Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Setup.h File Reference

Helper functions performing common tasks in unit testing and benchmarks. More...

#include "objects/geometry/Domain.h"
#include "quantities/IMaterial.h"
#include "quantities/Storage.h"
#include "sph/equations/Derivative.h"
#include "sph/equations/EquationTerm.h"
#include "system/Settings.h"
#include "system/Statistics.h"
#include "thread/Pool.h"

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struct  Tests::SingleDerivativeMaker< TDerivative >




Storage Tests::getStorage (const Size particleCnt)
Storage Tests::getGassStorage (const Size particleCnt, BodySettings settings, const IDomain &domain)
 Returns a storage with ideal gas particles, having pressure, energy and sound speed. More...
Storage Tests::getGassStorage (const Size particleCnt, BodySettings settings=BodySettings::getDefaults(), const Float radius=1.f)
 Returns a storage with ideal gas particles, filling a spherical domain of given radius. More...
Storage Tests::getSolidStorage (const Size particleCnt, BodySettings settings, const IDomain &domain)
 Returns a storage with stress tensor. More...
Storage Tests::getSolidStorage (const Size particleCnt, BodySettings settings=BodySettings::getDefaults(), const Float radius=1._f)
 Returns a storage with stress tensor. More...
Size Tests::getClosestParticle (const Storage &storage, const Vector &p)
 Returns the index to the particle closest to given point. More...
template<typename TSolver , typename TLambda >
void Tests::computeField (Storage &storage, EquationHolder &&equations, TLambda &&lambda, const Size repeatCnt=1)
template<typename TDerivative , typename TSolver , typename TLambda >
void Tests::computeField (Storage &storage, TLambda &&lambda, const Size repeatCnt=1)
 Computes only a single derivative. More...

Detailed Description

Helper functions performing common tasks in unit testing and benchmarks.

Pavel Sevecek (sevecek at sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz)

Definition in file Setup.h.