# alam1[A] alamn[A] alams[A] loglam cutoff[A] 47500.0 47510.0 10.0 0 50. # imodel irotat ipart ichemc ielnd 1 1 0 1 1 # ithom irayl imie imiepf ihyd iopac iline eps (opacities) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1.0 # ionu ior iot offset 1 1 1 0.0 # phase1[deg] phasen[deg] nphase dinc[deg] 0. 360. 0 92.564919063 # dd [pc] 313.625659826 #----------------spectra of the non-transparent objects--------------------- # lunt1 xunt1 yunt1 1 1. 1. # lunt2 xunt2 yunt2 1 1. 1. # lunt3 xunt3 yunt3 0 1. 1. #------------------------- body frozen grid -------------------------------- # rmdfx1 rmdfx2 rmdfy1 rmdfy2 rmdfz1 rmdfz2 rmdfx3 rmdfx4 [R_sol] -80.0 80.0 -80.0 80.0 -30.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 # stepf[R_sol] stepfz[R_sol] gainfx gainfy gainfz 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 #-------------------------- line of sight grid ----------------------------- # rmdx1 rmdx2 rmdy1 rmdy2 rmdz1 rmdz2 rmdz3 rmdz4 [R_sol] -80.0 80.0 -30.0 30.0 -80.0 80.0 0.0 0.0 # steps[R_sol] stepsz[R_sol] gainx gainy gainz 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 #-----------------------------objects--------------------------------------- # ISTAR# ICOMP# IENV# ISPOT# ISM# IRING# IDISC# 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 # INEBL# IFLOW# IJET# IUFO# ISHELL# 0 0 0 0 0 #---------------------------- central star --------------------------------- # rstar[R_sol] Tstar[K] eMstar[M_sol] 5.987 30000.0 13.048 # xstar ystar zstar vrotst[km/s] (rotation) 0.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 # idifst drotst hst (differential rotation) 0 0.9 0.1 # vxst[km/s] vyst[km/s] vzst[km/s] (movement) 0.0 0.0 0.0 # dlst dlst2 dgst ffst (darkening+shape) 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.0 # irrst ialbst albst htst htsta (reflection effect) 0 0 0.3 0.6 1.0 # ispst xspst yspst zspst aspst[deg] tspst (spot) 0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 0.9 #----------------------------- companion ----------------------------------- # rcp[R_sol] tempcp[K] qq 19.84 13300.0 0.223 # vrxcp vrycp vrzcp vrotcp[km/s] (rotation) 0.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 # xcp[R_sol] ycp[R_sol] zcp[R_sol] (location) 58.349 0.0 0.0 # vxcp[km/s] vycp[km/s] vzcp[km/s] (movement) 0.0 0.0 0.0 # dlcp dlcp2 dgcp ffcp (darkening+shape) 0.0 0.0 0.25 1.0 # irrcp ialbcp albcp htcp htcpa (reflection effect) 0 0 0.0 1.0 1.0 #---------------------------- envelope ------------------------------------- # emen[M_sol] qqen aen[R_sol] ffen hen[R_sol] 13.048 0.2230 58.349 1.0 12. # tempen[K] densen aneen vtrben dstden dstten[K] 9000. 1.e-8 21.e9 0. 0.0000 7050. #------------------------------ spot --------------------------------------- # vrxsp vrysp vrzsp vrotsp[km/s] rsp[R_sol] 0. 0. 1. 0. 250. # xsp[R_sol] ysp[R_sol] zsp[R_sol] vxsp[km/s] vysp[km/s] vzsp[km/s] 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # tempsp[K] denssp anesp vtrbsp dstdsp dsttsp[K] 3500. 1.e-19 21.e9 0. 9.e-17 3500. #------------------------------- stream ------------------------------------ # v1sm[km/s] v2sm[km/s] r1sm[R_sol] r2sm[R_sol] 100. 100. 0.2 0.2 # x1sm[R_sol] y1sm[R_sol] z1sm[R_sol] (beginning) 0. -0.2 0. # x2sm[R_sol] y2sm[R_sol] z2sm[R_sol] (end) 0. 0.2 0. # vxsm[km/s] vysm[km/s] vzsm[km/s] (net velocity) 0. 306.4 0. # xsm ysm zsm Psm[d] (rotational drag) 0. 0. 1. 1.e30 0.4387 # tempsm[K] denssm anesm vtrbsm edensm dstdsm dsttsm[K] 8000. 11.e-15 21.e9 10. 0. 10.e-15 1400. #------------------------------ ring --------------------------------------- # rrg[R_sol] emrg[Msol] 2.8 0.7 # b1rg[deg] b2rg[deg] (arc) 360. 280. # a1rg[R_sol] a2rg[R_sol] dr1rg[R_sol] dr2rg[R_sol] 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 # xrg[R_sol] yrg[R_sol] zrg[R_sol] (location) 0. 0. 0. # xpolrg ypolrg zpolrg (orientation) 0. 0. 1. # vxrg[km/s] vyrg[km/s] vzrg[km/s] (net velocity) 0. 0. 0. # temprg[K] densrg anerg vtrbrg itrg 2100. 1.e-30 1.e1 0. 2 # edenrg dstdrg ede2rg dst2rg dsttrg[K] -25. 4.65e-15 -6. 