Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "run/jobs/IoJobs.h"
2 #include "io/FileSystem.h"
3 #include "io/Output.h"
4 #include "post/MarchingCubes.h"
5 #include "post/MeshFile.h"
6 #include "run/IRun.h"
7 #include "system/Factory.h"
8 #include "system/Statistics.h"
9 #include "system/Timer.h"
10 #include <thread>
14 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // LoadFileJob
16 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 static RegisterEnum<UnitEnum> sUnits({
19  { UnitEnum::SI, "si", "SI unit system" },
20  { UnitEnum::CGS, "cgs", "CGS unit system" },
21  { UnitEnum::NBODY, "nbody", "N-body (Hénon) units" },
22 });
25  VirtualSettings connector;
26  addGenericCategory(connector, instName);
28  VirtualSettings::Category& cat = connector.addCategory("Input");
29  cat.connect("File", "file", path)
32  cat.connect("Unit system", "units", units);
33  return connector;
34 }
36 void LoadFileJob::evaluate(const RunSettings& UNUSED(global), IRunCallbacks& UNUSED(callbacks)) {
37  if (!FileSystem::pathExists(path)) {
38  throw InvalidSetup("File '" + path.native() + "' does not exist or cannot be accessed.");
39  }
40  AutoPtr<IInput> input = Factory::getInput(path);
41  Storage storage;
42  Statistics stats;
43  Outcome outcome = input->load(path, storage, stats);
44  if (!outcome) {
45  throw InvalidSetup(outcome.error());
46  }
48  result = makeShared<ParticleData>();
50  // set up overrides for resuming simulations
51  if (stats.has(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME)) {
53  }
54  if (stats.has(StatisticsId::TIMESTEP_VALUE)) {
57  }
58  if (Optional<Size> dumpIdx = OutputFile::getDumpIdx(Path(path))) {
60  }
62  Float G;
63  switch (UnitEnum(units)) {
64  case UnitEnum::SI:
66  break;
67  case UnitEnum::CGS:
68  G = 1.e3_f * Constants::gravity;
69  break;
70  case UnitEnum::NBODY:
71  G = 1._f;
72  break;
73  default:
75  }
79  result->storage = std::move(storage);
80  result->stats = std::move(stats);
81 }
83 static JobRegistrar sRegisterLoadFile(
84  "load file",
85  "I/O",
86  [](const std::string& UNUSED(name)) { return makeAuto<LoadFileJob>(); },
87  "Loads particle state from a file");
89 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 // FileSequenceJob
91 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94  VirtualSettings connector;
95  addGenericCategory(connector, instName);
97  VirtualSettings::Category& inputCat = connector.addCategory("Input");
98  inputCat.connect("First file", "first_file", firstFile)
101  inputCat.connect("Maximum framerate", "max_fps", maxFps);
103  return connector;
104 }
108  if (!FileSystem::pathExists(firstFile)) {
109  throw InvalidSetup("File '" + firstFile.native() + "' does not exist.");
110  }
112  FlatMap<Size, Path> fileMap;
113  Optional<OutputFile> referenceMask = OutputFile::getMaskFromPath(firstFile);
114  if (!referenceMask) {
115  throw InvalidSetup("Cannot deduce sequence from file '" + firstFile.native() + "'.");
116  }
118  Optional<Size> firstIndex = OutputFile::getDumpIdx(firstFile);
119  SPH_ASSERT(firstIndex); // already checked above
121  const Path dir = firstFile.parentPath();
122  for (Path relativePath : FileSystem::iterateDirectory(dir)) {
123  const Path path = dir / relativePath;
125  if (pathMask && pathMask->getMask() == referenceMask->getMask()) {
126  // belongs to the same file sequence
128  SPH_ASSERT(index);
130  if (index.value() >= firstIndex.value()) {
131  fileMap.insert(index.value(), path);
132  }
133  }
134  }
135  return fileMap;
136 }
139 void FileSequenceJob::evaluate(const RunSettings& UNUSED(global), IRunCallbacks& callbacks) {
140  AutoPtr<IInput> input = Factory::getInput(firstFile);
141  Storage storage;
142  Statistics stats;
144  FlatMap<Size, Path> sequence = getFileSequence(firstFile);
145  const Size firstIndex = sequence.begin()->key;
146  const Size lastIndex = (sequence.end() - 1)->key;
147  for (auto& element : sequence) {
148  const Size index = element.key;
150  Timer frameTimer;
151  Outcome outcome = input->load(element.value, storage, stats);
152  if (!outcome) {
153  throw InvalidSetup(outcome.error());
154  }
156  stats.set(StatisticsId::INDEX, int(index));
157  if (sequence.size() > 1) {
158  stats.set(StatisticsId::RELATIVE_PROGRESS, Float(index - firstIndex) / (lastIndex - firstIndex));
159  } else {
161  }
163  if (index == firstIndex) {
164  callbacks.onSetUp(storage, stats);
165  }
166  callbacks.onTimeStep(storage, stats);
168  if (callbacks.shouldAbortRun()) {
169  break;
170  }
172  const Size elapsed = frameTimer.elapsed(TimerUnit::MILLISECOND);
173  const Size minElapsed = 1000 / maxFps;
174  if (elapsed < minElapsed) {
175  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(minElapsed - elapsed));
176  }
