►NAnalytic | Contains analytic solutions of equations |
CStaticSphere | Properties of a homogeneous sphere in rest (no temporal derivatives) |
NConstants | |
►NDeltaSph | |
CRenormalizedDensityGradient | |
CDensityDiffusion | Numerical diffusion of density |
CVelocityDiffusion | Numerical diffusion of velocity |
►NDetail | |
CSerializedType | Type trait for serialization/deserialization of types |
CSerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
CSerializedType< Precise, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > > | |
CSerializedType< Precise, char[N]> | |
CTupleValue | |
CTupleImpl | |
CTupleImpl< std::index_sequence< TIndices... >, TArgs... > | |
CForEachVisitor | |
CForEachIfVisitor | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< I > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMappingImpl< Z, Second, Idxs... > | |
CMultipoleMapping | |
CMultipoleMapping< I > | |
CMultipoleMapping<> | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< X, Second, Idxs... > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< Y, Second, Idxs... > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMappingImpl< I > | |
CTracelessMultipoleMapping | |
CTracelessMultipoleMapping< I > | |
CStaticForType | |
CStaticForType< N, N > | |
CSelectNthType | |
CSelectNthType< N, N > | |
CCloner | |
CTypedCloner | |
CCallable | |
CCallable< TReturn(TArgs...)> | |
CLockingControlBlock | |
CControlBlockHolder | |
CControlBlock | |
CTokenBlock | |
CForValue | |
CForValue< N, NothingType, TArgs... > | |
CForValue< N, T0 > | |
CHolder | |
CUnitAdapter | |
CUnitAdapter< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, Float >::value||std::is_same< T, Vector >::value > > | |
CValueEntry | |
CValueEntry< TValue, std::enable_if_t< FlagsTraits< TValue >::isFlags > > | |
CSettingsEntry | |
CSettingsEntry< TValue, TEnum, std::enable_if_t< FlagsTraits< TValue >::isFlags > > | Partial specialization for Flags |
CSettingsEntry< Path, TEnum > | Partial specialization for Path |
CValueInitTag | |
CFunctorInitTag | |
CParamTraits | |
CParamTraits< TArg > | |
►NExperimental | |
CMultipoleBase | |
NFactory | Provides a convenient way to construct objects from settings |
►NFileSystem | |
CScopedWorkingDirectory | |
CDirectoryIterator | Iterator allowing to enumerate files and subdirectories in given directory |
CDirectoryAdapter | Object providing begin and end directory iterator for given directory path |
CFileLock | Locks a file |
►NGalaxy | |
CIProgressCallbacks | |
CNullProgressCallbacks | |
Nhelpers | |
►NKepler | |
CElements | Object holding Keplerian orbital elements of a body |
►NMomentOperators | |
CTerm2 | |
CTerm30 | |
CTerm31 | |
CTerm32 | |
CDelta | |
CPermutations | |
CPermutations< N, 0, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 0, N, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 2, 2, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 3, 1, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 2, 1, Value1, Value2 > | |
CPermutations< 1, 2, Value1, Value2 > | |
CContraction | |
CInnerProduct | |
CInnerProduct< 1, 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 1, 1, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 2, 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CInnerProduct< 3, 3, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyByScalar | |
CMultiplyTwo | |
CMultiplyTwo< 1, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyTwo< 2, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CMultiplyTwo< 4, TValue1, TValue2 > | |
CSum | |
CDifference | |
COuterProduct | |
NPalettes | |
►NPost | |
CTumbler | |
►CHistogramParams | Parameters of the histogram |
CComponentParams | Parameters used by histogram of components |
CHistPoint | Point in the histogram |
CLinearFunction | Class representing an ordinary 1D linear function |
CQuadraticFunction | |
CKsResult | |
NPresets | |
NRigid | Physics of rigid body |
►NSph | |
CMemoryPool | |
►Nstd | Overload of std::swap for Sph::Array |
Chash< Sph::Indices > | |
►NStellar | |
CStar | |
►NTests | |
CSingleDerivativeMaker | |
►NVariantHelpers | Helper visitors creating, deleting or modifying Variant |
CDefaultCreate | Creates a variant using default constructor |
CDelete | Destroys the object currently stored in variant |
CCopyMoveCreate | Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant |
CAssign | Assigns a value type of which can be stored in variant |
CCopyMoveAssign | Creates a variant by copying/moving value currently stored in other variant |
CSwap | Swaps content of two variants |