Solar flares
Key points
- A rapid release of energy in solar flares is an observational fact for the Sun and also for other, mostly Sun-like stars.
- This release must be caused by a rapid (explosive) dissipation, not by any of the non-explosive phenomena (advection, Joule heating, quietscent dissipation). For the latter the time scales are simply way too large.
- Explosive dissipation (a.k.a. magnetic reconnection) takes place in the antiparallel configuration of the magnetic field. Two 2-D models appeared 50 years ago: Sweet-Parker, which can easily be explained, but is insufficient, and Petschek, which is a modification of S-P model and is sufficient.
- CSHKP model is the standard model of the solar flare. It explains all the observable properties. It has issues. Modifications solve some of these issues.
- Flares are classified. A SXR classification should be known (pasively) by everyone. "What is an X-class flares?" is the question which appears time to time from the people from public. You should be able to roughly explain that.