Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #include "Sph.h"
4 #include "run/Node.h"
6 #include "run/jobs/IoJobs.h"
11 using namespace Sph;
13 static Array<ArgDesc> params{
14  { "tr", "target-radius", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Radius of the target [m]" },
15  { "tp", "target-period", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Rotational period of the target [h]" },
16  { "ir", "impactor-radius", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Radius of the impactor [m]" },
17  { "q",
18  "impact-energy",
20  "Relative impact energy Q/Q_D^*. This option can be only used together with -tr and -v, it is "
21  "incompatible with -ir." },
22  { "v", "impact-speed", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Impact speed [km/s]" },
23  { "phi", "impact-angle", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Impact angle [deg]" },
24  { "n", "particle-count", ArgEnum::INT, "Number of particles in the target" },
25  { "st", "stabilization-time", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Duration of the stabilization phase [s]" },
26  { "ft", "fragmentation-time", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Duration of the fragmentation phase [s]" },
27  { "rt", "reaccumulation-time", ArgEnum::FLOAT, "Duration of the reaccumulation phase [s]" },
28  { "i", "resume-from", ArgEnum::STRING, "Resume simulation from given state file" },
29  { "o",
30  "output-dir",
32  "Directory containing configuration files and run output files. If not specified, it is determined "
33  "from other arguments. If no arguments are specified, the current working directory is used." },
34 };
36 static void printBanner(ILogger& logger) {
37  logger.write("*******************************************************************************");
38  logger.write("******************************* OpenSPH Impact ********************************");
39  logger.write("*******************************************************************************");
40 }
42 static void printNoConfigsMsg(ILogger& logger, const Path& outputDir) {
43  logger.write("");
44  logger.write("No configuration files found, the program will generate default configuration ");
45  logger.write("files and save them to directory '" + outputDir.native() + "'");
46  logger.write("");
47  logger.write("To start a simulation, re-run this program; it will load the generated files. ");
48  logger.write("You can also specify parameters of the simulation as command-line arguments. ");
49  logger.write("Note that these arguments will override parameters loaded from configuration ");
50  logger.write("files. For more information, execute the program with -h (or --help) argument.");
51  logger.write("");
52 }
54 template <typename TEnum>
55 static Settings<TEnum> loadSettings(const Path& path,
56  const Settings<TEnum>& defaults,
57  ILogger& logger,
58  bool& doDryRun) {
59  Settings<TEnum> settings = defaults;
60  const bool result = settings.tryLoadFileOrSaveCurrent(path);
61  if (result) {
62  logger.write("Loaded configuration file '" + path.native() + "'");
64  // at least one configuration file exists, run the simulation
65  doDryRun = false;
66  } else {
67  logger.write("No file '" + path.native() + "' found, it has been created with default parameters");
68  }
69  return settings;
70 }
72 struct RunParams {
89  std::string getOutputPath() const {
90  if (outputPath) {
91  return outputPath.value();
92  }
94  std::stringstream ss;
95  ss << "sph_";
96  if (targetRadius) {
97  ss << round(targetRadius.value()) << "m_";
98  }
99  if (impactorRadius) {
100  ss << round(impactorRadius.value()) << "m_";
101  }
102  if (targetPeriod) {
103  ss << round(60._f * targetPeriod.value()) << "min_";
104  }
105  if (impactSpeed) {
106  ss << round(impactSpeed.value() / 1.e3_f) << "kms_";
107  }
108  if (impactAngle) {
109  ss << round(impactAngle.value()) << "deg_";
110  }
111  if (particleCnt) {
112  ss << particleCnt.value() << "p_";
113  }
115  std::string name = ss.str();
116  // drop the last "_";
117  name.pop_back();
118  return name;
119  }
120 };
122 class RunFactory {
123 private:
124  StringLogger logger;
125  RunParams params;
126  Path outputDir;
127  bool doDryRun;
128  std::string paramsMsg;
130 public:
131  RunFactory(const RunParams& params)
132  : params(params) {
133  doDryRun = true;
134  outputDir = Path(params.getOutputPath());
135  }
138  if (params.resumePath) {
139  BinaryInput input;
140  Expected<BinaryInput::Info> info = input.getInfo(Path(params.resumePath.value()));
141  if (!info) {
