Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "Sph.h"
2 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace Sph;
7 class LogWriter : public ILogWriter {
8 private:
9  std::string runName;
11 public:
12  LogWriter(const RunSettings& settings)
13  : ILogWriter(makeAuto<StdOutLogger>(), 1._f) {
14  runName = settings.get<std::string>(RunSettingsId::RUN_NAME);
15  }
17  virtual void write(const Storage& UNUSED(storage), const Statistics& stats) override {
18  // Timestep number and current run time
19  const int index = stats.get<int>(StatisticsId::INDEX);
20  const Float time = stats.get<Float>(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME);
22  logger->write(runName, " #", index, " time = ", time);
23  }
24 };
26 // First phase - sets up the colliding bodies and runs the SPH simulation of the fragmentation.
27 class Fragmentation : public IRun {
28 public:
29  virtual void setUp(SharedPtr<Storage> storage) override {
30  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_NAME, std::string("Fragmentation"));
32  // Define the parameters of the target
33  const Float targetRadius = 1.e5_f; // R_pb = 100km;
34  BodySettings targetBody;
35  targetBody
36  .set(BodySettingsId::PARTICLE_COUNT, 10000) // N_pb = 10000
37  .set(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS, targetRadius);
39  // Define the parameters of the impactor
40  const Float impactorRadius = 5.e4_f;
41  BodySettings impactorBody;
42  impactorBody
43  .set(BodySettingsId::BODY_RADIUS, impactorRadius) // R_imp = 50km
44  .set(BodySettingsId::PARTICLE_COUNT, 1250); // N_imp = 1250
46  // Compute position of the impactor from the impact angle
47  const Float impactAngle = 15._f * DEG_TO_RAD;
48  Vector impactorPosition =
49  (targetRadius + impactorRadius) * Vector(cos(impactAngle), sin(impactAngle), 0._f);
50  // Move the impactor to the right, so bodies are not in contact at the start of the simulation
51  impactorPosition[X] += 0.2_f * targetRadius;
53  impactorBody.set(BodySettingsId::BODY_CENTER, impactorPosition);
55  InitialConditions ic(settings);
56  ic.addMonolithicBody(*storage, targetBody);
58  // Using BodyView returned from addMonolithicBody, we can add velocity to the impactor
59  BodyView impactor = ic.addMonolithicBody(*storage, impactorBody);
60  impactor.addVelocity(Vector(-1.e3_f, 0._f, 0._f));
62  // Limit time step by CFL criterion
65  // Run for 100s.
66  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_END_TIME, 100._f);
68  // Save the initial (pre-impact) configuration
69  BinaryOutput io(Path("start.ssf"));
70  Statistics stats;
71  stats.set(StatisticsId::RUN_TIME, 0._f);
72  io.dump(*storage, stats);
74  // Setup custom logging
75  logWriter = makeAuto<LogWriter>(settings);
76  }
78  virtual void tearDown(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) override {
79  // Save the result of the fragmentation phase
80  BinaryOutput io(Path("fragmented.ssf"));
81  io.dump(storage, stats);
82  }
83 };
85 // Second phase - uses the results from the SPH simulation as an input for N-body simulation.
86 class Reaccumulation : public IRun {
87 public:
88  // Here we do not create new particles, the storage already contains particles computed by the
89  // fragmentation phase. Instead we convert the SPH particles to solid spheres (hand-off).
90  virtual void setUp(SharedPtr<Storage> storage) override {
91  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_NAME, std::string("Reaccumulation"));
93  // Create an 'empty' material with default parameters. Note that we do not have to do that in other
94  // examples, as it is done inside InitialConditions object.
95  AutoPtr<IMaterial> material = makeAuto<NullMaterial>(BodySettings::getDefaults());
97  // Create a new (empty) particle storage with our material.
98  Storage spheres(std::move(material));
100  // Get positions and smoothing lengths of SPH particles;
101  // the smoothing lengths can be accessed using r_sph[i][H].