177  }
179  result = makeShared<ParticleData>();
180  result->storage = std::move(storage);
181  result->stats = std::move(stats);
182 }
184 static JobRegistrar sRegisterFileSequence(
185  "load sequence",
186  "sequence",
187  "I/O",
188  [](const std::string& name) { return makeAuto<FileSequenceJob>(name); },
189  "Loads and displays a sequence of particle states.");
191 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 // SaveFileJob
193 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 SaveFileJob::SaveFileJob(const std::string& name)
196  : IParticleJob(name) {
198  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_PATH, std::string(""))
199  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_NAME, std::string("final.ssf"))
202 }
205  VirtualSettings connector;
206  addGenericCategory(connector, instName);
208  VirtualSettings::Category& outputCat = connector.addCategory("Output");
209  outputCat.connect<Path>("File", settings, RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_NAME)
211  .setFileFormats(getOutputFormats());
212  outputCat.connect<EnumWrapper>("Format", settings, RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_TYPE);
214  .setEnabler([this] {
215  const IoEnum type = settings.get<IoEnum>(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_TYPE);
216  return type == IoEnum::TEXT_FILE || type == IoEnum::VTK_FILE;
217  });
219  return connector;
220 }
222 void SaveFileJob::evaluate(const RunSettings& UNUSED(global), IRunCallbacks& UNUSED(callbacks)) {
223  SharedPtr<ParticleData> data = this->getInput<ParticleData>("particles");
225  AutoPtr<IOutput> output = Factory::getOutput(settings);
226  output->dump(data->storage, data->stats);
228  result = data;
229 }
231 static JobRegistrar sRegisterOutput(
232  "save file",
233  "I/O",
234  [](const std::string& name) { return makeAuto<SaveFileJob>(name); },
235  "Saves the input particle state into a file.");
237 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 // SaveMeshJob
239 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242  VirtualSettings connector;
243  addGenericCategory(connector, instName);
245  VirtualSettings::Category& outputCat = connector.addCategory("Output");
246  outputCat.connect("File", "file", path)
248  .setFileFormats({
249  { "Wavefront OBJ file", "obj" },
250  { "Stanford PLY file", "ply" },
251  });
253  VirtualSettings::Category& meshCat = connector.addCategory("Mesh parameters");
254  meshCat.connect<Float>("Resolution", "resolution", resolution);
255  meshCat.connect<Float>("Surface level", "level", level);
256  meshCat.connect<Float>("Smoothing multiplier", "smoothing_mult", smoothingMult);
257  meshCat.connect<bool>("Refine mesh", "refine", refine);
258  meshCat.connect<bool>("Anisotropic kernels", "aniso", anisotropic);
259  meshCat.connect<bool>("Scale to unit size", "scale_to_unit", scaleToUnit);
261  return connector;
262 }
264 void SaveMeshJob::evaluate(const RunSettings& global, IRunCallbacks& callbacks) {
265  SharedPtr<ParticleData> data = this->getInput<ParticleData>("particles");
267  // sanitize resolution
268  const Box bbox = getBoundingBox(data->storage);
269  const Float boxSize = maxElement(bbox.size());
271  SharedPtr<IScheduler> scheduler = Factory::getScheduler(global);
273  McConfig config;
274  config.gridResolution = clamp(resolution, 1.e-3_f * boxSize, 0.2_f * boxSize);
275  config.surfaceLevel = level;
276  config.smoothingMult = smoothingMult;
277  config.useAnisotropicKernels = anisotropic;
278  config.progressCallback = [&callbacks](const Float progress) {
279  Statistics stats;
280  stats.set(StatisticsId::RELATIVE_PROGRESS, progress);
281  callbacks.onTimeStep(Storage(), stats);
282  return !callbacks.shouldAbortRun();
283  };
284  Array<Triangle> triangles = getSurfaceMesh(*scheduler, data->storage, config);
286  if (scaleToUnit) {
287  for (Triangle& t : triangles) {
288  for (Size i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
289  t[i] = (t[i] - bbox.center()) / boxSize;
290  }
291  }
292  }
294  if (refine) {
295  Mesh mesh = getMeshFromTriangles(triangles, 1.e-6_f);
296  for (Size i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
297  refineMesh(mesh);
298  }
299  triangles = getTrianglesFromMesh(mesh);
300  }
302  AutoPtr<IMeshFile> saver = getMeshFile(path);
303  Outcome outcome = saver->save(path, std::move(triangles));
304  if (!outcome) {
305  throw InvalidSetup("Saving mesh failed.\n\n" + outcome.error());
306  }
308  result = data;
309 }
311 static JobRegistrar sRegisterMeshSaver(
312  "save mesh",
313  "I/O",
314  [](const std::string& name) { return makeAuto<SaveMeshJob>(name); },
315  "Creates a triangular mesh from the input particles and saves it to file.");
#define SPH_ASSERT(x,...)