142  throw Exception("Cannot resume simulation from file '" + params.resumePath.value() + "'.\n" +
143  info.error());
144  }
146  logger.write("Resuming simulation from file '" + params.resumePath.value() + "'");
147  if (info->runType == RunTypeEnum::SPH) {
148  return resumeFragmentation();
149  } else if (info->runType == RunTypeEnum::NBODY) {
150  return resumeReaccumulation();
151  } else {
152  throw Exception("Cannot resume from this file.");
153  }
155  } else {
156  logger.write("Starting new simulation");
157  return makeNewSimulation();
158  }
159  }
161  bool isDryRun() const {
162  return doDryRun;
163  }
165  std::string getBannerMsg() const {
166  return logger.toString() + "\n" + paramsMsg;
167  }
169  Path getOutputDir() const {
170  return outputDir;
171  }
173 private:
174  Float defaultSphTime(const Optional<Float> runTime, const Optional<Float> radius, const Float mult) {
175  // by default, use 1h for 100km body
176  return runTime.valueOr(mult * 3600._f * radius.valueOr(5.e4_f) / 5.e4_f);
177  }
179  void overrideRunTime(RunSettings& settings, const Float endTime) {
180  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_END_TIME, endTime)
181  .set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_INTERVAL, endTime / 10._f);
182  }
184  SharedPtr<JobNode> makeCollisionSetup() {
185  // target IC
186  BodySettings targetDefaults;
187  targetDefaults.set(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS, params.targetRadius.valueOr(50.e3_f))
188  .set(BodySettingsId::PARTICLE_COUNT, params.particleCnt.valueOr(10000));
189  if (params.targetPeriod) {
190  targetDefaults.set(BodySettingsId::BODY_SPIN_RATE, 24._f / params.targetPeriod.value());
191  }
192  BodySettings targetBody =
193  loadSettings<BodySettingsId>(outputDir / Path("target.cnf"), targetDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
194  SharedPtr<JobNode> targetIc = makeNode<MonolithicBodyIc>("target body", targetBody);
196  // impactor IC
197  BodySettings impactorDefaults;
198  impactorDefaults.set(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS, params.targetRadius.valueOr(10.e3_f))
201  impactorDefaults.unset(BodySettingsId::PARTICLE_COUNT); // never used
202  BodySettings impactorBody = loadSettings<BodySettingsId>(
203  outputDir / Path("impactor.cnf"), impactorDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
204  SharedPtr<JobNode> impactorIc = makeNode<ImpactorIc>("impactor body", impactorBody);
205  targetIc->connect(impactorIc, "target");
207  // target stabilization
208  RunSettings stabDefaults = SphStabilizationJob::getDefaultSettings("stabilization");
209  stabDefaults.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_PATH, outputDir.native());
210  overrideRunTime(stabDefaults, defaultSphTime(params.stabTime, params.targetRadius, 0.2_f));
212  RunSettings stabRun =
213  loadSettings<RunSettingsId>(outputDir / Path("stab.cnf"), stabDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
214  SharedPtr<JobNode> stabTarget = makeNode<SphStabilizationJob>("stabilization", stabRun);
215  targetIc->connect(stabTarget, "particles");
217  // collision setup
218  CollisionGeometrySettings geometryDefaults;
219  geometryDefaults.set(CollisionGeometrySettingsId::IMPACT_SPEED, params.impactSpeed.valueOr(5.e3_f))
220  .set(CollisionGeometrySettingsId::IMPACT_ANGLE, params.impactAngle.valueOr(45._f));
221  CollisionGeometrySettings geometry = loadSettings<CollisionGeometrySettingsId>(
222  outputDir / Path("geometry.cnf"), geometryDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
223  SharedPtr<JobNode> setup = makeNode<CollisionGeometrySetup>("geometry", geometry);
224  stabTarget->connect(setup, "target");
225  impactorIc->connect(setup, "impactor");
227  printRunSettings(targetBody, impactorBody, geometry);
229  return setup;
230  }
232  SharedPtr<JobNode> makeFragmentation() {
233  RunSettings fragDefaults = SphJob::getDefaultSettings("fragmentation");
234  fragDefaults.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_PATH, outputDir.native());
235  overrideRunTime(fragDefaults, defaultSphTime(params.fragTime, params.targetRadius, 1._f));
236  RunSettings fragRun =
237  loadSettings<RunSettingsId>(outputDir / Path("frag.cnf"), fragDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
238  SharedPtr<JobNode> frag = makeNode<SphJob>("fragmentation", fragRun);
239  return frag;
240  }
242  SharedPtr<JobNode> makeReaccumulation() {
243  RunSettings reacDefaults = NBodyJob::getDefaultSettings("reaccumulation");
244  reacDefaults.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_OUTPUT_PATH, outputDir.native());