104  // Get velocities of SPH particles (= derivatives of positions)
105  Array<Vector>& v_sph = storage->getDt<Vector>(QuantityId::POSITION);
107  // Get masses and densities of SPH particles
108  Array<Float>& m_sph = storage->getValue<Float>(QuantityId::MASS);
109  Array<Float>& rho_sph = storage->getValue<Float>(QuantityId::DENSITY);
112  // Insert the positions of spheres into the new particle storage. We also want to initialize
113  // velocities and accelerations of the sphere, hence OrderEnum::SECOND.
114  // Note that Array is non-copyable, so we have to clone the data.
117  // Copy also the velocities. Since the velocities were already initialized above (to zeros),
118  // we can simply override the array.
119  spheres.getDt<Vector>(QuantityId::POSITION) = v_sph.clone();
121  // Insert the masses. Masses of spheres correspond to masses of SPH particles, so just copy them.
122  // Note that masses are constant during the simulation (there are no mass derivatives), hence
123  // OrderEnum::ZERO.
124  spheres.insert<Float>(QuantityId::MASS, OrderEnum::ZERO, m_sph.clone());
126  // In N-body simulation, we also need the angular frequencies of particles - initialize them to zero.
129  // Finally, we need to set the radii of the created spheres. Let's choose the radii so that the
130  // volume of the sphere is the same as the volume of the SPH particles.
131  Array<Vector>& r_nbody = spheres.getValue<Vector>(QuantityId::POSITION);
132  for (Size i = 0; i < r_nbody.size(); ++i) {
133  r_nbody[i][H] = Sph::cbrt(3._f * m_sph[i] / (4._f * PI * rho_sph[i]));
134  }
136  // Once all quantities needed for N-body simulation are set up, replace the particles originally
137  // passed into the function; from this point, we do not need SPH data anymore, so we can deallocate
138  // them.
139  *storage = std::move(spheres);
142  // Here we need to select a non-default solver - instead of SPH solver, use N-body solver
147  solver = makeAuto<HardSphereSolver>(*scheduler, settings);
149  // For manually created solvers, it is necessary to call function create for every material in the
150  // storage. In this case, we only have one "sort" of particles, so we call the function just once for
151  // material with index 0.
152  solver->create(*storage, storage->getMaterial(0));
154  // Use the leaf-frog integrator
157  // Limit the time step by accelerations. By default, the time step is also limited by CFL criterion,
158  // which requires sound speed computed for every particle. Here, we do not store the sound speed, so
159  // the code would report a runtime error if we used the CFL criterion.
163  // Set output quantities
168  // Run for 6 hours
169  settings.set(RunSettingsId::RUN_END_TIME, 60._f * 60._f * 6._f);
171  // Setup custom logging
172  logWriter = makeAuto<LogWriter>(settings);
173  }
175  virtual void tearDown(const Storage& storage, const Statistics& stats) override {
176  // Save the result of the reaccumulation phase
177  BinaryOutput io(Path("reaccumulated.ssf"));
178  io.dump(storage, stats);
179  }
180 };
182 int main() {
183  try {
184  Storage storage;
186  // Set up and run the fragmentation phase
187  Fragmentation fragmentation;
188  fragmentation.run(storage);
190  // Now storage contains SPH particles, we can pass them as an input to to the reaccumulation phase
191  Reaccumulation reaccumulation;
192  reaccumulation.run(storage);
194  } catch (const Exception& e) {
195  std::cout << "Error during simulation: " << e.what() << std::endl;
196  return -1;
197  }
198  return 0;
199 }
INLINE AutoPtr< T > makeAuto(TArgs &&... args)
Definition: AutoPtr.h:124
uint32_t Size
Integral type used to index arrays (by default).
Definition: Globals.h:16
double Float
Precision used withing the code. Use Float instead of float or double where precision is important.
Definition: Globals.h:13
INLINE Float cbrt(const Float f)
Returns a cubed root of a value.
Definition: MathUtils.h:84
INLINE T sin(const T f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:296
INLINE T cos(const T f)
Definition: MathUtils.h:291
constexpr Float DEG_TO_RAD
Definition: MathUtils.h:369
constexpr Float PI
Mathematical constants.
Definition: MathUtils.h:361
#define UNUSED(x)
Definition: Object.h:37
Current velocities of particles, always a vector quantity.
