The FARGO_THORIN code developer's guide
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1 /** \file Viscosity.c
3 Calculation of the viscous %force. The function FViscosity() returns
4 the (kinematic) viscosity as a function of the radius (it handles all
5 case: alpha or uniform viscosity, and inner cavity with a different
6 viscosity). The update of the velocity is done in ViscousTerm(),
7 which properly evaluate the stress tensor in 2D cylindrical
8 coordinates. This file also contains the function AspectRatio(), which
9 gives the aspect ratio as a function of the radius, in the case of a
10 temperature jump in the disk (much in the manner as cavities arising
11 from a viscosity jump are handled, hence the location of this
12 function). Note that AspectRatio() does not feature the FLARINGINDEX,
13 which is taken into account by the calling function.
15 @author THORIN modifications by
16 Ondřej Chrenko <>, Copyright (C) 2017;
17 original code by Frédéric Masset
19 */
21 #include "fargo.h"
23 static PolarGrid *DRR, *DRP, *DPP;
24 /* #THORIN: DivergenceVelocity, TAURR, TAUPP, TAURP are now declared in global.h */
27  real rad;
28 {
29  real viscosity, rmin, rmax, scale;
30  int i=0;
31  /* ----- */
32  viscosity = VISCOSITY;
33  if (ViscosityAlpha) {
34  while (GlobalRmed[i] < rad) i++; /* ! this spans the GLOBAL grid (among all MPI processes) */
35  /* #THORIN: globcsvec[] used here */
36  viscosity = ALPHAVISCOSITY*globcsvec[i]*globcsvec[i]*pow(rad, 1.5);
37  }
41  rmin *= scale;
42  rmax *= scale;
43  if (rad < rmin) viscosity *= CAVITYRATIO;
44  if ((rad >= rmin) && (rad <= rmax)) {
45  viscosity *= exp((rmax-rad)/(rmax-rmin)*log(CAVITYRATIO));
46  }
47  return viscosity;
48 }
51  real rad;
52 {
53  real aspectratio, rmin, rmax, scale;
54  aspectratio = ASPECTRATIO;
58  rmin *= scale;
59  rmax *= scale;
60  if (rad < rmin) aspectratio *= TRANSITIONRATIO;
61  if ((rad >= rmin) && (rad <= rmax)) {
62  aspectratio *= exp((rmax-rad)/(rmax-rmin)*log(TRANSITIONRATIO));
63  }
64  return aspectratio;
65 }
68 {
70  DRR = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "Drr");
71  DRP = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "Drp");
72  DPP = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "Dpp");
73  TAURR = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "TAUrr");
74  TAURP = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "TAUrp");
75  TAUPP = CreatePolarGrid(NRAD, NSEC, "TAUpp");
76 }
78 /** A function derived from the original ViscousTerms(). */
79 void UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor (Vrad, Vtheta, Rho) /* #THORIN */
80 PolarGrid *Vrad, *Vtheta, *Rho;
81 {
82  int i,j,l,nr,ns,lip,ljp,ljm,lim,ljmim;
83  real *rho, *vr, *vt;
84  real *Drr, *Drp, *Dpp, *divergence;
85  real *Trr, *Trp, *Tpp;
86  real dphi, onethird, invdphi;
87  real viscosity;
88  /* ----- */
89  nr = Rho->Nrad;
90  ns = Rho->Nsec;
91  rho = Rho->Field;
92  vr = Vrad->Field;
93  vt = Vtheta->Field;
94  divergence = DivergenceVelocity->Field;
95  Drr = DRR->Field;
96  Drp = DRP->Field;
97  Dpp = DPP->Field;
98  Trr = TAURR->Field;
99  Trp = TAURP->Field;
100  Tpp = TAUPP->Field;
101  dphi = 2.0*M_PI/(real)ns;
102  invdphi = 1.0/dphi;
103  onethird = 1.0/3.0;
104  /* The rest of this routine corresponds to the 1st part of the original ViscousTerms() ----> */
105 #pragma omp parallel private(l,lip,ljp,j,ljm,lim)
106  {
107 #pragma omp for nowait
108  for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { /* Drr, Dpp and divV computation */
109  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
110  l = j+i*ns;