0.43e-15 2100. #------------------------------ disc --------------------------------------- # adisc[deg,R_sol] rindc[R_sol] routdc[R_sol] emdc[Msol] rdc[Rsol] 6.94702026415 6.0 27.7988506099 13.049 5.987 # xdc[R_sol] ydc[R_sol] zdc[R_sol] (location) 0.0 0.0 0.0 # xdisc ydisc zdisc (orientation) 0.0 0.0 1.0 # vxdc[km/s] vydc[km/s] vzdc[km/s] (net velocity) 0.0 0.0 0.0 # tempdc[K] densdc anedc vtrbdc edendc itdc etmpdc 27012.4127441 4.56608656808e-06 12000000000.0 10.0 -2.53716791459 2 -0.85 # dstddc dsttdc[K] 0.0 1000.0 #---------------------------- nebula --------------------------------------- # aneb[-] rinnb[R_sol] routnb[R_sol] emnb[Msol] rnb[Rsol] 7. 20. 200. 1. 1. #hinvnb tinvnb hwindnb idennb 6.d0 6.d0 8.8d0 0 # xneb yneb zneb (orientation) 0. 0. 1. # vxnb[km/s] vynb[km/s] vznb[km/s] (net velocity) 0. 0. 0. # tempnb[K] densnb anenb vtrbnb edennb itnb etmpnb hmulnb 885. 7.5e-7 1.e15 0. -1.5 3 -0.5 1.0 # dstdnb dsttnb[K] 7.5e-9 885. #------------------------------- flow - ------------------------------------ # v1fw[km/s] v2fw[km/s] r1fw[R_sol] r2fw[R_sol] 100. 100. 0.2 0.2 # x1fw[R_sol] y1fw[R_sol] z1fw[R_sol] (beginning) 2.92 -0.2 0. # x2fw[R_sol] y2fw[R_sol] z2fw[R_sol] (end) 2.92 0.2 0. # vxfw[km/s] vyfw[km/s] vzfw[km/s] (net velocity) 0. -30.3 0. # xfw yfw zfw Pfw[d] (rotational drag) 0. 0. 1. 0.4387 # tempfw[K] densfw anefw vtrbfw edenfw dstdfw dsttfw[K] 8000. 11.e-15 21.e9 10. 0. 10.e-30 8000. #------------------------------ jet ---------------------------------------- # ajet[deg] rinjt[R_sol] routjt[R_sol] vjt[km/s] (shape) 20. 10. 15. 600. # xjet yjet zjet (orientation) 0. 0. 1. # vxjt[km/s] vyjt[km/s] vzjt[km/s] (net velocity) 0. -46. 0. # tempjt[K] densjt anejt vtrbjt dstdjt dsttjt[K] 8000. 100.e-15 1.e9 260. 1.e-30 8000. #------------------------------ ufo --------------------------------------- # aufo[deg,Rsol] rinuf[Rsol] routuf[Rsol] emuf[Msol] ruf[Rsol] 2. 2. 6. 2.63 1.95 # xuf[R_sol] yuf[R_sol] zuf[R_sol] (location) 0. 0. 0. # xufo yufo zufo (orientation) 0. 0. 1. # vxuf[km/s] vyuf[km/s] vzuf[km/s] (net velocity) 0. -200. 0. # tempuf[K] densuf aneuf vtrbuf edenuf ituf etmpuf 8000. 30.e-15 21.e5 20. 0. 1 -0.5 # dstduf dsttuf[K] 5.7e-30 8000. #----------------------------- shell --------------------------------------- # rinsh[R_sol] routsh[R_sol] vsh[km/s] 10. 15. 1. # evelsh rcsh[R_sol] 0. 4.4 # vxsh[km/s] vysh[km/s] vzsh[km/s] (net velocity) 0. -46. 0. # tempsh[K] denssh anesh vtrbsh dstdsh dsttsh[K] 9000. 30.e-15 21.e9 500. 1.e-30 9000. #--------------------------- background ------------------------------------ # temp0[K] dens0 ane0 v0[km/s] 4000. 0.e0 1.e7 0. #-----------------------------end of input---------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Definition of the input quantities: c alam1, alamn, alams -start,end and step of wavelength in [A] c loglam=0 equidistant step im lambda c loglam=1 equidistant step in log(lambda), the number of steps c will be the same as for loglam=0 c cutoff - extension of the interval in [A] when c reading the gas_opac table. Assuming that c broadening by the velocity field dominates: c cutoff>maximal radial velocity/c*lambda c imodel=1 calculate your own input shell model c imodel=2 read input shell model from `shellspec.mod'. c You can ignore most of input below defining geometry, c the velocity field and state quantities of objects but c you must still input the data for the scattering: c rstar,tstar,vxst,vyst,vzst c for the coordinate rotation: c temp0,ane0,xcp,ycp,zcp c and for the limb darkening: c istar,rstar,tstar,dlst,dlst2, c icomp,rcp,tempcp,dlcp,dlcp2,xcp,qq c and switches: lunt1,lunt2,lunt3,ithom,irayl, c imie,imiepf,ihyd,iopac,iline,eps c irotat -option of interpolation from the body frozen grid c to the line of sight grid during the coord. rotation c 0=linear interpolation, good for continuous fields, c otherwise the result may depend on discontinuities c or background (temp0,ane0,...) c 1=nearest neighbour approximation, may be less smooth c but can handle discontinuities c ipart -option of partition functions c [1-built in Dworetsky & Smalley, 2-Irwin] c (only ipart=1 is implemented so far) c ichemc -option of abundances, if ielnd=1 then ichemc=1 c [0-default solar, 1-read from file `abundances'] c