245  overrideRunTime(reacDefaults, params.reacTime.valueOr(3600._f * 24._f * 10._f));
246  RunSettings reacRun =
247  loadSettings<RunSettingsId>(outputDir / Path("reac.cnf"), reacDefaults, logger, doDryRun);
248  SharedPtr<JobNode> reac = makeNode<NBodyJob>("reaccumulation", reacRun);
249  return reac;
250  }
252  SharedPtr<JobNode> makeNewSimulation() {
253  SharedPtr<JobNode> setup = makeCollisionSetup();
254  SharedPtr<JobNode> frag = makeFragmentation();
255  setup->connect(frag, "particles");
257  SharedPtr<JobNode> handoff = makeNode<SmoothedToSolidHandoff>("handoff"); // has no parameters
258  frag->connect(handoff, "particles");
260  SharedPtr<JobNode> reac = makeReaccumulation();
261  handoff->connect(reac, "particles");
262  return reac;
263  }
265  SharedPtr<JobNode> resumeFragmentation() {
266  SharedPtr<JobNode> loadFile = makeNode<LoadFileJob>(Path(params.resumePath.value()));
268  SharedPtr<JobNode> frag = makeFragmentation();
269  loadFile->connect(frag, "particles");
271  SharedPtr<JobNode> handoff = makeNode<SmoothedToSolidHandoff>("handoff");
272  frag->connect(handoff, "particles");
274  SharedPtr<JobNode> reac = makeReaccumulation();
275  handoff->connect(reac, "particles");
276  return reac;
277  }
279  SharedPtr<JobNode> resumeReaccumulation() {
280  SharedPtr<JobNode> loadFile = makeNode<LoadFileJob>(Path(params.resumePath.value()));
282  SharedPtr<JobNode> reac = makeReaccumulation();
283  loadFile->connect(reac, "particles");
284  return reac;
285  }
287  void printRunSettings(const BodySettings& targetBody,
288  const BodySettings& impactorBody,
289  const CollisionGeometrySettings& geometry) {
290  const Float targetRadius = targetBody.get<Float>(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS);
291  const Float impactorRadius = impactorBody.get<Float>(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS);
292  const Float impactSpeed = geometry.get<Float>(CollisionGeometrySettingsId::IMPACT_SPEED);
293  const Float impactAngle = geometry.get<Float>(CollisionGeometrySettingsId::IMPACT_ANGLE);
294  const Float spinRate = targetBody.get<Float>(BodySettingsId::BODY_SPIN_RATE);
295  const Size particleCnt = targetBody.get<int>(BodySettingsId::PARTICLE_COUNT);
296  const Float rho = targetBody.get<Float>(BodySettingsId::DENSITY);
297  const Float Q_D = evalBenzAsphaugScalingLaw(2._f * targetRadius, rho);
298  const Float impactEnergy = getImpactEnergy(targetRadius, impactorRadius, impactSpeed) / Q_D;
300  StringLogger logger;
301  logger.setScientific(false);
302  logger.setPrecision(4);
303  logger.write();
304  logger.write("Run parameters");
305  logger.write("-------------------------------------");
306  logger.write(" Target radius (R_pb): ", 1.e-3_f * targetRadius, " km");
307  logger.write(" Impactor radius (r_imp): ", 1.e-3_f * impactorRadius, " km");
308  logger.write(" Impact speed (v_imp): ", 1.e-3_f * impactSpeed, " km/s");
309  logger.write(" Impact angle (phi_imp): ", impactAngle, "°");
310  logger.write(" Impact energy (Q/Q*_D): ", impactEnergy);
311  logger.write(" Target period (P_pb): ", 24._f / spinRate, spinRate == 0._f ? "" : "h");
312  logger.write(" Particle count (N): ", particleCnt);
313  logger.write("-------------------------------------");
314  logger.write();
315  logger.setScientific(true);
316  logger.setPrecision(PRECISION);
318  paramsMsg = logger.toString();
319  }
320 };
322 static void run(const ArgParser& parser, ILogger& logger) {
323  RunParams params;
324  params.targetRadius = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("tr");
325  params.targetPeriod = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("tp");
326  params.impactSpeed = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("v");
327  if (params.impactSpeed) {
328  params.impactSpeed.value() *= 1.e3_f; // km/s -> m/s
329  }
330  params.impactAngle = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("phi");
331  params.impactorRadius = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("ir");
332  params.particleCnt = parser.tryGetArg<int>("n");
334  if (Optional<Float> impactEnergy = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("q")) {
335  // we have to specify also -tr and -v, as output directory is determined fom the computed
336  // impactorRadius. We cannot use values loaded from config files, as it would create circular
337  // dependency: we need impactor radius to get output path, we need output path to load config
338  // files, we need config files to get impactor radius ...
