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This file is created automatically during compilation from global.h.
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Definition in file global_ex.h.
boolean AccretHeating |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), ParametricAccretion(), and ReadVariables().
boolean AdvecteLabel |
Definition at line 29 of file global.h.
Referenced by AllocateComm(), CommunicateBoundaries(), merge(), OneWindRad(), OneWindTheta(), QuantitiesAdvection(), ReadVariables(), SendOutput(), TellEverything(), and Transport().
boolean BackReaction |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by ReadVariables(), SourceTermsPebbles(), and SubStep1().
PolarGrid* CellAbscissa |
Definition at line 33 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), FillForcesArrays(), and InitComputeAccel().
PolarGrid * CellOrdinate |
Definition at line 33 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), FillForcesArrays(), and InitComputeAccel().
boolean CentrifugalBalance |
Definition at line 31 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitGasVelocity(), and main().
boolean Collisions |
Definition at line 26 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), ReadVariables(), RestartReboundSimulation(), SetupIntegratorParams(), and SetupReboundSimulation().
Definition at line 17 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillCoolingTime(), and SubStep3().
boolean CPU_Master |
Definition at line 3 of file global.h.
Referenced by AdvanceSystemFromDisk(), CheckRebin(), ChessBoardIndexing(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), DiscardParticlesDist(), DumpOmegaFrame(), DumpSources(), EmptyPlanetSystemFile(), FillPolar1DArrays(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), InitPlanetarySystem(), ListPlanets(), main(), mastererr(), masterprint(), merge(), OutputNbodySimulation(), ReadPrevDim(), ResolveCollisions(), RestartReboundSimulation(), SendOutput(), TellEverything(), WriteBigPlanetFile(), WriteDim(), WriteDiskPolar(), and WritePlanetFile().
int CPU_Number |
Definition at line 2 of file global.h.
Referenced by AdvanceSystemFromDisk(), ApplyOuterSourceMass(), ChessBoardIndexing(), CommunicateBoundaries(), DampingTW04(), FindOrbitalElements(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), ImposeKeplerianEdges(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), main(), MakeDir(), merge(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), NonReflectingBoundary(), OutputElements(), ReadfromAsciiFile(), ReadfromFile(), SendOutput(), SplitDomain(), SuccessiveOverrelaxation(), SynchronizeOverlapFields(), SynchronizePebbleDisc(), UpdateLog(), and WriteDiskPolar().
int CPU_Rank |
Definition at line 1 of file global.h.
Referenced by AllocateComm(), ApplyOuterSourceMass(), ChessBoardIndexing(), CommunicateBoundaries(), ConditionCFL(), FindOrbitalElements(), fopenp(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), handfpe(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), ImposeKeplerianEdges(), main(), MakeDir(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), NonReflectingBoundary(), OpenBoundary(), OutputElements(), ReadfromAsciiFile(), ReadfromFile(), SplitDomain(), SynchronizeOverlapFields(), UpdateLog(), and WriteDiskPolar().
boolean Damping |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by ApplyBoundaryCondition(), InitEuler(), ReadVariables(), and SubStep1().
boolean DampInit |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by DampingBoundary(), InitEuler(), Initialization(), and ReadVariables().
boolean DampVrad |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by ReadVariables().
boolean debug |
Definition at line 29 of file global.h.
Referenced by ConditionCFL(), main(), and SplitDomain().
boolean DiffusiveParticles |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), and ReadVariables().
FILE * discard |
Definition at line 44 of file global.h.
Referenced by DiscardParticlesDist(), main(), RestartReboundSimulation(), and SetupReboundSimulation().
PolarGrid* DivergenceVelocity |
Definition at line 36 of file global.h.
Referenced by ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitViscosity(), SendOutput(), SubStep3(), and UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor().
PolarGrid * DragForceRad |
Definition at line 37 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitPebbleArrays(), SourceTermsPebbles(), and SubStep1().
PolarGrid * DragForceTheta |
Definition at line 37 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitPebbleArrays(), SourceTermsPebbles(), and SubStep1().
boolean EnergyEq |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), AllocateComm(), ApplyBoundaryCondition(), CommunicateBoundaries(), ComputePressureField(), ComputeSoundSpeed(), ComputeTemperatureField(), InitEuler(), Initialization(), main(), OneWindRad(), OneWindTheta(), QuantitiesAdvection(), ReadVariables(), SubStep2(), and TellEverything().
Definition at line 16 of file global.h.
Referenced by DampingBoundary(), FillEnergy(), InitGasDensityEnergy(), NonReflectingBoundary(), RefillEnergy(), and SubStep3().
boolean ExcludeHill |
Definition at line 31 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), and ReadVariables().
boolean FakeSequential |
Definition at line 29 of file global.h.
Referenced by GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), and main().