ielnd=1 electron number densities provided in the input model c are ignored and code calculates el.num.dens. c assuming LTE, from known temperature, density and c chemical composition. File 'abundances' is read and must c contain 3.column which specifies which elements are c considered in Ne calculations, this sets ichemc=1 c ielnd=0 electron number densities are known apriori and are c specified in the input model c ithom=0 Thomson scattering is off c ithom=1 Thomson scattering from stars is on c (assumes optically thin environment) c irayl=0 Rayleigh scattering on neutral hydrogen is off. c If Lyman lines are treated explicitely in the linelist c set irayl=0 not to count the contribution twice c irayl=1 Rayleigh scattering from stars on neutral hydrogen is on c (assuming optically thin environment) c imie=0 Mie scattering and absorption on dust is off c imie=1 Mie scattering+absorption opacity is on. c Several species or input files can be included. c dust_opac file with tables must be provided. c Mie thermal and scattering emissivity on dust is on. c It is scattering of light from the stars assuming c optically thin medium. c Scattering emission can be isotropic or c non-isotropic (see imiepf). c imie=2 Mie scattering+absorption opacity is on c Mie thermal emissivity is on, but c Mie scattering emissivity is off c imie=3 Mie scattering+absorption opacity is on c Mie thermal emissivity is on c Mie scattering emissivity is on but is isotropic and c assumes J=B(T) i.e. it is not scattered light from stars c imiepf angular dependence of the scattered light from stars, c has an effect only if imie=1 c imiepf=1 angular dependent scattering emissivity, c reads extra table with phase functions (mie_phase), c otherwise it is isotropic c In case there are several species in dust_opac c this will redistribute the total scattering opacity. c ihyd=1 hydrogen bound-free and free-free opacity is turned on c assuming only atomic H (no molecules) c iopac=1 additional tabulated gas true opacity is added c reads extra table with gas opacities (no scattering) c iline=0 No line opacity c iline=1 line opacity is included. Spectral line parameters must c be specified in the file 'line.dat' c eps -artificial number <0.,1.> for test purpose which splits c the line opacity (emissivity) into the true c absorbtion (eps->1.) and coherent scattering (eps->0.). c In LTE eps=1. ( S=eps*B+(1-eps)*J ) c If ithom=irayl=0 set also eps=1. for consistency c ionu, ior, iot -sequential indexes of frequency, x, and y point c for which you want a more detailed output along the line c of sight (specified by x,y) c offset -vertical shift applied to the normalized spectra output c to plot many spectra from different rotation phases c phase1, phasen - start, end of the phase interval you want c to cover [deg] (e.g. if xcp>0,ycp=zcp=0, dinc=90 then c phase1=-90 will start from the primary eclipse) c nphase -number of rotations (different view points) within c the interval above c if nphase=0 then phase1 and phasen are ignored, and it c reads one column from the file `phases' with phases. c These are values <0,1> and count from the x axis c so that phase=0.0 or 1.0 is primary eclipse c if xcp>0,ycp=zcp=0, dinc=90 c dinc -angle between rotation axis of the model and the line c of sight [deg], dinc=90.0 is edge on. c dd -distance from the Earth in [pc] c----------------intrinsic spectra specifications: c lunt1=0 all objects with density from interval are c nontransparent blackbodies with the same temperatures as c in the case of transparency. c lunt1>0 all objects with density within are c nontransparent and have an intrinsic intensity spectrum. c The spectrum is read from file `starspec1'. c lunt1=1 the x,y column input required with wavelength [A] and c H_lambda flux [erg/cm^2/s/A] (as an output of SYNSPEC) c lunt1=2 the x,y column input required with wavelength [A] and c I_nu intensity [erg/cm^2/s/Hz/sterad] c lunt1=3 the 4 column input required with idummy,frequency [Hz], c dummy, F_nu flux [erg/cm^2/s/Hz] c (output of coolTlusty, unit 21, first 2 rows are dummy) c xunt1 -multiplication factor applied