340  const Optional<Float> targetRadius = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("tr");
341  const Optional<Float> impactSpeed = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("v");
342  if (!targetRadius || !impactSpeed) {
343  throw ArgError(
344  "To specify impact energy (-q), you also need to specify the target radius (-tr) and "
345  "impact speed (-v)");
346  }
347  params.impactorRadius = getImpactorRadius(
348  targetRadius.value(), impactSpeed.value() * 1.e3_f, impactEnergy.value(), density);
349  }
351  params.outputPath = parser.tryGetArg<std::string>("o");
352  params.resumePath = parser.tryGetArg<std::string>("i");
354  params.stabTime = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("st");
355  params.fragTime = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("ft");
356  params.reacTime = parser.tryGetArg<Float>("rt");
358  RunFactory factory(params);
359  SharedPtr<JobNode> node = factory.makeSimulation();
361  printBanner(logger);
362  if (!factory.isDryRun()) {
363  logger.write(factory.getBannerMsg());
365  NullJobCallbacks callbacks;
366  node->run(EMPTY_SETTINGS, callbacks);
367  } else {
368  printNoConfigsMsg(logger, factory.getOutputDir());
369  }
370 }
372 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
373  StdOutLogger logger;
375  try {
376  ArgParser parser(params);
377  parser.parse(argc, argv);
379  run(parser, logger);
381  return 0;
383  } catch (HelpException& e) {
384  printBanner(logger);
385  logger.write(e.what());
386  return 0;
387  } catch (const Exception& e) {
388  logger.write("Run failed!\n", e.what());
389  return -1;
390  }
391 }
const float radius
Definition: CurveDialog.cpp:18
Float getImpactEnergy(const Float R, const Float r, const Float v)
Computes the impact energy Q from impact parameters.
Definition: Functions.cpp:18
Float getImpactorRadius(const Float R_pb, const Float v_imp, const Float QOverQ_D, const Float rho)
Calculates the impactor radius to satisfy required impact parameters.
Definition: Functions.cpp:35
NAMESPACE_SPH_BEGIN Float evalBenzAsphaugScalingLaw(const Float D, const Float rho)
Returns the critical energy Q_D^* as a function of body diameter.
Definition: Functions.cpp:5
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
constexpr int PRECISION
Number of valid digits of numbers on output.
Definition: Globals.h:25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: Impact.cpp:372
INLINE auto round(const T &f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:356
constexpr Float LARGE
Definition: MathUtils.h:34
Main SPH simulation.
Main N-body simulation, using initial conditions either from SPH (handoff) or manually specified.
Impact angle in degrees, i.e. angle between velocity vector and normal at the impact point.
Impact speed in m/s.
Includes common headers.
Exception thrown if the arguments are invalid.
Definition: ArgsParser.h:23
Provides functions for parsing command-line arguments.
Definition: ArgsParser.h:62
void parse(const int argc, char **argv)
Parses the input arguments and stored the parsed values.
Definition: ArgsParser.cpp:16
Optional< TValue > tryGetArg(const std::string &name) const
Returns the value of an argument or NOTHING if the argument was not parsed.
