr< IEquationTerm > getArtificialViscosity(const RunSettings &settings)