to starspec1 x-column c if it is not in the correct-required units c (otherwise set it =1.) c yunt1 -multiplication factor applied to starspec1 y-column c if it is not in the correct-required units c (otherwise set it =1.) c lunt2,xunt2,yunt2 -the same meaning as above except that these c deal with density interval and c the spectrum is read from file `starspec2'. c lunt3,xunt3,yunt3 -the same meaning as above except that these c deal with density interval and c the spectrum is read from file `starspec3'. c-----------definitions of grids: c rmdfx1=1) c direction in body frozen coordinates of the model. c (Points are overridden c by the values from `shellspec.mod' if imodel=2) c gainfx, gainfy, gainfz -grid step multiplication factors c of the body frozen grid to allow for logarithmic grid c [gainfx=(x_{i+1}-x_{i})/(x_{i}-x_{i-1})] c e.g. gainfx=1. for equidistant step c gainfx>1. step increases symetrically from the middle to c the left and to the right c rmdx1=1) c in the line of sight observer's frame. c gainx, gainy, gainz -grid step multiplication factors c (common ratio of the geometric sequence) of the line of sight c grid [gainx=(x_{i+1}-x_{i})/(x_{i}-x_{i-1})] c e.g. gainx=1. for equidistant step c gainx>1. step increases symetrically from the middle to c the left and to the right c-----------------object definitions: c istar,icomp,ienv,ispot,ism,iring,idisc, c inebl,iflow,ijet,iufo,ishell c see below c-------primary star (central object)---------- c istar=0 accompanied by rstar=0 will switch off the primary c istar=1 central object is a nontransparent uniformly rotating c sphere. Its density is set to . It can be either c black body with T=tstar if lunt1=0 or has its intrinsic c intensity spectrum if lunt1>0. In case of scattering or c reflection of its light by other objects its rotation is c ignored. c Code ignores: dgst,ffst,qq c istar=2 central object is a detached component of a binary. c It has a Roche shape defined by ffst<=1, synchronous rotation, c is nonstrasparent with density within . c It can be either black body with T=tstar if lunt1=0 or c has its intrinsic intensity spectrum if lunt1>0. c You must also set: xcp>0,qq>0 c Code also calculates/ignores: xstar,ystar,zstar,vrotst c ,drotst,hst,rstar c istar=3 central object is a figure 8 contact system. It has c a Roche shape defined by 1. c It can be either black body with T=tstar if lunt1=0 or c has its intrinsic intensity spectrum if lunt1>0. c You must also set: xcp>0,qq>0 c Code also calculates/ignores: c xstar,ystar,zstar,vrotst,drotst,hst,rstar,icomp c if istar>1 or icomp>1 or (istar>0 and icomp>0 and vxst>clight) c then code calculates (from emstar,xcp,qq): c ycp,zcp,vxst,vyst,vzst,vxcp,vycp,vzcp c assuming circular orbit. c rstar -radius of the central star in [R_sol] c if istar>1 (Roche Geometry) this value will be used for c scattering in the circumstellar matter and irradiation effect c on the companion which use spherical approximation c tstar -effective temperature of the central star in [K] c without gravity darkening and irradiation. This value will c be used for scattering in the circumstellar matter (in case c of black body) and irradiation effect on the companion c if istar=2 it is the temperature at the rotation pole c if istar=3 it is the temperature at the rotation pole of c the more massive star c emstar -mass of the central star in [M_sol] c xstar,ystar,zstar -define unit aiming vector of the rotational c axis of the central star c vrotst -equatorial rotation velocity of the central star [km/s] c in case istar=1 corresponding to the equatorial angular vel. c idifst -on/off differential rotation only for istar=1 c idifst=0 no differential rotation c idifst=1 smooth differential rotation c omega(phi)=omega_eq-(omega_eq-omega_pol)*sin(phi)**2 c idifst=2 step function differential rotation c omega(phi)=omega_eq for z/rstarhst c drotst - the ratio of angular velocity at the rotation pole to c the angular vel. at the equator: drotst=omega_pol/omega_eq. c hst -break in the step function =z/rstar for idifst=2 c vxst, vyst, vzst -net velocity components c of the center of mass of