Definition: ArgsParser.h:110
Input for the binary file, generated by BinaryOutput.
Definition: Output.h:352
Expected< Info > getInfo(const Path &path) const
Opens the file and reads header info without reading the rest of the file.
Definition: Output.cpp:814
Generic exception.
Definition: Exceptions.h:10
virtual const char * what() const noexcept
Definition: Exceptions.h:18
Wrapper of type that either contains a value of given type, or an error message.
Definition: Expected.h:25
const Error & error() const
Returns the error message.
Definition: Expected.h:94
Exception thrown when used passes -h or –help parameter.
Definition: ArgsParser.h:32
Interface providing generic (text, human readable) output of the program.
Definition: Logger.h:22
void setPrecision(const Size newPrecision)
Changes the precision of printed numbers.
Definition: Logger.h:47
void write(TArgs &&... args)
Creates and logs a message by concatenating arguments.
Definition: Logger.h:37
void setScientific(const bool newScientific)
Sets/unsets scientific notation.
Definition: Logger.h:52
virtual void run(const RunSettings &global, IJobCallbacks &callbacks) override
Evaluates the node and all its providers.
Definition: Node.cpp:184
void connect(SharedPtr< JobNode > dependent, const std::string &slotName)
Connects this node to given dependent node.
Definition: Node.cpp:60
static RunSettings getDefaultSettings(const std::string &name)
INLINE Type & value()
Returns the reference to the stored value.
Definition: Optional.h:172
INLINE Type valueOr(const TOther &other) const
Returns the stored value if the object has been initialized, otherwise returns provided parameter.
Definition: Optional.h:188
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
std::string native() const
Returns the native version of the path.
Definition: Path.cpp:71
bool isDryRun() const
Definition: Impact.cpp:161
Path getOutputDir() const
Definition: Impact.cpp:169
SharedPtr< JobNode > makeSimulation()
Definition: Impact.cpp:137
RunFactory(const RunParams &params)
Definition: Impact.cpp:131
std::string getBannerMsg() const
Definition: Impact.cpp:165
Generic object containing various settings and parameters of the run.
Definition: Settings.h:108
void unset(const TEnum idx)
Removes given parameter from settings.
Definition: Settings.h:313
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:326
static const Settings & getDefaults()
\brief Returns a reference to object containing default values of all settings.
Settings & set(const TEnum idx, TValue &&value, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0)
Saves a value into the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:226
bool tryLoadFileOrSaveCurrent(const Path &path, const Settings &overrides=EMPTY_SETTINGS)
If the specified file exists, loads the settings from it, otherwise creates the file and saves the cu...
static RunSettings getDefaultSettings(const std::string &name)
Standard output logger.
Definition: Logger.h:138
Logger writing messages to string stream.
Definition: Logger.h:145
std::string toString() const
Returns all written messages as a string. Messages are not erased from the logger by this.
Definition: Logger.cpp:35
const EmptySettingsTag EMPTY_SETTINGS
Definition: Settings.h:32
Estimate minimal value of damage used to determine timestepping error.
Number of SPH particles in the body.
Density at zero pressure.
Estimated minial value of stress tensor components used to determined timestepping error.
Time interval of dumping data to disk.
Path where all output files (dumps, logs, ...) will be written.
Definition: MemoryPool.h:5
Optional< Float > targetPeriod
Definition: Impact.cpp:74
std::string getOutputPath() const
Returns the name of the created output directory.
Definition: Impact.cpp:89
Optional< Float > fragTime
Definition: Impact.cpp:81
Optional< Float > targetRadius
Definition: Impact.cpp:73
Optional< std::string > resumePath
Definition: Impact.cpp:84
Optional< Float > stabTime
Definition: Impact.cpp:80
Optional< int > particleCnt
Definition: Impact.cpp:78
Optional< Float > impactSpeed
Definition: Impact.cpp:77
Optional< Float > impactAngle
Definition: Impact.cpp:76
Optional< Float > reacTime
Definition: Impact.cpp:82
Optional< std::string > outputPath
Definition: Impact.cpp:85
Optional< Float > impactorRadius
Definition: Impact.cpp:75