MPI_Status fargostat |
Definition at line 32 of file global.h.
Referenced by ChessBoardIndexing(), CommunicateBoundaries(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), MakeDir(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), ReadfromAsciiFile(), ReadfromFile(), and SynchronizeOverlapFields().
boolean FeelDisk |
Definition at line 26 of file global.h.
Referenced by ReadVariables(), RestartReboundSimulation(), and SetupReboundSimulation().
PolarGrid* GasAccelrad |
Definition at line 37 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitPebbleArrays(), SubStep1(), and SubStep1Pebbles().
PolarGrid * GasAcceltheta |
Definition at line 37 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitPebbleArrays(), SubStep1(), and SubStep1Pebbles().
Definition at line 10 of file global.h.
Referenced by CheckRebin(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), FillPolar1DArrays(), GetGlobalIFrac(), InitGasVelocity(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), SplitDomain(), and WriteDim().
Definition at line 13 of file global.h.
Referenced by CheckRebin(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), FillPolar1DArrays(), FViscosity(), GetGlobalIFrac(), and InitGasVelocity().
Definition at line 16 of file global.h.
Referenced by ComputeSoundSpeed(), and FViscosity().
Definition at line 16 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitGasVelocity().
PolarGrid* GravAccelRad |
Definition at line 39 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), and SubStep1().
PolarGrid * GravAccelTheta |
Definition at line 39 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), and SubStep1().
real heatsrc[MAXPLANETS] |
Definition at line 21 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), and ParametricAccretion().
boolean heatsrc_index[MAXPLANETS] |
Definition at line 28 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), and ParametricAccretion().
int heatsrc_max |
Definition at line 22 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), and ParametricAccretion().
int IMAX |
Definition at line 5 of file global.h.
Referenced by SplitDomain().
int IMIN |
Definition at line 4 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillPolar1DArrays(), InitGasVelocity(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), ReadfromAsciiFile(), ReadfromFile(), and SplitDomain().
boolean InitFromFile |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by Initialization(), and ReadVariables().
Definition at line 12 of file global.h.
Referenced by ComputeStarRad(), FillPolar1DArrays(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), ParticleDiffusion(), SubStep1(), SubStep2(), TemperatureGradient(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
Definition at line 13 of file global.h.
Referenced by CalculateFlaring(), FillPolar1DArrays(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), SubStep2(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
real invdtpeb_sq |
Definition at line 19 of file global.h.
Referenced by ConditionCFL(), and CriticalCharTime().
real invdtreb_sq |
Definition at line 19 of file global.h.
Referenced by ConditionCFL(), and MinStepForRebound().
Definition at line 13 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillPolar1DArrays(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SubStep1(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
Definition at line 12 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), CalculateFlaring(), ComputeResiduals(), ConditionCFL(), FillForcesArrays(), FillPolar1DArrays(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
Definition at line 12 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillPolar1DArrays(), and VanLeerRadial().
boolean LogGrid |
Definition at line 41 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillPolar1DArrays(), and ReadVariables().
real MassTaper |
Definition at line 14 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), and FillForcesArrays().
int Max_or_active |
Definition at line 7 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ConditionCFL(), CriticalCharTime(), DampingBoundary(), DampingTW04(), DampPebbles(), FillForcesArrays(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), SetWaveKillingZones(), SplitDomain(), and ThicknessSmoothing().
int MaxMO_or_active |
Definition at line 9 of file global.h.
Referenced by ConditionCFL(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), SplitDomain(), and SuccessiveOverrelaxation().
boolean Merge |
Definition at line 29 of file global.h.
Referenced by AdvanceSystemFromDisk(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), main(), and SendOutput().
FILE * mergers |
Definition at line 44 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), ResolveCollisions(), RestartReboundSimulation(), and SetupReboundSimulation().
boolean MonitorNPL |
Definition at line 26 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), and ReadVariables().
char NewOutputdir[1024] |
Definition at line 43 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), and ReadVariables().
Definition at line 15 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), CalculateFlaring(), FillForcesArrays(), FillPolar1DArrays(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), MidplaneVolumeDensity(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SubStep1Pebbles(), and ThicknessSmoothing().
int One_or_active |
Definition at line 8 of file global.h.
Referenced by ConditionCFL(), CriticalCharTime(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), SplitDomain(), and SuccessiveOverrelaxation().
boolean OverridesOutputdir |
Definition at line 42 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), and ReadVariables().
boolean ParametricCooling |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitEuler(), InitGasVelocity(), ReadVariables(), SubStep3(), and TellEverything().
PolarGrid* PebbleDens |
Definition at line 38 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), BckpFieldsForBC(), DetectCrashPebbles(), EvolvePebbleDisk(), InitPebbleArrays(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), ParticleDiffusion(), RestartPebbleDisk(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SynchronizePebbleDisc(), and WritePebbles().
