HR1: Evolution of stars

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Main menu and corresponding graph window below. The left column of menu is the list of available star masses in Ms. The top right green label are available graphs. The bottom right are function buttons.
This image is Hertzsprung - Russel diagram (HRD) i. e. dependence of luminosity log(L/Ls) on effective temperature log(Teff/K). You can see evolution path of a star with mass 3 Ms during 440 Myr. Colors of path refer to nuclear reactions in the core - one can distinguish three burning phases. Note also additional positions of bright stars in HRD. The Sun is not visible, because its log(Teff/K) = 3.762 and log(L/Ls) = 0.
EVOLVE regime, where you can investigate evolutionary paths of stars with various masses and chemical compositions. The evolutions in this model start on main sequence. The density of dots indicates that some phases of evolution are very short relative to the time staying on the main sequence. Notice that heavier stars evolve much faster than lighter ones.

The orange dots are cepheids from file cepheids.dat. These are very important class of variable stars owing to dependence of period on absolute magnitude. Thus they serve for distance determination.

Surface effective temperature log(Teff/K) dependence on age. Notice a deep drop around 350 Myr, which corresponds to the expansion of outer layers and cotraction of the core - red giant phase.
The detail of central abundances graph shows the production of heavier elements (mainly C13 and O16) in the core of the star with 2 Ms at the final phases.

Miroslav Broz,, Sep 30th 1998