12 void mastererr (
const char *
template, ...);
void ImposeKeplerianEdges()
PlanetarySystem * AllocPlanetSystem()
void InitPebbleArrays()
Initialise polar arrays associated with the pebble disk.
double real
Definition of the type 'real' used throughout the code.
real IntegrateColumnMass()
void ComputeAverageThetaVelocities()
void MultiplyPolarGridbyConstant()
PlanetarySystem * InitPlanetarySystem()
void OneWindThetaPebbles()
void SourceTermsPebbles()
void SetupIntegratorParams()
void ImplicitRadiativeDiffusion()
void SynchronizeFargoRebound()
real ThicknessSmoothing()
void ComputePressureField()
void SetWaveKillingZones()
Sets the wave-killing factors within the damping zones; inspired by de Val-Borro et al...
void AdvanceSystemFromDisk()
void WritePlanetSystemFile()
void SynchronizeOverlapFields()
void InitGasDensityEnergy()
void WriteBigPlanetFile()
A structure used to store any scalar fied on the computational domain.
void ChessBoardIndexing()
Function ensures the odd-even ordering of the SOR method when the grid is split on multiple CPUs...
void PebbleStokesNumbers()
void OpacityProfile()
Fills the opacity polar grid, either with a fixed parametric value or using the Bell & Lin (1994) opa...
void DiffusionCoefs()
Calculation of the diffusion coefficients.
void WriteBigPlanetSystemFile()
real GetPsysInfoFromRsim()
Contains all the information about a planetary system at a given instant in time. ...
void CommunicateBoundaries()
void CalculateFlaring()
Calculates the sine of the grazing angle by reconstructing the surface from the pressure scale height...
void InitRadiatDiffusionFields()
Initialises the polar arrays associated with the heating/cooling processes.
void ApplyOuterSourceMass()
void masterprint(const char *template,...)
void QuantitiesAdvection()
void DiscardParticlesUnbound()
void CorrectPebblesVtheta()
void CreateTorqueMapInfile()
void AccreteOntoPlanets()
void RestartPlanetarySystem()
void UpdateDivVelocAndStressTensor()
int FindNumberOfPlanets()
void InitPebblesViaFlux()
void SynchronizePebbleDisc()
Synchronises pebble fluid hydrodynamic quantities among the overlapping grid zones.
void EtaPressureSupport()
void ParametricAccretion()
PolarGrid * CreatePolarGrid()
void BckpFieldsForBC()
Backs up the initial state of the pebble disk to impose damping boundary conditions later...
void ComputeThetaElongations()
void DiscardParticlesDist()
void FindOrbitalElements()
void mastererr(const char *template,...)
real EffectiveOpticalDepth()
void UpdateVelocityWithViscousTerms()
void ComputeConstantResidual()
struct reb_simulation * SetupReboundSimulation()
boolean DetectCrashPebbles()
Safety check for negative pebble densities.
void QuantitiesAdvectionPebbles()
void AccretePebblesOntoPlanets()
struct reb_simulation * RestartReboundSimulation()
void TemperatureGradient()
Finds the temperature gradients and their magnitude over the mesh.
void AdvanceSystemRebound()
void ComputeTemperatureField()
void EmptyPlanetSystemFile()
int SuccessiveOverrelaxation()
void MidplaneVolumeDensity()
void IterateRelaxationParameter()
When solving the energy equation for the first time, the function spans through various values of the...
void ApplyBoundaryCondition()
void OutputNbodySimulation()
void NonReflectingBoundary()
boolean ChkCloseEncWithPl()