the central star [km/s] c (if vxst>clight and istar>0 and icomp>0 then see istar) c dlst -limb darkening coefficient of the central star c dlst2 -second limb darkening coefficient c I=1-dlst*(1-mu)-dlst2*(1-mu)**2 c dgst -gravity darkening coefficient (beta) of the central star c (0.25 for radiative, 0.08 for convective atmospheres) c It is dummy if istar=1. c ffst<=1 -Roche lobe fill-in factor of the primary. Its is c the distance of the inner substellar point of the primary c (between the stars) from the center of the primary relative c to the distance to L1, the Roche lobe is reproduced if ff=1 c 10 ... are presumed). c ialbst=1 monochomatic albedo is red from file=albedo1 c (if irrst=1). It should be compatible with Bond albedo. c albst -Bond albedo <0,1> c htst -heat redistribution parameter in case of irradiation, c fraction of the heat absorbed on the day side which is c redistributed over the day-night sides, <0,1>, c 0-nothing is redistributed and nothing goes to the night, c 1-all the energy (which is not reflected) impinging on c the planet is evenly distributed over the day-night sides. c It is analoguous to the so called Pn parameter of A.Burrows c (a fraction of the irradiating energy impinging on c the day side which is transfered to and irradiated from c the night side), Pn=(1-albst)*htst/2 c htsta -degree of the inhomegenity of the heat transport, <0,1>. c 1-homegeneous, 0-cosine dependence c T**4=T0**4(htsta+4(1-htsta)/pi*cos_latitude) c ispst=1/0 will turn on/off a spot on the star if istar=1 c (it has the shape of a circle) c xspst,yspst,zspst -define unit aiming vector of the location c of the spot center on the surface c aspst -angular radius of the spot in [deg] c tspst -ratio of the spot temperature to the ambient temperature c (i.e. temperature accounted for e.g. the reflection effect) c------- c temp*,dens*,ane* - state quantities in various objects c temperature, density, electron number density [K,CGS] c vtrb* - microturbulent velocity in various objects [km/s], c it does not apply to nontransparent objects c dstd* - density of dust in various objects [g/cm^3] c dstt* - temperature of dust in various objects [K] c-------companion or secondary star c icomp=0 secondary off c icomp=1 secondary on, it is a uniformly rotating nontransparent c sphere. It may be a blackbody with T=tempcp if lunt2=0 c or has its own spectrum if lunt2>0. Its density is set c to . Code ignores: dgcp,ffcp,qq c icomp=2 secondary is a detached component of a binary. c It has a Roche shape defined by ffcp<=1, synchronous rotation, c is nonstrasparent with density within . c It can be either black body with T=tempcp if lunt2=0 or c has its intrinsic intensity spectrum if lunt2>0. c You must set: xcp>0,qq>0,emstar>0 c Code also calculates/ignores: vrxcp,vrycp,vrzcp,vrotcp,rcp c rcp -radius of the spherical companion [R_sol], c if icomp=2 this input is used only for the scattering c and irradiation from the object otherwise it is superfluous c tempcp -see primary star above, this value is used for c the scattering on the circumstellar material and irradiation c of the primary c qq -mass ratio (companion/star), important only for Roche geom. c if istar>1 or icomp>1 c vrxcp, vrycp, vrzcp -define unit aiming vector of the rotational c axis of the secondary star (companion) c vrotcp -equatorial rotation velocity of the companion [km/s] c xcp,ycp,zcp -location of the center (of mass) of c the companion [R_sol] c vxcp,vycp,vzcp -components of the velocity vector of the center c (of mass) of the companion [km/s] c dlcp -limb darkening coefficient of the secondary star c dlcp2 -second limb darkening coefficient (the same as dlst2) c dgcp -gravity darkening coefficient (beta) of the secondary c ffcp<=1 -Roche lobe filling factor of the secondary is c the distance of the inner substellar point of the secondary c from the center of the secondary relative to 1-L1, c the Roche lobe is reproduced if ffcp=1 c irrcp=0 -irradiation and reflection effect is off c (ialbcp,albcp,htcp,htcpa have no meaning in this case) c irrcp=1 -irradiation of the secondary from the primary is on. c