111  lip = l+ns;
112  ljp = l+1;
113  if (j == ns-1) ljp = i*ns;
114  Drr[l] = (vr[lip]-vr[l])*InvDiffRsup[i];
115  Dpp[l] = (vt[ljp]-vt[l])*invdphi*InvRmed[i]+0.5*(vr[lip]+vr[l])*InvRmed[i];
116  divergence[l] = (vr[lip]*Rsup[i]-vr[l]*Rinf[i])*InvDiffRsup[i]*InvRmed[i];
117  divergence[l] += (vt[ljp]-vt[l])*invdphi*InvRmed[i];
118  }
119  }
120 #pragma omp for
121  for (i = 1; i < nr; i++) { /* Drp computation */
122  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
123  l = j+i*ns;
124  ljm = l-1;
125  if (j == 0) ljm = i*ns+ns-1;
126  lim = l-ns;
127  Drp[l] = 0.5*(Rinf[i]*(vt[l]*InvRmed[i]-vt[lim]*InvRmed[i-1])*InvDiffRmed[i]+\
128  (vr[l]-vr[ljm])*invdphi*InvRinf[i]);
129  }
130  }
131  }
132 #pragma omp parallel private(l,ljmim,j,ljm,lim,viscosity)
133  {
134 #pragma omp for nowait
135  for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { /* TAUrr and TAUpp computation */
136  viscosity = FViscosity (Rmed[i]);
137  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
138  l = j+i*ns;
139  Trr[l] = 2.0*rho[l]*viscosity*(Drr[l]-onethird*divergence[l]);
140  Tpp[l] = 2.0*rho[l]*viscosity*(Dpp[l]-onethird*divergence[l]);
141  }
142  }
143 #pragma omp for
144  for (i = 1; i < nr; i++) { /* TAUrp computation */
145  viscosity = FViscosity (Rinf[i]);
146  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
147  l = j+i*ns;
148  lim = l-ns;
149  ljm = l-1;
150  if (j == 0) ljm = i*ns+ns-1;
151  ljmim=ljm-ns;
152  Trp[l] = 2.0*0.25*(rho[l]+rho[lim]+rho[ljm]+rho[ljmim])*viscosity*Drp[l];
153  }
154  }
155  }
156 }
158 /** A function derived from the original ViscousTerms(). */
159 void UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms (Vrad, Vtheta, Rho, DeltaT) /* #THORIN */
160 PolarGrid *Vrad, *Vtheta, *Rho;
161 real DeltaT;
162 {
163  int i,j,l,nr,ns,lip,ljp,ljm,lim;
164  real *rho, *vr, *vt;
165  real *Trr, *Trp, *Tpp;
166  real dphi, invdphi;
167  /* ----- */
168  nr = Rho->Nrad;
169  ns = Rho->Nsec;
170  rho = Rho->Field;
171  vr = Vrad->Field;
172  vt = Vtheta->Field;
173  Trr = TAURR->Field;
174  Trp = TAURP->Field;
175  Tpp = TAUPP->Field;
176  dphi = 2.0*M_PI/(real)ns;
177  invdphi = 1.0/dphi;
178  /* The rest of this routine corresponds to the 2nd part of the original ViscousTerms() ----> */
179  /* Now we can update velocities */
180  /* with the viscous source term */
181  /* of Navier-Stokes equations */
182 #pragma omp parallel private(l,j,lip,ljp,ljm,lim)
183  {
184 #pragma omp for nowait
185  for (i = 1; i < nr-1; i++) { /* vtheta first */
186  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
187  l = j+i*ns;
188  lip = l+ns;
189  ljp = l+1;
190  if (j == ns-1) ljp = i*ns;
191  ljm = l-1;
192  if (j == 0) ljm = i*ns+ns-1;
193  vt[l] += DeltaT*InvRmed[i]*((Rsup[i]*Trp[lip]-Rinf[i]*Trp[l])*InvDiffRsup[i]+\
194  (Tpp[l]-Tpp[ljm])*invdphi+\
195  0.5*(Trp[l]+Trp[lip]))/(0.5*(rho[l]+rho[ljm]));
196  }
197  }
198 #pragma omp for nowait
199  for (i = 1; i < nr; i++) { /* and now vrad */
200  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
201  l = j+i*ns;
202  lip = l+ns;
203  lim = l-ns;
204  ljp = l+1;
205  if (j == ns-1) ljp = i*ns;
206  vr[l] += DeltaT*InvRinf[i]*((Rmed[i]*Trr[l]-Rmed[i-1]*Trr[lim])*InvDiffRmed[i]+\
207  (Trp[ljp]-Trp[l])*invdphi-\
208  0.5*(Tpp[l]+Tpp[lim]))/(0.5*(rho[l]+rho[lim]));
209  }
210  }
211  }
212 }
214 /** A function derived from the original ViscousTerms(). */
215 void ImposeKeplerianEdges (Vtheta) /* #THORIN */
216 PolarGrid *Vtheta;
217 {
218  real VKepIn, VKepOut;
219  int i, j, l, nr, ns;
220  real *vt;
221  /* ----- */
222  nr = Vtheta->Nrad;