Positions of particles, always a vector quantity.
Smoothing lenghts of particles.
Index of particle.
Particle masses, always a scalar quantity.
Positions (velocities, accelerations) of particles, always a vector quantity,.
Density, always a scalar quantity.
Paricles masses, always a scalar quantity.
Quantity with 1st and 2nd derivative.
Quantity without derivatives, or "zero order" of quantity.
Includes common headers.
Current time of the simulation in code units. Does not necessarily have to be 0 when run starts.
Current number of time step, indexed from 0.
BasicVector< Float > Vector
Definition: Vector.h:539
@ H
Definition: Vector.h:25
@ X
Definition: Vector.h:22
Generic dynamically allocated resizable storage.
Definition: Array.h:43
Array clone() const
Performs a deep copy of all elements of the array.
Definition: Array.h:147
Output saving data to binary data without loss of precision.
Definition: Output.h:335
virtual Expected< Path > dump(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Saves data from particle storage into the file.
Definition: Output.cpp:512
Non-owning view of particles belonging to the same body.
Definition: Initial.h:20
BodyView & addVelocity(const Vector &v)
Adds a velocity vector to all particles of the body.
Definition: Initial.cpp:38
Generic exception.
Definition: Exceptions.h:10
virtual const char * what() const noexcept
Definition: Exceptions.h:18
virtual void setUp(SharedPtr< Storage > storage) override
Prepares the run, creates logger, output, ...
virtual void tearDown(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Called after the run.
Base class for objects logging run statistics.
Definition: LogWriter.h:10
Defines the interface for a run.
Definition: IRun.h:61
Statistics run(Storage &storage)
Runs the simulation.
Definition: IRun.cpp:187
Object for adding one or more bodies with given material into a Storage.
Definition: Initial.h:106
BodyView addMonolithicBody(Storage &storage, const BodySettings &body)
Creates a monolithic body by filling given domain with particles.
Definition: Initial.cpp:81
Custom writer of simulation log.
virtual void write(const Storage &UNUSED(storage), const Statistics &stats) override
LogWriter(const RunSettings &settings)
Object representing a path on a filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:17
virtual void setUp(SharedPtr< Storage > storage) override
Prepares the run, creates logger, output, ...
virtual void tearDown(const Storage &storage, const Statistics &stats) override
Called after the run.
TValue get(const TEnum idx, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0) const
Returns a value of given type from the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:326
static const Settings & getDefaults()
\brief Returns a reference to object containing default values of all settings.
Settings & set(const TEnum idx, TValue &&value, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< std::decay_t< TValue >>::value, int >=0)
Saves a value into the settings.
Definition: Settings.h:226
Object holding various statistics about current run.
Definition: Statistics.h:22
TValue get(const StatisticsId idx) const
Returns value of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:88
Statistics & set(const StatisticsId idx, TValue &&value)
Sets new values of a statistic.
Definition: Statistics.h:52
Standard output logger.
Definition: Logger.h:138
Container storing all quantities used within the simulations.
Definition: Storage.h:230
Quantity & insert(const QuantityId key, const OrderEnum order, const TValue &defaultValue)
Creates a quantity in the storage, given its key, value type and order.
Definition: Storage.cpp:270
Array< TValue > & getDt(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity derivative from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:217
MaterialView getMaterial(const Size matIdx) const
Returns an object containing a reference to given material.
Definition: Storage.cpp:366
Array< TValue > & getValue(const QuantityId key)
Retrieves a quantity values from the storage, given its key and value type.
Definition: Storage.cpp:191
Time step determined using CFL condition.
Time step computed from ratio of acceleration and smoothing length.
Leap-frog 2nd-order integration.
Center point of the body. Currently used only by StabilizationSolver.
Number of SPH particles in the body.
List of quantities to write to text output. Binary output always stores all quantitites.
Specifies how the collisions of particles should be handler; see CollisionHandlerEnum.
Selected timestepping integrator.
Specifies how particle overlaps should be handled.
User-specified name of the run, used in some output files.
Gravity smoothing kernel.
Definition: MemoryPool.h:5