gravity Directory Reference


directory  benchmark


file  AggregateSolver.cpp [code]
file  AggregateSolver.h [code]
file  BarnesHut.cpp [code]
file  BarnesHut.h [code]
 Barnes-Hut algorithm for computation of gravitational acceleration.
file  BruteForceGravity.h [code]
 Simple gravity solver evaluating all particle pairs.
file  CachedGravity.h [code]
 Wrapper of other IGravity object that uses cached accelerations to speed-up the evaluation.
file  Collision.h [code]
 Collision handling.
file  IGravity.h [code]
 Base class for solvers of gravity.
file  Moments.h [code]
file  NBodySolver.cpp [code]
file  NBodySolver.h [code]
 Solver performing N-body simulation.
file  SphericalGravity.h [code]
 Simple model of gravity, valid only for homogeneous spheres.
file  SymmetricGravity.h [code]
 Wrapper of gravity implementation to be used with symmetric boundary conditions.