Hobson family - run hobson12_10_2.0_5_30

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Testing of resolution, time span, and rheology/merging parameters:

hobson12_10_2.0_5_30 hobson12_10_2.0_5_30__DRUCKERPRAGER hobson12_10_2.0_5_30__ACOUSTICFLUIDISATION hobson12_10_2.0_5_30__1e5 hobson12_10_2.0_5_30__1e5_1e6s hobson12_10_2.0_5_30__1e5_PERFECTMERGING
N = 10^4, hobson12.sph See Y(P) -- Drucker-Prager is lower stress limit than von Mises; LR is more damaged, dispersed, generally less reaccumulation... ... with acoustic fluidisation, even less reaccumulation; resolution limited? N = 10^5 -- Reaccumulation is totally different for high resolution! no LR, LF too small :-( cf. hobson12.sph Even 10 times longer time span does NOT help! Consequently, it's probably the effect of merge (v, ω) limits? Particles cannot merge, if they bounce/orbit each other. Shall we construct SFD/LR/LF for bound particles ("clouds")? Shall we add some dissipation/friction? Well, the angular momentum can be only transferred, e.g. by triple encounters... Hmm, perfect merging helps, but there still is no LR ~ 3 km, although LF is fit.
fragmentation (1000 s), SPH w. self-gravity, von Mises rheology
reaccumulation (10^5 s), N-body, merge (v, ω) limit = (4, 1)
cf. LR, LF notably different structures in the velocity field 10 time span → dtto axes range; the velocity field practically does not evolve

Conclusion: It is very resolution-dependent! If simulation w. N = 10^5 are correct, we shoud prefer a low-energy impact...

Miroslav Broz (miroslav.broz@email.cz), Mar 28th 2021