Definition: Assert.h:94
Helper macro marking missing implementation.
Definition: Assert.h:100
Definition: BarnesHut.cpp:13
INLINE Float maxElement(const T &value)
Returns maximum element, simply the value iself by default.
Definition: Generic.h:29
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
Basic interface defining a single run.
FlatMap< Size, Path > getFileSequence(const Path &firstFile)
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:107
Definition: IoJobs.h:8
VirtualSettings::Category & addGenericCategory(VirtualSettings &connector, std::string &instanceName)
Adds a common settings category, used by all jobs.
Definition: Job.cpp:43
Array< Triangle > getSurfaceMesh(IScheduler &scheduler, const Storage &storage, const McConfig &config)
Returns the triangle mesh of the body surface (or surfaces of bodies).
constexpr INLINE T clamp(const T &f, const T &f1, const T &f2)
Definition: MathBasic.h:35
AutoPtr< IMeshFile > getMeshFile(const Path &path)
Deduces mesh type from extension of given path.
Definition: MeshFile.cpp:212
void refineMesh(Mesh &mesh)
Improves mesh quality using edge flips (valence equalization) and tangential relaxation.
Definition: Mesh.cpp:29
Mesh getMeshFromTriangles(ArrayView< const Triangle > triangles, const Float eps)
Converts array of triangles into a mesh.
Definition: Mesh.cpp:83
Array< Triangle > getTrianglesFromMesh(const Mesh &mesh)
Expands the mesh into an array of triangles.
Definition: Mesh.cpp:169
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Definition: Object.h:12
Saving and loading particle data.
Current velocities of particles, always a vector quantity.
Positions of particles, always a vector quantity.
Statistics gathered and periodically displayed during the run.
Current time of the simulation in code units. Does not necessarily have to be 0 when run starts.
Current value of timestep.
Current number of time step, indexed from 0.
Box getBoundingBox(const Storage &storage, const Float radius)
Convenience function to get the bounding box of all particles.
Definition: Storage.cpp:832
Measuring time intervals and executing periodic events.
Array< IVirtualEntry::FileFormat > getInputFormats()
Convenience function, returning the list of input file formats defined by IoEnum.
Array< IVirtualEntry::FileFormat > getOutputFormats()
Convenience function, returning the list of output file formats defined by IoEnum.
Wrapper of pointer that deletes the resource from destructor.
Definition: AutoPtr.h:15
INLINE const TError & error() const
Returns the error message.
Definition: Outcome.h:88
Helper object defining three-dimensional interval (box).
Definition: Box.h:17
INLINE Vector center() const
Returns the center of the box.
Definition: Box.h:112
INLINE Vector size() const
Returns box dimensions.
Definition: Box.h:106
EntryControl & setPathType(const PathType &newType)
Sets the type of the path.
EntryControl & setFileFormats(Array< FileFormat > &&formats)
Sets the allowed file formats.
virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings &global, IRunCallbacks &callbacks) override
Runs the operation provided by the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:139
virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override
Returns a settings object which allows to query and modify the state of the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:93
Container of key-value pairs.
Definition: FlatMap.h:19
INLINE Iterator< Element > end()
Returns the iterator pointing to the one-past-last element.
Definition: FlatMap.h:165
INLINE TValue & insert(const TKey &key, const TValue &value)
Adds a new element into the map or sets new value of element with the same key.
Definition: FlatMap.h:65
INLINE Iterator< Element > begin()
Returns the iterator pointing to the first element.
Definition: FlatMap.h:155
INLINE Size size() const
Returns the number of elements in the map.
Definition: FlatMap.h:145
std::string instName
Definition: Job.h:100
virtual Expected< Path > dump(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats)=0
Saves data from particle storage into the file.
Base class for all jobs providing particle data.