PolarGrid * PebbleGravAccelRad |
Definition at line 39 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), and SourceTermsPebbles().
PolarGrid * PebbleGravAccelTheta |
Definition at line 39 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), and SourceTermsPebbles().
boolean Pebbles |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), ConditionCFL(), FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), Initialization(), merge(), ReadVariables(), SendOutput(), and SubStep1().
PolarGrid * PebbleVrad |
Definition at line 38 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), BckpFieldsForBC(), CriticalCharTime(), EvolvePebbleDisk(), InitPebbleArrays(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), ParticleDiffusion(), RestartPebbleDisk(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SubStep1Pebbles(), SynchronizePebbleDisc(), and WritePebbles().
PolarGrid * PebbleVtheta |
Definition at line 38 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), BckpFieldsForBC(), CorrectPebblesVtheta(), CriticalCharTime(), EvolvePebbleDisk(), InitPebbleArrays(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), ParticleDiffusion(), RestartPebbleDisk(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SubStep1Pebbles(), SynchronizePebbleDisc(), and WritePebbles().
Definition at line 18 of file global.h.
Referenced by BckpFieldsForBC(), DampPebbles(), and InitPebblesViaFlux().
Definition at line 18 of file global.h.
Referenced by BckpFieldsForBC(), DampPebbles(), and InitPebblesViaFlux().
Definition at line 18 of file global.h.
Referenced by BckpFieldsForBC(), DampPebbles(), and InitPebblesViaFlux().
real PhysicalTime |
Definition at line 20 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), AdvanceSystemRebound(), AlgoGas(), AspectRatio(), DiscardParticlesDist(), FindOrbitalElements(), FViscosity(), main(), OutputElements(), ParametricAccretion(), RestartReboundSimulation(), UpdateLog(), WriteBigPlanetFile(), and WritePlanetFile().
real PhysicalTimeInitial |
Definition at line 20 of file global.h.
Referenced by AspectRatio(), FViscosity(), and main().
FILE* plout |
Definition at line 44 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), OutputElements(), RestartReboundSimulation(), and SetupReboundSimulation().
boolean PrescribedAccretion |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), and ReadVariables().
PolarGrid * Pressure |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by ComputePressureField(), ComputeTemperatureField(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), InitEuler(), InitGasVelocity(), and SubStep1().
PolarGrid * Qbalance |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by ActualizeQbalance(), InitRadiatDiffusionFields(), and SendOutput().
PolarGrid * Qminus |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by ActualizeQbalance(), CalculateQminus(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), and InitRadiatDiffusionFields().
PolarGrid * Qplus |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by ActualizeQbalance(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitEuler(), InitQplus(), SendOutput(), and SubStep3().
Definition at line 17 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillQplus(), and SubStep3().
Definition at line 13 of file global.h.
Referenced by CheckRebin(), FillPolar1DArrays(), and InitGasVelocity().
PolarGrid * RhoInt |
Definition at line 34 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitEuler(), OneWindRad(), OneWindRadPebbles(), QuantitiesAdvection(), QuantitiesAdvectionPebbles(), SubStep2(), VanLeerRadial(), and VanLeerTheta().
PolarGrid* RhoStar |
Definition at line 34 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitEuler(), OneWindRad(), OneWindRadPebbles(), QuantitiesAdvection(), QuantitiesAdvectionPebbles(), VanLeerRadial(), and VanLeerTheta().
Definition at line 11 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ApplyOuterSourceMass(), CalculateFlaring(), ConditionCFL(), CriticalCharTime(), DampingTW04(), FillPolar1DArrays(), FillSigma(), GasTotalEnergy(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitGasVelocity(), NonReflectingBoundary(), ParametricAccretion(), ParticleDiffusion(), RefillSigma(), SourceTermsPebbles(), SubStep1(), ThicknessSmoothing(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms(), VanLeerRadial(), and VanLeerTheta().
Definition at line 11 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), BckpFieldsForBC(), CalculateFlaring(), ComputeLRMomenta(), ComputeResiduals(), ComputeSoundSpeed(), ComputeStarRad(), ComputeStarTheta(), ComputeVelocities(), ConditionCFL(), CorrectVtheta(), CriticalCharTime(), DampingBoundary(), DampPebbles(), EtaPressureSupport(), FillCoolingTime(), FillEnergy(), FillForcesArrays(), FillPolar1DArrays(), FillQplus(), FillSigma(), FillVtheta(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), ImposeKeplerianEdges(), InitComputeAccel(), InitGasVelocity(), InitLabel(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), NonReflectingBoundary(), ParticleDiffusion(), RefillSigma(), SetWaveKillingZones(), SubStep1(), SubStep2(), SubStep3(), TemperatureGradient(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
Definition at line 15 of file global.h.
