Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 OpenSPH <a href="http://ascl.net/1911.003"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/ascl-1911.003-blue.svg?colorB=262255" alt="ascl:1911.003" /> </a><a href="https://gitlab.com/sevecekp/sph/commits/devel"><img src="https://gitlab.com/sevecekp/sph/badges/devel/pipeline.svg" /></a>
 Basics of SPH
 Creating custom forces, heating or cooling terms, etc.
 Graphical interface of the code
 Setting up initial conditions of the simulations
 Class library
 List of implemented SPH solvers, algorithms and equations
 Overview of the code structure
 Quantities and particle storage
 Todo List