Definition: Job.h:242
SharedPtr< ParticleData > result
Data filled by the job when it finishes.
Definition: Job.h:245
Callbacks executed by the simulation to provide feedback to the user.
Definition: IRun.h:27
virtual bool shouldAbortRun() const =0
Returns whether current run should be aborted or not.
virtual void onSetUp(const Storage &storage, Statistics &stats)=0
Called right before the run starts, i.e. after initial conditions are set up.
virtual void onTimeStep(const Storage &storage, Statistics &stats)=0
Called every timestep.
Thrown when components of the run are mutually incompatible.
Definition: Exceptions.h:24
virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings &global, IRunCallbacks &callbacks) override
Runs the operation provided by the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:36
virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override
Returns a settings object which allows to query and modify the state of the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:24
INLINE Type & value()
Returns the reference to the stored value.
Definition: Optional.h:172
static Optional< Size > getDumpIdx(const Path &path)
Extracts the dump index from given path generated by OutputFile.
Definition: Output.cpp:49
static Optional< OutputFile > getMaskFromPath(const Path &path, const Size firstDumpIdx=0)
Attemps to get the OutputFile from one of the path generated from it.
Definition: Output.cpp:72
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
std::string native() const
Returns the native version of the path.
Definition: Path.cpp:71
Path parentPath() const
Returns the parent directory. If the path is empty or root, return empty path.
Definition: Path.cpp:35
SaveFileJob(const std::string &name)
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:195
virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override
Returns a settings object which allows to query and modify the state of the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:204
virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings &global, IRunCallbacks &callbacks) override
Runs the operation provided by the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:222
virtual VirtualSettings getSettings() override
Returns a settings object which allows to query and modify the state of the job.
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:241
virtual void evaluate(const RunSettings &global, IRunCallbacks &UNUSED(callbacks)) override
Definition: IoJobs.cpp:264
Settings & set(const TEnum idx, TValue &&value, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0)
Saves a value into the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:226
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
TValue get(const StatisticsId idx) const
Returns value of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:88
Statistics & set(const StatisticsId idx, TValue &&value)
Sets new values of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:52
bool has(const StatisticsId idx) const
Checks if the object contains a statistic with given ID.
Definition: Statistics.h:44
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Basic time-measuring tool. Starts automatically when constructed.
Definition: Timer.h:27
int64_t elapsed(const TimerUnit unit) const
Returns elapsed time in timer units. Does not reset the timer.
Definition: Timer.cpp:55
Definition: Triangle.h:14
EntryControl & connect(const std::string &name, const std::string &key, TValue &value)
Connects to given reference.
Holds a map of virtual entries, associated with a unique name.
Category & addCategory(const std::string &name)
Creates a new category of entries.
Creating code components based on values from settings.
Definition: Settings.h:859
Formatted human-readable text file.
List of quantities to write to text output. Binary output always stores all quantitites.
Path where all output files (dumps, logs, ...) will be written.
Selected format of the output file, see IoEnum.
Index of the first generated output file. Might not be zero if the simulation is resumed.
Gravitational constant. To be generalized.
File name of the output file (including extension), where d is a placeholder for output number.
constexpr Float gravity
Gravitational constant (CODATA 2014)
Definition: Constants.h:29
AutoPtr< IOutput > getOutput(const RunSettings &settings)
Definition: Factory.cpp:563
SharedPtr< IScheduler > getScheduler(const RunSettings &settings=RunSettings::getDefaults())
Definition: Factory.cpp:178
AutoPtr< IInput > getInput(const Path &path)
Definition: Factory.cpp:601
bool pathExists(const Path &path)
Checks if a file or directory exists (or more precisely, if a file or directory is accessible).
Definition: FileSystem.cpp:21
DirectoryAdapter iterateDirectory(const Path &directory)
Definition: FileSystem.cpp:338
Wrapper of an enum.
Definition: Settings.h:37
Helper class, allowing to register job into the global list of jobs.
Definition: Job.h:203
Function< bool(Float progress)> progressCallback
Generic functor called during MC evaluation.
Float smoothingMult
Multiplier of the smoothing lengths.
Float gridResolution
Absolute size of each produced triangle.
bool useAnisotropicKernels
If true, anisotropic kernels of Yu & Turk (2010) are used instead of normal isotropic kernels.
Float surfaceLevel
Definition: Mesh.h:7
Storage storage
Holds all particle positions and other quantities.
Definition: Job.h:35
Statistics stats
Final statistics of the simulation.
Definition: Job.h:38
RunSettings overrides
Overrides associated with the particle state.
Definition: Job.h:43
Helper class for adding individual enums to the enum map.
Definition: EnumMap.h:175