Approx< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Approx< Type >, including all inherited members.

Approx(const Type value)Approx< Type >inlineexplicit
operator!=(const Type &lhs, const Approx &rhs)Approx< Type >friend
operator!=(const Approx &lhs, const Type &rhs)Approx< Type >friend
operator()(const Type &value)Approx< Type >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Approx &approx)Approx< Type >friend
operator==(const Type &lhs, const Approx &rhs)Approx< Type >friend
operator==(const Approx &lhs, const Type &rhs)Approx< Type >friend
setEpsilon(const Float newEps)Approx< Type >inline