double real
Definition of the type 'real' used throughout the code.
real PebVthetaInit[MAX1D]
real CoolingTimeMed[MAX1D]
boolean ActualizeLuminosity
boolean CentrifugalBalance
PolarGrid * PebbleGravAccelTheta
PolarGrid * GasAcceltheta
A structure used to store any scalar fied on the computational domain.
boolean DiffusiveParticles
boolean WriteTorqueMapFile
boolean OverridesOutputdir
boolean PrescribedAccretion
PolarGrid * GravAccelTheta
boolean Write_Temperature
PolarGrid * DivergenceVelocity
PolarGrid * DragForceTheta
PolarGrid * PebbleGravAccelRad
boolean StellarIrradiation
boolean ParametricCooling
boolean heatsrc_index[MAXPLANETS]