Origin of H chondrites


According to probabilities p of coming from a source, meteomod.out, most meteorites originate from Koronis2, Karin, possibly also Agnia? Some of the high-inclination ones might be from Phocaea, Maria.

Note: The number of synthetic bodies should still be increased!

Maps of probability for individual H-chondrite-like sources:

Karin (H)
Koronis (H)
Agnia (H)
Merxia (H)
Maria (H)
Phocaea (H)

Note: The maps should be considered as relative (0-1). They have to weighted by the corresponding fluxes Nneo, especially at metre-sizes! To be published in Broz et al. (submit.).

Miroslav Broz (miroslav.broz@email.cz), Jan 9th 2024