Irradiation (heating) applies only if icomp=2. c Reflection (of the spectrum of primary) applies if icomp=1,2 c (istar=1,2 and rstar,tstar>0 are presumed) c ialbcp=1 monochomatic albedo is red from file=albedo2 c (if irrcp=1). It should be compatible with the Bond albedo. c albcp -Bond albedo <0,1> c htcp -heat transport parameter in case of the irradiation. c The same as htst, <0,1>. c htcpa -degree of the inhomegenity of the heat transport, <0,1>. c 1-homegeneous, 0-cosine dependence, the same as htsta. c-------envelope around the primary star c ienv,emen,ggen,ffen have similar meaning to istar,emstar,qq,ffst c ienv=2 envelope is on, has a detached Roche shape c ienv=3 envelope is on, has a contact Roche shape c (common envelope) c emen -mass of the central star [M_sol] c qqen -mass ratio (companion/star) c ffen<=1 -Roche lobe fill-in factor of the detached envelope. c Its is radius of the substellar point of the envelope c relative to the radius of the L1. Roche lobe has ffen=1. c 10 ring is on c rrg -radius of the ring [R_sol] c emrg -mass in its center to calculate velocities [Msol] c b1rg, b2rg -specifies the arc from-to in [deg], b1rg>or< 1 then c gas density=densrg*C1/C*dexp[|t-b1rg|/pi]**edenrg c electron num. density=anerg*C1/C*dexp[|t-b1rg|/pi]**edenrg c dust density=dstdrg*C1/C*dexp[|t-b1rg|/pi]**edenrg+ c dst2rg*C1/C*dexp[|t-b1rg|/pi]**ede2rg c where t-is angle along the arc. c densrg -gas density at b1rg c anerg -electron number density at b1rg c temprg -constant gas temperature [K] c dsttrg -constant dust temperature [K] c vtrbrg -microturbulence c-------disk (accretion disk around some object) c idisc=0 switch off the disc c idisc=1 disc has the shape of a rotating wedge c limited by inner and outer radii (spherical surfaces) c idisc=2 disc has the shape of a slab c limited by inner and outer radii (spherical surfaces) c idisc=3 disc has the shape of a rotating ellipsoid c limited by inner spherical and outer ellipsoidal surface c adisc -angular halfwidth of the disc wedge [deg] c (if idisc=1) c -half of the thickness of the disc slab [R_sol] c (if idisc=2) c -semiaxis of the ellipsoid along the rotational axis c [R_sol] (if idisc=3) c rindc -inner radius of the disc [R_sol] c routdc -outer radius of the disc [R_sol] or c -semiaxis of the ellipsoid perpendicular to the rotation c axis, if idisc=3, [R_sol] c emdc -mass of the object in the disk center [M_sol] c it determines its Keplerian velocity c rdc -radius of the object in the disk center [R_sol] c it determines its temperature structure if itdc=2 c xdc,ydc,zdc -location of the disk center in [R_sol] c xdisc,ydisc,zdisc -components of the unit aiming vector of c the rotational axis of the Keplerian disc around emstar c vxdc, vydc, vzdc -net velocity components c of the center of the disc [km/s] c densdc -gas density at rindc c anedc -electron num. density at rindc c tempdc -characteristic gas temperature, see below c edendc -radial density dependence exponent c (dens, ane and dust density are a function of r) c Rho(r) ~ Ne(r) ~ densdc*(r/rindc)**edendc c itdc=1 disc temperature is constant (=tempdc) c itdc=2 disc temperature is a function of r (accretion discs) c T(r)=tempdc*(rdc/r)**0.75*(1-(rdc/r)**0.5)**0.25 c itdc=3 disc temperature as a power law (e.g. protopl. discs) c T(r)=tempdc*(r/rindc)**etmpdc c etmpdc -exponent of the radial temperature dependence c dstddc -dust density at rindc c dsttdc -characteristic dust temperature c dust temperatures behave like gas temperatures for c different itdc but with dsttdc instead of tempdc c vtrbdc -microturbulence [km/s] c-------nebula (protoplanetary disk/nebula around central object) c it is defined in cylindrical coordinates (r,z) c inebl not=4 -nebula off c inebl=4 flared protoplanetary disk c vertical scale height is H(r)=(gamma*k*T_gas/m)**0.5 c vertical structure: c fdens=dens0*dexp(-erz**2/hscale**2/2.d0) c gas temperature may have temperature inversion c radial structure: c surface density decreases ~(r/rinnb)**edennb c dust dens & electron num. dens are ~ density c temperatures change with radius c aneb -vertical extension of nebula at particular