gamma = 1.66666666666667 mu = 0.5 rho0 = 477879298.850525 kg/m^3 = 477.879298850525 10^6 kg/m^3 p0 = 2.45301499609025e+23 Pa T0 = 927881393.359116 K = 0.927881393359116 GK T_C12 = 3500000000.0 K = 3.5 GK q = 496111345309381.0 J/kg = 496.111345309381 10^12 J/kg D_CJ = 57000000.0 m/s = 0.19 c D-u = c_s = 41312211.400294 m/s = 0.137707371334313 c u = 15687788.599706 m/s = 0.0522926286656866 c rho = 659347904.922032 kg/m^3 = 1.37973732385564 rho0 p = 6.72663e+23 Pa = 2.74218869869173 p0 T = 1844137885.23556 K = 1.84413788523556 GK = 1.98747156526052 T0 Unable to convert "2{´}10^{23}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "4{´}10^{23}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "6{´}10^{23}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "8{´}10^{23}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "1,0{´}10^{24}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "1,2{´}10^{24}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "1{´}10^{-9}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "2{´}10^{-9}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1 Unable to convert "3{´}10^{-9}": the sequence is invalid in the current charset (UTF-8), falling back to iso_8859_1