Referenced by CalculateQirr(), FillForcesArrays(), and FillPolar1DArrays().
boolean RocheSmoothing |
Definition at line 30 of file global.h.
Referenced by ReadVariables().
Definition at line 11 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), CalculateFlaring(), ConditionCFL(), CriticalCharTime(), DampingTW04(), FillPolar1DArrays(), GasTotalEnergy(), ParametricAccretion(), ThicknessSmoothing(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms(), VanLeerRadial(), and VanLeerTheta().
Definition at line 14 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillSigma(), InitGasVelocity(), and RefillSigma().
Definition at line 14 of file global.h.
Referenced by ApplyOuterSourceMass(), DampingBoundary(), FillSigma(), InitGasDensityEnergy(), NonReflectingBoundary(), OpenBoundary(), RefillSigma(), and SubStep3().
PolarGrid * SoundSpeed |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), CalculateFlaring(), ComputePressureField(), ComputeSoundSpeed(), ConditionCFL(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), DampingTW04(), FillForcesArrays(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitEuler(), InitGasVelocity(), MidplaneVolumeDensity(), NonReflectingBoundary(), ParametricAccretion(), ThicknessSmoothing(), and UpdateLog().
Definition at line 19 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), CalculateFlaring(), FillForcesArrays(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitEuler(), MidplaneVolumeDensity(), PebbleStokesNumbers(), ThicknessSmoothing(), and UpdateLog().
boolean StellarIrradiation |
Definition at line 24 of file global.h.
Referenced by EffectiveOpticalDepth(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), and ReadVariables().
PolarGrid * StokesNumber |
Definition at line 38 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), FillForcesArrays(), InitPebbleArrays(), InitPebblesViaFlux(), PebbleStokesNumbers(), SourceTermsPebbles(), and SubStep1Pebbles().
Definition at line 11 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), FillForcesArrays(), FillPolar1DArrays(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), ParametricAccretion(), and VanLeerTheta().
PolarGrid * TAUPP |
Definition at line 36 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitViscosity(), SubStep3(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
PolarGrid * TAURP |
Definition at line 36 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitViscosity(), SubStep3(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
PolarGrid * TAURR |
Definition at line 36 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitViscosity(), SubStep3(), UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(), and UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms().
PolarGrid* Temperature |
Definition at line 35 of file global.h.
Referenced by AlgoGas(), CalculateQminus(), ComputeTemperatureField(), CreateTorqueMapInfile(), DiffusionCoefs(), ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion(), InitEuler(), IterateRelaxationParameter(), OpacityProfile(), SendOutput(), SuccessiveOverrelaxation(), and TemperatureGradient().
PolarGrid* Torque |
Definition at line 40 of file global.h.
Referenced by AdvanceSystemFromDisk(), FillForcesArrays(), and InitEuler().
boolean TorqueDensity |
Definition at line 28 of file global.h.
Referenced by FillForcesArrays(), InitEuler(), main(), and ReadVariables().
boolean ViscosityAlpha |
Definition at line 30 of file global.h.
Referenced by CreateTorqueMapInfile(), FViscosity(), InitGasVelocity(), and ReadVariables().
Definition at line 19 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccretePebblesOntoPlanets().
Definition at line 16 of file global.h.
Referenced by DampingBoundary(), and FillVtheta().
Definition at line 16 of file global.h.
Referenced by DampingBoundary(), DampPebbles(), and SetWaveKillingZones().
boolean Write_Divergence |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by merge(), ReadVariables(), and SendOutput().
boolean Write_Energy |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by merge(), ReadVariables(), and SendOutput().
boolean Write_Eta |
Definition at line 27 of file global.h.
Referenced by merge(), ReadVariables(), and WritePebbles().
boolean Write_Qbalance |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by InitRadiatDiffusionFields(), merge(), ReadVariables(), and SendOutput().
boolean Write_Qplus |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by merge(), ReadVariables(), and SendOutput().
boolean Write_Temperature |
Definition at line 25 of file global.h.
Referenced by merge(), ReadVariables(), and SendOutput().
boolean WriteTorque |
Definition at line 26 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), and ReadVariables().
boolean WriteTorqueMapFile |
Definition at line 26 of file global.h.
Referenced by main(), and ReadVariables().
int Zero_or_active |
Definition at line 6 of file global.h.
Referenced by AccreteOntoPlanets(), AccretePebblesOntoPlanets(), ConditionCFL(), DampingBoundary(), DampingTW04(), DampPebbles(), FillForcesArrays(), GasMomentum(), GasTotalEnergy(), GasTotalMass(), mpi_make1Dprofile(), SetWaveKillingZones(), SplitDomain(), and ThicknessSmoothing().