r in [H] c extension(r)=+-aneb* H(r) c rinnb -inner radius of the nebula [R_sol] c routnb -outer radius of the nebula [R_sol] c emnb -mass of the object in the nebula center [M_sol] c rnb -radius of the object in the ufo center [R_sol] c hinvnb start of vertical gas temp. inversion in [H] c for z(r)>hinvnb*H(r) if itnb=3 c tinvnb temperature multiplication factor in the inversion c gas temp(z,r)=temp0(r)*tinvnb c hwindnb -vertical scale-height of the wind region c rho(z)=rho(0)*dexp(-erz**2/hscale**2/2.d0) c but for z>hwindnb*H c rho(z)=rho(0)*dexp(-hwindnb**2/2.d0) c i.e. rho(z)=rho(hwindnb*H)= const c electron n.d. and dust density are proportional to gas c and thus will also have wind region c idennb=1 reads file wind_prof with rho=f(z) c xneb,yneb,zneb -components of the unit aiming vector of c the rotational axis of the Keplerian disc around emnb c vxnb, vynb, vznb -net velocity components c of the center of the nebula [km/s] c tempnb -characteristic gas temperature [K] c itnb=1 nebula gas and dust temperatures are constant c itnb=2 nebula gas and dust temp. are a function of r only c T(r)=tempnb*(Rnb/r)**0.75*(1-(Rnb/r)**0.5)**0.25 c T(r)=dsttuf*(Rnb/r)**0.75*(1-(Rnb/r)**0.5)**0.25 c itnb=3 disc temperature as a power law (e.g. protopl. discs) c T(r)=tempnb*(r/rinnb)**etmpnb c there may be a gas temperature inversion in z c etmpnb -exponent of radial temperature dependence c densnb -gas density at rinnb (at midplane) c anenb -electron num. density at rinnb (at midplane) c edennb -radial density dependence exponent of surface density c (dens, ane and dust density are a function of r) c Ne(r,z) ~ Rho_dust(r,z) ~ Rho_gas(r,z) c dstdnb -dust density at rinnb [g/cm^3] (at midplane) c dsttnb -characteristic dust temperature [K] c vtrbuf -microturbulence [km/s] c-------flow c it is identical to the stream but lower priority c iflow=0/1 -stream off/on c v1fw -stream velocity at the beginnig of stream [km/s] c v2fw -stream velocity at the end of stream [km/s] c velocity is directed from beginning to end c r1fw -radius of the stream at the beginning [R_sol] c r2fw -radius of the stream at the end [R_sol] c notice that although the radius changes the streamlines c are made paralel (contrary to jet) c x1fw,y1fw,z1fw -position of the beginning of the stream [R_sol] c x2fw,y2fw,z2fw -position of the end of the stream [R_sol] c vxfw, vyfw, vzfw -net velocity [km/s] c you can use it also to mimic orbital drag or if the center c of rotation is not at the center of coordinates c xfw,yfw,zfw -rotational vector of stream c pfw -rotational period of stream in days c tempfw -temperature [K], constant along the stream c densfw - is density at the beginning and scales along the stream c to satisfy the continuity equation: c density=densfw*v1fw*r1fw**2/(vfw*rfw**2)*exp(t/rsol*edenfw) c where t is distance along the stream c anefw - electron number density at the beginning, similar to c the density but if ielnd=1 then it is overriden by c the calculation from the state quantities c edenfw -density dependence exponent to enable the modeling c of additional phenomena c dstdfw -dust density [g/cm^3], it changes along the stream like c the gas density c dsttfw -dust temperature [K], constant along the stream c vtrbfw -microturbulence velocity [km/s] c-------jet c ijet=0 switch off the jet c ijet=1 jet has only one -primary cone c ijet=2 jet has two cones: primary cone and opposite one c ajet -angle halfwidth of the jet cones [deg] c streamlines flare according to the opening angle c rinjt, routjt -radius boundaries of the jet cones [R_sol] c vjt -radial (expanding) velocity of the jet [km/s] c xjet,yjet,zjet -components of the unit aiming vector c of the primary jet cone c vxjt, vyjt, vzjt -net velocity component [km/s] c tempjt -temperature [K], constant in the jet c densjt -gas density [g/cm**3] at rinjt, it scales along the jet c to satisfy the continuity equation c density=densjt*rinjt**2/routjt**2 c anejt - electron number density [cm**-3] at rinjt. It changes c along the jet like the gas density but if ielnd=1 then c it is overriden by the calculation from the state quantities