ctypes :: Source regions of carbonaceous meteorites and NEOs

Here we present materials from the paper Source regions of carbonaceous meteorites and NEOs by Broz, Vernazza, Marsset et al.

See the paper here (rv1 vers.).

Major results and implications:

  1. CM chondrites are from the Veritas family.
  2. CRE ages of CMs exhibit an onset at 8.3 My == age of the family.
  3. 9.3° IRAS dust band == inclination of the family (Nesvorný et al. 2003).
  4. Extraterrestrial He-3 in sediments == dust from the family (Farley et al. 2006).
  5. CI chondrites are mostly from Polana.
  6. CO/CV/CK chondrites are from Eos.
  7. CM-like NEOs are from Adeona.
  8. CI-like NEOs are from Polana (low-inclination) and Euphrosyne (high-inclination).
  9. Ryugu and Bennu originate from the same parent body (Polana p. b.).
  10. CO/CV/CK-like NEOs are also from Eos.
  1. Metal-rich CH, CB chondrites are possibly from Brasilia or Brängane.
  2. König is a non-negligible source of CMs.
  3. Phaethon is a non-negligible source of CYs.
  4. Baptistina-like NEOs are linked to Baptistina (6°).
  5. There are no meteorite analogue for Baptistina, Aeolia.
  6. Acapulcoites/lodranites are from Iannini (pyroxene-rich).
  7. Enstatite chondrites (EH, HL) are likely from Nysa.
  8. For a probability of coming from a source, see METEOMOD.

Supplementary animations:

Fig. 5. König family is 22 My old according to orbital evolution. Cf. also inverse version. Fig. 7. Synthetic SFD of the Polana family derived from our collisional model. Cf. inverse version. Fig. 10. The age of the CM-like Veritas family, (8.3 ± 0.1) My, is confirmed by convergence of orbits. Shape model of (490) Veritas from DAMIT Fig. B2. SFDs of the main belt (blue) and the Vesta family (yellow), used for calibration of our collisional model. Fig. B4. Astrid family is more than 150 My old according to orbital evolution. Cf. inverse version.

Supplementary files:

boulder/Collisional models, initial conditions (Sec. 4.1)
main_belt_families_2023Jun/Family indentification (Sec. 2)
nbody_backward/Backward integrations (Sec. 4.2)
nbody_metresized/Transport model, 1-m bodies (Sec. 4.4)
nbody_observed/Transport model, 1-km bodies (ditto)
nbody_synthetic/Forward integrations (Sec. 4.3)
Fig5.tar.gzFig. 5 data
Fig7.tar.gzFig. 7 data
Fig10.tar.gzFig. 10 data
FigB2.tar.gzFig. B2 data
boulder_20230521_LOGINTERP.tar.gzBoulder code, Monte-Carlo collisions (Morbidelli et al. 2009)
genveld.tar.gzVelocity field
hcluster4.tar.gzHCM algorithm
makein_dir.tar.gzInitial conditions
swift.tar.gzSWIFT integrator (Levison & Duncan 1994)
swift_bs_f_omega.tar.gzditto, for initial conditions
swift_mvs2_fp_ye_YORP_FBR.tar.gzditto, for backward integrations
swift_rmvs3_fp_ye_yorp_20220227_GIT.tar.gzditto, for forward integrations
swift_rmvs3_fp_ye_yorp_20230811_ORBFIT.tar.gzditto, with high-inclination filter
yarko_dadt.tar.gzYarkovsky drift
paper1_20240607.pdfpaper (rv1 vers.)

Miroslav Broz (miroslav.broz@email.cz), Jun 18th 2024