Median lifetimes of (2953) Vysheslavia under various conditions

We list median lifetimes of asteroid (2953) Vysheslavia during several numerical tests in tab. 1. Lifetime is defined here as the time before the test particle falls into the region of 5:2 resonance (the "jump" into 5:2 is clearly visible in all cases).

In cases 1., 2. and 3. the sample of test particle consists of 15 "fictious neighbours" (da = 10-3 AU) while the rest cases compare so-called "close clones" (10-7 AU).

  1. Runs without Yarkovsky (2953-rmvsf, 2953-bsf) -

  2. Long runs with Yarkovsky (2953-1, 2953-2 and BS checks) -

  3. Ceres and Pallas encounters (2953-cp1, 2953-cp0bsf) - Encounters with large asteroids might decrease the median lifetime of that sample downto 4.6 Myr (calculated with RMVSY integrator) or 11.6 Myr (with BS), compare it to 12.1 Myr (the case of 2953-rmvsf). However the results of 2953-cp0bsf run are more conclusive, due to the much better stability of BS integrator, see Ceres, Pallas encounters for details on this problem.

  4. Close clones (2953-ccf) 14.1 Myr and a check by BS integrator (2953-ccbsf) 12.9 Myr - Behavior of individual particles differs significantly, however median lifetimes of the whole set are approximately the same (as they should be). Refer to RMVS3 and Burlisch-Stoer comparison for a(t) images.

  5. Yarkovsky effect (2953-ccy, 2953-ccbsy) - As in 4. the lifetimes of TP's in RMVS3 and BS runs differ, but medians are pretty the same. Incorporating a thermal drag (obliquity gamma = 135°) into our model does NOT lead to a significant decrease of median lifetimes (compare eg. 12.7 Myr of 2953-ccbsf and 10.7 Myr of 2953-ccbsy).

    It seems that Yarkovsky is NOT important for asteroids already orbiting inside the strongly chaotic zone, though it might play important role in the delivery of 10 km asteroids towards such regions.

  6. Inner planets (2953-ipl, 2953-ipl2) - The gravitational perturbations of inner planets were not taken into account in most of runs, we applied a "barycentric correction" to the initial conditions instead. The two tests with 8 planets confirm the assumption, that direct perturbations from inner planets are negligible.

    At least we observed much shorter lifetimes inside the 5:2 resonance, what is not suprising, because the most efficient mechanism, which expells particles from 5:2, are close encounters with Venus and Earth.

run abbrev lifetime individual TP's
2953-rmvsf 12.1 cross52.dat
2953-bsf 6.6 cross52.dat
2953-1 reg. 2.7 cross52.dat
bas. 2.7
2953-bs1 reg. 7.7 cross52.dat
bas. 6.9
2953-2 reg. 9.6 cross52.dat
bas. 17.6
2953-bs2 reg. 14.1 cross52.dat
bas. 8.3
2953-ccf 14.1 cross52.dat
2953-ccbsf 12.9 cross52.dat
2953-ccy 10.6 cross52.dat
2953-ccbsy 10.7 cross52.dat
2953-ipl 10.9 cross52.dat
2953-ipl2 10.4 cross52.dat
2953-cp1 4.6 cross52.dat
2953-cp0bsf 11.6 cross52.dat

Tab. 1 - Median lifetimes in Myr of (2953) Vysheslavia and 14 clones in different runs. Files cross52.dat list times of falls into 5:2 resonance for each test particle.

Miroslav Broz,, Feb 16th 2000