c dstdjt -dust density [g/cm**3] at rinjt, changes along the jet c like the gas density c dsttjt -dust temperature [K], constant in the jet c vtrbjt -microturbulence [km/s] c-------ufo c it is identical to DISK (same subroutine) but lower priority c iufo=0 switch off the ufo c iufo=1 ufo has the shape of a rotating wedge c limited by inner and outer radii (spherical surfaces) c iufo=2 ufo has the shape of a slab c limited by inner and outer radii (spherical surfaces) c iufo=3 ufo has the shape of a rotating ellipsoid c limited by inner spherical and outer ellipsoidal surface c aufo -angular halfwidth of the ufo wedge [deg] c (if iufo=1) c -half of the thickness of the ufo slab [R_sol] c (if iufo=2) c -semiaxis of the ellipsiod along the rotational axis c [R_sol] (if iufo=3) c rinuf -inner radius of the ufo [R_sol] c routuf -outer radius of the ufo [R_sol] or c -semiaxis of the ellipsoid perpendicular to the rotation c axis, if iufo=3, [R_sol] c emuf -mass of the object in the ufo center [M_sol] c ruf -radius of the object in the ufo center [R_sol] c xuf,yuf,zuf -location of the disk center in [R_sol] c xufo,yufo,zufo -components of the unit aiming vector of c the rotational axis of the Keplerian disc around emuf c vxuf, vyuf, vzuf -net velocity components c of the center of the ufo [km/s] c tempuf -temperature [K] c ituf=1 ufo gas and dust temperatures are constant c ituf=2 ufo gas and dust temperatures are a function of r c T(r)=tempuf*(Ruf/r)**0.75*(1-(Ruf/r)**0.5)**0.25 c T(r)=dsttuf*(Ruf/r)**0.75*(1-(Ruf/r)**0.5)**0.25 c ituf=3 disc temperature as a power law (e.g. protopl. discs) c T(r)=tempdc*(r/rindc)**etmpuf c etmpuf -exponent of radial temperature dependence c densuf -gas density at rinuf c aneuf -electron num. density at rinuf c edenuf -radial density dependence exponent c (dens, ane and dust density are a function of r) c Rho(r) ~ Ne(r) ~ densuf*(r/rinuf)**edenuf c dstduf -dust density at rinuf [g/cm^3] c dsttuf -dust temperature [K] c vtrbuf -microturbulence [km/s] c-------shell c ishell=0 switch off the shell c ishell=1 velocity, dens, temp, ane are constant c ishell=2 radial velocity is v(r)=vsh*(r/rinsh)**evelsh c Ne(r)~Rho(r)=denssh*(rinsh/r)**2*vsh/v(r)), temp=const. c ishell=3 radial velocity is v(r)=vsh*(1-rcsh/r)**evelsh c Ne(r)~Rho(r)=denssh*(rinsh/r)**2*v(rinsh)/v(r)),temp=const. c rinsh, routsh -inner, outer radius of the shell in [R_sol] c vsh -velocity of the uniformly expanding shell [km/s] c evelsh -exponent of velocity dependence c rcsh - core/photospheric radius of the star in shell [R_sol] c vxsh, vysh, vzsh -net velocity [km/s] c tempsh -temperature [K] c denssh -gas density at rinsh c anesh -electron number density at rinsh c dstdsh -dust density at rinsh [g/cm^3], c it changes as the gas density c dsttsh -dust temperature [K] c vtrbsh -microturbulence [km/s] c-------background c v0 -constant uniformly expanding velocity of background [km/s] c temp0 -temperature [K] c dens0 -gas density [g/cm^3](note dust density is =0 in the code) c ane0 -electron number density [cm^-3] c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c If the objects happen to overlap, priority is given by the order c of 'if'-blocks in the subroutine smod1 and it is as follows: c star,companion,spot,stream,ring,disc,nebula,flow, c jet,ufo,shell,and background. c temp and ane are assumed to have reasonable values all along c the beam. An empty space can be defined as dens, , ) c rather then with objects (star,companion,...) and thus can be c used to ascribe the spectrum to any nontransparent object c setting its density within a particular density interval. c However, limb darkening is applied to star and companion only c and it must be switched off (dlst=dlcp=0.) if you want to use c these density intervals for other objects (without limb dark.). c Roche geometry assumes synchronous rotation around z axis with c star in the center and companion at xcp>0,ycp=zcp=0 revolving c towards (0,1,0). c Input variables which are supposed to be components of a unit c vector do not need to be normalized. dcut1=0.5d15 dcut2=1.5d15 dcut3=2.5d15 dcutn=3.5d15 denvac=1.d-50