223  ns = Vtheta->Nsec;
224  vt = Vtheta->Field;
225 /* The routine corresponds to the 3rd part of the original ViscousTerms() ----> */
226 #pragma omp parallel private(l,j)
227  {
228 #pragma omp single
229  {
230  VKepIn = sqrt(G*1.0/Rmed[0])*\
231  sqrt(1.0-pow(AspectRatio(Rmed[0]),2.0)* \
232  pow(Rmed[0],2.0*FLARINGINDEX)*\
234  VKepOut = sqrt(G*1.0/Rmed[nr-1])*\
235  sqrt(1.0-pow(AspectRatio(Rmed[nr-1]),2.0)* \
236  pow(Rmed[nr-1],2.0*FLARINGINDEX)*\
238  i = 0;
239  if (CPU_Rank == 0) {
240  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
241  l = j+i*ns;
242  vt[l] = VKepIn-Rmed[0]*OmegaFrame;
243  }
244  }
245  i = nr-1;
246  if (CPU_Rank == CPU_Number-1) {
247  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++) {
248  l = j+i*ns;
249  vt[l] = VKepOut-Rmed[nr-1]*OmegaFrame;
250  }
251  }
252  }
253  }
254 }
double real
Definition of the type 'real' used throughout the code.
Definition: types.h:20
real InvDiffRmed[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:12
void UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms(PolarGrid *Vrad, PolarGrid *Vtheta, PolarGrid *Rho, real DeltaT)
A function derived from the original ViscousTerms().
Definition: Viscosity.c:159
Definition: param_noex.h:27
Definition: param_noex.h:43
real Rsup[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:11
Definition: param_noex.h:46
int CPU_Number
Definition: global.h:2
PolarGrid * TAURR
Definition: global.h:36
PolarGrid * TAURP
Definition: global.h:36
PolarGrid * CreatePolarGrid(int Nr, int Ns, char *name)
Definition: LowTasks.c:73
real InvRinf[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:13
A structure used to store any scalar fied on the computational domain.
Definition: types.h:37
real GlobalRmed[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:13
real * Field
Definition: types.h:40
int Nrad
Radial size of the grid, in number of zones.
Definition: types.h:38
real Rmed[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:11
PolarGrid * TAUPP
Definition: global.h:36
Definition: param_noex.h:26
Definition: param_noex.h:42
real PhysicalTime
Definition: global.h:20
real InvDiffRsup[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:13
real globcsvec[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:16
Definition: param_noex.h:25
Definition: param_noex.h:39
#define G
Definition: fondam.h:11
void InitViscosity()
Definition: Viscosity.c:67
real OmegaFrame
Definition: global.h:20
int NSEC
Definition: param_noex.h:19
static PolarGrid * DRR
Definition: Viscosity.c:23
static PolarGrid * DRP
Definition: Viscosity.c:23
real PhysicalTimeInitial
Definition: global.h:20
Definition: param_noex.h:24
real AspectRatio(real rad)
Definition: Viscosity.c:50
int NRAD
Definition: param_noex.h:18
PolarGrid * DivergenceVelocity
Definition: global.h:36
Definition: param_noex.h:45
Contains all the include directives requested by the code.
real Rinf[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:11
boolean ViscosityAlpha
Definition: global.h:30
int CPU_Rank
Definition: global.h:1
void ImposeKeplerianEdges(PolarGrid *Vtheta)
A function derived from the original ViscousTerms().
Definition: Viscosity.c:215
Definition: param_noex.h:47
Definition: param_noex.h:44
real InvRmed[MAX1D]
Definition: global.h:12
Definition: param_noex.h:41
static PolarGrid * DPP
Definition: Viscosity.c:23
real FViscosity(real rad)
Definition: Viscosity.c:26
void UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor(PolarGrid *Vrad, PolarGrid *Vtheta, PolarGrid *Rho)
A function derived from the original ViscousTerms().
Definition: Viscosity.c:79